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Author: hidden_fear

TRIUMPH IN THE SKIES starting 29 march @ TV3

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2006 09:19 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa nanti isaac  bercinta ngan zita

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Post time 10-4-2006 10:32 AM | Show all posts

Reply #201 hidden_fear's post

haha hidden.. frust la donald. hari tu masa zita mula2 kasi tangkal tu kat dia, dia punya la excited. tapi bila tengok semua org dpt.. haha.. dah mencuka muka dia :bgrin:

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 Author| Post time 10-4-2006 08:24 PM | Show all posts
aku tak tahu nape aku memang tak suka ngan zoe and sepupu dier tu
zoe tu aku rasa macam pura-pura baik je menyampah:jeler::jeler:

bell dah nak kahwin dah ngan vincent
wlpn aku tak suka sam tapoi aku suka bell ngan sam drpd bell ngan vincent sebab bell ngan sam macam ada jodoh je

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Post time 10-4-2006 10:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #203 hidden_fear's post

sama la hidden. lebih suka bell dgn sam banding dgn vincent. maybe sbb dari awal mcm si sam tu dgn bell kot.

ko ni hidden.. sian si zoe :bgrin: dia dah penat2 tolong sam utk dptkan bell hehe. rasanya sam tu pun mmg suka lagi kat bell.. tapi sbbkan vincent tu kawan baik dia kot

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renee88 This user has been deleted
Post time 10-4-2006 11:05 PM | Show all posts
sernmic6 mana u dapat episode guide cerita ni...i nak lah...nak baca jalan cerita dia.

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Post time 10-4-2006 11:09 PM | Show all posts
hehe... Ching pun tak brape suka ngan Zoe... sebab menyibuk sangat... apa apa pun mesti dia nak tolong dan bagi komen... terlampau ambil berat...

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sernmic6 This user has been deleted
Post time 11-4-2006 12:18 AM | Show all posts

TVB 2003 Anniversary Drama - Triumph In The Skies - Episode 10/40

Triumph In The Skies - Episode 10
Message: Triumph In The Skies
6.00pm, TV3


Francis Ng Chun Yu as Samuel Tong Yik Sum
Joe Ma Tak Chung as Vincent Ling Wan Chi
Flora Chan Wai Shan as Isabelle Lok Yi San
Myolie Wu Hang Yee as Zoe So Yee

Ron Ng Cheuk Hei as Issac Tong Yik Fung
Michelle Yip Suen as Zita Tung Hei Yan
Sammul Chan Kin Fung as Donald Man Ho Chung
Bosco Wong Chung Chak as Chris Tse Lap Ho
Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming as Roy Ko Chi Wang

Shek Sau as Phillip Tong Wong
Mary Hon Ma Lei as Cammy Ying Shi Mei
Nancy Wu Ting Yan as Ling Cheuk Chi
Jerry Lamb Hiu Fung as Paul Mok Sin Bor
Rebecca Chan Sau Chu as Tina Yip On Ting
Lok Ying Kwan as Taylor Kam Chak Tai
Tang Chi Fung as Tony Ching Yat Tung
Louisa So Yuk Wah as Ruby Bui Ka Lo
Szeto Hin - Tai Chi Wai

11 April 2006,Tuesday
Episode 10 - Zoe heads to Rome to investigate the

The cadets undergo various levels of training and
increase their knowledge of flying as well as their
determination to become pilots. Samuel is very
strict to all the trainees and they all have to work
extremely hard. Issac teases Samuel whenever he
can and this frustrates Samuel, he urges Issac to
put more thought into his studies, but Issac
pretends not to hear. Tony tells Samuel that he
should let go of his prejudices and teach the group
well. Samuel offers special tuition to the female
cadet and Zita is very grateful. Zita wants to send a
letter back to Hong Kong, but they are short on
time and Donald borrows a bike for Issac to cycle
out to the city to post the letter. Issac is late back
and Samuel reprimands him, Zita and Donald offer
to be punished as well and the friendship grows
between the three of them. Samuel reports on the
situation in Australia to his parents and Issac adds
his comment, telling his father that Samuel is
always picking on him, Phillip and Cammy scold
Samuel and he is left rather aghast.

