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Post time 17-12-2008 04:46 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
BMW X5 paling laris

Oleh Mohd Razlan Salleh

BMW X5 dan Mini Cooper S kini menjadi kenderaan idaman apabila BMW Malaysia melaporkan jualan kedua-dua model itu meningkat tahun ini berbanding tahun sebelumnya.

Perkembangan itu membantu pengedar kenderaan mewah berkenaan meningkatkan jualan mereka sehingga mencatatkan 2,736 unit walaupun kebanyakan pengeluar automotif dunia mengalami kemerosotan jualan.

Pengarah Urusan BMW Malaysia, Geoffrey Briscoe, berkata pihaknya mencatatkan peningkatan jualan 32 peratus bagi tempoh tiga suku pertama tahun ini berbanding tempoh sama tahun lalu.

"Sejumlah 2,736 unit BMW dijual berbanding 2,095 unit pada tahun sebelumnya manakala 148 unit Mini dijual mengatasi hanya 95 unit tahun sebelumnya.

"Ini menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kenderaan yang dijual BMW Malaysia meningkat kepada 2,884 unit," katanya.

Katanya, di sebalik sentimen kurang memberangsangkan dan jangkaan bahawa industri automotif terjejas, BMW Malaysia mengekalkan jumlah jualannya dengan baik.

"Walaupun krisis kewangan global menggugat keyakinan pelanggan, BMW optimistik pasarannya di Malaysia.

"Angka jualan membuktikan prestasi jualan lebih baik pada tahun ini secara keseluruhannya," katanya.

BMW X5 mencatatkan kadar pertumbuhan paling tinggi dengan rekod peningkatan sebanyak 250 peratus dengan sejumlah 147 unit terjual berbanding 42 unit tahun lalu.

Pada September sahaja, 30 unit dijual menjadikan bulan berkenaan mencatat jualan X5 yang tertinggi tahun ini.

Kebanyakan pelanggan kini memilih model BMW X5 3.0si berteknologi diesel yang menguasai 14 peratus daripada jumlah keseluruhan jualan.

"Kemajuan dalam teknologi enjin menjadikan kenderaan diesel alternatif yang lebih baik berbanding enjin petrol konvensional.

"Dengan pengurangan cukai jalan, kami berharap lebih ramai pembeli memilih model diesel yang lebih menjimatkan dan bertenaga seperti BMW X5 3.0 Diesel," katanya.

Model Sports Activity Coupe (SAC) BMW X6 turut meningkat apabila 18 unit dijual sejak dilancarkan Ogos lalu manakala X3 turut melonjak sehingga 96 peratus dengan jualan 99 unit.

Malah, sebanyak 56 unit BMW 1 Siri dijual menjelang penghujung suku ketiga tahunan, mencatatkan peningkatan sebanyak 211 peratus berbanding tahun 2007.

Pertumbuhan bilangan jualan itu menandakan perubahan minat dan permintaan terhadap kenderaan kompak, seiring peningkatan harga petrol dan keprihatinan terhadap isu alam sekitar.

Tidak ketinggalan BMW 3 Siri dan BMW 5 Siri yang terus mengekalkan kedudukan sebagai model paling laris dengan jualan masing-masing sebanyak 1,259 unit dan 1,039 unit.

Bagi keluarga Mini, model MINI Cooper S mencatatkan penjualan yang paling tinggi dengan jualan 76 unit sehingga akhir bulan September, diikuti Mini Cooper dengan 39 unit.

"Keadaan sukar industri automotif di Malaysia adalah satu cabaran walaupun bagi jenama mewah seperti BMW," katanya.

kawan aku kat seattle beli bmw x5 seken hen.. (murah ajer kat sana)   accident last week.... kena US$1000 nak baiki sikit ajer kat rim tayar.... sib baik dapat claim insuran.... tapi keta dia mmg best....   next year aku pi seattle kitorang nak cross usa naik beemers weyyyyy  :victory:   

tak silap aku hans isaac pung pakai  X5  nampak dia kat concorde sek 9  few weeks ago!!

