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Kenapa Google Earth Tak Boleh Paparkan Imej Negara Israel ?
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Kenapa Google Earth Tak Boleh Paparkan Imej Negara Israel ?Posted byMohd Shubhion Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Kita boleh gunakan Google Earth untuk melihat semua kawasan di semua negara di dunia ini kecuali negara Israel dan juga semua kawasan penempatannya.
Sebabnya adalah kerana google mendapatkan semua perkhidmatan imejnya daripada syarikat-syarikat Amerika dan mereka semua tertakluk kepada satu undang-undang yang melarang semua aktiviti pengambilan imej pada negara Israel oleh semua syarikat-syarikat perniagaan.
Walau bagaimanapun hanya syarikat dari Amerika sahaja yang dikawal di bawah undang-undang ini dan baru-baru ini Turki melancarkan satellitenya yang bakal menyediakan perkhidmatan imej pada tahun 2013 nanti dan ini membuatkan Israel tidak menyenangi negara Turki.
Sebab itulah kita lihat tentera Israel tak bagi muka pada para aktivis Turki yang mereka anggap sebagai musuh. Isreal juga sedang giat menghasul barat agar menyekat kemaraan Turki dengan menuduh pemerintah yang ada sekarang adalah golongan Islam Radikal yang menunggu saat mengubah negara Turki.
Baca kat bawah:
Since Google launched its Google Earth feature in 2005, the company has become a worldwide leader in providing high-resolution satellite imagery. In 2010, Google Earth allowed the world to see the extent of the destruction in post-earthquakeHaiti. This year, Google released similar images after Japan 's deadly tsunami and earthquake. With just one click, Google can bring the world—and a better understanding of far-away events—to your computer.
There is one entire country, however, that Google Earth won't show you: Israel.
That's because, in 1997, Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, one section of which is titled, "Prohibition on collection and release of detailed satellite imagery relating to Israel ." The amendment, known as the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, calls for a federal agency, the NOAA's Commercial Remote Sensing Regulatory Affairs, to regulate the dissemination of zoomed-in images of Israel .
When asked about the regulation, a Google spokeswoman told Mother Jones, "The images in Google Earth are sourced from a wide range of both commercial and public sources. We source our satellite imagery from US-based companies who are subject to US law, including the Kyl-Bingaman Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 1997, which limits the resolution of imagery of Israel that may be commercially distributed."
And it's not just Israel . The regulation also applies to the occupied territories. It's why Human Rights Watch can't provide detailed imagery of the Gaza Strip in its reports. Of course, this regulation cuts both ways; one also cannot see the destruction in Sderot resulting from rockets sent out of Gaza.
But, the impact of the regulation might be dwindling; after all, the US can only regulate the actions of American corporations.Turkey recently announced that its GokTurk satellite will provide high-resolution imagery of Israel when it becomes operational in 2013. Israel is unhappy with this possibility: An Israeli official told Al-Arabiya, "We try to ensure that we are not photographed at high resolutions, and most (countries) accommodate us." The official adds: "Should we request this of the Turks? We won't ask for it. There is no one to talk to."
sumber : wartashubhi
Reply 1# serulingsenja
Pasti ke? saya skrg sedang check negara Israel melalui google earth dan dapati ia boleh dipaparkan sama macam kita paparkan negara2 lain. Pendek kata... boleh nampak apa2 sahaja imej yg kita boleh nampak pada negara2 lain.. seperti bangunan ,jalan dan apa2 sahaja info yg boleh kita dapat pada negara lain. |
aku baru terperasan.... huhu.. nice info BTW |
ada gak imej kt malaysia nie x ada kt google maps gak |
rumah aku takde dalam google earth |
ade je yg dipaparkan tue palsu..? x pela..lgpun xde keja nk check negara sane.... |
tapi apasal eh google earth siarkan gambar gambar yg outdated.. mcm 4-5 tahun lalu.. ?
ke.. ada org lain yg boleh nmpk gambar yg up-to-date ? |
Reply 9# bobba
da lame x pakai GE ni |
Xsilap aku GE akan update setiap 5 tahun sekali untuk common user..
tapi kalau nak yang up to date punya kena bayar baru GE bagi..
biasalah setiap services mesti dibayar |
diorang ni buat issue je.. cuba ko tengok history turki.. apa ada kat situ... apa yang isreal nakkan kat turki tu daru dulu tak dapat dapat... benda ini hanya alasan untuk dijadikan sebab je.
sama je cara macam amerika masuk negara islam. |
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