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Author: sham159


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 Author| Post time 11-1-2009 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum semua rakan rakan ku...

terbaru sham version MY BABY YOU....bunyi agak bingit sebab..almaklumlah depan PC dan guna mic kat earphone...sham x tau nak edit2 suara ni le vokal original sham...harap berikan kritikan membina untuk sham mantapkan lagi persembahan vokal sham..


Originally posted by sham159 at 15-3-2008 08:33 PM
Assalamualaikum semua ,

Rakaman yang paling terbaru....depan office pc....lagu My baby you...LIVE VERSION....Vokal lagu ni xder edit edit..macamana dirakam macam tu le didengar...untuk peng ...

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Post time 11-1-2009 03:44 PM | Show all posts
good point<br />wow, your live version actually sounded great, and no doubt that u have potential to be pro <img src="./images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" smilieid="1" alt="" />. yes you can! because u are born to sing this song. and stuff alike.<br /><br />emotion, it is so great to find out that, u can play with ur emotion, up down, bla bla, maybe u gain it from ur self experience in life perhaps qannn.<br />since this is so called 'live' ala2 life *sbb beremotion gittew', so i would say great! <img src="./images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" smilieid="3" alt="" /><br /><br />no doubt that u are a superstar. naturally born talented.<br /><br /><br />having said that, in detailing i would say<br />1. very pitchy. mostly flat <img src="./images/smilies/sad.gif" border="0" smilieid="2" alt="" />&nbsp;&nbsp;.&nbsp;&nbsp;maybe around 0.3 to 0.5 kowt..<br /><br />2.&nbsp;&nbsp;your high note,&nbsp;&nbsp;screetchy, (from belting and towards the end) it was like banshee-licious do her/his thing looking for victim. *oh my God so notty me*. wat i would like to hilite is that, it was sounded very forceful. many say, if people use modul voice, with power and reach hignote, so u can showcase your supreme and elite class in vocal, ye lah, sebab menunjukkan suara u rich gittew. but here, musically, it was a torture to the suggestion, learn other technique. or maybe u can change into headvoice fully. or maintain ur technqiue, but loosen a bit mana2 yg patut. <br /><br />3. you tone kena betulkan. sebab terlalu rough and raw. so this kind of song need you to have smooth, bold but big tone eh not that big, as long as not raw. maybe u nyanyi pada waktu pagi kowt, so suara agak serak. or maybe u shud try air asam jawa to clear ur throat. else, find rock song, alternative or stuff alike.<br /><br />4. you vibrato. overdoing it. u need to loosen it abit.&nbsp;&nbsp;and play more with your color.&nbsp;&nbsp;suggestion, listen back the original singer, and measure his vibarto, take the lyric, and color or lines any that he does vibrato. then measure his vibrato. take it as your samping, then do ur thing. color? so listen back to ori sing. maybe u can play side by side, urs and his. then compare. then find, where and how he doess his coloring... <br /><br />5. emotion, fluctuate. maybe ni just main2 kan, so takpelah dimaafqannn. <img src="./images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0" smilieid="30" alt="" /> <br /><br /><br />6. suara pipih. my question, bila u nyanyi, cuba u tutup hidung. boleh tak u nyanyi?. ramai yg zaman ini tak kisah suara dari tekak kewr, atau diafrag, asal tak pipih hoccay. <img src="./images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border="0" smilieid="56" alt="" />&nbsp;&nbsp;, but a bit nasality itu diterima, but, yours terlebih sudah qowt. but if u want to maintain pipih, u need to find magic factor <img src="./images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0" smilieid="30" alt="" /> . <br /><br />7. oldies. becareful your voice ni dah nak&nbsp;&nbsp;fall into oldies ... voice ni kan boleh maintain young. e.g mariah carey, celine dion, anuar zain. but maybe this is a good thing, but depend kepada ur listener kowt. <br /><br />8. pro ly, this song actually is a&nbsp;&nbsp;very big song and require lot of technical&nbsp;&nbsp;stuff in singing that is not justifiable with ur technique now. meaning, takpe, it will develop dgn sendirinya when u sing this song a lot.&nbsp;&nbsp;especially if u try to imitate the real singer. so that your cord and your brain will memorize how to produce the voice like the ori singer. it is a good thing sebab lepas tu, u can use the same teknik to other songqannn.<br /><br />conclusion, dun worry, u do it great already. not many people can sing as good as you now.i mean ordinary people , ur office fren, makan2 fren,&nbsp;&nbsp;ngumpat2 fren ,nak reach that level pun, susah hoccay!. and&nbsp;&nbsp;no doubt that u have potential, but u can improve to be Super singer. so why maintain ordinary singer's level when u can go super pro qannn <img src="./images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border="0" smilieid="56" alt="" /> . trust me, if u can improve those 8, no matter what level u go, wherever u go, people will impress with u, and your youtube can hike and peak to 5 Million hit with darnn easy <img src="./images/smilies/shy.gif" border="0" smilieid="30" alt="" /> <img src="./images/smilies/loveliness.gif" border="0" smilieid="56" alt="" /> . i believe u can.!

