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The Wedding Game(Dir:Ekachai Uekrongtham, Star:Fann Wong/Chris Lee/Saiful APek?)
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From the producers who be brought us movies such Ah Long Limited and Money Not Enough 1 & 2, comes the funniest romance comedy starring real life couple Singaporean stars Fann Wong and Christopher Lee with an assemble of local Malaysian celebrities such as Daniel Tan with guest appearance from veteran actress Lai Ming and even Saiful Apek. This romance comedy was shot in both Singapore and Malaysia (in Malacca).
The story begins when Jack (Christopher Lee) publicly proposes to Sue (Fann Wong) during the live telecast of a regional awards show. Surprised but happy, Sue accepts. What the public doesn't know is that the entire love affair is an elaborate and meticulously planned ruse designed by their ambitious managers May and Tom. In reality, Jack has disliked Sue from the first day they met and vice versa!
But through it all, the two stars keep up with the charade. Just when everything is going so well, an incident has rattled some of the fans and the media. There is doubt now lingering about the authenticity of this love match.
Will they succeed in fooling a nation, and come away richer but not wiser?
(Source: RAM Entertainment Sdn. Bhd.)
Release Date: 25 January 2009
Language: Mandarin
Classification N/A
Running Time N/A
Director: Ekachai Uekrongtham
Cast: Fann Wong, Christopher Lee, Charles Chen Jian Zhou, Alice Lau, Daniel Tan, Lai Ming, Saiful Apek.
Sumber ambil dari website GSC... |
tayangan sempena CNY ni..
aku igt2 lupe la, director film ni arahkan film apa lagi ekk..
try search jap.. |
loorrr, director Shutter n Coffin rupenye.. fatutla familiar..
hope this will give good output.. nak tgk camne Thais direct Singaporean based issue movie (sesambil ada Saiful Apek menyelit, huhu).. |
owh..besh ke agaknyer ek? |
Woow seronoknya!
Suka giler dgn filem Ekacahai Uekrongtham, Beautiful Boxer tu, The Coffin is ok, agak memuaskan walaupun tak sehebat Beautiful Boxer....agak2 nya macam manalah dia bawak genre Black Romance Comedy pulak ya? Untuk naskah ni, nampaknya selain di kerusi sutradara dia turut terlibat dengan pembinaan screenplay disamping dua yang lain.
Kalau nak kira ni bukan filem Singapore pertama dia, sblom The Coffin Ekachai ada buat filem Pleasure Factory(ada Ananda Evaringham) yg meneroka area gaylang yg diakatakan red district kat pulau tu....aku pernah download citer Pleasure factory tu tapi tak tengok2 lagi sbb takde subtitle.
Dlm Beautiful Boxer dgn The Coffin, kita nampak Ekachai gemar pakai pelakon daripelbagai latar bangsa dan negara(ada Thai, Singaporean & Jepun)...filem baru ni mcm lebih ramai Singaporean je la kot...n sikit Malaysian.... |
nak tanya.. chris lee ni actuallly malaysian kan? |
apek??  |
wahhh. bile tayang ni? aku nak tgk  |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 14-1-2009 10:51 PM 
nak tanya.. chris lee ni actuallly malaysian kan?
yap..christoper lee nie malaysian tpi da lama dok spore |
aku baru je tgk muvi ni tadi.teman member aku sbb dia kate dia minat ngn
hero & heroin cter ni.aku hampeh xkenal sorang pn..
but so far aku enjoy d muvi.mmg lawak...cter yg simple + xyah pk2.
haah mmg apek ade enterframe pn ngn syanie.depa jd laki bini..for entertainment xrugi la tgk.enjoy! |
dah tgk, mmg best....tak rugi pun & asyik nak ketawa je....
i bg 4/5 star |
dah tgkk.. haha, best best..
over giler la game show dlm cite ni, yg patah hati tu.. mau menangis pasangan yg nak kawen..
err, one question, yg kat pulau ada rumah api tu pulau apa ekk..? aku x recognize la.. TQ.. |
best ek...
aku memang teringin nak tgk....sok la pegi...  |
Reply #16 stanum's post
ha'a, part kejar bas tu klaka abis.. aku gelak terbahak2..  |
tgk trailer mcm best.... n since CNY ni tadi aku dah tersuka tgk fann wong lam Ah Long Pte. Limited... hehehe....kalau filem ni lawak mcm Ah Long tu gerenti akan tgk pun... hehehe.....
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