adehla... nak kacak mende citer lasak action nih....bukan citer cintan cintun TITANIC sumer tuh. ...
axl_bach Post at 28-4-2011 17:46 
dan aku pulak masih lagi mengharap damon & greengrass wat bourne 5 |
dan aku pulak masih lagi mengharap damon & greengrass wat bourne 5
Ley Post at 28-4-2011 22:39 
kalo dah yg 4 pun Damon xder xkan lah yg 5 nanti dia nak amik balik role as BOURNE...tp aku pun harap Damon terus pegang role sbg BOURNE.,....jgn kasik kat orang len..... |
matt damon xde ghupenye...tapi xpe la, asal cite bourne, mesti action n jalan cite tip top  |
bourne, the coolest action hero ever...
mmg superb! byk kali tgk trilogi ni pun tak boring.
tp tak expect tinggi sgt utk bourne 4 ni. |
wow bbest nyer ..... akak d ada dvd for bourne all 3 . mmg kalau tgh boring2 dok ulang tgk citer dia best. jauh beza sgtlah dgn citer jebon 007 tuh.
kalau ada sequal lagi harus sgt beli buat koleksi nih. tapi damon is the best for the bourne.. kalau tukar org lain sure mcm pelik ... unless dia buat citer that bourne buat surgery tukar rupa to menyamar or something like that |
wow bbest nyer ..... akak d ada dvd for bourne all 3 . mmg kalau tgh boring2 dok ulang tgk citer dia ...
dewi Post at 2-5-2011 00:00 
tu laa pasal....ada plak orang nak compare Bourne dgn si jiBOND 007 tuh (tp aku minat gak layan jiBOND lakonan Craig David,hehehe)
ok gak teori face off watak Bourne dari Demon ke apa nama mamat baru tuh.....kengkonon Bourne kene simbah acid ke kat muka...hehehehe |
Post Last Edit by rin at 4-5-2011 20:24
hmmm..new hero,new chapter kata tony
jadi pendek kata dalam cerita bourne kali ini takde watak Jason Bourne ke cm mana..rasa cm pelik pula
belek2 kat wiki pasal jeremy ni watak the bourne legacy die pegang martin,tak taw betul ke tidak |
byk org kat sini tak paham "bourne legacy" adalah filem yg berlainan kali ni bukan Jason bourne yg jadi mangsa tetapi org lain. Orang ni lebih bahaya dari bourne ada paham?
Duk ulang nk jason bourne tu buat apa..kalu amik matt damon tu dh bukan legacy la namanya kalu tak paham maksud legacy tu pi google cari maksud dia... |
byk org kat sini tak paham "bourne legacy" adalah filem yg berlainan kali ni bukan Jason bourne yg j ...
johan3036 Post at 5-5-2011 10:56 
mana ko baca sinopsis pasal Bourne Legacy nih xder watak Jason Bourne??sbb yg aku baca sinopsis Bourne Legacy still berkisar kepada kehidupan Jason Bourne as David Webb kat Universiti.....ke aku silap eh....... |
Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Legacy
A Novel by Eric Van Lustbader
Book review by Jules Brenner, St. Martin's Press, 2004
The legacy is not just Jason Bourne's in this 4th installment of the masterspy's adventures but that of his creator, Robert Ludlum, who died last year after writing three Bourne novels, the last being The Bourne Ultimatum. After two movie deals, the Ludlum estate no doubt realized the gold in them thar yarns and has given Eric Van Lustbader the commission to carry on the series and the excitement.
The moviegoing public is now learning about the extraordinary agent and his ability to operate in the world of covert-ops with a serious loss of memory--a situation that doesn't allow him to distinguish the good guys of his past from the bad guys who are trying to terminate him while justifying their intended assassination by falsely accusing Bourne of being a rogue agent.
A deep moral underpinning guides him in his new life, which makes his own training and killing skills frightening. Wanting to escape his destructive ways, even in the name of self defense, he has adopted his birth name, David Webb, and has deeply hidden his existence. As "... Legacy begins, he's a husband and father teaching Eastern Studies at Georgetown University. But enemies that continue to lurk in the shadow world of powerful politicians and corrupt officials catch up to him. When Khan, a new assassin on the scene, attacks him with skills that are equal to his own and when he's framed for the murder of his two closest associates, professor David Webb turns back, with great reluctance, to his CIA operative, Bourne.
