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Water Horse..

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Post time 19-3-2008 10:17 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Sori kalau dah ada thread pasal ni......but teruja nak tgk cuz water horse tu cute sgt... citer ni citer pasal Loch Ness Monster kan? .
check out this official site :

In the 1940s in Scotland, young boy Angus MacMorrow lives in a largehouse with his mother and sister and a maid, and later also anotherservant. As Angus has been told, his father is missing since his shiphas been sunk in the war, so it is very likely that he is dead.However, Angus hopes he is still alive. He discovers a big mysteriousegg and cares for what hatches of it: a 'water horse' that becomes thefabled Loch Ness Monster. As an old Angus explains in flash-forwards, there is always only one such creature: creatures of this species asexually reproduce through parthenogenesis, and always die after laying an egg.
Young Angus keeps the creature a secret, but later he tells hissister and the male servant. A group of soldiers involved in thedefense against possible attacking or hiding German U-boatsis stationed in and near the house. The creature is sometimes attackedby the dog of the soldiers. It grows fast and is brought to the lake.
It is still friends with Angus, and lets him ride it underwater,coming to the surface from time to time for breathing. However, itsuffers from shells shot into the lake for practice, and attacks thesoldiers. It kills the dog, and is about to kill a soldier, but Angusconvinces him to refrain from that. At first it cannot leave the lakedue to an anti-submarine netintended to catch possible German U-boats entering the lake, but laterit succeeds. Angus finally accepts the creature's departure, and alsothat his father died.
After the story was told (eventually the story-teller revealshimself to be Angus MacMorrow), a mother calls out to his son, who iswalking down the beach and spots a rock. The rock looks similar to theegg that the 'water horse' had hatched from and the last thing that isheard is a crack from the egg.

mesti ending tu sedih kan?...........


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Post time 20-3-2008 06:56 AM | Show all posts

kat msia bile kuar ek?
fly dload kat torrent
da burn tp blum tgk .....
sure besh cite nie

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Post time 20-3-2008 03:28 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk dah citer ni mlm semlm. boleh la. tade la sedey mane.

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Post time 20-3-2008 08:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 adieha's post

best tak?

Use magic Report

Post time 20-3-2008 11:44 PM | Show all posts
ada part dia sebut "semenajung tanah melayu"

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Post time 21-3-2008 08:54 AM | Show all posts
aku pun dah tgk semlm kat pavilio..
ada show 5pm je...
dah open ke cerita ni???

overall best... walaupun awal2.. aku lagi sikit nak tido... haahah
aku suka scene si crusoe tu nak menyamar jadi patung tepi fountain tu...
masa nak lari dari churchill...
ahahah  lawak plak...

boleh la.... 3.5/5

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Post time 21-3-2008 03:58 PM | Show all posts
hmmm...xbest sgt....sbb jln cite slow sgt ek mcm dr zamn dulu2....xsehebat eragon...hehehehe....

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Post time 21-3-2008 04:51 PM | Show all posts
dah donload citer la gak....comel crusoe tu...
i love thier accent in this cute!

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Post time 21-3-2008 08:23 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 iamsairul's post

eragon? aku tak suka langsung eragon tu.. tak best .. buku dia lagi best.. kalu  waterhorse teruk dari eragon..  tak best ler..  aku bajet nak tengok esok.. nampaknya .. pikir 2-3x la ni nak hanguskan rm10 nih..

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Post time 23-3-2008 10:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #5 badiuz's post

a'ah. prasan jugak part tu.
derang sebut.. Malaya.
nape ye disebut?
org jerman nak takhluk malaya ke?

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2008 08:48 AM | Show all posts
weekend ni tadi nak tgk but tak jadi pulak...........

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Post time 25-3-2008 05:01 PM | Show all posts
aku pun dh donlod citer nie, jln citer mmg slow ckt...
tp blh layan la.....

Use magic Report

Post time 28-3-2008 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Where is it
Loch Ness and its monster are both found in northern Scotland

What is it

Loch Ness is part of the Great Glen, an enormous fissure in the earth that just about splits Scotland into two. There are a series of lochs, rivers and canals that link the Atlantic with the North Sea. this is the most eastern of these.

It is the largest freshwater lake in the Britain. It is twenty four miles long and a maximum of one and a half miles wide. Its maximum depth is around 750 feet and its average depth 450 feet. Because the waters are very cold, and also very cloudy it is difficult to see underwater more than a few feet. So there is a lot of murky water in which Nessie could hide

Monster legend

Said to have started with an account of Saint Columba, in 565 A.D rescuing a swimmer from a  lake creature. From then on stories of such a creature emerged periodically, but little is actually recorded until the 20th century

It was only after1933, when a new road was built along the lake shore and people were first able to visit the area in large numbers, that reports of sightings really took off

Mackay's and Campbell 1933

The MacKays owned a pub at Drumnadrochit, and on April 14th saw an "enormous animal" in the Loch. They told the man responsible for controlling salmon fishing in the Loch, a Alex Campbell. Campbell, because of his job spent a lot of time observing the Loch, and he saw Nessie a number of times.

