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SUDAN: update; 6 tourist kidnappers killed in shootout!!
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Pesawat meletup selepas mendarat di Khartoum
KHARTOUM (Sudan): Stesen televisyen Sudan melaporkan sekurang-kurangnya 100 orang terbunuh apabila sebuah pesawat meletup sejurus mendarat di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Sudan, semalam.
Tiada laporan lanjut dikeluarkan mengenai kemalangan itu, tetapi kira-kira 200 penumpang sepatutnya menaiki pesawat berkenaan semasa ia mendarat dalam keadaan cuaca buruk dan penumpang dikatakan berada dalam ketakutan. - AP

[ Last edited by amazed at 29-9-2008 09:45 PM ] |
fuh..aku pernah duk sudan dlu....x prnh plak ada kejadian cm nie...huhuhu |
erk!wat hepen? |
pesawat apa ni?
technical failure? |
ni yg wat aku takut naik flight nih...  |
Wednesday June 11, 2008
At least 28 killed in Sudanese airliner blaze
By Andrew Heavens
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - A Sudanese airliner burst into flames after landing in Khartoum overnight in bad weather, killing at least 28 of the 217 people on board, officials said on Wednesday.
 | An image taken from video footage shows a Sudan Airways plane burning on the tarmac of Khartoum airport June 10, 2008. The head of medical services at Khartoum airport said on Wednesday the death toll of 120 he gave earlier from the Sudan Airways plane fire was incorrect and that the figure was now at least 28 dead. (REUTERS/Reuters TV)
| Khartoum airport's head of medical services, Major-General Mohamed Osman Mahjoub, said authorities had so far established there were 123 survivors but 66 people were unaccounted for. The plane's emergency chutes enabled the survivors to escape.
Twenty-eight bodies had been taken to a nearby mortuary, said Mahjoub, adding that some of the 66 people unaccounted for might have survived and left the airport during the confusion after the plane fire broke out on Tuesday night.
The nationalities of the dead were not immediately known.
The Sudan Airways plane, identified by Sudanese television only as an Airbus without any model details, was carrying 203 passengers and 14 crew on a flight from Jordan's capital Amman.
A dust storm and heavy rain had hit the airport on Tuesday, officials said.
Sudan's Minister of State for Transport, Mabrouk Mubarak Salim, said there was an explosion in the airliner's right wing engine area. "So far we don't have precise information but we think the weather is a main reason for what happened," he said.
Sudanese television showed emergency workers using hoses to spray water on the burning fuselage of the airliner.
"The operation to recover bodies from the plane is going on now," police deputy director general Al Adel Ajeb said in a television interview. "It is a difficult operation because some bodies are completely burned and there are body parts."
One passenger said the plane had tried to land at Khartoum airport "but then the captain told us we couldn't land because of bad weather".
He said the plane then flew to the Red Sea city of Port Sudan before returning to Khartoum an hour later.
"When (the pilot) tried to land there was a crash," the passenger told Sudan Television.
Another survivor, Al Haj Bashir, said the landing in Khartoum was "not normal" and that there was "an explosion in the right wing" two or three minutes after the plane landed.
A mortuary near Khartoum airport said it had received 28 bodies. Youssef Mukhtar, a doctor who visited the mortuary early on Wednesday said: "They expect more."
At its height the fire appeared to be consuming the fuselage and cockpit area. The emergency crews eventually managed to extinguish the blaze.
Television pictures showed emergency escape chutes at the side of the blazing aircraft and ambulances on the tarmac.
A spokesman for Sudan's civil aviation authorities said all but one of the crew had been found alive.
"The task of counting the survivors has been complicated because in the alarm and confusion they dispersed and some of them seem to have left the airport area," said the spokesman.
"Whether (the fire was due to) a technical reason we don't know yet," airport director Yusuf Ibrahim told Sudanese TV.
"The plane was coming from Amman and Syria ... It landed safely at Khartoum airport and they talked to the control tower which told them where to taxi. At this moment an explosion happened," he said.
Five years ago, a Sudan Airways Boeing 737 crashed shortly after takeoff near Port Sudan, killing 104 passengers and the crew of 11. |
28 mayat nahas pesawat Sudan Airways ditemui
30 maut dalam nahas pesawat Sudan Airways

NAHAS NGERI: Imej video menunjukkan pasukan penyelamat cuba memadamkan kebakaran pesawat A310 Sudan Airways di Khartoum, semalam.
| Pihak berkuasa sah 170 terselamat selepas enjin A310 terbakar
KHARTOUM: Sekurang-kurangnya 30 maut, manakala 14 lain hilang selepas sebuah pesawat Sudan Airways terbakar sejurus mendarat di lapangan terbang Khartoum, awal pagi semalam.
