Originally posted by Sephiroth at 5-7-2005 02:46 PM:
For Anti-Akivist :
LEAVE and Do NOT Come Back.
R u admin or moderator Sepiroth? ki ki , r u afraid of me disclose all ur lie? Dun worry , my type is just stick to one issue.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:cak::cak: |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 28-6-2005 01:32 PM:
by fleurzsa
Im remember about The Superior Theory by Charles Darwin. The chosen people who have big skull, auburn eyes & hair.
Hmmm Its interesting to learn to know people by their ...
Okay lets discuss about a point here...
I cannot accept the theory about people now exist from evolution of microboes.
This is bcz of my own critical thinking and some al Quran verses.
Firmat Allah swt,
Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat: Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi. Mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memujiMu dan mensucikanMu?. Tuhan berfirman: Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya.
Dan Dia telah mengajarkan Nabi Adam, akan segala nama benda-benda dan gunanya, kemudian ditunjukkannya kepada malaikat lalu Dia berfirman: Terangkanlah kepadaKu nama benda-benda ini semuanya jika kamu golongan yang benar.
Malaikat itu menjawab: Maha suci Engkau (Ya Allah)! Kami tidak mempunyai pengetahuan selain dari apa yang Engkau ajarkan kepada kami; sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Yang Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Dan (ingatlah) ketika kami berfirman kepada malaikat: Tunduklah (beri hormat) kepada Nabi Adam. Lalu mereka sekaliannya tunduk memberi hormat melainkan Iblis; dia enggan dan takbur dan menjadilah dia dari golongan yang kafir.
Dan kami berfirman: Wahai Adam! Tinggallah engkau dan isterimu dalam Syurga dan makanlah dari makanannya sepuas-puasnya apa sahaja kamu berdua sukai dan janganlah kamu hampiri pokok ini; (jika kamu menghampirinya) maka akan menjadilah kamu dari golongan orang-orang yang zalim.
Setelah itu maka Syaitan menggelincirkan mereka berdua dari Syurga itu dan menyebabkan mereka dikeluarkan dari nikmat yang mereka telah berada di dalamnya dan Kami berfirman: Turunlah kamu! Sebahagian dari kamu menjadi musuh kepada sebahagian yang lain dan bagi kamu semua disediakan tempat kediaman di bumi, serta mendapat kesenangan hingga ke suatu masa (mati).
(Al Baqarah: 30-36)
Can u explain more by what u said about Abrahamic Religion spoke nothing of Heaven's actions?
Sorry about my slow of understanding. |
by fleurzsa
Okay lets discuss about a point here...
I cannot accept the theory about people now exist from evolution of microboes.
This is bcz of my own critical thinking and some al Quran verses.
Ceh! Thought you going to throw some Scientific arguement.
Can u explain more by what u said about Abrahamic Religion spoke nothing of Heaven's actions?
In Abrahamic Religion, what happens in Heaven seems to have no signs or changes on the World. Like in Hindusm and Buddhism, it is said that demons always attack the Heaven and that reflects directly to the World. |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 6-7-2005 07:51 AM:
by fleurzsa
Okay lets discuss about a point here...
I cannot accept the theory about people now exist from evolution of microboes.
This is bcz of my own critical thinking and some al Qu ...
He he he he... I have some scientific arguments about ur theory but Im too lazy to built sentences now. Hope u not mind I take times for it, kay.
Im a moderator to a new board now, NGO, Kelab & Persatuan. Actually I didnt apply for it. I just forwarded a forumner suggestion for that board. Haiyaa..
If u know about any society near u dont be shy to post it there. hu hu hu |
by fleurzsa
He he he he... I have some scientific arguments about ur theory but Im too lazy to built sentences now. Hope u not mind I take times for it, kay.
But I understand one thing, though. When Al Quran spoke about Adam and Eve, were they speaking of Adam and Eve from context of Soul or context of the Body?
If Evolution speak of the development of Body while the Soul jumped in at the begin of the stage of Homo Sapien, then it make sense. :hmm:
Im a moderator to a new board now, NGO, Kelab & Persatuan. Actually I didnt apply for it. I just forwarded a forumner suggestion for that board. Haiyaa..
If u know about any society near u dont be shy to post it there. hu hu hu
You can always look for it in Cari Search engine and send invitations to such clubs.
All the societies I know of are ones running around with swords, kick balls (male only ) and such. Hardly the type who uses Internet. |
U can compare the process of baby in mother womb with the al Quran verse below.
Development of the Embryo and Fetus
Firman Allah swt,
Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia dari pati (yang berasal) dari tanah.
Kemudian Kami jadikan "pati" itu (setitis) air benih pada penetapan yang kukuh.
