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[GAME] Bersembang Tentang Nombor V2
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African lions catch about 20% of the prey they chase |
Every year, about 100 billion servings of instant ramen are sold each year, or about 14 bowls per person |
when the very first knitting union was established in Paris in 1527, no women were allowed. |
Just 30 minutes of daily complaining can physically damage your brain |
PUTRAJAYA: Kes demam denggi dilaporkan berkurangan kepada 2,373 kes pada Minggu Epidemologi ke-28 (ME28) iaitu bagi tempoh 7 hingga 13 Julai lalu berbanding 2,805 kes pada minggu sebelumnya, dengan tiada kematian akibat komplikasi denggi dilaporkan. |
180,000 pelajar baharu terima pembiayaan PTPTN setiap tahun. |
5 remaja termasuk 3 pelajar sekolah ditahan disyaki lumba haram. |
Microsoft menganggarkan 8.5 juta komputer Windows terkesan dengan masalah kemaskini Crowdstrike. |
Beri suapan RM250 kepada polis, buruh Myanmar didenda RM5,000. |
A 12-year-old girl is accused of smothering her 8-year-old cousin over an iPhone |
in 2015, North Korea fired artillery rounds across the border in response to South Korea’s first loudspeaker broadcasts in 11 years, prompting the South to return fire, according to South Korean officials. |
North Korea has floated more than 2,000 balloons to drop waste paper, scraps of cloth, cigarette butts, waste batteries and even manure on South Korea, |
In furious responses to past South Korean leafletting, North Korea in 2020 destroyed an empty South Korean-built liaison office in its territory and in 2014 it fired at incoming balloons. |
South Korean officials have previously said broadcasts from their loudspeakers can travel about 10 kilometers (6 miles) during the day and 24 kilometers (15 miles) at night. |
Olimpik Paris 2024: Lebih 8.8 juta tiket terjual. |
Agensi Anadolu melaporkan bahawa penyelidik dari Jet Propulsion Laboratory dan ETH Zurich mendapati bahawa panjang hari meningkat kira-kira 0.3 hingga 1.0 milisaat setiap abad disebabkan oleh perubahan iklim sepanjang abad ke-20. |
Namun, sejak 2000, kadar ini telah meningkat secara mendadak kepada 1.33 milisaat setiap abad. |
Pindaan Akta 574 akan dibuat pada sidang Parlimen Oktober depan. |
PETRA salur hampir RM300 juta bagi tiga pakej projek tangani banjir di Sarawak. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara