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Author: nightlord

Why are muslims killing each other?

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Post time 8-7-2013 11:08 AM | Show all posts
by sam1528

It appears that the dumb one is you. You don't even know that 'collective punishment' is a crime and most of the countries in this world signed up for it.

You must be really stupid to believe that, especially that just cos some country signed against it, it means "criminal" offence. Do you know how many crimes against humanity have been conducted through collective punishment?

Islam and Christianity revolves around scaring people into believing in some cult called Islam and a false god named Allah (and its human warmonger Muhammad) through collective punishment as well. You don't believe - you go to hell regardless of what good you done. Muslims have been waging war against Jews and Christians as "collective punishment" for not accepting Islam. Same thing which followed by other monsters like Hitler, Saddam, Osama and Ahmednijab (thank God he got kicked out).

Bottomline - The World doesn't condone "Collective Punishment" cos majority of their beliefs and religions revolves around it. It just showcase some drama for idiots like you to believe that it does condone.

What is wrong with that?

You (Muslims) live in 21th Century but follow 14th century nonsense brought by Muhammad. Your mental state have not progress for the past 700 years, and yet, you speak about civilization. Go and live in a desert like your Muhammad did.

Aiyoyo meenachi , you are a lousy liar.

If you already labelled me as a liar, then whatever I say won't go into that thick skull of yours.

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Post time 8-7-2013 11:10 AM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 8-7-2013 12:04 AM
Quote from Beachboys :

"untuk pengetahuan ko la,syiah ni bukan dikalangan orang Islam.mereka buka ...

Shoot each other or prosecute each other. And yet, no one thought to sitting down and talk with each other to try and win them over. This mentality is one reason why Muslims killing each other. Muhammad did not show "peaceful way" of solving problems, only the each way - through physical abuse.

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Post time 8-7-2013 12:49 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 8-7-2013 11:08 AM
by sam1528

You must be really stupid to believe that, especially that just cos some country signed against it, it means "criminal" offence. Do you know how many crimes against humanity have been conducted through collective punishment?

Islam and Christianity revolves around scaring people into believing in some cult called Islam and a false god named Allah (and its human warmonger Muhammad) through collective punishment as well. You don't believe - you go to hell regardless of what good you done. Muslims have been waging war against Jews and Christians as "collective punishment" for not accepting Islam. Same thing which followed by other monsters like Hitler, Saddam, Osama and Ahmednijab (thank God he got kicked out).

Bottomline - The World doesn't condone "Collective Punishment" cos majority of their beliefs and religions revolves around it. It just showcase some drama for idiots like you to believe that it does condone.

This is where your stupidity shine. 'Collective punishment' is wrong means regardless how many countries did it , it is still wrong. That is why it has been labelled - 'crime against humanity'. Appears that you do not know what the phrase means.

Ha ha , talking about scaring people? Lets see , one of the main conversations in the Gita between Krishna and Arjuna is the former trying to convince the latter to go to war and kill members of his own family , all over the ownership of a kingdom (ie. if a husband was killed , the entire family survival was at stake). Krishna's excuse - the soul can never be killed and Arjuna was fulfilling his own dharma. Hmm , a convenient way of asking others to tow the line - by killing them. This is scaring people into submission.

Which country did Iran invade under Ahmadinejab? By the way , he completed his presidential term , not kicked out. This is really embarrassing for you. You are just farting thru your mouth. You know next to nothing ... do you?

TQ for admitting that hinduism subscribe to 'collective punishment'. However not the case for Islam. Show me the verses in the Quran that calls for collective punishment. You will have a hard time and you will end up just farting thru your mouth again.

You (Muslims) live in 21th Century but follow 14th century nonsense brought by Muhammad. Your mental state have not progress for the past 700 years, and yet, you speak about civilization. Go and live in a desert like your Muhammad did.

In such manner , hinduism is even worse. This is the 21 century and you live in ~ 700BC , the customs and traditions. The evidence :

(Poras Chaudhary's amazing photo of the making of a Sadhu, or Hindu Holy Man. The goal is to disable the male organ through this mistreatment. Sadhus are detached from the concerns of everyday life.)

