Nak tanya sket. Kalau hp Nokia 3230 punya LCD dah rosak - tak boleh display langsung, camner kalau nak recover phone book kat dalam tuh? The problem is, all the primary contact numbers were kept inside the phone book w/o doing any duplicacy to the SimCard.
Ada lah hantar kat satu kedai ni, dia kata LCD tuh leh tukar dgn baru TAPI dia cakap kena re-format sekali dgn hp tuh. Bila re-format, of coz semer contact numbers hilang macam tuh jer kan? FYI, the charges is RM140 (that was what I heard).
Ada suggestions atau idea tak, on how to duplicate the contact numbers to PC or any other medium? Sorry pak momod semer, aku try belek this kind of thread or enquiry, tapi tak ada terjumpa. Should there be any similar thread existance, takperlah, tolong tutup yg aku buka ni....tqvm |
aku pun ade 3230 ni..xde gmbr dah...same la mcm ko nye prob..aku pernah repair..org tu ckp ade wire tercabut kat dlm tu...ok dah..pastu kene balik..hmmm..sib baik aku dah siap2 copy contact numb dlm sim card...terus x pakai dah... |
Originally posted by jAck666 at 23-4-2009 12:42 
aku pun ade 3230 ni..xde gmbr dah...same la mcm ko nye prob..aku pernah repair..org tu ckp ade wire tercabut kat dlm tu...ok dah..pastu kene balik..hmmm..sib baik aku dah siap2 copy contact numb ...
camner yer Jack? ada idea tak 'selamatkan' contact numbers dlm tuh? Ni kes malang tak berbau lah ni..uhuhuhhu. Tak sempat nak duplicate kat simCard... |
Reply #1 kched's post
apa kaitan lcd ngan format eh.. ke phone ko ada mslh len lg?
try guna cable n smbung kt pc guna pc suite
[ Last edited by death at 23-4-2009 12:58 ] |
Balas #3 kched\ catat
mcm ni...cari lg satu model hp yg same...on kan ajer hp yg screen rosak tu..
try carik key nak duplicate numb ke simcard kat hp yg ok tu...try plak kat hp rosak tu... |
Originally posted by death at 23-4-2009 12:53 
apa kaitan lcd ngan format eh.. ke phone ko ada mslh len lg?
try guna cable n smbung kt pc guna pc suite
basically mmg tak ada kaitan pun death...tapi repairer tuh ckp, mmg kena re-format. Aku pun pelik...tukar jerlah LCD tuh instead. |
Reply #6 kched's post
apa kata ko tukar dulu lcd tu.. jgn format lg..
mane tau tokei kedai tu nk amik untung lebih |
Originally posted by jAck666 at 23-4-2009 12:58 
mcm ni...cari lg satu model hp yg same...on kan ajer hp yg screen rosak tu..
try carik key nak duplicate numb ke simcard kat hp yg ok tu...try plak kat hp rosak tu...
tq jack..aku appreciated idea ko utk beli satu lagi. Tak tuh, aku trylah tanya kengkawan aku kot2 ada lagi yg pakai hp model ni. Huhuhuhu...Nak beli satu lagi tuh boleh, tapi aku tak rasa worth it lak pulak utk duit aku. Huuhuh...
anyhow, again..thanks for ur suggestion.:handshake: |
Reply #8 kched's post
dr bli len baik ko ikut je ckp technician tuw  |
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