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Author: BabeYSHa


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Post time 20-4-2009 07:44 PM | Show all posts

Balas #179 masnina\ catat

samo la kita masnina... ada cuba2 gak buat butterfly, tapi aku jadi lalat ade le

satu lagi narif tak reti, nak selamatkan orang. selamatkan diri sendiri lepas le

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Post time 20-4-2009 09:07 PM | Show all posts
aku x reti berenang... lagipun aku memang fobia sket air2 ni... lagi2 laut.. kalo main pun dekat2 pantai jelah... tu pun sewa pelampung yg paling besar share dgn adik beradik or hubby...

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Post time 20-4-2009 10:18 PM | Show all posts
aku pom xreti berenang...

tp br amek kelas dh 4 kelas tp xreti2 gak berenang...korang raser sebab aper ek? klu sebab takut air mmg aku takot...

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Post time 20-4-2009 10:20 PM | Show all posts
masa kecik2 umah dekat dgn lombong so pandai le berenang...dah besor xde tmpt nak berenang smpi ke laa x reti berenang...badan punye ringan pon tenggelam....kikiki!

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Post time 20-4-2009 11:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #184 220796's post

eh, selalu lagi gemuk lagi senang terapung, pasal ada pelampung

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Post time 21-4-2009 08:48 AM | Show all posts
hmmm xbape pndai sgt ade je beli swimming suit...huhuhu...aprtment aku ade swimming pool...kdg2 bf yg beria ajak swimming...huhuhu...belajar pon dgr die lah...dah boley lah berenang, tepuk2 air nk bg bdk gerak kedepan, tp nk selam, xberani..takut lemas...

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Post time 22-4-2009 09:39 AM | Show all posts
i nak cari cikgu yang bole ajar berenang la...ader sesaper sini yang nk ajar?....

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Post time 30-7-2009 02:48 AM | Show all posts
salam sumer

jika berminat utk belajar swimming, laki ke, pompuan ke, kanak-kanak, atau nak blajar bersama pasangan.. layari

private coaching, student tak ramai dalam satu group. one on one pun bleh.

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Post time 30-7-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
aku blaja swimming ms kat skola menengah dulu...
paling suke bile PJ pastu kelas swimming..
sbbnye leh berhepi2 mandi manda sepuas2 hati..
member aku siap tak nak mandi pg lagik kalo turn kelas PJ swimming...
sbbnye leh mandi puas2 pastu...
tapi even aku sgtla sukenye kelas tuh tapi aku hanya leh berenang untuk selamatkan diri aku shj dan stakat lulus kelas tuh je

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Post time 12-11-2009 10:50 AM | Show all posts
ni lagi private coaching... ... mahal sket la rasanya tapi sebab tak byk info, ni je yg dpt

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Post time 12-11-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
aku pandai berenang sikit2 jer..... nak gak upgrade bagi terer..

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Post time 12-11-2009 11:04 PM | Show all posts
bole skit-skit je laa...

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Post time 18-11-2009 10:37 AM | Show all posts

Jika anda merasa risau dalam melakukan aktivitas berenang di water boom, karena bingung harus mengenakan baju renang apa yang pantas untuk tubuh anda. Karena baju renang merupakan kulit kedua yang membungkus tubuh anda, sehingga lekukan tubuh anda terlihat lebih jelas.

Jika memang anda khawatir akan masalah tersebut, anda tidak perlu ragu karena perempuan pintar dengan menutupi kekurangannya. Berikut tips agar anda bisa mengurangi kekurangan saat berenang.

Bila anda memiliki dada yang kecil,tetapi pinggul besar, sebaiknya pilih baju renang yang bercorak ramai. Karena dapat memberikan kesan lebih penuh pada dada anda. Untuk bagian pinggul yang besar, anda bisa memilih celana renang pendek berwarna gelap, tetapi hindari celana dengan belahan paha yang tinggi. Jika model baju reanang dengan rok, pilihlah model rok yang lurus.

Dada anda kecil dan kaki pendek, maka anda bisa menutupi dengan baju renang two pieces dan tambahan busa serta kawat, sehingga saat anda berenang di water boom akan terlihat sopan. Efek kaki jenjang anda bisa dapatkan dari celana dengan potongan paha yang tinggi. Jangan gunakan baju renang model rok.

Jika dada anda besar dan perut besar, sebaiknya anda menyamarkan kedua bagian tersebut dengan mengenakan baju renang one pieces. Jangan memilih baju renang bermotif karena akan membuat terlihat semakin membesar. Pilihlah motif polos dan berwarna gelap.

Sedangkan jika perut, pinggul dan bokong anda besar, maka pilihlah baju renang model two pieces dengan atasan berbentuk kemben dan bawahan dilengkapi dengan rok pendek tanpa aksen ruffle atau model yang sederhana. Selain itu anda bisa juga menggunakan baju renang dengan terusan yang memiliki rok pendek agar menyamarkan perut, pinggul dan bokong yang besar

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Post time 18-11-2009 10:47 AM | Show all posts
since my aged was 3... my mom dah baling i dalam swimming pool.... pepandailah selamatkan far... alhamdulillah...