(marrying a dog)

Appears that these are some of the things that you have been fighting real hard to be reinstituted so that hinduism can rule. With such , you are better off living in the jungle. Is these the so called 'mental state' that you've been harping for in hinduism? Appears so.

If you already labelled me as a liar, then whatever I say won't go into that thick skull of yours.

But you are a liar. Now you are trying to imply that you are a psychologist. Podah lah. You are just a cheapskate hater. Thats about it.
Last edited by sam1528 on 8-7-2013 12:54 PM


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Post time 9-7-2013 11:32 AM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 30-6-2013 09:15 PM
macam bagus je kristian ciptaan orang roman tu.

Dik muslim yang jahil, bukan semua Kristian memakai simbol salib. Yang pasti pengetahuan kau tentang agama Kristian hanya pada permukaan saja....bagi budak jahil macam kau, Kristian hanyalah RC dan Prostestant saja, kan ? Dalamilah ilmu am agama kau tu dulu sebelum memalukan diri sendiri.

Cakap pasal simbol, kan semua masjid ada simbol BULAN SABIT di hujung "dome"nya ??? Adakah ini bermakna kamu ni muslim memuja dewa bulan pagan Arab, Allah ??? Bukan saja di masjid, bahkan di semua bendera negara Islam pun ada simbol bulan Sabit !

Pasal hal sula tu, hanya otak muslim saja yang asyik berfantasi tentang tu. Kalau kau suka sangat menggunakan contoh pemujaan idola, adakah semua muslim harus menjadi "paedophile" seperti pengasas kamu Muhammad yang mengahwini Aisyah yang berumur 6 tahun dan melakukan seks dengannya ketika dia berumur 9 tahun ???


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Post time 9-7-2013 11:37 AM | Show all posts
It is interesting to see a Hindu and a Muslim marauding each other here.......BTW, both are unacceptable to rational mind with conscience.

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Post time 9-7-2013 12:26 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 9-7-2013 11:37 AM
It is interesting to see a Hindu and a Muslim marauding each other here.......BTW, both are unaccept ...

Ha ha , the grump is back with half truths


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Post time 9-7-2013 07:17 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 9-7-2013 11:32 AM
Dik muslim yang jahil, bukan semua Kristian memakai simbol salib. Yang pasti pengetahuan kau tenta ...
(1)Dik muslim yang jahil, bukan semua Kristian memakai simbol salib. Yang pasti pengetahuan kau tentang agama Kristian hanya pada permukaan saja....bagi budak jahil macam kau, Kristian hanyalah RC dan Prostestant saja, kan ? Dalamilah ilmu am agama kau tu dulu sebelum memalukan diri sendiri.

(2)Cakap pasal simbol, kan semua masjid ada simbol BULAN SABIT di hujung "dome"nya ??? Adakah ini bermakna kamu ni muslim memuja dewa bulan pagan Arab, Allah ??? Bukan saja di masjid, bahkan di semua bendera negara Islam pun ada simbol bulan Sabit !

(3)Pasal hal sula tu, hanya otak muslim saja yang asyik berfantasi tentang tu. Kalau kau suka sangat menggunakan contoh pemujaan idola, adakah semua muslim harus menjadi "paedophile" seperti pengasas kamu Muhammad yang mengahwini Aisyah yang berumur 6 tahun dan melakukan seks dengannya ketika dia berumur 9 tahun ???
kucing hitam dah kuar dah........

(1)nampak sangat agama kristian ni bukan agama yang benar.soal pemakaian salib pun dah berbeza pendapat,padahal paderi korang gak yang ajar suh pakai salib.bukan Nabi Isa yang ajar,bagi ko orang kristian yang pakai salib ni sesat la???

(2)masjid kat kampung aku takde pun simbol bulan sabit.bila masa plak simbol bulan di kaitkan dengan Allah.Orang kristian yang suka sangat percaya dengan simbol2 ni.orang islam tak percaya dengan simbol.

(3)bawa bukti yang menyokong kenyataan kau ni.