Pesawat jenis Airbus A310 Sudan Airways itu membawa 203 penumpang dan 11 anak kapal dan punca kejadian dikaitkan dengan keadaan cuaca buruk dan masalah teknikal. Pihak lapangan terbang mendakwa enjin pesawat itu terbakar dan merebak ke tangki minyak.
Bagaimanapun, petang semalam, pihak berkuasa berkata 170 orang terselamat daripada nahas itu dan mangsa yang rentung itu sudah dibawa ke rumah mayat.
Laporan awal mendakwa separuh penumpang itu maut dalam nahas pesawat dari Amman ke ibu negara Sudan itu. Amman destinasi popular bagi golongan kaya Sudan untuk mendapatkan rawatan perubatan.
"Kami cuma ada 28 mayat di rumah mayat Khartoum. Setakat ini 121 disahkan selamat, 22 daripadanya cedera," kata Ketua Pengarah Siasatan, Taher al-Haj Ibrahim, awalnya.
"Mangsa lain yang belum ditemui kami anggap sebagai hilang. Beberapa maklumat diterima mendakwa ada penumpang terbabit terus pulang ke rumah sebelum keterangan mereka diambil," katanya.
Pihak berkuasa penerbangan Sudan sudah memulakan siasatan rasmi mencari punca nahas biarpun beberapa laporan berbeza mengaitkan cuaca atau masalah teknikal.
Lapangan terbang itu dijadual dibuka semula jam 12 tengah hari waktu tempatan, lapor agensi berita rasmi, MENA.
Pihak berkuasa lapangan terbang mendakwa pesawat itu terbakar manakala mangsa yang terselamat mengaitkannya dengan cuaca buruk Khartoum yang dilanda ribut pasir dan hujan lebat.
Pesawat itu terbang dari Amman melalui Damsyik tetapi terpaksa berpatah balik sekali dari Khartoum akibat cuaca buruk dan diarah mendarat di Port Sudan sebelum dibenarkan mendarat di Khartoum semula, lapor agensi berita rasmi SUNA.
"Ada letupan berlaku pada salah satu enjinnya yang menyebabkan pesawat itu terbakar," kata Pengarah lapangan terbang, Yussef Ibrahim dalam satu wawancara dengan stesen televisyen tempatan.
Imej dipaparkan di kaca televisyen menunjukkan api marak di bahagian atas saluran tangki minyak beberapa jam selepas kebakaran.
"Pesawat itu mendarat jam 8.45 malam," kata pegawai Jabatan Penerbangan Awam El-Sheikh el-Faki.
"Ia mendarat sebaiknya tetapi kemudian terbabas lalu terbakar."
Menteri Pengangkutan Mabruk Mubarak Salim mendakwa cuaca buruk antara punca utama nahas.
Pegawai keselamatan yang enggan dikenali berkata beliau mengambil bahagian dalam operasi menyelamat dan melihat sekurang-kurangnya empat terperangkap kerana terikat pada tali keselamatan di dalam bangkai pesawat. - AFP |
Rampasan Pesawat Sudan - Update - Pemberontak Darfur Rampas -
Pemberontak Darfur rampas pesawat

TRIPOLI - Semua penumpang sebuah pesawat Sudan yang terbabit dalam drama rampasan dibebaskan selepas dipaksa mendarat namun tujuh krew masih dijadikan tebusan, kata seorang pegawai berkuasa penerbangan Libya semalam.
Pesawat itu dirampas kelmarin setelah berlepas dari wilayah Darfur dan dipaksa mendarat di Kufrah iaitu sebuah oasis terpencil di gurun Sahara.
Para perampas pesawat itu dilaporkan adalah anggota serpihan pemberontak di wilayah bergolak Darfur.
Pihak Berkuasa Penerbangan Awam Libya memberitahu bahawa 95 penumpang daripada pesawat Boeing 737/200 itu dibebaskan.
"Kami mengesahkan bahawa semua penumpang pesawat itu telah dibebaskan," kata seorang pegawai.
Pihak berkuasa kini dalam proses perundingan dengan perampas pesawat itu bagi membebaskan tujuh anak kapal yang masih ditahan.
Pihak berkuasa Libya memberitahu bahawa terdapat seramai 10 perampas yang merampas pesawat yang dalam perjalanan ke Khartoum, Sudan itu.
