You are quoting an old spam e-mail that has been circulating for manyyears, and there is even less truth in it than than in all of thee-mails claiming that you've won a prize and that you have to send yourlife savings to a man with a '' e-mail address to pay the DHLcharges.
Nokia presently has production units in (presented in alphabeticalorder): Brazil, China, Finland, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Mexico,Romania and South Korea. There was until recently also one in Germany.You can always check the current list of production units at: logistical reasons, it is likely that your Nokia device was made ina production unit close to your country, there is no cause to worryabout quality based on the location in which your device wasmanufactured.
As for the distinction that your information makes between Finland andoriginal, Nokia is a Finnish company so for us Finland is original.Nokia is actually the name of a town in Finland, though we do not haveany business units operating there. If you are interested in learningabout the history of Nokia, you can follow this link: