PhD student Ji-Dong Yim and Prof Chris D. Shaw from the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at Simon Fraser University in Canada have collaborated to create a robot using the combination of Nokia N82 along with components from a Bioloid kit.
Along with an the ability to move in preprogrammed patterns when receiving phone calls from different numbers, robot is also capable to detect human faces using OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision). Robot uses wireless networking, text messaging and other interactive technologies to communicate human emotions. It's a "simple avatar system," according to Yim.
Robot's face, which is actually a phone screen, registers text-messaged emotions as human-like facial expressions. Callo stands on one leg, waves his arms and smiles when he receives a smile emoticon. When he receives a frown emoticon his shoulders slump and his face will even cry. If an urgent emoticon is sent his way, his arms start waving frantically.
"I was looking for some ideas to bring robots into our lives," Yim said when asked how he came up with the idea for the cellphone robots, the 33-year-old Surrey resident has worked on the robotic technology for more than two years.