[ Last edited by  amazed at 17-12-2008 04:49 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2008 04:49 PM | Show all posts
2009 BMW X5

The 2009 X5 is a 4-door, up to 7-passenger luxury sport-utility, available in 3 trims, ranging from the xDrive30i to the xDrive48i.

Upon introduction, the xDrive30i is equipped with a standard 3.0-liter, I6, 260-horsepower engine that achieves 15-mpg in the city and 21-mpg on the highway. The xDrive48i is equipped with a standard 4.8-liter, V8, 350-horsepower engine that achieves 14-mpg in the city and 19-mpg on the highway. A 6-speed automatic transmission with overdrive is standard on both trims.

The 2009 X5 is a carryover from 2008.


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Post time 17-12-2008 04:57 PM | Show all posts
kawan aku kat UK 500 pound leh dapat 3 series bmw second hand..tapi kat malaysia proton pun die tak dapek nak membeli..

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Post time 17-12-2008 06:27 PM | Show all posts

Balas #3 dr_psyc\ catat

Second hand ke?

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Post time 18-12-2008 12:06 AM | Show all posts
rasa nak try test drive sekali x5 nih

5 series M sports 3.0 aku dah try bawak....

merc e class 2.4 v6 avangarde  CBU pun aku dah try bawak

for me, merc  e class lagi sedap dan comfort banding bmw 5 series

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Post time 18-12-2008 01:07 AM | Show all posts
macam mana keta ni boleh paling laris... aku tak beli pun... jiran2 aku pun takde beli lagi....

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Post time 18-12-2008 02:05 AM | Show all posts

Balas #5 derihje\ catat

Ya kerr?

Merc I tak test la.

Tapi Beemer memang quiet. Dan lajuuuu!!

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Post time 18-12-2008 02:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dr_psyc at 17-12-2008 03:57 AM
kawan aku kat UK 500 pound leh dapat 3 series bmw second hand..tapi kat malaysia proton pun die tak dapek nak membeli..

laki me jual his old bimmer 700 dollar aje

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Post time 18-12-2008 06:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dr_psyc at 17-12-2008 05:57 PM
kawan aku kat UK 500 pound leh dapat 3 series bmw second hand..tapi kat malaysia proton pun die tak dapek nak membeli..

aku boleh bayangkan kete 500pound ni macamana conditionnya...

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Post time 18-12-2008 06:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 derihje's post

pada pendapat aku, e-class lebih focus kepada premium and comfort, meanwhile bmw (tak kira model mane pun) focus perfomance and handling, itula rasa keras jer.

aku pun personally prefer merc. teringat aku naik bmw E39 528i kawan aku. sempit tul dlm dia. tiap kali aku keluar masuk kereta kepala aku mesti terlanggar A-pillar. bayang kan aku cuma 159cm. kalo yg tinggi lampai tak tau la.

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Post time 18-12-2008 06:43 AM | Show all posts
Kawan kawan,

If you are thinking about buying a car, this is the time. I have been following the car prices in the last few months and they have considerably dropped. I am talking about second hand vehicles between 1-2 years old; 10,000 - 20,000 mileage on the mileage.

These are some examples:

This FWD BMW X5, you can get one for

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Post time 18-12-2008 06:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by batu_bergolek at 18-12-2008 06:26 AM
pada pendapat aku, e-class lebih focus kepada premium and comfort, meanwhile bmw (tak kira model mane pun) focus perfomance and handling, itula rasa keras jer.

aku pun personally prefer merc.  ...

Cant agree more with you on this.

My wife and l also bought an E Class Mercedec 220CDI and it is delightful to drive. I am not a BMW fan but l think BMW designs are stunning just like the Audi A4, A6 and A8. But if you are a Merc fan, nothing will sway your opinion into buying another model than your own favourite.... .