Kemudian Kami ciptakan air benih itu menjadi sebuku darah beku lalu Kami ciptakan darah beku itu menjadi seketul daging; kemudian Kami ciptakan daging itu menjadi beberapa tulang; kemudian Kami balut tulang-tulang itu dengan daging. Setelah sempurna kejadian itu Kami bentuk ia menjadi makhluk yang lain sifat keadaannya. Maka nyatalah kelebihan dan ketinggian Allah sebaik-baik Pencipta.
( Al Mukminun: 12-14)
Dalam Al Qur'an dipaparkan bahwa manusia diciptakan melalui tiga tahapan dalam rahim ibunya.
"... Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan. Yang (berbuat) demikian itu adalah Allah, Tuhan kamu, Tuhan yang mempunyai kerajaan. Tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Dia; maka bagaimana kamu dapat dipalingkan?" (Al Qur'an, 39:6)
Sebagaimana yang akan dipahami, dalam ayat ini ditunjukkan bahwa seorang manusia diciptakan dalam tubuh ibunya dalam tiga tahapan yang berbeda. Sungguh, biologi modern telah mengungkap bahwa pembentukan embrio pada bayi terjadi dalam tiga tempat yang berbeda dalam rahim ibu. Sekarang, di semua buku pelajaran embriologi yang dipakai di berbagai fakultas kedokteran, hal ini dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan dasar. Misalnya, dalam buku Basic Human Embryology, sebuah buku referensi utama dalam bidang embriologi, fakta ini diuraikan sebagai berikut:
"Kehidupan dalam rahim memiliki tiga tahapan: pre-embrionik; dua setengah minggu pertama, embrionik; sampai akhir minggu ke delapan, dan janin; dari minggu ke delapan sampai kelahiran." (Williams P., Basic Human Embryology, 3. edition, 1984, s. 64.)
Fase-fase ini mengacu pada tahap-tahap yang berbeda dari perkembangan seorang bayi. Ringkasnya, ciri-ciri tahap perkembangan bayi dalam rahim adalah sebagaimana berikut:
- Tahap Pre-embrionik
Pada tahap pertama, zigot tumbuh membesar melalui pembelahan sel, dan terbentuklah segumpalan sel yang kemudian membenamkan diri pada dinding rahim. Seiring pertumbuhan zigot yang semakin membesar, sel-sel penyusunnya pun mengatur diri mereka sendiri guna membentuk tiga lapisan.
- Tahap Embrionik
Tahap kedua ini berlangsung selama lima setengah minggu. Pada masa ini bayi disebut sebagai "embrio". Pada tahap ini, organ dan sistem tubuh bayi mulai terbentuk dari lapisan- lapisan sel tersebut.
- Tahap fetus
Dimulai dari tahap ini dan seterusnya, bayi disebut sebagai "fetus". Tahap ini dimulai sejak kehamilan bulan kedelapan dan berakhir hingga masa kelahiran. Ciri khusus tahapan ini adalah terlihatnya fetus menyerupai manusia, dengan wajah, kedua tangan dan kakinya. Meskipun pada awalnya memiliki panjang 3 cm, kesemua organnya telah nampak. Tahap ini berlangsung selama kurang lebih 30 minggu, dan perkembangan berlanjut hingga minggu kelahiran.
Informasi mengenai perkembangan yang terjadi dalam rahim ibu, baru didapatkan setelah serangkaian pengamatan dengan menggunakan peralatan modern. Namun sebagaimana sejumlah fakta ilmiah lainnya, informasi-informasi ini disampaikan dalam ayat-ayat Al Qur'an dengan cara yang ajaib. Fakta bahwa informasi yang sedemikian rinci dan akurat diberikan dalam Al Qur'an pada saat orang memiliki sedikit sekali informasi di bidang kedokteran, merupakan bukti nyata bahwa Al Qur'an bukanlah ucapan manusia tetapi Firman Allah.
Be continued... |
I will wait for you to continue. |
Hawa was exist from one of Nabi Adam as rib bone.
Sabda Nabi saw,
"...baik2lah kamu berpesan (mendidik) wanita, kerana mereka dijadikan drp tulang rusuk yg bengkok. Kalau kamu lakukan (didik) secara kasar (paksaan), pasti mereka akan patah. Sebaliknya jika kamu biarkan (tidak mendidik), maka mereka akan terus bengkok. Kerana itu didiklah mereka secara lemah lembut..."
(riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)
Below is a site link with an argument about number of rib bones. My point here is not how many ribs Nabi Adam as has, but how female exist.
http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio105/ribs.htm |
by fleurzsa
Hawa was exist from one of Nabi Adam as rib bone.
Sebab itu ke Wanita Islam dilayan sbg hamba seks, mesin buat anak dan tukang jaga rumah? :cak:
Mungkin sebab itu juga, si pengali kubur (Gravedigger) itu mengatal nak pinang saya di MM column. Dia fikir dgn menjadikan seseorang yg lebih pandai dan kuat dr diri dia itu sbg bini dia (no. 2 pula tu), dia boleh anggap dia itu hebat sangat. Typical Muslim. ;)
Muak dan jijik je saya rasa bila kenangkan pinangan dia itu.