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Post time 9-7-2013 07:38 PM | Show all posts
nightlord posted on 8-7-2013 12:04 AM
Quote from Beachboys :

"untuk pengetahuan ko la,syiah ni bukan dikalangan orang Islam.mereka buka ...
Quote from Beachboys :

"untuk pengetahuan ko la,syiah ni bukan dikalangan orang Islam.mereka bukan orang Islam"

That is exactly my point, Sunni dont recognise Shia and Shia dont recognise .

In the middle east , they shoot each other.

In Malaysia, Sunni arrest Shia for practicing.
Sunni dont recognise Shia and Shia dont recognise??

Orang islam dah tahu sangat mengenai fahaman syiah ni.ko xyah amek port.Penolakan mereka kepada Al-Quran sudah cukup untuk menjadikan mereka murtad dan  termasuk dikalangan orang-orang kafir.mereka ini tiada beza dengan pengikut kristian yang kononnya mengikut ajaran Nabi Isa AS.


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Post time 9-7-2013 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Half truth is way better than total lies, isn't it ?

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Post time 9-7-2013 10:46 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 9-7-2013 07:17 PM
kucing hitam dah kuar dah........

(1)nampak sangat agama kristian ni bukan agama yang bena ...

You are either really naive or really stupid or simply you are combination of both !

BTW, Kucing hitam makan dan telan ikan tikus macam kau hidup-hidup !

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Post time 10-7-2013 12:17 AM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 9-7-2013 10:30 PM
Half truth is way better than total lies, isn't it ?

TQ again for your admission of pedding 'half truths'. Appears that to christians telling half truths is ok.

However Paul in the bible is saying that lying for the glory of your biblical god is ok .... rom3:7 ... wink - wink


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Post time 10-7-2013 08:32 AM | Show all posts
I think we should cut the crap now, for a simple debate like this which are filled with mounting evidences around us, what is true cannot be false and what is false cannot be true.

Let us see;

For Christians, there are many organized cults like Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and Moonies.

But, Protestants and Catholics in USA certainly don't kill and persecute Mormons and JW. Similarly, South Korean Christians majority don't persecute Moonies as well.
Even between Protestants and Catholics which have fundamental differences as regard to deity of Mary, don't persecute each other anymore since 17th century.

Even for Buddhists, there are fundamental differences between Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions. But, they don't persecute and kill each other !

However, the scenarios is very different with Islam, Sunni and Shia are persecuting and worse still KILLING each other even in 21st century(where violence against each other are considered grossly uncivilised as early as 20th century!)  The reason they are killing each other ? Simple reason, differences in Leadership in Islam between Sunni and Shia can lead to gruesome bloodshed between two factions. What drive muslims committing all these violence ? The reason is even simpler, Islam itself is devoid of tolerance and was built on the tenet of terror, violent, killing and lies.

From Afghanistan to Iraq to Egypt, Sunni and Shia are persecuting and killing each other. Even in Malaysia, Sunni majority are persecuting the Shia minority. ... tml?.tsrc=samsungwn.  

Last edited by wkk5159 on 10-7-2013 10:41 AM


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Post time 10-7-2013 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Certain ustazy here is acknowledging that total lies is bread and butter for Islam. Bravo, you finally got it right, ustazy....but no candy as rewards.

By the way, for those of you not familiar with Islam, here are some precious sharings, in Islam, not only did habitual liar like Muhammad lie but their god, Allah also lies. Proof ?
In Quran, Allah deceived others for believing that it was someone else been crucified on the cross and not Jesus, Islam claimed that their Allah ascended Jesus to heaven.


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Post time 10-7-2013 01:18 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 10-7-2013 08:32 AM
I think we should cut the crap now, for a simple debate like this which are filled with mounting evi ...

Err did you understand what you read? From your link of reference

Mohd Amar menegaskan walaupun terdapat sebilangan pengikut Syiah dibenarkan untuk mengamalkan mazhab tersebut, hakikatnya mazhab Sunnah Wal Jamaah adalah majoriti di Malaysia dan status tersebut perlu dipertahankan serta dikekalkan. "Kita tidak boleh biarkan fahaman Syiah berkembang dengan bebas, walaupun kita hormati pegangan dia, tapi dalam konteks masyarakat kita di Malaysia, pada pandangan kita, kerajaan persekutuan dan kerajaan Kelantan sendiri, pegangan kita adalah Sunnah Wal Jamaah," kata Mohd Amar yang dipetik berkata dalam akhbar harian Utusan Malaysia hari ini.

