Friendster semakin menjadi kegemaran anak2 zaman sekarang. As far as I know, most start as early as 10 yrs old.
Ever since my kids start friendster, at the age of 13, mac start pantau and i check perbualan dan movement dia dlm friendster. With her knowledge ofcourse. She even readily shares with me her password, siap offer to me lagi.
I noticed that kids nowadays, they really share everything dalam friendster. From how they feel to pictures. And to me some are a bit to private to be shared in the wide world of web.
Do your kids have friendster? Do you check on them? Lets share shall we?
[ Last edited by macademia at 5-3-2008 09:08 AM ] |
kat cc aku slalu bebudak skolah dok masuk friendster, myspace bagai. pada aku, friendster tu ok lg la. kiranya mmg nak carik kawan ka, aweks ka. tp myspace tu dah cam lari dari kaedah aje. bukan takat kenal kawan ka apa ka. cari bohsia pun bolih dlm myspace. malah, gambar2 porn dlm myspace mmg lepas untuk diupload tanpa diedit atau didilete oleh owner. berbanding friendster, mmg xleh nak upload gambo bebukan. |
haku pun ader friendster gak.. takkan remaja je kot..haku mak budak pe.. |
Originally posted by lanun_darat at 5-3-2008 09:03 AM 
kat cc aku slalu bebudak skolah dok masuk friendster, myspace bagai. pada aku, friendster tu ok lg la. kiranya mmg nak carik kawan ka, aweks ka. tp myspace tu dah cam lari dari kaedah aje. bukan ...
ok thx. actually mac tak tau apa2 pasal myspace. So we'll just discuss about friendster k......  |
advanced nyer anak2 sekarang....
i memang ketinggalan benda2 camni...
rasanya, selagi takde secret...memanglah anak2 nie cakap dgn kita, esok lusa kalo ada secret admire....semuanya secret |
suh dorang pakai facebook pullakk laaa...leh kenal ngan anak2 korang lak... |
saya yg slalu dok monitor benda ni leh wat konkulasi, purata remaja umur 13 hingga 17 ( kira yg masih skolah je ) 85 peratus dari mereka ada friendster & myspace. ni pada mereka yg tinggal di bandar besar dan pekan sahaja.  |
sebut fwenster ni
bru balik kg..then adik sepupu ma..13 thn
'kakcik.ada add friendster tak..along nak add member."..
terkezut kejap..bru form 1 dah pandei.
nanti ma nak cek sape member2 nya..haru je kan sesape di add.
bukan leh caya sngt. |
Anak kakak2 ipar eynda pun ada friendster & myspace....paling kecik darjah 5  |
mmg pun fs ni terkenal di kalangan anak2 sekolah...anak aku yg umur 10 thn siap tanya aku ada fs x?....dia pun nak jugak.... |
x sangka plak bdak2 skang ni kecik2 dah tau psal FS ni. Aie pun br2 ni jek msuk sbab dah jd mak budak ni mls nak ada FS or myspace. |
aku tahun lepas iaitu umor 22tahun baru nak.. buat frenster kawan2 aku dah berzaman  |
Originally posted by lanun_darat at 5-3-2008 09:17 AM 
saya yg slalu dok monitor benda ni leh wat konkulasi, purata remaja umur 13 hingga 17 ( kira yg masih skolah je ) 85 peratus dari mereka ada friendster & myspace. ni pada mereka yg tinggal di ban ...
yup. anak mac start friendster masa 13 tahun ni pun kiranya dah ketinggalan zaman sebab takda friendster. In her case, i guess fs ni is quite useful sebab dia duduk boarding school, so bila balik cuti tu, bertanya2 kabar la dgn kengkawan lama..
But then i dont understand budak2 as young as 10 tahun tu, apa guna fs, kan kawan2 jumpa tiap2 ari kat sekolah.
I always tell my anak not to reveal sangat yr cerita dalam fs, and only gambar2 tertentu je boleh masuk fs.
Dalam fs kita boleh tau :
1. personality seseorang
2. dia ada boyfriend/girlfriend ke atau cenderung ke arah boys/girls
3. Photos yg kadang2 innocent, tapi bila dipaparkan kat internet can be a bit naughty or maybe to the point of being lucah
4. Life dia berkisar ke arah apa.
5. personal outlook on life. |
my kids started having myspace accounts when they were 9 and 12. not a friendster, but to me they are the same thing.i monitored their movements and always tell negative stories about having the webspace. i even brought home stories of some girls being stalked after some crazy guys saw their pics in their myspace sites. there were also stories about guys being abused after their stories or pics were circulated. my girl got frightened quite easily, now wants to delete her account. in fact she rarely visits her myspace anymore. my boy is not really interested except for the initial time when it was first introducedb to him. so far i know those friends who were invited to share their myspace.. they are young uncles, cousins, schoolmates...
to me, i cant control it if they still want to have their lives shared with others but what i can tell/guide them are the adverse affects of having this story sharing thingy, what it can do to their lives, and hope they will learn. i also tell them that i can trace the sites that they have visited...this is true bcoz my hubby will do 'cleansing' and 'auditing' of the sites that hv been visited on this laptop..kalau sites yg meragukan, siap la telinga... silap2 terus kena ban! |
my son gila myspace....hari2 mesti nak bukak myspace...ntah apa2 yg dia tulis, kejap2 tukar avatar, kejap2 tukar wallpaper..balik aje umah mesti rasa pc panas lagi
tapi alhamdulillah la dia rajin gak ulangkaji & buat homework & pelajaran dia baik
kalo dia wat salah i hukum dia tak leh sentuh pc tu....tapi belakang kite mana la tau kan? |
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