Hi all,
I really love reading this thread! Banyak leh belajar and now I sendiri pun dah start minat2 pakai mekap nih! Selalunya pakai foundation (BB), powder, lipstick and mascara. Eye shadow pun main tenyeh jek, janji ade kaler...so i think from now I should start investing in good quality mekap and use your methods here!
Anyway, I nih kulit suam-suam brown gituh (hitam manis lee org slalu kata). Ade tak any forummer yg boleh buat tutorial with colours for darker skin? Easier for me to know what shades yg sesuwaii for me i.e blusher and lipstick. Love the fresh and natural look! |
baru jenguk thread nih....
waaa...dah ramai yg jadik cikgu!!!! :pompom: :pompom: :clap:
shah, very, very brilliant tutorial...
tutorial kak eva bast, bleh try wat smokey eyes again...after failing sooo many times!! :kant: |
Originally posted by derex at 3-6-2006 12:47 AM
ko ok lagi .
aku satu mata merah
adui..samalah kita...berair -air n merah mata..tak expert lg katakan..hehe |
Originally posted by rzjs at 3-6-2006 02:22 AM
dah buat tadi time pi tesco..hubby tanya, apsal mata u nampak bulat je..hehehe..pas ni confirm buat tak tinggal.
That's great gal, keep it up!:clap::clap::clap:
The others yg masih mencuba tu, jangan putus asa, you just have to keep on trying! Chaiyok!
[ Last edited by MamaIlya at 4-6-2006 09:41 PM ] |
best best..nanti boleh try praktik p opis...sebelom nie selalu buat cincai2..atau pakai lipstick jek |

cantiknyaa...bam mmg dah lama nak pakai eyeliner..tp rasa cam ngeri lak nak buat..takut tercucuk..heheh..cun aarr mama..akan kucuba gakssss:love: |
dini dah buat style eyeliner yg shah ajar tu mase g member dini nye wedding...
haku tgk pengantin tu duk belek mata haku....but disebabkan dia tak tanye..haku pun diam le..
but da outcome mmg besh...nak full mata ni..
mekasih shah..but klu pakai liquid eyeliner kan....camne ek??? kang termasuk mata, pedih oooo.... |
Originally posted by dini_alieyah at 5-6-2006 12:16 PM
dini dah buat style eyeliner yg shah ajar tu mase g member dini nye wedding...
haku tgk pengantin tu duk belek mata haku....but disebabkan dia tak tanye..haku pun diam le..
but da outcome mmg bes ...
dini,fairy try pakai liquid dia
macam berair masuk mata.ngeri seh!!!
so fairy stick with crayon eyeliner.. |
Reply #187 dini_alieyah's post
Dini...tightlining is NOT for liquid eyeliner. So far, tak pernah dengar lagi org buat this technique guna liquid. Better stick to eyeliner pencil type. Or the big chubby stick yg macam crayon tu... |
susahnyer nk pakai eyeliner cam shah ajar ni....tp xpe cuba dan cuba lg.... |
fairy and shah...
dini mmg dr dulu guna crayon eyeliner...besh sgt but x penah beli yg mahal2 lah..so far suka pakai Cosway nye...mmg besh bile apply...liquid eyeliner dini x terror pakai...ade 2 kat umah tu, 1 kaler purple, 1 lg black...
ni nak g surau, member suh ajar camne nak buat tightlining nih...hehehhehe |
Reply #191 dini_alieyah's post
Hohoho... sampai kat office dini yer method tightlining ni... Anyway dini, tak kisah brand apa pun, janji pencil liner yg lembut tu. Shah pun pakai yg murah jer...  |
shah.. me tried tightlining pakai liquid nyer.. so far ok.. |
Reply #193 dilah21's post
Really dilah? Heh, u shud put ur pic here, nak tengok effect tightlining guna liquid liner.. |
dami dah try wat.but since my eyeliner kaler brown,mcm tak nampak sgt..kene pakai hitam br cantik efek die kot... |
Reply #189 MamaIlya's post
dlm2 tak sempat lepak kat bft ni, sempat jugak grab shah nye tutorial, and dan berjaya pun buat tightlining! best gile! nampak galak mata den :love: |
shah, cantik la tightlining tue...akan buat nnt...shah, mata mcm jepun lah buat tightlining tuh...
reynna, tunjuk lah gambar dah buat tightlining tuh!!! |
Takde sapa ke nak buat tutorial lagi? |
pg td try lg cara shah...ok dh menjd tp now dh makin pudar x bape galak sgt dh mata ni...Tu la pakai lg eyeliner cap ayam :geram: |
Originally posted by MamaIlya at 5-6-2006 05:59 PM
Really dilah? Heh, u shud put ur pic here, nak tengok effect tightlining guna liquid liner..
err.. yang ari tu letak me pakai liquid liner ah shah  |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki