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a guide for entry level home cinema..
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Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
from week to week basis i'll share my experience building an entry level home cinema set which cost you less than RM10 000..we'll see how we can spend our budget wisely! |
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Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
those who interested are most welcome to join and share your experience. |
Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
basically..kita set budget dulu..jgn exceed budget..lets saya RM7000..ok decide apa nk beli dulu..1st and foremost baca review psl amplifier..
above link memang sesuai untuk kita tgk apa physical item yang kita perlukan untuk set kita.. |
hai, kat rumah dah ada home cinema.....tapi kecik jer...
budget tak sure berapa....rasanya more than 10k... |
I'm very intrested !
My projection TV is almost 5 years already....
So I may consider to get a Plasma TV + Stereo Surrround...
Please give me some advise !
Thanks .... |
This Sony's plasma TV is very clear right ? ?

But pricey man .... |
Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
| is quite expensive considering its worth than 10k but relaticely small in size..any nice sharing with us here..shiang...there is HD now..high definition..much better than plasma worth nearly 2000pounds...i like plasma but it is pricey around if you got some extra cash.1st rule of getting the tv is make sure that it is a widesscreen one..and not like most malaysian house got..why?because dvds are recorded in widescreen version...thats explain why we have a much shorter right and left view on the screen compare to what we see in cinema..widescreen can be set to on at least 6 format of which is the like the size of most malaysian household tv set...i dont know why..people dont reccomend home cinema's people to use lcd...its may the resolution it self..i'm thinking of getting a projector if i got some extra cash...depends..we meet again in next post ok..
p/s-just woke is cold outside..need to get my self a hot tea and a few slices of bread.. |
I hope you hve a nice tea & bread !!
I thought Plasma TV is HD-ready ??
I have seen some projectors showing DVD in a very clear form...I'm really attracted...
The problem is ....
My TV is placed in the living room with lots of windows,
But projectors won't look good with lights,
So the room must be really dark....
Is Plasma TV a better choice ?? |
Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
i think plasma is a better option for you considering your house has so many window..dont forget to invite me to your house once i got home..want to see youe set coser..if you permit of course..i think HD is the advanced version of plasma.. |
Originally posted by Capt_ICAEW at 13-1-2006 11:59 PM
i think plasma is a better option for you considering your house has so many window..dont forget to invite me to your house once i got home..want to see youe set coser..if you permit of course..i t ...
No problem ....
But people say LCD is better than Plasma TV now ..
Is it true ? ? |
I found this picture which is nice ...
So I would like to let you all see !
Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
| big your screen..i recognised those speakers..wharfedale if i'm not it?you are using the same power rating of speaker for front and rear nice much the projector costs you?any idea.shiang...plasma is definitely better than lcd..people keep saying lcd is better probably because of the cheaper price i think.. |
Originally posted by Arwen at 14-1-2006 10:46 AM
i don't know whether we are talking about the same topic...
actually, what i meant is my home cinema is small ie the room, not the screen.
here some photos of our home cinema...
[img]htt ...
The screen is 60 inch ahh ? ? :hmm: |
Originally posted by Capt_ICAEW at 14-1-2006 10:59 AM big your screen..i recognised those speakers..wharfedale if i'm not it?you are using the same power rating of speaker for front and rear nice much the project ...
screen 82" 16 : 9 aspect ratio senemax grey
speaker wharfedale diamond 8.2, centre end subwoofer
av receiver denon avr 1905, previously was nad t752
projector sanyo plv-z1 960 x 540 lcd (spare projector infocus x1 dlp), ceiling mounted.
speaker cables monster 16 AWG (banana plugs)
video cables elcheapo belden (distance from screen to projector very short, so its okay. picture quality no visible degradation).
project to install projector + screen + cabling = RM12K
lain2 barang = diff. price. |
Spending around 20K is reasonable for a good home cinema ?? |
Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
| is reasonable enough considering purchasing it or not..UK price for home cinema are much cheaper..because almost every household has their own the price is know mission speakers in malaysia?they are made in malaysia..priced at 2-3 k per paai for floorstanders in our local market..but you can get it here around 200pounds plus...notice the different..eventhouh we are eventually the country the were made.. |
Capt_ICAEW This user has been deleted
| much the wharfedale cost you..i know a shop that sells it around 55pounds per pair?monster cable is a bit pricey same range as qed and cable talk.. |
Originally posted by Capt_ICAEW at 14-1-2006 09:30 PM is reasonable enough considering purchasing it or not..UK price for home cinema are much cheaper..because almost every household has their own the price is cheaper..y ...
Maybe the tax in Malaysia is higher .... :agr: |
Is this a good surround ? ?
I kinda like it ...

I think it's around 5-6K:hmm:
[ Last edited by shianghorng at 14-1-2006 10:07 PM ] |
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