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Post time 18-12-2008 07:33 AM | Show all posts

Balas #11 doublemint\ catat

Bro, the ML in the pic is 2009 model...are you sure the price is about the same with the old model of  x5 as in the picture...tengah cari ml 2009 tapi lum jumpa second hand lagi

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Post time 18-12-2008 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by derihje at 18-12-2008 12:06 AM
rasa nak try test drive sekali x5 nih

5 series M sports 3.0 aku dah try bawak....

merc e class 2.4 v6 avangarde  CBU pun aku dah try bawak

for me, merc  e class lagi sedap dan comfort banding bmw 5 series

For your info - Mercedes focus on ride comfort while BMW focus more on performance. We cannot have both maximum comfort and maximum performance (or handling/cornering to be exact). Kereta comfort boleh abosrb road uneven surface tp cornering tak bagus. Kereta yg corner bagus dia punya ride harsh. BMW 5 series memang a bit harsh. Masuk lubang dan lalu line kuning dekat tol memang terasa tp cornering dia dasat. Merc pulak masuk lubang atau lalu kat line kuning hampir tak rasa tp conering dia so and so ajer. Itu pasal Citreon mencipta 'Hyractive Suspension System'. Suspension nie adalah active suspension. Masa lalu jln lurus dia soft. Bila conering, dia jadi keras. Tp still ada limit. Nak corner mcm Evo still tak boleh.

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Post time 18-12-2008 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Ni pandangan akulah...berdasarkan pengalaman kalu for city driving ada sikit kurang berbanding merc dari segi comfort, kalu kat highway especially on high speed (man man maa - bukan sampai kelajuan cahaya maa), bmw is slightly syiok than merc but still not as comfort as merc. But the latest model of merc handling dah nak macam bmw especially for the new c class but still comfortable. Evo x lak, handling superb...the grip of recaro seat make you feel very comfortable but jgn lah bandingkan ngan merc even with the bmw

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Post time 18-12-2008 09:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #15 zzcbr's post

tapi jini kata city model lama can beat all those cars...

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Post time 18-12-2008 11:31 AM | Show all posts
owh.. ni thread oran' kayo2, kene speaking 'jowo la pulok..!!!

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Post time 18-12-2008 12:32 PM | Show all posts

Balas #17 xgenerasi2\ catat


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Post time 19-12-2008 02:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zzcbr at 18-12-2008 07:33 AM
Bro, the ML in the pic is 2009 model...are you sure the price is about the same with the old model of  x5 as in the picture...tengah cari ml 2009 tapi lum jumpa second hand lagi

Appreciate you reply zzbr.  If you are still undecided what car to buy at the moment, it's best to wait for the right time to buy and it's best to wait for the right car. This is my advice to everyone. Sometimes we are too quick to buy not knowing we could actually buy a better model with the same price if we wait for another 6 months or so. I live in the UK and there are so many schemes where people can take-up like leasing etc. Leasing system is a system whereby people lease a particular car for certain duration. You can lease a Ferrari or a Porsche, a Maserati, a Merc or a BMW and get the feel of driving them. On one hand this is good. It gives the opportunity for people to test the car and see if the car fits well with personal preferences and choice.  Some people bought a car and it may cost them dearly but after driving it for a few months they thought they may have made the wrong choice and wanted to sell them to buy another...and it goes on.  This may not be a problem if you are living in the West as the car market is diverse and in quite high demand. People have money and they can buy or change car. In Malaysia, not many drives a Ferrari or a Bentley.  If you see people driving one, then you can assume they will hold on to that until the engine drop. Or if you see a second hand prestige and a high performance car then it is most likely more than 10 years old. And no -one will want to buy a 10 year old second hand car.

Shopping around for cars can be very exciting. It's like a big toy for us..there is magnetism with people who drives a Porsche or a Ferrari. But there need to be a balance between having a good car and having a good place to live. You dont want to waste money on a good car and live in a shanty town. This has happened before where someone bought a Mercedes but people found out that he lives in Kampong Abdullah Hukum - a setingan.  This can be embarassing.

Anyway, about your inquiry, l always refer to my favourite web-site for car prices on  You can buy almost any car there - a Ferrari, Aston Martin etc with an acceptable price.

But my wife and I are coming home to Malaysia. Two Mercedes will do fine...

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Post time 19-12-2008 06:22 AM | Show all posts

Balas #19 doublemint\ catat

thanks bro for the info and advised. I used to live in UK and currently in Tokyo .  Actually, im not looking for a prestige car, but more keen to find a cheap sports' type car that fun to drive, not too expensive to maintain, not too easy to spot on Malaysia's road, and till today evo x is on the top of my list.

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