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Post time 18-11-2009 11:23 AM | Show all posts
nak tepek lagi.. sedang survey swimwear nih..

Before looking at these tips and heading off to buy your beach dress, find a full-length mirror. Do the little dance you do when you are assessing yourself in the mirror; turn, pivot, and pose.
What you should try to do is to look at negative space. Hold your arms out to the side and look at your waist, hips and bust. Doing this will give you a quick idea of what to look for when purchasing your swimwear, beach dress, or any outfit for that matter.

Another way is to actually measure your bust, waist and hips. Finding the right clothing for your figure is about using geometry.

The criteria in choosing the right swimsuit are cut, color, pattern, and material. Cut is the most important among this. It'll formulate or destroy your body's steadiness and proportion. Not all cuts work for all body types. Color, patterns and material add the finishing touches.

The pattern and fabric for some common body types can be defined as:


If your hips and bottom are larger than your upper body, choose colors, patterns and details that draw attention away from your lower half. Pairing a solid color (like black) for your lower half with a patterned or bold top will draw the eye upward. Dresses with lower waistlines, or V-shaped waistlines will help to give the illusion of smaller waists. If you do not have a small waist, or your waist measures the same or only slightly smaller than your hips, look for a dress that has a pattern near the waist that minimizes the waist. Diagonal patterns, lines and darts can do this quite well.

Large Bust

To minimize a larger bust, choose a solid-colored bathing suit top. You can minimize bulging bellies, larger hips and even larger busts by opting for solid colors.

Small Bust

Large geometric shapes and patterns, especially horizontal stripes, give the illusion of a bigger bust. Dresses that have bunched or ruffled material will create the illusion of a larger bust. A dress with simple, or solid colors on the bodice will create an illusion of a larger bust.

Plus Size

If you're plus size, try a suit in a dark color or swirling patterns. Angled lines and cuts can do well to draw attention away from certain aspects of your figure. For heavier legs, wear long flowing dresses. There are beach sarongs that you can buy to use as shawls if you have heavier arms.

Many women think that they don't have the right swimsuit for their body. In fact, by wearing a Muslimah swim wear, everyone can be self confident during swimming no matter what body type they have.

There are easy ways to draw attention away from different aspects of your body that will cover up your shape and make you feel your best. You can choose special prints to camouflage the body.

Color and design are important elements of a swim suit. Darker colors tend to be more subtle. A top with some pattern and a relatively clean simple bottom will give slimming effect and brings the eyes upward.

Find the perfect bra. Whether this bra is going to be a part of your actual swimsuit or under your beach dress, a good supportive bra can lift and shape your bust. A good bra can minimize your waist, add or detract from your bust size as desired.

The right material can help smooth out any lumps or bumps. Choose a suit with at least 15% spandex or Lycra, but make sure it's not too tight; you don't want to create unwanted lumps and bumps.

Don't limit yourself to only what is in the stores. Size selection and inventory is often limited and it can be hard to find the styles that work best for your unique figure.

While you taking attention away from the features of your body, you will become more confident and enjoy your swimming in a public pool.

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Post time 18-11-2009 04:33 PM | Show all posts
hi semua...
just nak bg some advise utk yg nak belajar berenang.....and sedang cari instructor

better pegi je kat mana2 swimming pool awam,
kat sana for sure akan ada advertisement untuk swimming lesson.
selalunya utk 10 lessons ~ RM150 (not including membership).

utk swimming pool awam, mereka menyediakan instructor mereka sendiri.
tidak di benarkan instructor lain utk mengajar.

so kalau yg bayar lebih tu....sendiri mau fikir la.....

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Post time 11-10-2011 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mrs_dee at 11-10-2011 11:40

MD mmg takut ngn air...huhuhu...bila dok dlam air laut tmbah2 dalam plak tu mmg MD akan pikir yg MD akan lemas..huuhh...pnah masa induksi dorg lpas MD dlm kump untuk bpaut pda tali dri hjg ke pngkal...spjg tu la MD mjerit mnta tlg...tkut la...huhu...baru2 ni g holiday ng hubby pun dia ajak berenang tp MD,dia ajak la nek bot...spjg ats bot tu MD diam jer..xcakap pe pun..gerak pun tidak...hubby MD tnya nape keras mcm ptung tu..MD ckap slow je kt dia...jgn byak gerak..pastu dia terus cakap yg MD ni protokol...huhuuh... hangin MD... MD pnya control xnk gerak sbb takut lemas...huhuh...xtahu la bila fobia ni nk hilang...huhuhu

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Post time 11-10-2011 09:08 PM | Show all posts
tak tahu berenang
teringin nak belajar berenang jugak..

masa g snorkel kat pulau2 .. dah pakai life jacket tu pon mek rasa mcm xberapa cemerlang..
kepala asik nk tenggelam..
kepala mek berat ker  apa??
kepala batu kah??

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Post time 11-10-2011 10:08 PM | Show all posts
aku tahu berenang semua style. selalu swim di pool club. kadang2 kawan2 upah minta ajar dorang...huhuhu

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Post time 12-12-2013 11:09 AM | Show all posts
mana nak cari kelas berenang area damansara ha???
pening dah

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