If the 'pengikut syiah dibenarkan mengamalkan mazhab tersebut' , where is the persecution?

The question here
- will mainstream christianity allow 'moonies' , 'mormons' , JW to to evengelize them? The answer is no.
(a) persecution of moonies
Sherwood mentions opposition by the news media, major Christian denominations, and members of the government including Representative Donald Fraser and Senator Bob Dole. Sherwood characterizes this opposition as unfair, dishonest, and mean-spirited. He concludes that the federal prosecution of Moon on tax charges was unjust, citing the court's refusal to allow Moon's fellow defendant Takeru Kamiyama to provide his own translator, its refusal to allow the two men a bench trial rather than a jury trial, possible tainting of the jury, and the allegedly unusual length of Moon's sentence (18 months) for a U.S. federal tax conviction. He also mentions that Moon could have avoided the trial if he had remained outside of the United States.[1][2]

Sherwood sums up his views by writing:

    The Unification Church, its leaders and followers were and continue to be the victims of the worst kind of religious prejudice and racial bigotry this country has witnessed in over a century. Moreover, virtually every institution we as Americans hold sacred the Congress, the courts, law enforcement agencies, the press, even the U.S. Constitution itself was prostituted in a malicious, oftentimes brutal manner, as part of a determined effort to wipe out this small but expanding religious movement.[1][2][3]

(b)persecution of mormons
Mormons generally continue to feel persecuted, together with the implications of this sensibility for their contemporary sense of self and their interactions with broader society. There is some evidence that Mormons continue to identify as a people singled out for ridicule. Research from the Pew Forum on Religion and American Life, which provides the best and most extensive (public) data on contemporary attitudes about Mormonism and among Mormons, indicates that a majority of Mormons do indeed feel disliked and especially ostracized in American society

Mormons face considerable suspicion and even hostility from Americans. They are outranked only by Muslims and (oddly) Buddhists as the most disliked American religion. The antipathy is especially strong among evangelical Christians, who have deep aversions to the “heresies” of Mormon theology, and among a far-left fringe of liberal Americans,

(c)persecution of JW
*In France, the government has officially branded Jehovah's Witnesses a "dangerous sect." In 2006 alone, 71 Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses were vandalized, firebombed, burned and shot at. Rather than offer protection, French government officials publicly call Jehovah's Witnesses "criminals" and impose a crippling 60-percent tax not levied on any other religion.

*South Korea has imprisoned 1,000 Jehovah's Witness ministers who are conscientious objectors to military service. Men who complete their jail time are re-drafted and given new prison sentences. Singapore only incarcerates Jehovah's Witnesses while other conscientious objectors are allowed to do non-military community service. In Turkey, a Jehovah's Witness was just handed his ninth prison term for refusal to bear arms.

*Moscow has outlawed Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion. They are not allowed to own houses of worship and are banned from practicing their faith anywhere. In other parts of Russia, police have raided services, beaten worshipers and jailed entire congregations. Uzbekistan has stripped its Jehovah's Witness communities of any legal status.

*Mexican authorities confiscated the farmland of 70 Jehovah's Witness families in 2005 and redistributed it to other settlers. Schools in Mexico fire teachers who are Jehovah's Witnesses.

*In India, mobs attacked Jehovah's Witnesses in door-to-door ministry - some beaten with fence posts -- in nine documented cases in 2006. Authorities refused to prosecute the assailants, but filed charges against the Jehovah's Witnesses for inciting the violence.

Ha ha , appears that you don't know what you are talking about. This sums up the arguments by christians all the while ('wkk5159' , 'nightlord' , 'truth.9') - farting thru the mouth.

Argue with evidence  not fantasy .....


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Post time 10-7-2013 01:33 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 10-7-2013 10:35 AM
Certain ustazy here is acknowledging that total lies is bread and butter for Islam. Bravo, you finally got it right, ustazy....but no candy as rewards.