Juruterbang pesawat itu memberitahu bahawa para perampas tersebut merupakan anggota Pergerakan Kemerdekaan Sudan (SLM) dan mahu berjumpa dengan pemimpin kumpulan itu, Abdel Wahed Nur di Paris, Perancis. - Reuters |
Sudan says six tourist kidnappers killed in shootout

Gambar AFP Tourists visit the Elephantine temple on the island of the same name in the River Nile on September 25, 2008. Sudanese forces have killed six bandits who kidnapped 19 European tourists and their Egyptian guides in a remote desert nine days ago, a top official told AFP on Sunday.
KHARTOUM (AFP) - Sudanese forces on Sunday killed six heavily armed bandits who kidnapped 19 European tourists and their Egyptian guides in a remote desert nine days ago, the army said.
The shootout erupted as Sudanese troops were scouring the desert for the 11 tourists and eight Egyptians who were snatched during a desert safari in southwestern Egypt and taken into Sudan, an army statement said.
Troops searching the Jebel Uweinat mountain range on the Sudan-Libya-Egypt border "spotted a moving white vehicle (and) when the soldiers tried to make it stop those inside the car opened fire," it said.
"There was a fight between our soldiers and the kidnappers, in which six of the kidnappers were killed and two were arrested... The hostages are now inside Chad at a place called Tabbat Shajara, where they are being held by 30 men."
The statement accused a faction from the Darfur rebel Sudan Liberation Army of being behind the kidnapping and said the army had found Kalashnikov assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns inside the vehicle.
"The kidnappers are from the SLA-Unity group and their leader was killed," the statement said, naming him as a Chadian called Adam Bakheet. Sudanese presidential advisor Mahjoub Fadl Badri told AFP the kidnappers were holding the hostages in a hideout and were negotiating on their fate, but that there were no details on whether the Chadian army had moved in.
A Sudanese soldier was also injured in the clash, Egypt's official MENA news agency quoted the Sudanese army as saying.
Earlier an official had said the tourists, who were kidnapped at gunpoint on September 19, were "all well." Chad's government, however, cast doubt on the claim that the hostages were inside the country.
"We have noticed nothing on Chadian national territory," government spokesman Mahamat Hissene told AFP.
"We are surprised by the announcement ... We are wondering whether it doesn't amount to a media strategy by Sudan to turn public opinion." A French military source said a European force serving in eastern Chad had not spotted the kidnappers in Chadian territory.
A separate French deployment serving in Chad had also not spotted them, according to the source. A London-based SLA spokesman said none of his fighters were involved.
"We completely deny any report that we are involved in this kidnap," Mahgoub Hussein told AFP.
"The movement, or any individual member, have no connection with the kidnappers, and in fact we condemn the action." However he offered a warning to those seeking the safe release of the group.
"Knowing the region and the behaviour of men like the kidnappers, we urge all parties to exercise restraint and enter in direct dialogue," he said. "Any attempt by force may affect directly the hostages." An Egyptian security official told AFP that the kidnappers and German negotiators had agreed a deal but that "negotiations were still ongoing to work out details."
The kidnappers have demanded that Germany take charge of payment of a six-million-euro (8.8-million-dollar) ransom, an Egyptian security official said last week.
They want the ransom to be handed over to the German wife of the tour organiser.
The five Italians, five Germans, and one Romanian plus eight Egyptians -- two guides, four drivers, a guard and the organiser -- were kidnapped on a desert plateau famous for prehistoric cave paintings, including the "Cave of the Swimmers" featured in the 1996 film "The English Patient." Germany has kept quiet about its role in any negotiations, saying only that it has set up a crisis team.
The group was first moved across the border to Sudan to the remote mountain region of Jebel Uweinat, a plateau that straddles the borders of Egypt, Libya and Sudan.
There are conflicting reports about the nationality of the hostage-takers, with different sources saying they were from Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Chad or Djibouti.
One travel agent told AFP that in January a German group was attacked and robbed in the same area.
They were abandoned in the desert with nothing but a satellite telephone. It is not known who carried out that attack.
Kidnappings of foreigners are extremely rare in Egypt, although in 2001 an armed Egyptian held four German tourists hostage for three days in Luxor, demanding that his estranged wife bring his two sons back from Germany. He freed the hostages unharmed.
Bomb attacks aimed at foreigners have been more common, with the most recent occurring between 2004 and 2006 in popular Red Sea resorts, killing dozens of people.
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