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Malam tadi aku layan cite ni sampai 1 pagi...aku memang suka sangat cite2 romantik comedy ni..sedikit sebanyak leh release just nak share ngan korang yang sama citarasa ngan aku, leh la korang layan cite ni jugak...heroin cite ni si Amy Adams yg berlakon dalam cite Enchanted tu...suker sangat tengok muka hero cite ni esp part mata dia ....tapi aku tak sure cite ni ada kuar kt wayang M'sia ke tak?
Sinopsis (credit to imdb) : -
Anna Brady from Boston is a planner that stages apartments for Realtors. Anna has been dating cardiologist, Jeremy, for four years and they are buying a high standard apartment in Davenport together. Anna expects Jeremy to propose to her on a dinner date but he gives her a gift instead, after which he travels to Dublin for a congress. Anna decides to meet him in Dublin on the February 29th and propose to him in accordance with an old Irish folklore tradition from the Fifth Century of leap-year proposals by women. However, her airplane is forced to land in Wales due to bad weather and she is not able to find a connection since the Dublin airport is closed. She decides to travel on a supply vessel but is forced to disembark in Dingle due to a storm. Anna walks to the only restaurant and inn and hires the unfriendly owner Declan to drive her to Dublin. Declan agrees to drive her as he needs the money to pay of his debts but their journey is fraught with many incidents. |
bukan citer ni dah lama ke? tak baper sgt dgn chemistry hero heroin..but scenery dlm filem cantik sgt... |
tu hero sama ngan cite Mandy Moore jadi anak president tu... |
cite feveret !!  |
rasa2 pun cam pernah dgr citer nih......
dah lama kan........ |
Reply 4# cmf_GAIA
a'ah...mmg hero yg sama...tapi masa tu muka dia cam budak2 lagi...skarang cam dah tambah macho...huhuhu...tajuk cite tu Chasing of my fav movie....dalam cite tu Mandy Moore pun nama Anna jugak... |
Reply 3# arisa_imamura
cite ni mmg dah lama...baru sedut dr member..hehehehe
actually me pun rasa gitu jugak pasal chemistry tu..but still not bad lah gandingan dorang berdua ni...
pasal scenery tu mmg tak tau nak cakap...memang cantik sesangat kan...
satu lagi, suka betul dengar Irish accent tu...rasa cam nak balik kampung kt Ireland jerk...kekekeke... |
Reply 4# cm ...
mimiekiut Post at 19-5-2011 03:10
sbb facial hair je kot? Kalau cukur lebih kurang je rupa. Mcm dlm Watchmen tu pun dia jugak.
(posted by mobile) |
yeayyy..cite lame nie..
ade lagi dalam HDD...
suka sangatttt mamat tuuuuu...ensemmmmmm  |
tgk cite ni rasa nak g ireland jah... |
Dah tgk movie nih, best...tapi Berri rasa crita nih macam crita hindustan Dil hai ki mata nahin, amir khan ngan pooja bhatt, crita lama nih, tapi dah minat amir khan, beli jgk cd dia..ehehheh |
Tapi dlm crita nih tgk Amy Adams tuh cam dah berisi sket la dari Enchanted tuh |
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