By the way, for those of you not familiar with Islam, here are some precious sharings, in Islam, not only did habitual liar like Muhammad lie but their god, Allah also lies. Proof ?
In Quran, Allah deceived others for believing that it was someone else been crucified on the cross and not Jesus, Islam claimed that their Allah ascended Jesus to heaven.

Bzzt! Wrong! No where in the Quran stated per what you claim :
Allah deceived others for believing that it was someone else been crucified on the cross and not Jesus

You are again arguing from fantasy aka farting from your mouth. The belief that Prophet Isa(as) was not put on to the cross came from the early scholars on the argument that Allah will not allow his messenger suffer humiliation. Its their opinion.

The Quran states that he was not crucified nor killed. If a person lived thru a so called crucifixion , then it is not crucifixion. Crucifixion means that a person is killed on the stake or cross.

Quran4:157 (yusuf Ali)
That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

Even the bible is not sure of this
(1) We know that Jesus Barabbas was released by Pilate. 'Barabbas' means son of father - what biblical Jesus addressed himself (mat27)
(2) When the disciples met biblical Jesus after his so called crucifixion (or rather crucifiction) , he had holes in his hand. This indicate he did not die nor resurrected. In the bible , OT , resurrection means the person come back to life without blemish of the wounds that killed him. (joh20 , eze37)

Where is the bibllical evidence that biblical Jesus was crucified / killed and was resurrected? None in the bible. Your belief of biblical Jesus was crucified / killed and was resurrected is just an innovation or 'bid'ah' by christians themselves. Your belief is not evidence driven. In other words ..... belief in fantasy .... again ... ha ha ... the following of conjecture. The Quran is right ... again

You now need to show where in the bible that biblical Jesus was killed/crucified and resurrected. You will have a hard time. This is going to be fun , you making a fool of yourself. Ha ha .... don't say I didn't warn you

Last edited by sam1528 on 10-7-2013 01:50 PM


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Post time 10-7-2013 04:10 PM | Show all posts
This delusional lecherous ustazy certainly is a true muslims. No doubt about it.

Not only he is twisting and can't understand the simple facts but he is oblivious to what is happening around him and continuously shrouded in denial state.
Let me take a excerpt of what this retarded ustazy quoted in post #194;

     *In France, the government has officially branded Jehovah's Witnesses a "dangerous sect." In 2006 alone, 71 Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses were vandalized, firebombed, burned and shot at. Rather than offer protection, French government officials publicly call Jehovah's Witnesses "criminals" and impose a crippling 60-percent tax not levied on any other religion.

    *South Korea has imprisoned 1,000 Jehovah's Witness ministers who are conscientious objectors to military service. Men who complete their jail time are re-drafted and given new prison sentences. Singapore only incarcerates Jehovah's Witnesses while other conscientious objectors are allowed to do non-military community service. In Turkey, a Jehovah's Witness was just handed his ninth prison term for refusal to bear arms.

    *Moscow has outlawed Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion. They are not allowed to own houses of worship and are banned from practicing their faith anywhere. In other parts of Russia, police have raided services, beaten worshipers and jailed entire congregations. Uzbekistan has stripped its Jehovah's Witness communities of any legal status.

    *Mexican authorities confiscated the farmland of 70 Jehovah's Witness families in 2005 and redistributed it to other settlers. Schools in Mexico fire teachers who are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    *In India, mobs attacked Jehovah's Witnesses in door-to-door ministry - some beaten with fence posts -- in nine documented cases in 2006. Authorities refused to prosecute the assailants, but filed charges against the Jehovah's Witnesses for inciting the violence.

Isn't Uzbekistan a Islamic country ??? Stupidity really need not be taught !.....

Furthermore, do we think the fate of these cults will fare better in stricter and more fanatic muslim countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia ??? We all kow the answer except the infamous lecherous ustazy....

By the way, countries lke Singapore and South Korea are not considered Christian nations and they ban Jehovah witnesses simply because adult JW refuse to join compulsory army services in these countries which of course will have no compromise if any civilians break it. But our discussion here certainly not about this petty legal proceeding, our concern is more on violent perscution of different sects and cults by their own majority  faith.

