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What French Kids Eat For School Lunch Puts American Lunches To Shame

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Post time 26-12-2014 03:30 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

What French Kids Eat For School Lunch Puts American Lunches To Shame HOT[size=0.9em]

It’s a shocking statistic that everyone should be talking about, 1 in every 3 kids in the United States is overweight or obese. What on earth could American children be eating to substantiate this scary statistic?
This was the question which fueled author Rebeca Plantier’s inquiry into the school lunch programs of the French in her article, What French Kids Eat For School Lunch (It Puts Americans To Shame!). She wanted to know why French kids weren’t fat, and discovered some interesting truths when she compared their school lunches.
What Are French Kids Eating?

Two months in advance, the cantine management staff work alongside a certified dietician to develop a menu that is cautious of sugar intake as well as being sure to include a balanced intake of protein, complex carbs, fruits and vegetables.
Another key difference in French school lunches is that all food is prepared fresh in house. That means no pre-packagedmacaroni, pizza, or fruit. All mashed potatoes are mashed in house, all soups are prepared daily. Most processed or prepacked foods contain toxic preservatives or additives which contribute to obesity and other health issues, issues that American children are currently facing. Read more about that HERE.
Where Is The Food Coming From
All of the meats, fruits and vegetables are locally sourced. Although it has not yet become an every day occurrence, the cantine management has implemented organic meals once a month. The only drink offered in school is filtered tap water. Compare this with the array of sugary drinks loaded with high-fructose corn syrup available in American cafeterias, and the obesity crisis begins to make a lot more sense.
Below are pictures of the weekly menu in a French school lunch program. There are only 4 lunches pictured because children do not attend school on Wednesdays in France (follow suit rest of the world?).
First course: Cucumberand tomato salad
Main course: Veal marinated with mushrooms, broccoli, cheese
Dessert: Apple tart
First course: Cabbageand tomato salad
Main course: Roast beef, potatoes, baked tomatoes with herbs, cheese
Dessert: Kiwi

First course: Tabouleh (made with bulgur)
Main course: Sausages, zucchini
Dessert: Ice cream, apple
First course: Potato and pickle salad
Main course: Breaded fish, cauliflower, cheese
Dessert: Peach
Photos of food: Carine Duflos
The French Dining Experience: Etiquette 101
Perhaps the most interesting difference between the French and American school lunch-time dining experience comes down to how they eat their lunches. Plantier’s observation is fascinating,
“As the children come streaming into the cantine, they sit down at tables of four that are already set and wait for older student volunteers to bring the first course to their table. The child who sits at the designated ‘red’ chair is the only one who is allowed to get up to fetch more water in the pitcher, extra bread for the bread basket, or to ask for extra food for the table. After finishing the first course (often a salad), volunteers bring the main course platter to the table and the children serve themselves. A cheese course follows (often a yogurt or small piece of Camembert, for example), and thendessert(more often than not, fresh fruit).”

What American Children Are Eating
Below are pictures taken from the website American Lunch Room, a website which publishes pictures of cafeteria lunches across America. The difference is apparent.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jackson, Georgia
Bronx, New York
Bronx, New York
Bronx, New York
Chicago, IL
A Time For Change
The difference between American and French lunches is shameful to say the least. Innocent children across America are literally being fattened and poisoned by the system and not enough people are talking about it.
The issue is more than just a health issue, it’s a social, educational and political issue just the same. Not only are parents unable to afford proper nutritious food for their children, leaving their kids’ diets up to the budget-stricken schools, but parents are also uneducated about the real implications of improper nutrition.
It’s time we do something about this issue. If your child is a part of lunch program, find out exactly what they are eating and demand change from your school board. Take it to the next level and contact your local, provincial/state, or federal elected officials and put the pressure on them to offer more nutritious whole foods in their programs. If your child’s lunches are packed at home, try adding in some sort of fruit or green smoothie to add an extra punch of nutrient density.
Making this issue a topic of discussion with family and friends will help spread awareness and save the children who are unwillingly suffering from obesity, type II diabetes, and other unnecessary health-related diseases.