Zoe cannot forget the incident between Samuel and
Isabelle and tries to find out the story behind the
Triangel. She strongly believes that she has
destroyed the destiny between them and she
should make up for it. Zoe decides to take a trip to
Rome and investigate why Samuel and Isabelle
split up that day. Zoe goes to visit the places that
Samuel and Isabelle previously visited and asks
about the details of what happened that day, finally
she realises that Isabelle had misunderstood
Samuel and Samuel had misunderstood Isabelle
and the two had split up over a very small matter.
She decides to play matchmaker and bring them
back together.

Vincent and Isabelle prepare for their wedding in
Australia and Vincent's parents are overjoyed, but
his sister Cheuk Chi is quite hostile towards her
future sister-in-law. Vincent calls out Samuel who
is also in Australia and tells him that he will be
holding his wedding ceremony in his home.
Samuel is rather shocked and upset, but still
wishes them the best of luck. Samuel meets
Isabelle again and feels awkward, he asks her to
be love Vincent seriously and she becomes very
angry as the two depart unhappily.......



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 Author| Post time 11-4-2006 08:50 AM | Show all posts
semalam aku rasa kesian kat isaac .masa kat adelaide tu dier cuba nak berbual ngan abang dier(sam)tapi sam buat tak layan je.
lagi satu yang time isaac lambat pergi sign contract tu sam buat dek je tak nak tanya isaac kenapa dier lambat

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 Author| Post time 11-4-2006 05:58 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-4-2006 07:48 PM | Show all posts
kawin gak si bell dgn vincent ek? hmm.. zoe lak bersusah payah nak jugak tau citer sebenar. tapi mcm dah terlambat je.

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sernmic6 This user has been deleted
Post time 12-4-2006 01:56 AM | Show all posts

TVB 2003 Anniversary Drama - Triumph In The Skies - Episode 11/40

Triumph In The Skies - Episode 11       
Message:        Triumph In The Skies
6.00pm, TV3


Francis Ng Chun Yu as Samuel Tong Yik Sum
Joe Ma Tak Chung as Vincent Ling Wan Chi
Flora Chan Wai Shan as Isabelle Lok Yi San
Myolie Wu Hang Yee as Zoe So Yee

Ron Ng Cheuk Hei as Issac Tong Yik Fung
Michelle Yip Suen as Zita Tung Hei Yan
Sammul Chan Kin Fung as Donald Man Ho
Bosco Wong Chung Chak as Chris Tse Lap Ho
Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming as Roy Ko Chi Wang

Shek Sau as Phillip Tong Wong
Mary Hon Ma Lei as Cammy Ying Shi Mei
Nancy Wu Ting Yan as Coco Ling Cheuk Chi
Jerry Lamb Hiu Fung as Paul Mok Sin Bor
Rebecca Chan Sau Chu as Tina Yip On Ting
Lok Ying Kwan as Taylor Kam Chak Tai
Tang Chi Fung as Tony Ching Yat Tung
Louisa So Yuk Wah as Ruby Bui Ka Lo
Szeto Hin - Tai Chi Wai

12 April 2006, Wednesday
Episode 11 - Vincent opens up to Isabelle

Vincent and Isabelle hold their marriage
ceremony and Sum is inwardly unhappy. At this
time, Zoe calls from Rome and tells of their
misunderstandings making Samuel think again.
Vincent and Isabelle meet Mimi and Isabelle
tells of how she saw Samuel asking to split up
with her in Rome and then seeing him send her
away with money in Hong Kong, making her
believe he is not sincere with his love. Vincent
is suddenly enlightened and realises all the
misunderstandings have stemmed from when
he asked Samuel to end his relationship with
Mimi, he then asks Mimi about the incident
where Samuel offered to help her on his behalf
and this makes him feel extremely guilty.

Vincent decides to tell Isabelle the truth and let
her choose her own path. Isabelle is shocked
and goes to seek Samuel for him to explain the
truth. Samuel tells her that if it was not for all
the misunderstandings, he would definitely
have had a relationship with her and Isabelle
understands. The two do not want to hurt
Vincent and decide to keep their memories in
their hearts, their longing departure is
witnessed by Issac. When Isabelle returns
home, Vincent is overjoyed.