Again, did Christians violently persecute and kill their cult brethrens in 21st century ? The answer is a big NO !
Did Buddhists violently persecute and kill their cult brethrens too in 21st century ? The answer is a big NO too !

But, unlike other faiths which is stranger to violence in this 21st century, Islam still violently persecute and kill each other simply because they have different opinion on petty issue in leadership and Mu-Ham-Mad. The very moment i write this post, Sunni and Shia are killing each other like no tomorrow, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia..... That's the consequences of being a follower of a faith built on tenets of violence, terror, killing and lies !

If one can equate legal proceeding and banning of particular cults to violent persecution but at the same time oblivious to violent killing of their own kind simply because the opposite factions hold minor deviation from what he/she believes, what more you can expect from such a retarded conscienceless mind ?


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Post time 10-7-2013 04:22 PM | Show all posts
  • According to Ibn Kathir, Surah 3:52-54 also speaks of the crucifixion of Jesus and it states
    "But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto Him). Our Lord! We believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow him whom Thou hast sent. Enroll us among those who witness (to the truth). And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." S. 3:52-54 Pickthall
    In Arabic Surah 3:54 reads

    Allah refers to himself as "Khayrul-Makereen" which correctly translated means "Allah is the greatest of all deceivers." This is easily verified by looking up the root letters (Meem, Kaaf, and Rah) in an Arabic Dictionary such as Al-Mawrid:

    Seems like this poor old lecherous ustazy has done a disservice to his Master.............


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Post time 10-7-2013 04:48 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 10-7-2013 04:10 PM
This delusional lecherous ustazy certainly is a true muslims. No doubt about it.

Not only he is twisting and can't understand the simple facts but he is oblivious to what is happening around him and continuously shrouded in denial state.
Let me take a excerpt of what this retarded ustazy quoted in post #194;

     *In France, the government has officially branded Jehovah's Witnesses a "dangerous sect." In 2006 alone, 71 Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses were vandalized, firebombed, burned and shot at. Rather than offer protection, French government officials publicly call Jehovah's Witnesses "criminals" and impose a crippling 60-percent tax not levied on any other religion.

    *South Korea has imprisoned 1,000 Jehovah's Witness ministers who are conscientious objectors to military service. Men who complete their jail time are re-drafted and given new prison sentences. Singapore only incarcerates Jehovah's Witnesses while other conscientious objectors are allowed to do non-military community service. In Turkey, a Jehovah's Witness was just handed his ninth prison term for refusal to bear arms.

    *Moscow has outlawed Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion. They are not allowed to own houses of worship and are banned from practicing their faith anywhere. In other parts of Russia, police have raided services, beaten worshipers and jailed entire congregations. Uzbekistan has stripped its Jehovah's Witness communities of any legal status.

    *Mexican authorities confiscated the farmland of 70 Jehovah's Witness families in 2005 and redistributed it to other settlers. Schools in Mexico fire teachers who are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    *In India, mobs attacked Jehovah's Witnesses in door-to-door ministry - some beaten with fence posts -- in nine documented cases in 2006. Authorities refused to prosecute the assailants, but filed charges against the Jehovah's Witnesses for inciting the violence.

Isn't Uzbekistan a Islamic country ??? Stupidity really need not be taught !.....

Furthermore, do we think the fate of these cults will fare better in stricter and more fanatic muslim countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia ??? We all kow the answer except the infamous lecherous ustazy....

By the way, countries lke Singapore and South Korea are not considered Christian nations and they ban Jehovah witnesses simply because adult JW refuse to join compulsory army services in these countries which of course will have no compromise if any civilians break it. But our discussion here certainly not about this petty legal proceeding, our concern is more on violent perscution of different sects and cults by their own majority  faith.

Again, did Christians violently persecute and kill their cult brethrens in 21st century ? The answer is a big NO !
Did Buddhists violently persecute and kill their cult brethrens too in 21st century ? The answer is a big NO too !

