org pompuan ni kdg2 dia akn mudah tertarik pd someone yg pandai.. tak kire la ensem ke idak...sbb bile dh pandai tuh, akn terserlah dr segi penampilan diri dia..hehe.. |
kawan biasa2 dulu... pastu ajak kawin terus.. |
ko ajak la die makan skali ngan member dia...nanti xlah die rasa canggung sangat pastu baru la ko bleh ajak die je plak.....pompuan nie memang kengkadang ade letak criteria lelaki camne die nak...tapi tu smua hanyalah angan2 dorang...kalo ko bleh dapat tackle hati die...kangkadang muke cam pecah rumah pon dorang bleh terima....yang penting ko ikhlas dan niat ko tuuu suci murni...... |
yup...yg penting niat tt tu ikhlas nk berkwn kan.. |
Reply 1# unforseeable
brader, kaum hawa ni berjiwa lembut.. spesellly kaum hawa yang tak plestik mcm awek yg brade berajat nak tekel tu.. salunye org gitu tak pandang paras rupa.. yang penting kelakuan lelaki tu (brader lah tu) first klasss, tutur kata, kelakuan seme2 lah, salu menyentuh naluri kewanitaan awek tu.. then nothing else matters gitu.. tapi brader kene bani lah.. konpiden tu mesti ade.. insyaallah... |
aku pon nk tolong ko jgk laaa....sbg seorg bekas playboy merangkap suami org,aku bg ko tips2 utk cover diri sblum terkena...
1-brape lama bkn masalah,selagi dia x berenti keje,ko tggu je la jgn smpi org masuk minang dia...hehehe....
2-ko belikan satu opis ko nasi lemak,then utk dia ko bg la ayam goreng lebih drpd org lain kan...pastu bile dia ckp 'ala.susah2 jer,then ko ckp la....'ala bkn mahal pon,klu nk blanja u lunch dgn dinner pon bleh'...ini ajak acuh x acuh,tp still kena dgn syarat pertama nk usha...iaitu respon dia...klu dia ok,dia msti x rejek punyer,klu malu2 samada ada bf atau dia mmg pemalu...
3-ensem atau tidak bkn masalah besar...ur future very bright kan??hehehe.skrg pon rmi awek cun balak cam 
4-kemas atau x pon bkn masalah sbnr...punca keruntuhan rumah tgga artis ialah apabila si suami melihat isteri tanpa make-up ibarat nyonya sdg meniaga apam...huduh amat,juz be urself bro...ko serabai pon xpe,jnji x ego,panas baran dan kuat kencing...3 elemen ni harus dijauhi bile ko sdg dilamun cinta... |
Reply 89# xoxlovexox
hmmm cam rasa nak ngurat awak je la hehehehhe
mengikut kemahiran masing2
cmf_raudah Post at 8-12-2010 07:47 
dah dpt jawapannnnnnn |
dah dpt jawapannnnnnn
Madura1 Post at 11-1-2011 16:12 
utk ape |
nk siap2 laaaaaa  |
lu nk gi berperang kaaa |
Reply xoxlovexox
hmmm cam rasa nak ngurat awak je la hehehehhe
MANSTIR Post at 11-1-2011 15:19 
sila kan... |
Dear All,
I hereby declare I have lost my battle to win the heart of a one true beautiful maiden...
I cant thank you enough for all of your support and your advices, It gave me hope, It gave me courage... for a person whose flawed in somewhat a very absurd and strange manner, your kind words has made me walk in the path that I would have never dreamed before.
It was hard but It wasn't cruel, in one fashion it has revitalized my energy to dip myself into seas of books and further pursue my dream to be all I can be...
Approximately 3 years after, i will embrace once again a motto has revive me from destruction of a broken heart... I will now wager my all and go for broke... Hurrah! 
Dear Moderators,
As a Thread Master, i allow all topics to be discuss here and please let it live as long as it can live..
Thank You and Best Regards |
how many others truth beautiful maiden out there i wonder...:re:
with all the greatness attitude and flawless inside and outside interior waiting for the ONE...
it could be you that she waiting for... |
but sadly.. now she have to forget everything about it... because its all been falls shattering and faded because you never tried to find the OTHER ONE... right there waiting for you...
u never try to open another door dont you..? never crossed one..? look again.. lift ur chin..open ur eyes.. open ur soul to hear her discovered silence calls...
just only the glass at ur hand broke.. its doesnt mean, there arent any cups left..:re:
ur hand bleed..? wash it.. its pain alot.. but its going to cure soon.. better then worst it wouldnt scar at all..;)... |
rasenya jawapan pada semua soalan tu kene berani dan jujur...
Rupa paras tu extra.. yang penting sikap dan akhlak kita tip top.. baru la dapat menawan hati si dia.. |
ajak tu selamba je bang. buat muka confident.
perempuan suka lelaki berpakaian kemas n up to date. |
otai je pun bleh bagi idea
so... |
wa just baca 1st page and terus jump last page
and baru realized
err..ni cite lama dowh..
adeh...taun bile nye cite ni
TT....happy new year..
so, how's life..
ha haha |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan