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Author: nour2001


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 Author| Post time 27-9-2011 11:48 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nour2001 at 27-9-2011 11:53

freaked out over nothing..hmmm

morning was gloomy with grey clouds covering the sky, but i wasn't paying too much attention as i was bunkering in the cinema with my 3 kids..Smurfilicous..hehehe...nothing unusual,  infact it is almost like any other days..but there were reports of balls of fires (meteors?)in some parts of the world since 25-26th could be fragments from the UARS sat or the elenin itself, which has been reported fading away (read my post # 14).. ... e-world-sept-25-26/

overall today's prediction fail miserably..i'm going to check on those people who has been bunkering since yesterday..

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Post time 27-9-2011 12:27 PM | Show all posts
haha... bknnye ade mnde pn...

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Post time 28-9-2011 08:26 AM | Show all posts
freaked out over nothing..hmmm

morning was gloomy with grey clouds covering the sky, but i was ...
nour2001 Post at 27-9-2011 11:48

Well you're not really freaking out - you're just getting prepared, which I think is way better than not doing anything at all. If TSHTF, at least you have something to fall back on. If nothing happens, you continue with life, you lose nothing.

At my place, abt 10 mins before 5am yesterday morning, there was a strong storm. But for the 1st time in my life, I really felt what it was like, to fear for my life. The wind was so strong that you could be literally flying should you had been walking in the street. The sound of the wind itself was eerie. I thought the window glass pane was gonna break. The sky was dark - and the next thing you knew - the electricity blacked out. Can you imagine if in that situation, say, something bigger happens, eg. tsunami/earthquake...  you have = black out + mobile phones don't work? PANIC? You bet. It makes you aware how we tend to panic when we don't have even the basic necessities.

Later in the day, my sis sms me and told me that the Philippine was hit by Nesat typhoon that killed several people (some fishermen were reported missing as well). Kami bernasib baik, cuma kena tempias. Itu pun sdh cukup menakutkan. One of the electric cabels fell down. Pokok2 ada yg tumbang. Zink2 melayang. I was informed that this typhoon is going to happen for 2 consecutive days. I'm not sure if this typhoon is a yearly event in the Philippine, but it did happen on the 27th - coincidence?

I personally believe that when TSHTF, it will happen when we least expect it. Most people will be caught unaware. Prolly only 1/3 of the world's population will survive (ini pun ada clue dlm hadis Nabi s.a.w tentang Dajjal).

Berkenaan tentang negara Arab akan KEMBALI menjadi padang rumput dan sungai2, I was not refering to it being man-made, obviously. I was talking about the hadith involved and how the hadith itself contains many clues, which will lead you to one after another - in which in the end, you will understand how everything falls into place.

If you LOOK and search, and ask, you will find.

'Knock, and it will be open unto you. Ask, and you shall be given. The truth, will set you free...'

Allah knows best.

Use magic Report

Post time 28-9-2011 11:12 AM | Show all posts
The point is....the Arabian peninsula IS turning green

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Post time 28-9-2011 08:04 PM | Show all posts
You didn't get my point. Never mind.

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Post time 29-9-2011 07:49 AM | Show all posts
Yes I know...the word 'kembali' can be interpreted into a number of meanings.

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Post time 29-9-2011 09:21 AM | Show all posts
Nope. As i said, the hadith itself ada bnyk 'clue' tentang sains & cuaca. Man-made is another story altogether. You would find, it will lead to one another, if you delve deeper. Apa saja yg Nabi s.a.w sabdakan, semuanya benar - dan setiap satu, ada 'maksud' yg tersirat dan tersurat. Pandai2lah kita mencari.

'Matahari tidak akan terbit dari barat' tanpa berlakunya perubahan pada putaran paksi bumi.

Allah knows best.

Use magic Report

Post time 29-9-2011 03:14 PM | Show all posts
I know I know......hey I have a view that the meaning 'bintang2 berguguran' means massive asteroid hits or if we go on a higher scale, the Big Crush. BTW all those tanda2 Kiamat dah baca masa SPM....and I believe that rather than a long process, matahari terbit dari barat is the final day of this world....

We fear Qiamat because of its terrible description and I have no doubt about that. But sorry to say that I am quite cynical when some us Muslims jumped into the 2012 bandwagon and start stocking huge amount of provisions and start a chain e-mail on the net. Should 2012 is really Qiamat, why bother with worldly provisions?

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2011 06:22 PM | Show all posts
chill out a cartoon about the 2012 prophecies....


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Post time 29-9-2011 09:39 PM | Show all posts
I was not talking abt 2012 - i didn't even claim that 2012 is Qiamat (i only made a remark on the Mayan calendar - not about 2012 or that Qiamat is gonna happen in 2012). Well, I'll leave you to your devices now. No point in arguing about things when we're clearly not on the same level.

Allah knows best.

Use magic Report

Post time 5-1-2014 03:59 AM | Show all posts
the most rational explanation about nibiru or planet-x is; it will change the earth's axis. teori mengatakan paksi akan berubah sehingga 40degree.

similar (but different) to the movie "2012".

sekarang dah nyata... vietnam dan syria dilanda salji.

musim tengkujuh beralih ke kuantan, terengganu... (kelantan-thailand tak banjir pun?) kelantan-tumpat saja banjir sebab dekat dgn sungai golok.

just be alert. kalau dah pukul 7.30pagi, matahari tak nampak lagi... atau dah 7.30pm tapi masih belum senja... most probably the earth has stop spinning...

Use magic Report

Post time 5-5-2017 11:15 PM | Show all posts


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