teorinya ialah ko mengalami halunisasi di mana akal kita telah ditipu oleh mata dan perbuatan kita.sebenarnya 15 tahun dulu minyak wangi tu mmg ada lg tp ko ingt dah kosong.aku assume mcm tu sbb tgk botol minyak wangi tu gelap, so ko x tau sama ada botol tu btl2 kosong atau sebaliknya.
aku dah monitor bottle ini 9 bulan yg lalu mula2 aku sedar ianya 02% je
dan kini ianya bertambah 03%,berwarna pekat asal dan wangiannya pun seperti bau asal.3#zairizain
well, you can see, if you sum up the quantity of x and divide it by n , you get the actual measurement, after that, you differentiate it using formula dy/dx then you bla bla bla bla hentak2 kepala di dinding, after that, tear the question paper into pieces, burn it, collect the ash, boiled it then drink it.. im sure you get the exact true answer when it digested in your stomach..
well, you can see, if you sum up the quantity of x and divide it by n , you get the actual measurement, after that, you differentiate it using formula dy/dx then you bla bla bl ...
kroit92 Post at 14-9-2009 01:40
Perlu ke lagi nak kira dy dx? masuk je data dalam SPSS habis cite...dy/dx ni budak2 sekolah je yang pening nak kira!!!!
katakanlah satu botol penuh tu 100%
so 5% lah.
boleh figure it out tak?
tapi aku ada juga letakan botol perfume kosong sebelah menyebelah boleh tu
until now 000%
well, you can see, if you sum up the quantity of x and divide it by n , you get the actual measurement, after that, you differentiate it using formula dy/dx then you bla bla bl ...
kroit92 Post at 14-9-2009 01:40 AM
humm..lagi misteri bila baca ayat2 ko ni kroit ,...