Oh yeah ... bercakap tentang jodoh, kamu tahu siapa yg saya mimpikan malam tadi? Si orang Jepun yg pergi ke Jepun bulan lalu. Saya mimpi kami bersiar di tepi jalanraya Tokya dgn memaut tangan dan di tangan salah seorang dr kami (yg perempuan), ada terpakai cincin pertunangan.
Saya bangun dgn senyuman je pagi tadi (sebab itu ada mood nak belasah orang. :cak
[ Last edited by Sephiroth on 7-7-2005 at 10:48 AM ] |
ha ha ha very funny..
Its mean the men have big responsiblity toward women. Nowadays men r taking for granted of their responsiblities. Men r too lazy to take care of women . They let women do anything right or wrong & happy if the women can give them profit.
Didnt u want ur wife always at home? Organise ur house beautifully. Care the children lovingly. Always there to be with u in happy & hard time.
U know what...
Some of my friends were muak & jijik at the beginning of their friendship with their husband. I think this is a good sign for u & en Gravedigger hu hu hu hu
Most dream is vice versa, so dont start to congrutulate urself.... |
by fleurzsa
Its mean the men have big responsiblity toward women. Nowadays men r taking for granted of their responsiblities. Men r too lazy to take care of women . They let women do anything right or wrong & happy if the women can give them profit.
Didnt u want ur wife always at home? Organise ur house beautifully. Care the children lovingly. Always there to be with u in happy & hard time.
Hmph ... you don't know much about personality of a Warrior, do you? And many times, you claim you know me. :no:
A warrior is NOT someone who expect someone else to be at his/her house, arranging it nicely or making him or her happy and such. A warrior is someone who take whatever comes and tries to do his best in all. In the end, he or she will also try to achieve death as best and beautiful way possible, ending it as offering to God.
That is Warrior Spirit that exists among Knights of Christiandom (true ones), Samurai and Kyastrians of India.
U know what...
Some of my friends were muak & jijik at the beginning of their friendship with their husband. I think this is a good sign for u & en Gravedigger hu hu hu hu
Don't make me sick. And I think your friends are sick beyond help also. ;)
Most dream is vice versa, so dont start to congrutulate urself....
I know ... I'm hoping s/he will find a nice person who he/she could love and be happy with.
I just feel annoyed that I dream of walking around with him/her in my arm pits. <_<!
At least his/her attitude for shopping didn't change much. |
Then u choose the right choice not to get married.
I wonder whats happen to the world when all human beings r thinking the same as u.
Hey.. do u know any club of martial art in Malaysia? Asking u is better than search the google he he he he |
by fleurzsa
Then u choose the right choice not to get married.
I wonder whats happen to the world when all human beings r thinking the same as u.
Nope, not everyone capable of making such commitments in life. So don't worry, there's still some less commited people for you to date and married.
Hey.. do u know any club of martial art in Malaysia? Asking u is better than search the google he he he he
No idea. If you ask me when I was in school, fine ... I could know. But I'm working now. |
What u think of the bomb blasted?
:hmm: |
by fleurzsa
What u think of the bomb blasted?
You mean the London one? No big deal actually ... I did expected such moves from terrorists. After all, they did warn that they could strike in places where there is a lot of people. London should be prepared for it, they didn't. Blair's mistake.
I won't be surprised if terrorists mimic the Japanese Subway gassing in 1998 to kill people in the subway tunnels, and with suicide groups willing to use their own bodied as weapons, it will be even more devastating than the Japanese group. |
Why it was happened then, u think? |
by fleurzsa
Why it was happened then, u think?
I don't know and particularly, I don't care.
You can give all reasons and excuses, but in the end, facts remained that innocent people died. None of your reasons will bring them back. |
Okay, I just wanted to know whats in ur mind.
U alway have ur own ideas... especially about terrorist.. hmmmm |
by fleurzsa
Okay, I just wanted to know whats in ur mind.
U alway have ur own ideas... especially about terrorist.. hmmmm
What happening to some countries (and some race for that matter) is just Holy Judgement.
Britain built its nation on wealth and suffering of others, now it is its turn to suffer.
And so does some races which invaded others, enslaving them, destroying their beliefs and sacred places. It is time for this races to suffer their own conducts in the past as well.
Should I pity such people and their nations? ;) |
So its like Hukum Karma.
One thing that Im sure about is we cannot save the whole world.
Better save ourselves first. Be a useful person, in this world & afterward.
New semester will start this Sunday, so no more holiday.
I got a letter informed that I wasnt paid my fees. Then I couldnt get my exam result too. I have already shown my scholarship letter but they still didnt update my file.
Haiyaaa... sometimes technology make more mistake than manual jobs. |
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