[TVN]Liar Game {Lee Sang Yoon,Kim So Eun} [Hntr review sblm 1 Jan 2015]
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naqibnasuha posted on 5-11-2014 11:09 PM 
comeiii sgt tgk derang nih 
Kenapa ramai sgt crush kt prof ha ni? :Q ingatkn ai sorg je kt thread ni angau kt heols ramai lg rupenye |
cess posted on 6-11-2014 10:03 AM
napeee kitaaa suka crush ngn prof....dulu oppa alien
skng ni prof ha plk
Hehe...maybe suka yg de title prof..haha..taste tinggi... |
cess posted on 6-11-2014 10:03 AM 
napeee kitaaa suka crush ngn prof....dulu oppa alien
skng ni prof ha plk
sejak Angel Eyes kan cess....sblm2 tu mmg tk best lakonan dia...
ayushuhada04 posted on 6-11-2014 11:56 AM 
sejak Angel Eyes kan cess....sblm2 tu mmg tk best lakonan dia...
hahaha...itu laaa ayu...angel eyes mmg kasi pukul abess laa lakonan dia 
cess posted on 6-11-2014 12:38 PM 
hahaha...itu laaa ayu...angel eyes mmg kasi pukul abess laa lakonan dia
mmg menjadi kan ....dah le tu...cepat jer LSY ni grab job baru..
so kita pun semakin bersemangat nk tgk dia berlakon...
cess posted on 6-11-2014 12:45 PM 
yg dia grep cite baru ni lakkk...lain dari lainn character dia...skali tgk mcm dh sangkut lak :lol ...
ayu pun pada mulanya mcm tk mau je tgk cite ni...sbb game kan..
tp bila cess kata best..ohh tgk je ler...tp mmg best ler..
sbb lain sikit watak LSY bawakan...tu yg sangkut..
dan yg penting...cite ni hanya 1p ep jer..
ayushuhada04 posted on 6-11-2014 12:48 PM 
ayu pun pada mulanya mcm tk mau je tgk cite ni...sbb game kan..
tp bila cess kata best..ohh tgk j ...
ni kira drama LSY yg buat nas suka kat dia...suka dgn cara dia dressing dlm citer...
br abis tgk episod 1 sapa 7....kalu woo jin xdok mase layoff game tu.mau nye da jung tersingkir....
sapa2 boleh explain tak scene main card dgn jamie tu... confiuse la...
finally faham... someone dkt dramafire dah explain...
"it is a one sided game. basically it is made to make the colored card owner lose. the rule is, 1.when drawing the card it must be face down (this is where con start) 2.if the card drawn facing up or colored, then the card must be re-draw. shortening the explanation ~~ the colored card owner only got 25/75 instead of 50/50 chance."
explaination on 25/75 :-
"I think Jamie said if the cards drawn are faced up first (light, instead of dark), then DJ has to put the cards back into the bag. And since the probability of cards drawn is (D: Dark, L ight) = DD/DL/LD (DD means when card is drawn its Dark, and when its flipped its still Dark) So probability for DJ to win is 2 out of 3 (DL or LD)
Then the probability just for DJ to win (either with DL or LD) just decreased to 1 out of 3 (DL only).
That's all I can grasp from it right now. I think there's more..about how Jamie could get a 50% probability. I dont get this either."
"There are not three options, but four, LD,DL, DD (or D1D2), and another DD (D2D1). Jamie may have a card with identical pictures, but each side is still independent in the statistics game (this is why Jamie's chances are 50% and not 33.33%). If it doesn't matter which side would face up, every side has 25% chance of being drawn. However, because DJ has to redo the drawing when her Joker faces up, she basically throws away 25% (wasted, nobody wins) of her winning chance, whereas Jamie will never face this problem and will keep her 50% chance."
zanierpk posted on 9-11-2014 10:59 AM 
finally faham... someone dkt dramafire dah explain...
"it is a one sided game. basically it is m ...
konsep plg senang difahami mcm ni....
kad tu kan, kalau muka die kt atas, kalau da jung bawak kuar pastu kuar gmbr joker, da jung kene plg kan balik dlm sarung tu so time tu
kemungkinan da jung menang = 100% tp sbb kene pulang balik so probability die dah 0%
kalau kad yg dikeluarkan muka hitam yg kuar so jamie masih ade 50% chance utk menang la. but since muka hitam ade 3 out of 4 surface, so sbnrnye jamie punya peluang nak menang sblm kad dikeluarkan pun dah 75%. so gitulah...
Citer ni ade brape episod 10 ke 12 |
Masa prof ha muncul pastu die ngaku dielah anjing dj yg setia,pastu die akan kerjakan sape2 yg apa apakan DJ, terserlah sgt kemachoan die time tu
*ikon mata jadi love besar* |
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