gagah mcm suparman???tahan dingin, tahan panas, tahan radiasi, boleh bernapas di luar angkasa,itulaa Tardigrade atau Water Bear (beruang air) atau Moss Piglet (babi lumut )pasti ramai yang bertanya hewan apaan nih? serangga kah?
Water Bear atau Moss Piglet yang bahasa ilmiahnya Tardigrade digolongkn ke dalam golongan hewan mikroskopik dan bersegmen dengan ukuran paling besar yang pernah terdaftar 1.5 milimeter (larvanya yang baru menetas beso cuma 0.05 milimeter), berkaki lapan dan idop di sekitar air sprt sungai, danau, paya, genangan air aka becak. Tardigrade berarti pejalan yang lambat dan nama ini diberikan oleh Lazzaro Spallanzani (Pastor Itali yang merangkap sebagai ilmuwan dalam bidang hewan) pd tahun 1777
serangga kah?
lebih tepatnya mereka masuk ke kumpulan Panarthropoda aitu hewan bersegmen yang mempunyai kaki atau cakar dan sistem saraf ventral. source : wiki dan google
Tardigrades (Water Bear) is one of Ecdysozoa Supefilum, Tardigrada phylum. It size is very small and it lives in water. Water bear also has eight feet. For the first time Tardigrades was described by Ephraim Goeze in 1773.
Tardigrades means “slow-walker”, it was given by Spallanzani (1777). Adult Tardigrades body length is 1,5 mm, the smallest is 0,1 mm and its larva length is 0,05 mm.
Tardigrades can be found in worldwide, from the top of Himalaya until the bottom of ocean and from the poles to the equator. They love to live in a place where there is much algae. You can find them on the beach, land, although in the water.The most interesting thing of this animal is its ability to adapt in extreme environment. Tardigrades can survive in frozen environment (0 degree C) and in a place with high temperature (151 degree C)It can even withstand against radiation 1,000 times higher than the amount of radiation the other living can survive. Therefore, Tardigrades known as an animal that is polyextremeophiles.
With this capability, Tardigrades is a living that can survive if there is a nuclear war or an extreme cataclysm. Even Tardigrades can live for 120 years in dried condition.
Tardigrades sent to space using a spacecraft FOTON-M3 by European Space Agency. From the research, the scientists said that Tardigrade has another ability to survive in space that is no oxygen (vacuum) for 10 days. And also it can survive against cosmic ray and UV radiation of the sun 1000 times higher than the radiation at the earth’s surface.