But, unlike other faiths which is stranger to violence in this 21st century, Islam still violently persecute and kill each other simply because they have different opinion on petty issue in leadership and Mu-Ham-Mad. The very moment i write this post, Sunni and Shia are killing each other like no tomorrow, from Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia..... That's the consequences of being a follower of a faith built on tenets of violence, terror, killing and lies !

If one can equate legal proceeding and banning of particular cults to violent persecution but at the same time oblivious to violent killing of their own kind simply because the opposite factions hold minor deviation from what he/she believes, what more you can expect from such a retarded conscienceless mind ?

TQ for admitting that stupidity cannot be taught. It is natural for people like you.

Err , when did Uzbekistan became an Islamic country? It is governed by secular laws. The question here are the JW being persecuted? Answer is yes by both christian dominated countries like france and mexico and non christian dominated countries. Your point that christians do not persecute JW is just hogwash.

Christians and buddhists are now more into killing of muslims. Tell me how many innocents died in the illegal invasion of Iraq / Afghanistan / myanmar. As we are arguing here , there are some more being killed by drone attacks and killings of the rohingyas. Ha ha , your hypocrisy is as clear as day.

The funny thing , in the past 2 years , a christian Anders Breivik takes the top position in killings. He was a person who visions himself being a knight templar , an ardent follower of Rev Deacon Robert Spencer,  a thoroughbred islamophobic christian. Hmm , christians are so muted with this event. Ha ha

Last edited by sam1528 on 10-7-2013 05:19 PM


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Post time 10-7-2013 05:17 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 10-7-2013 04:22 PM According to Ibn Kathir, Surah 3:52-54 also speaks of the crucifixion of Jesus and it states

"But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto Him). Our Lord! We believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow him whom Thou hast sent. Enroll us among those who witness (to the truth). And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." S. 3:52-54 Pickthall
In Arabic Surah 3:54 reads

Allah refers to himself as "Khayrul-Makereen" which correctly translated means "Allah is the greatest of all deceivers." This is easily verified by looking up the root letters (Meem, Kaaf, and Rah) in an Arabic Dictionary such as Al-Mawrid:

Seems like this poor old lecherous ustazy has done a disservice to his Master.............

Told you guys. This bigot racist christian , 'wkk5159' is running away with his tail between his legs. When asked for biblical evidence for the death of biblical jesus (via crucifixion) and his resurrection ..... no response but trying his best to run away. Ha ha , there is no explicit proof in the bible of such. Yet you believe of such. Tsk-tsk-tsk .... such innovation in christianity.

Now you run to another topic? Why are you so scared to provide biblical proof of biblical Jesus dying / resurrected? Issit because there is actually none?

Lets review Quran3:54 again (per your post)
"But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto Him). Our Lord! We believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow him whom Thou hast sent. Enroll us among those who witness (to the truth). And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." S. 3:52-54 Pickthall

Lets substitute 'scheme' with deceive' , since you copy paste this argument from answering Islam and 'die die' believe in it.
"But when Jesus became conscious of their disbelief, he cried: Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We will be Allah's helpers. We believe in Allah, and bear thou witness that we have surrendered (unto Him). Our Lord! We believe in that which Thou hast revealed and we follow him whom Thou hast sent. Enroll us among those who witness (to the truth). And they (the disbelievers) deceive , and Allah deceive (against them): and Allah is the best of deceivers." S. 3:52-54 Pickthall

Why can't Allah scheme or deceive the enemies of his messenger in order to save Prophet Isa(as) from being killed? What is wrong with it? This again shows that Allah protects his messengers. Not some funny and crazy biblical God who killed his only son to atone for the sins of others.

Interestingly in the bible , the biblical God is a deceiver and a liar :
Then I said, "Ah, Sovereign LORD, how completely you have deceived (nasha) this people and Jerusalem by saying, 'You will have peace,' when the sword is at our throats."  