Campbell put it at 30 feet long and described it as having "a long, tapering neck, about 6 feet long, and a smallish head with a serpentine look about it, and a huge hump behind..."

Hugh Gray photo 1933

The monster was first photographed by a Hugh Gray in 1933. Gray claims "I immediately got my camera ready and snapped the object which was then two to three feet above the surface of the water. I did not see any head, for what I took to be the front parts were under the water, but there was considerable movement from what seemed to be the tail."

The Surgeons photo

This photo was the most famous of them all, and was reputedly taken by a surgeon who was a pillar of the establishment,  Colonel Robert Wilson.

Christain Spurling later admitted that he had taken part in a hoax. He made the confession on his death bed in 1993 when he was aged 90. His story was that he had helped make a model out of a toy submarine and photographed the model. Spurling claimed that his stepbrother, Ian Wetherell, and Ian's father, Marmaduke ("Duke") Wetherell, had been hired by the Daily Mail to find Nessie. They made their "monster" out of a 14 inch toy submarine and plastic wood. The photo was taken so seriously that they dared not own up to the hoax at the time

You can take you pick as to whether this confession is proof that the photo is a fake or not.

Seen on land 1934

Arthur Grant, a veterinary student, saw the thing crossing the road as he rode along on his motorbike. His decryption matched that of a Plesiosaurus - small head, long neck, big body with flippers and a tail. The Plesiosaurus, a relative of the dinosaur, has been thought to be extinct for some 65 million years.

On moving film in 1960

An indistinct moving picture was taken by an an aeronautical engineer, Tim Dinsdale in 1960. The film may not have convinced the world, but Dinsdale gave up his job, and spent the next twenty years trying to prove they existed. He saw it twice more, but never got the photographic proof

Sonar Sweeps in 1970

The American Academy of Applied Science, funded a search by Dr Robert Rines, using sonar and automatic cameras. In 1972 one of their cameras photographed, in the murk, what appeared to be a flipper about 6 feet long on just four frames of film.

Various sonar contacts followed, but it was not until 1975 that they got a vague, very blurred image of  what might possibly have been the face


In more recent years mini submarines have tried to find Nessie, without success In   1987, 20 cruisers methodically swept the Loch with sonar equipment bouncing sound waves from the surface down to the bottom and electronically recording any contacts. Many salmon were found, but no Nessie.


None of the evidence so far shows proof of Nessie's existence.

On the other hand the waters are big enough and deep enough to hide such a creature

And there again it is impossible for one to exist, there would have to be a breeding population of say at least 10 to 20

Certainly no bones or bodies have been found, so the myth lives on

[ Last edited by  azazral at 28-3-2008 09:26 AM ]

Use magic Report

Post time 28-3-2008 02:30 PM | Show all posts
dgr cite nie ala2 free willy eh?
malas ar nak tgk kalau slow

Use magic Report

Post time 29-3-2008 09:57 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk before it was released download dari internet.
cite ni ok gak la.. tak la slow sangat. ada jokes a lil bit. good!

Use magic Report

Post time 29-3-2008 11:02 PM | Show all posts
aku pun dah tengok .. aku suka la action dia .. ngan monster tuh ..
sedey pun ada sikit2 cuma tak de la sampai nak nitis air mata ...

so far .. 3.5 / 5 ..
worth it to watch ..

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Post time 30-3-2008 12:44 AM | Show all posts
dah tgk...just nice..... 3/5

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Post time 10-4-2008 01:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 Dingdong's post

yup...slow sket...

tnegok dgn my doter.... pastu dia tak mau rewatch...

dia pun bowing... (dia prefer spy kids....gorg dah hafal citer ni...)

skrg dia sibuk ulang JUMPER....

Use magic Report

Post time 11-4-2008 02:08 AM | Show all posts
baru je habis tgk cite ni...
best2!!!sbb crusoe sgt comel.....

tp eragon lg mantap r cinematography dia...

Use magic Report

Post time 11-4-2008 03:21 PM | Show all posts
dah tgk citer nie last wed.'s nite kat GSC, Alamanda.. BEST, suka!! worth watching!

tp sedih bila angus naks berpisah ngan crusoe.. bila angus ckp pada crusoe yg dia akan jadi kwn dia selama2 nya.. akan ingat dia sampai bila2.. terhingus aku kat lam cinema 2.. citer nie mmg naks tunjuk the r/ship bet. human being & animal..

tp crusoe 2 membesar bagai johan tul! cepat gilosh proses tumbesaran dia!! memula time dia baru menetas 2 geli tgk.. tp lama2 bila dia semakin membesar comel plaks tgk.. ghupa dia nie ada ala2 mcm dinosaour gaks lah.. tp bila sampai tang kaki, x de ghupa dinosaur dah!

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