ape maksud filem indie? cite nye kuar kt wayang x? npe x pnh tgk pn... |
cerita Karaoke pernah aku tgk trailer dia masa tercalon ke cannes fest dulu. Gambar superb, lakonan pun nampak best. Tapi lum tengok. Punggok rindukan bulan tu aku pernah baca sinopsis dan review dia. Macam best, cerita tu macam sedih sikit ending dia. Lum tengok. |
one of the movie list above is made by my lect. mase die cerite pasal film making, die story la pembikinan and process etc utk film die. tunjuk footage..cite mcm2. sonok gak..sbb dorang ni buat cite closed dengan masyarakat. x de nak amik pelakon atau bende2 yg dah glamor and cliche.
btw, yea..walaupun bukan dlm mainstream tapi cube2 la tgk. kinda give us different perspective when we watch them.  |
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