Post time 10-2-2022 03:32 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 10-2-2022 03:33 PM
dauswq replied at 8-2-2022 09:45 PM
Best Picture Belfast
Don't Look Up
Kategori Leading actor/actress masing2 ada 3 noms from biopic films. Penelope tu atas quota diversity ke? mcm2 tiba2 plak tercalon oscar, kebetulan pulak laki nye pun tercalon gak. Tu pun dah ada bunyi2 kurang diversity (yawn).
Renee Zellweger (Judy)/Meryl Streep (Iron Lady)/Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine)/Julianne Moore (Still Alice) menang BA tapi filem tak listed dalam Best Picture.
Post time 10-2-2022 07:44 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by cyclops_psycho at 10-2-2022 07:47 PM
delia3003 replied at 10-2-2022 03:32 PM
Kategori Leading actor/actress masing2 ada 3 noms from biopic films. Penelope tu atas quota divers ...
I dont think so laa..Penolope mmg layak dlm Parallel Mother. By right patut tercalon gak dlm GG & SAG. Dlm filem ni dia menang Best Actress kat Venice kan.
fine art?dari segi teknikal mungkin byk yg menang 10 nominatios kan?aku tak reti menilai.tapi dari segi adaption, penceritaan boring,slow.halfway baru leh hadam.the only thing yg aku pasan sepanjang halftway tu...timothee mempunyai sepasang mata yg cantik
Compared to Power of dog, terlalu detailed artistic value smpi org tgk leh mengantuk nomadland wlpn slow still aku abiskan dan overal theme pun understandable.
p/s: arap2 jane champion tak dpt oscar best directing.
btw kalau nicole kidman menang gakk pun not bad gak.. dua character lucy ball dia berjaya tonjolkan, under camera dgn luar camera (2 split personalities). ni justification aku nampaklah, berbanding wtk biopic yg actress lain cuba bawak..
aku akui fans lady gaga, tp bukan sbg actress, sbg penyanyi jek. so far belum lg impressed with her acting wlpn dh tgk a star is born tu. hopefully dia boleh buat comeback dgn lakonan lebih mengancam in future. not too showy, but rather subtle pun okay dah.
Cher dulu lps nominated pertama kali utk Silkwood, dia pun kena snubbed filem Mask thn 1985. mase tu dia menang cannes, tp tak tercalon Oscar langsung. then few years later, dia buat comeback dgn Moonstruck, suddenly menang terus Oscar kalahkan Glenn Close dgn lakonan dlm Fatal Attraction.
persamaan kedua2nya.. mula sbg penyanyi, pastu berjinak2 dgn lakonan.
boring ke nomadland?satu2 filem tu kalau aku ter ingat2 2-3 hari slps menonton...kira hebat laa tumungkin sbb dune tu sci-fi so aku tak berapa nak appreaciate.nomadland tu penceritaan dia satu journey ...drama acik frances la pulak tu.aku mmg suka benda2 mcm tu
Post time 12-2-2022 11:08 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 12-2-2022 11:17 PM
alesandra replied at 12-2-2022 07:15 PM
boring ke nomadland?satu2 filem tu kalau aku ter ingat2 2-3 hari slps menonton...kira hebat laa ...
Dune tu drama tapi atas tiket sci-fi.
Bagi iols Dune boring sbb ingatkan banyak action bila runtime 2 jam 30min, sekali lebih kpd drama rupanye. Nasib baik tgk kat rumah, boleh pause/resume.
The Power of The Dog walaupun ada peluang utk tgk tapi tetap rasa malas nak tgk bila ramai komen boring. Try jugak tgk Don't Look Up, tak sampai 30min iols dah surrender.
Post time 13-2-2022 08:45 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by delia3003 at 13-2-2022 08:49 PM
Rhyno replied at 13-2-2022 05:37 PM
The Power of the Dog boring la. Tak minat.
Aku memilih West Side Story sebagai Best Picture.
I plak rasa The Power of The Dog yg akan menang, biasa filem2 yg ramai cakap boring tu ler ada peluang menang best picture. Lagipun filem Netflix, bukan calang2, mesti kat belakang bukan main hebat 'campaign'. Main characters TPOTD semua tercalon oscars sampaikan si Jesse yg lemau tu pun tercalon sekali, 3 lagi tu mmg expected pun, ramai yg setuju.
mmg banyak beza tgk panggung ngan tgk Tv
aku kalo boleh mmg semua nak tengok kat panggung
screen besar pastu ko boleh telek set tu sbb aku ni jenis mata suka menerawang dinding la gambo la bagai
pastu kat cinema tpt aku ni english movie tado subtitle
so lega ya hamattttttt
subtitle ni mata ko macam otometik nak baca walopon english
so mcm dah waste kat situ. kalo cinema x do subtitle haaa
baru la puas telek memek muka, set bagai....
rasa kalo nak appreciate production mmg kena tgk cinema.