[ Last edited by  alyana at 11-1-2009 03:51 PM ]

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Post time 11-1-2009 04:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alyana at 11-1-2009 03:44 PM
good pointwow, your live version actually sounded great, and no doubt that u have potential to be pro . yes you can! because u are born to sing this song. and stuff alike.emotion, it is so great  ...

Dah cuba tolong debugg tp x jadi juga .. x leh baca ....

[ Last edited by  Fairuz_Hafeez at 11-1-2009 04:10 PM ]

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Post time 11-1-2009 04:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fairuz_Hafeez at 11-1-2009 04:07 PM

Dah cuba tolong debugg tp x jadi juga .. x leh baca ....

"ai pun tak tahu, macam mana tetiba boleh jadi macam tu " - alyana

"takkanlah ai kena copy paste dan buang html  tueww, forum ni yang ade bug " alyana

" debugging tu apaewr? uols ni bagilah istilah laymen sikit, sama jewr macam muntz   , suka bagi istiah yg over the top " - alyana

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Post time 11-1-2009 07:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #344 alyana's post

Istilah iols istilah yg universal hokay... laymen, laywomen dan layfonen semua tau...

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alyana at 11-1-2009 04:39 PM

"ai pun tak tahu, macam mana tetiba boleh jadi macam tu " - alyana

"takkanlah ai kena copy paste dan buang html  tueww, forum ni yang ade bug " alyana

" debugging tu apaew ...

x google ke yana ? he he ...
tu istilah utk programmer dalam menyelesaikan error programming..
boleh juga utk sistem dan sebagainya ...

kita nak tolong betulkan error tu tapi x dapat ....

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:20 PM | Show all posts
"good point
wow, your live version actually sounded great,and no doubt that u have potential to be pro . yes you can! because u are born to sing this song. and stuffalike.

emotion, it is so great to find out that,u can play with ur emotion, up down, bla bla, maybe u gain it from urself experience in life perhaps qannn.
since this is socalled 'live' ala2 life *sbb beremotion gittew', so i would say great!

no doubt that u are a superstar. naturallyborn talented.

having said that, indetailing i would say
1. very pitchy. mostly flat .  maybe around 0.3 to 0.5 kowt..

2.  your high note,  screetchy, (from belting and towards the end)it was like banshee-licious do her/his thing looking for victim. *oh myGod so notty me*. wat i would like to hilite is that, it was soundedvery forceful. many say, if people use modul voice, with power andreach hignote, so u can showcase your supreme and elite class in vocal,ye lah, sebab menunjukkan suara u rich gittew. but here, musically, itwas a torture to the suggestion, learn other technique. ormaybe u can change into headvoice fully. or maintain ur technqiue, butloosen a bit mana2 yg patut.

3. you tone kenabetulkan. sebab terlalu rough and raw. so this kind of song need you tohave smooth, bold but big tone eh not that big, as long as not raw.maybe u nyanyi pada waktu pagi kowt, so suara agak serak. or maybe ushud try air asam jawa to clear ur throat. else, find rock song,alternative or stuff alike.

4. you vibrato.overdoing it. u need to loosen it abit.  and play more with yourcolor.  suggestion, listen back the original singer, and measure hisvibarto, take the lyric, and color or lines any that he does vibrato.then measure his vibrato. take it as your samping, then do ur thing.color? so listen back to ori sing. maybe u can play side by side, ursand his. then compare. then find, where and how he doess hiscoloring...

5. emotion, fluctuate. maybe nijust main2 kan, so takpelah dimaafqannn.

6. suara pipih. my question,bila u nyanyi, cuba u tutup hidung. boleh tak u nyanyi?. ramai yg zamanini tak kisah suara dari tekak kewr, atau diafrag, asal tak pipihhoccay. , but a bit nasality itu diterima, but, yours terlebih sudahqowt. but if u want to maintain pipih, u need to find magic factor.

7. oldies. becareful your voice ni dahnak  fall into oldies ... voice ni kan boleh maintain young. e.g mariahcarey, celine dion, anuar zain. but maybe this is a good thing, butdepend kepada ur listener kowt.