If you want your eyes opened, check out the documentaries, Fed Up, Forks Over Knives, and Fat Sick & Nearly Dead for fantastic conversation starters around diet and nutrition.2) You can find out what date any holiday falls on. Read More: You can find out what date any holiday falls on. Read More: You Learn These 20 Google Tricks, The Internet Will Never Be The Same AgainThursday, August 7, 2014Share on FacebookSelect Language​▼Even if you work online, it's doubtful you know everything there is to know about the Internet... or even just one search engine. The majority of Internet users visit every day, but they probably don't know all of the amazing things they can do with it (even I didn't know half of these).Google isn't just for hypochondriacs looking up their symptoms or for trying to find a cool new restaurant. By just entering a few simple search terms, you can use Google to help plan and organize your life. 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Now when you're trying to plan your weekend, you'll be able to look up new restaurants... but also check for holidays, see if your friends' flights are on time, and make sure you won't miss a new episode of your favorite television show.Google is basically your butler.Share these epic tips with others by clicking on the buttons below. More people need to know about this awesomeness.Related:    The 22 Most Brilliant Life Hacks Every Human Being Needs To Know    Privacy is Dead. Google and Facebook know everything about YOU!    3 Censored TED Talks They Do Not Want You To SeeCredits: Viral Nova Read More:



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Post time 26-12-2014 04:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sedap sedap nya.makanan dia....
French.ka amarikan.ka..sume dap

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 04:27 PM | Show all posts
mcm tak berkhasiat je mknn nampak sedappppp

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 04:46 PM | Show all posts
alah....malaysia lagi teruk aku rasa...

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 05:49 PM | Show all posts
French punya nampak best

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 05:52 PM | Show all posts
Looks yummy!

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Post time 26-12-2014 06:32 PM | Show all posts
sbb tu mostly americans kl gemok, gemok yang amatttt.....french molek2 je bdnnye...kikikiki

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Aku takleh telanlah cured meat tu (kalau ada yang halal). Smoked salmon pun aku pilih2 dulu sebab takut terkena yang hanyir.

Use magic Report


Post time 26-12-2014 08:15 PM | Show all posts
Syoklah lauk kantin mcm ni..

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 08:25 PM | Show all posts
macam best makanan french
sama harga ke dengan yang budak2 US bayar?

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 08:33 PM | Show all posts
malaysia makanan berminyak

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 10:32 PM | Show all posts
benda ni kena latih dari kecik
biasakan palate anak2 dengan makanan2 yang sihat

ni aku tengok asal mak bapak melayu je nak mudah
mesti sumbat anak dengan nasi telur mata kicap
takde effort nak taruk sayur ke apa

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 11:36 PM | Show all posts
bdk2 american neh dah la diorg senang gemuk...makanan pun dah serupa muntah.yuckkkk

Use magic Report

Post time 26-12-2014 11:47 PM | Show all posts
Menu budak skolah mesia

Mee goreng
Nasik lemak
Naget ayam
Sosej minyak
Kepok leko
Sirap ngan ayaq oren bancuh

Use magic Report

Post time 27-12-2014 11:33 AM | Show all posts
french punya nampak lebih berkhasiat.....

Use magic Report

Post time 27-12-2014 12:58 PM | Show all posts
Time skola,pelahap nasik lemak time rehat..gerenti mengantok pastu

Use magic Report


Post time 29-12-2014 08:34 AM | Show all posts
Nasi goreng double letak ayam goreng.Pengalaman mase sekolah dulu.

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2014 09:11 AM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 26-12-2014 11:36 PM
bdk2 american neh dah la diorg senang gemuk...makanan pun dah serupa muntah.yuckkkk

xbaik mencela makanan tau

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
bestnya makanan french kid tu..nak gakkkk! yg american punya ade yg agak geli.
tapi kalau mesia lagi la..nasi lemak,roti canai,donat,pau goreng..ahaaha gemokkk

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2014 11:55 AM | Show all posts
Mknan kat US tu buat org Msia beratur panjang utk sepinggan..

Use magic Report

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