Lustbader carries on the tradition of Ludlum's wide-ranging and relentlessly deadly threats, adding emotional pain to his 3-dimensional hero when Kahn claims to be Bourne's son--thought to have died in a Cambodia river with Bourne's first wife and daughter--and shows him evidence. While trying to manage that emotional bombshell, Bourne goes through the kinds of action and death-defying escapes that action movie directors feed on, practically assuring that this will be the subject of a fourth in the film series, as well. The exploits lead to a climax in Reykyavik, the site of a summit of world leaders where a power-hungry megalomaniac fronting as a philanthropist intends to achieve a new level of lethality and world domination with a mysterious, new biological weapon codenamed "NX-20."
Bourne gets beaten and tortured, dragged down by his personal demons and life-threatening injuries, but uncanny powers of recuperation keep him ahead just enough to remain in the fast-paced game that this secret agent personifies. |
Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Legacy, Eric Van Lustbader
St. Martin's Press
March 2005
Soucre : amazon.com
In the best-selling tradition of Robert Ludlum’s The Bourne Identity comes Eric Van Lustbader’s The Bourne Legacy, in which the Bourne saga is continued most interestingly. When the novel opens, readers see David Webb, a mild-mannered professor at Georgetown University, still struggling to deal with his memory lapses, as well his frighteningly deadly Jason Bourne-psyche that tends to take over whenever there’s danger in the air. When a sniper attempts to kill him on the university grounds, Webb instantly metamorphs into Bourne and hurries over to consult with his former CIA mentor Alex Conklin at his estate, only to discover Conklin murdered and himself framed for it. Before long, Bourne is on the run with not only CIA and law enforcement officials around the world on his track, but also a deadly assassin named Khan who is determined to kill him for far more personal reasons.
Meanwhile, there is heightened sense of danger and alertness in Reykjavik, where a global terrorism summit is set to take place with all major world leaders in attendance. Struggling with his personal demons from the past and once again playing his own game of cat-and-mouse with his killers, Bourne goes to Europe where he attempts to piece together this complex mystery with his only clue: a piece of paper with "NX 20" written on it, little realizing he’s become a mere pawn in a megalomaniac’s quest for power.
With nail-biting suspense and heart-pounding chases galore, Eric Van Lustbader with great triumph continues Ludlum’s immortal Bourne series. In typical Ludlum style, the novel begins explosively and retains the breathless pace throughout, a process further enhanced by Lustbader’s portrayal of Bourne as not just a master assassin, but also as a character struggling with his own dual personality - that of a happily married middle-aged professor vying with that of his deadly, rogue assassin one.
Beyond the usual hijinks including car chases, incredible escapes, breathless feats of action and more, one interesting track this story takes is to explore Webb’s tragic past in Cambodia and how it converts him into the killer Bourne. Also, Khan is an incredibly unpredictable character who contributes significantly to the narrative and whose love-hate relationship with Bourne proves to be pivotal to the entire plot and its most emotional facet, as well. Following Ludlum’s footsteps, Lustbader soon moves the narrative into Bourne’s familiar hunting grounds of Europe, which come alive through his words. The author also provides readers with an interesting and sensitive look at the Chechen-Russian conflict. Overall, fans of the Bourne series books will find in author Erin Van Lustbader a very worthy and more than capable writer to continue this splendid saga, and hopefully more such wonderfully action-packed stories with serious emotional overtones will be the outcome. |
byk org kat sini tak paham "bourne legacy" adalah filem yg berlainan kali ni bukan Jason bourne yg j ...
johan3036 Post at 5-5-2011 10:56 
bukan ker kalo dlm novel the bourne legacy masih lagik watak Jason Bourne aka david webb ..kalo ikut novel la,ke aku yang silap |
Bourne legacy:Sepatutnya Sequel sambungan kepada ultimatum
Tetapi dari sumber yg aku dapat mmg confuse jugak nama tajuk mcm novel dia tapi jalan cerita berlainan refer link di bawah:
"The Bourne Legacy will follow another new character who has to deal with the results of the events of the Matt Damon trilogy, while Jason Bourne still lives in the background. While everyone can agree we’d rather have Greengrass and Damon back to make a legitimate sequel, at least this studio-motivated idea allows for them to return in the future should Greengrass gain interest."
http://screenrant.com/matt-damon-bourne-5-rob-96649/ |
Bourne legacy:Sepatutnya Sequel sambungan kepada ultimatum
Tetapi dari sumber yg aku dapat mmg co ...
johan3036 Post at 6-5-2011 00:25 
tu laa...aku pun pening dah...tp bila aku baca balik petikan yg awal2 thread tu baru aku perasan BOURNE 4 nih berdasarkan skrip yg ditulis oleh Damon dan sapa ntah lagi sorang......so memang bukan dari Novel Bourne Legacy laa kot ivendou nama sama...... |
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