ehh, okay gakk pe
kalau Rob jadik mr spider nih..
from vampire tukar career ke spiderman lak :pompom: |
bila baca blog2 twilight dari luar negara ni kan, diorang benci betul dengan buku BD. katanya terlalu tak sesuai dan merepek. yeke? diorang list BD as the boring-est book between all 4.
but for me, i think BD is the best book. just because ada part jacob, bella dengan anak dia, bella get married, bella belajar jadi vampire, then pertemuan antar semua coven di seluruh dunia.
how about you guys?? |
rob jadi spiderman? boleh laa. muka toby pun ala2 jambu macam rob jugak, cuma rob lagi hensem je kalau betul rob jadi spiderman, sure aku tengok movie tu (sebelum ni tak layan pun spiderman haha) |
1970# a.ceCCo
lepas ulang 3-4 kali bace buku2 tu.. kite pon xminat BD. sbb kt BD tu dh xde citer menarik, sbb bella dh jd vampire, dh x byk citer die ngan edward. my fav-twilight , pastu eclipse, new moon, last sekali breaking dawn
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1971# pavlova
hi pav lama tak jumpa
for me, i like BD, then eclipse, twilight, new moon.
buku new moon tu buat cecco tertanya-tanya mana la si edward ni. heh. eclipse pulak sebab banyak part jacob and the wolfpack. suka part yang dia oleh baca fikiran tu. seth tu watak dia comel sangat. geram je rasa  |
will smith sesuai kot jd peter parker aka spdey yg baru... |
bila baca blog2 twilight dari luar negara ni kan, diorang benci betul dengan buku BD. katanya terlalu tak sesuai dan merepek. yeke? diorang list BD as the boring-est book between all 4.
but for me, ...
a.ceCCo Post at 25-1-2010 15:00 
Yea yea.. mmg dorang camtu coz dorang taknak citer tu habis camtu je
dorang nak Stephenie teruskan lagi penulisan nya tu macam citer harry porter..
tapi whatever it is, I suka Twilight, BD, Eclipse & New Moon.
Exclipse & New Moon banyak sgt citer pasal si Jacob ahh
by the way, I dah baca draft midnight sun kat blog stephenie. more to edward - best laa
Hopefully stephenie will continue tulis midnight sun ni yea
pleaseee stephenie..... plzzzz |
Yea yea.. mmg dorang camtu coz dorang taknak citer tu habis camtu je
dorang nak Stephenie teruskan lagi penulisan nya tu macam citer harry porter..
tapi whatever it is, I suka Twilight, BD, Ecli ...
bspotgurl Post at 26-1-2010 13:06 
bspot, mmg eclipse byk psl jacob.
tp psl jacob dgn edward.
camner both edward and jacob nak tolerate each other.
and the best part..., edward wins! |
smlm kite the Beauty & the Beast
rase mcm ade persamaan je citer Twilight ngan Beauty & the Beast!
1st, nama heroin die Bella & Belle - lebih kurang!
Beast ngan Edward tu pon character mcm lebih kurang gak.. sbb Edward kan selalu rase die cam monster..
hmmm... adekah kite dh semakin parah sakit twilight ni..??:kant: xtau bile nak kebah
tgk ape pon mesti nak compare ngan twilight gak
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
yup theres been this rumor circulating all over the net. and pls say no to this rob. enough with all this edward thingy, he just need to make great films... |
yup theres been this rumor circulating all over the net. and pls say no to this rob. enough with all this edward thingy, he just need to make great films...
baduglyu Post at 29-1-2010 01:25 
huh! Why not Rob?
nothing wrong with him rite |
smlm kite the Beauty & the Beast
rase mcm ade persamaan je citer Twilight ngan Beauty & the Beast!
1st, nama heroin die Bella & Belle - lebih kurang!
Beast ngan Edward tu pon character mcm le ...
pavlova Post at 28-1-2010 16:57 
hihik.. ye tak ye gak kan..
demam ni takan habiss selagi eclipse belum kuar rasanye...
ermm, tapi I nak tgk remember me dulu ler |
ehh, okay gakk pe
kalau Rob jadik mr spider nih..
from vampire tukar career ke spiderman lak :pompom:
bspotgurl Post at 25-1-2010 13:42 
aku sbagai fan setia rob...aku tak nak rob jd spiderman
psl ehmm...spiderman kna cover sluruh body smpai muka
pls rob...dont...your value is more than that |
macam ponen jer kalo rob jadi spidey bagaii (( |
jadik ke zombie ni jadik spidey?  |
Apsal tak amek kekasih hati ku Jared Padalecki.. |
hi bspotgurl 
remember me tu bukan dari novel sophie kinsella tu kan? bukan ape, banyak sangat movie yang ambik dari movie nih. cite ps i love you pun ambik dari novel dia.  |
urggghhh..., takder pic clips from eclipse ker uols???
30 june tu lama sgt ler...dah tak sabar nih. |
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