8. pro ly, thissong actually is a  very big song and require lot of technical  stuffin singing that is not justifiable with ur technique now. meaning,takpe, it will develop dgn sendirinya when u sing this song alot.  especially if u try to imitate the real singer. so that your cordand your brain will memorize how to produce the voice like the orisinger. it is a good thing sebab lepas tu, u can use the same teknik toother songqannn.

conclusion, dun worry, u do itgreat already. not many people can sing as good as you now.i meanordinary people , ur office fren, makan2 fren,  ngumpat2 fren ,nakreach that level pun, susah hoccay!. and  no doubt that u havepotential, but u can improve to be Super singer. so why maintainordinary singer's level when u can go super pro qannn . trust me, if u can improve those 8, no matter what level u go,wherever u go, people will impress with u, and your youtube can hikeand peak to 5 Million hit with darnn easy . i believe u can.!" - alyana

Debugging by fair

[ Last edited by  Fairuz_Hafeez at 11-1-2009 09:30 PM ]

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Post time 11-1-2009 09:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alyana at 11-1-2009 04:39 PM

"ai pun tak tahu, macam mana tetiba boleh jadi macam tu " - alyana

"takkanlah ai kena copy paste dan buang html  tueww, forum ni yang ade bug " alyana

" debugging tu apaew ...

af dah tolong dah ...
<br/> maksudnya tekan Enter satu kali

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Post time 11-1-2009 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Fairuz_Hafeez at 11-1-2009 09:20 PM
"good point
wow, your live version actually sounded great,and no doubt that u have potential to be pro . yes you can! because u are born to sing this song. and stuffalike.

emotion, it is so ...

"i'm impressed sgt2, terharu sampai tak terkata " - alyana

"ai rasa kan kalau u jadi kawan kepada seseorang, u akan jadi kawan yang sejati, dan penuh kesetiakawanan hatta lepas berkahwin, and kalau u syg kan seseorg, u will sayang sesungguhnya kat orang yg u sayangkan.   " - alyana

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2009 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Assalamualaikum semua,

Alyana, terima kasih kerana memberikan kritikan yang membina kepada sham yer.. kalau dah perfect takkan kita hantar rakaman suara kat sini kan?...
Sham sangat berterima kasih dengan pendapat pendapat itu sebab dari situ kita dapat menilai kelemahan kelemahan kita...
Pasti Sham akan improve kelemahan kelemahan dari no 1 hingga no 8...

Alyana, nak tahu tak camana nak nyanyi  guna mix voices terutama kat bridges lagu ni yerk? Sham ada berikan pada guru vokal untk penilaian..dia kata I ada PULL suara masa kat bridge..dia cadangkan sham guna mix voice..Ada gak dia kata control /kurangkan vibrato...

Mix voices tu apa yerk? I pun dah x ingat dah...

tapi dia ada cakap ' I'm impressed with your pitching and range".....

Originally posted by alyana at 11-1-2009 03:44 PM
good pointwow, your live version actually sounded great, and no doubt that u have potential to be pro . yes you can! because u are born to sing this song. and stuff alike.emotion, it is so great  ...

[ Last edited by  sham159 at 11-1-2009 10:41 PM ]

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Post time 11-1-2009 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by alyana at 11-1-2009 10:26 PM

"i'm impressed sgt2, terharu sampai tak terkata " - alyana

"ai rasa kan kalau u jadi kawan kepada seseorang, u akan jadi kawan yang sejati, dan penuh kesetiakawanan hatta lepas b ...

"i kelu juga ni .... x dapat nak reply" - fair

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Post time 11-1-2009 10:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sham159 at 11-1-2009 10:39 PM
Assalamualaikum semua,

Alyana, terima kasih kerana memberikan kritikan yang membina kepada sham yer.. kalau dah perfect takkan kita hantar rakaman suara kat sini kan?...
Sham sangat bert ...

kat saya xx de ke ? hu hu ..

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 Author| Post time 11-1-2009 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Hi Fairuz,

Terima kasih tolong Alyana yerk? dari mana? minat menyanyi juga yerk? asah bakat kat mana selain kat forum ni?

Originally posted by Fairuz_Hafeez at 11-1-2009 10:48 PM

"i kelu juga ni .... x dapat nak reply" - fair

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Post time 12-1-2009 12:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sham159 at 11-1-2009 10:39 PM

" uols, tentang pitching and range ,  pasal range no doubt tau, u have good range in u,
actually am avid listener to this song, i pernah dengar macam orang dan bermacam rendition mereka buat untuk lagu ini,
ai rasa, lagu ini menjadi pilihan ramai, kerana mereka berpendapat ia boleh menunjukkan ur supremity*matilah ai create vocab baru*  against penyanyi yang lain, u as if u will nampak 1 level above.  benda ni depend how sensitive ur ears, sometime kalau dgr sekali lalu, nak2 yang mereka yang berumur, sometime dia boleh miss,  so ai suggest how about you guna software to detect it.   .  lapisan pertama, your vox, and lapisan kedua  ory vox. then a pan to left side, another one pan to right side. tak pun u minta tolong si syd .

about range no doubt about that, cuma lagi u cuma need to find a way to mencantikkan dia.