20 And the LORD said, 'Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?'
      "One suggested this, and another that.
21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the LORD and said, 'I will entice him.'
22 " 'By what means?' the LORD asked.
      " 'I will go out and be a lying spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,' he said.
      " 'You will succeed in enticing him,' said the LORD. 'Go and do it.'

eze14:9-11 , comment : this is entrapment as the biblical God is punishing for a crime the biblical God enticed in the first place
9 " 'And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the LORD have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel. 10 They will bear their guilt-the prophet will be as guilty as the one who consults him. 11 Then the people of Israel will no longer stray from me, nor will they defile themselves anymore with all their sins. They will be my people, and I will be their God, declares the Sovereign LORD.' "

The LORD has poured into them a spirit of dizziness; they make Egypt stagger in all that she does, as a drunkard staggers around in his vomit.

mark4:10-12 , comment : biblical Jesus deceiving certain people by speaking in parables so that they won't repent and be forgiven
10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables.
11 He told them, "The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables
12 so that," 'they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'

For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie

Ha ha , a laundry list of the biblical God being a liar and a deceiver. Not a schemer though.

Told you the site answering islam is just about the worst site to use in arguments against islam. You did not believe me. Now you need to
- provide biblical evidence that biblical Jesus died and was resurrected
- explain why the biblical God (meaning biblical Jesus) lied and deceive

Ha ha , lets see what other issues you bring up in order to run ... run run shaw ... ha ha
Last edited by sam1528 on 10-7-2013 05:22 PM


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Post time 10-7-2013 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Ha ha , lets see what other issues you bring up in order to run ... run run shaw ... ha ha ....................

How come i smell some imitations and aping here ? Oh, i remember now, this lecherous doggy ustazy is aping my unique post from the thread "Muslim terrorists again";

Kakakaka.....since this lecherous toothless doggy ustazy can't even pruduce evidences to refute me but just resorted to defamatory remark that peace loving earthling like me is a liar, i guessi i just have to copy and paste my previous unanswered( can't be refuted forever coz it's truth !) post for everyone to enjoy.... my unique second to none excellent post....

The stinky necrotic VD infected birdy of this lecherous doggy ustazy is getting stinkier everytime he lies.......

Hey lecherous australoid doggy ustazy, you understand the whimsical statistic you copy and paste or not......apparently you don't even know what is terrorism because for you muslim, it's a NORM !  ......

You quoted Basque French Separatist, local nationalism movement which fight for autonomy and independence within Basque region, France; ok then, give us a TANGIBLE EXAMPLE of terrorism act(s) committed by them against innocent civilians on global scale ! What ? there is none ??? You are truly a habitual liar like your pseudo prophet !

Ku Klux Klan which is white supremacist movement based in USA only, again, give us a TANGIBLE EXAMPLE of  terrorism act committed by them against innocent civilians on global scale !  What ?? Again there is none ?? Shame on you, you satanic worshipper !

This one even better, Latino terrorists ??? Hold on, let me retrieve this news from ... ion-_b_1105514.html, ...."The fact that Muhammad Yusuf, who was arrested yesterday and accused of conspiring to commit a terrorist act in New York, was born in the Dominican Republic and that his pre-conversion name is Jose Pimentel'.  See ! Even the Latino who committed terrorism is a converted muslim ! A converted muslim !

Now, we don't have a shadow of a doubt that Islam is a satanic cult which can turn its believers into blood thirsty terrorist murderers who are lured by promise of unlimited virgins awaiting them in Islamic paradise( hell in fact ! ), the above Latinos example is an excellent example how this evil cult can turn a normal human being into a violent zombie retard.

The most wanted name listed on FBI website are virtually all muslims ! Al-Zawahiri, Al-Nasser, Ali Atwa, Al-Badawi, Izz-A-Din, Shallah, Al-Liby and very soon i'm sure the name sam1528 will be joining the list.

Again, your poorly orchestrated Muhammadan Lies are Self-Destructing into Smithereens !

Run doggy like a scalded scabie doggy.....Run ! You can run but you can't hide !

See, this dumb australoid ustazy is becoming even dumber by defending Islam valiantly.................I think now he deserves the synonym simian in addition of doggy !

If i were him, i will be more concern about the pathetic state of his fellow muslims worldwide and start doing somthng now to reform Islam instead of blaming and envying other faiths for excelling in every aspect of civiizations and light years ahead of Islam. Afterall, who give a damn of a religion which even perform much worse than a paganic Shinto.

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