Restricted Inbound and Outbound Items:
Cigarettes/ Cigars/ Tobacco Products Duty Free Allowance:
Forinbound: 400 cigarettes if staying less than 6 months; 600 cigarettesif staying more than 6 months. For outbound: 4 cartons of tobaccoproducts.
(nih yg penting pada perokok cam haku)
Alcoholic Beverages Duty Free Allowance:
For inbound: 2 bottles each not exceeding 0.75 liter if staying less than 6 months;
4 bottles each not exceeding 0.75 liter if staying more than 6 months.
Chinese Herbs & Patent Medicines:
Foroutbound: Max. 300 Yuan per person to foreign countries. Max. 150 Yuanper person to Hong Kong, Macao. Exceeding the limit on musk and otherChinese herbs and medicines are prohibited.
Gifts Items Duty Free Allowance:
For inbound: reasonable quantity of perfume for personal use
Gold, Silver & Ornaments:
For inbound: amount not exceeding 50 grams. Exporting any of thesepurchased items (including handicrafts of inlaid gold/silver ware) isonly allowed with special invoices issued by PRC.
Cultural Relics:
Items for export should be sent to the cultural administrativedepartments first for verification and issuing of invoice permits orexport licenses.
Electronic Appliances:
For inbound: One each of the following items is allowed: Camera,portable tape-recorder, portable cinecamera, portable video camera,portable computer.
Prohibited Articles:
For inbound: Arms, imitation arms, ammunition, explosives of all kinds,counterfeit currencies/negotiable securities, printed matter, films,photos, gramophone records, cinematographic films, loaded recordingtapes/video-tapes, CDs (video & audio), storage media forcomputers, articles which are detrimental to the political, economic,cultural and moral interest of China. Deadly poisons of all kinds.Opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, other addiction- inducing drugs andpsychedelics. Animals, plants and/or products made thereof infectedwith or carrying diseases
Export: is the same as prohibited articles for import. Manuscripts,printed matter, films, photos, gramophone records, cinematographicfilms, loaded recording tapes/video tapes, CDs (video & audio),storage media for computers and other articles which involve statesecrets, valuable cultural relics and other relics prohibited forexports Endangered or rare animals, plant (including specimens, seedsand/or reproducing materials).