about mix voice, someone about long time ago ai pernah bertanya, apa kisahnya dengan mix voice ini, but ai prefer uols tanya kpd orang yang lebih tahu, kerana nanti ai memberi ajaran yang sonsang dan mengconfusekan, bagi ai,,, terpulanglah kat uols, sebab kita kat forum niew, hanya mendengar, dgn u check and judge it. back to question, yes mix voice ni katanya si celine dion,rihanna,  hatta carly am idol pun menggunakannya. err ade jua kata DCT pun ada teknik ini. tak tahulah kalau DCT tahu pasal istilah inniw. asalnya adalah dari mazhab Speech Level Singing katanya. so ia akan help nak2 bila u dah sampai your bridge. *maybe around B above middle C*

katanya, ia menggunakan kombinasi suara bawah dan diatas untuk mencapai note middle to high range*but not very high or super high*. u will sounded indah, super rich and stabil! dan yang lebih penting akan menimbulkan suasana yang dramtik dan klimak!
baiklah, bagaimana nak tahu u access mix voice, you sebut "baringgggggggggggggggggg""   part ingggggggggg innggg "NG", u akan rasa vibration from your nose, upper lip, throat and in fact your eyes, do it with support, and practise it.  later u will surprise that with control your chest pun boleh vibrate sekali. *mengapakah?*  cuba u sebut "we" as weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, than u shud notice vibration come from ur upper part (head), so dia resonate disitu... try to sebut "ghaaaaaah",ala2 jin ifrit atau shrek.  so it will getting lower to ur bottom.  
back to baringgg!   vs wee, cuba u understand ur muscle chord.
u all try it, amazing tau uolssss....

so mudah katanya, mix ni adalah satu teknik yang kawinkan resonance chest+head+pharyngal. cuma biasanya ia digunakan tatkala uols accessing ur middle range, upper part of your chest and lower end of your head.  noktah   
" - alyana

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 Author| Post time 12-1-2009 01:54 AM | Show all posts
Hi Yana,

Yes. to tell the truth,, i'm learning SPEECH LEVEL SINGING RIGHT NOW. Sham guna teknik ni dalam nyanyian.
tentang pitching tu..leh beritahu sham kat bahagaian mana yg flat yer? I nak improve notes tu. lebih senang beritahu frasa yg flat atau number2 masa file tu di mainkan..senang sham detect..


Originally posted by alyana at 12-1-2009 12:28 AM

" uols, tentang pitching and range ,  pasal range no doubt tau, u have good range in u,
actually am avid listener to this song, i pernah dengar macam orang dan bermacam rendition mereka bua ...

[ Last edited by  sham159 at 12-1-2009 01:56 AM ]

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Post time 12-1-2009 07:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sham159 at 12-1-2009 01:54 AM
Hi Yana,

Yes. to tell the truth,, i'm learning SPEECH LEVEL SINGING RIGHT NOW. Sham guna teknik ni dalam nyanyian.
tentang pitching tu..leh beritahu sham kat bahagaian mana yg flat yer? I  ...

"OMG, then i have to listen to it again   , ok ai promise, next time, if i listen to ur rendition again, ai will stat which is wihich... mcm ai pernah buat kat some of u here.. ,

hey, if u learn that SLS, u will be big star someday.

ai nak tanya you honestly, lepas u dah terror dgn SLS,  then what is your ambition?

nak tanya, betul kewr abang sham ni mix omputih bak kata sesetngah orang?   mesti ada iras2 sam ni   " alyana

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 Author| Post time 15-1-2009 05:34 PM | Show all posts

Sham baru rakam lagu Let me fall...kat bilik Putrajaya Marriott hotel..ada kursus kat UPM dan KLGGC di KL...malam malam x tahu buat apa terus rakam lagu ni....suka lak lagu ni..sedap sangat,..its melody is very touching....berikan komen yang membina yeer....
Ni sham kat R&R Sungai Buloh...rehat jap..rasa ngantuk sangat...kebetulan lak kat KFC atas jambatan ni ada lagik....

Originally posted by sham159 at 15-3-2008 08:33 PM
Assalamualaikum semua ,

Rakaman yang paling terbaru....menggunakan laaptop Acer sham.....lagu LET ME FALL...LIVE VERSION....Vokal lagu ni xder edit edit..macamana dirakam macam tu le dideng ...

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Post time 15-1-2009 05:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #357 sham159's post

apa salah nya letak link kat sini jugak ye?   penat nak ulang alik pintu depan

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Post time 21-5-2009 09:19 PM | Show all posts
ai dah teringat, you will be sounded super great and remeber for hundred thousands years dgn lagu hello - lionel ritchi

in fact ur tone, begitu sama sekali dgn lionel ritchi.  


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 Author| Post time 2-6-2009 01:35 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 sham159's post

Selepas ini lagu hello lak..

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