Issac and the others take time out from their
studies to go sightseeing and meet Samuel.
Issac knows that he has a lot of problems and
wants to help comfort him, but Samuel refuses
the favour. Tony praises Issac's performance
as outstanding, telling Samuel to help him, but
Issac doesn't know if he can. Some of the
cadets spread gossip about the relationship
between Issac and Samuel and Issac resents
this, deciding to work even harder and earn his
wings through his own skills. Samuel offers a
card and his own notes and touches Issac who
sends a card back in return, but he accidentally
notices the file for the examination questions
on the computer. Issac is honest and does not
look, but Samuel is suspicious. Paul is strongly
attracted to Ruby and offers to be her
chauffeur, but the car is dirty and causes an
allergic reaction for Ruby, who is both angry
and frightened. Paul looks after her and
accidentally falls over, making Ruby feel guilty
and she ends up looking after him.....



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Post time 12-4-2006 08:13 AM | Show all posts
zoe tu gi cari maklumat lak...  kalo dia bg tau kat bel kang x pepasal lak bel nyesal giler kawin ngan vincent...   sam pun frust....   

kalo x sempat kawin ok gak...  kalo dah kawin byk lak citer....

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Post time 12-4-2006 08:14 AM | Show all posts
x abih2 citer pasal triangle tu... aku mmg x paham2 gak pasal patung tu....  

ok bel mmg suruh org carikan patung tu kan..  dia ckp kat board...   patung tu mmg patung bel le sblm nie ye ... dia tercicir ke...??

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 Author| Post time 12-4-2006 08:48 AM | Show all posts
aku rasa nanti mesti bell menyesal kahwin ngan vincent sebab dier dah tau perkara sebenar

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Post time 12-4-2006 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hidden_fear at 12-4-2006 08:48 AM
aku rasa nanti mesti bell menyesal kahwin ngan vincent sebab dier dah tau perkara sebenar

yelah mesti menyesal punya..!!

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Post time 12-4-2006 01:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #213 captain_f4's post

patung tu rasanya bukan patung bel
dia cuma suruh sam cr kan je..

mula2 konfius crita ni
lelama dh paham.

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sernmic6 This user has been deleted
Post time 13-4-2006 12:03 AM | Show all posts

TVB 2003 Anniversary Drama - Triumph In The Skies - Episode 12/40

Triumph In The Skies
6.00pm, TV3


Francis Ng Chun Yu as Samuel Tong Yik Sum
Joe Ma Tak Chung as Vincent Ling Wan Chi
Flora Chan Wai Shan as Isabelle Lok Yi San
Myolie Wu Hang Yee as Zoe So Yee

Ron Ng Cheuk Hei as Issac Tong Yik Fung
Michelle Yip Suen as Zita Tung Hei Yan
Sammul Chan Kin Fung as Donald Man Ho
Bosco Wong Chung Chak as Chris Tse Lap Ho
Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming as Roy Ko Chi Wang

Shek Sau as Phillip Tong Wong
Mary Hon Ma Lei as Cammy Ying Shi Mei
Nancy Wu Ting Yan as Coco Ling Cheuk Chi
Jerry Lamb Hiu Fung as Paul Mok Sin Bor
Rebecca Chan Sau Chu as Tina Yip On Ting
Lok Ying Kwan as Taylor Kam Chak Tai
Tang Chi Fung as Tony Ching Yat Tung
Louisa So Yuk Wah as Ruby Bui Ka Lo
Szeto Hin - Tai Chi Wai

13 April 2006, Thursday
Episode 12 - Issac gets good results

Ruby looks after Paul and their relationship develops. Paul takes advantage of the situation and moves in with Zoe into Ruby's apartment. Zoe misses Issac and Samuel who are in Australia and sends her encouragement and good wishes by email. Issac seems quite lazy and with the exams looming, he is worried about catching up, so he asks Zita and Donald for help. Samuel thinks poorly of his last minute antics. Issac works hard and realises the secret behind studying and becomes confident for the exams, but the others do not believe that he will work hard.

When the exam results are announced, Issac comes top of his class and the other's can't believe it. Samuel remembers that Issac was in his room before the exams and suspects that he may have looked at the exam questions. Samuel asks Issac about this, annoying him greatly. Samuel advises the examining board and pushes to make Issac resit the exam. Issac proves himself by gaining full marks in the resit and he throws bad remarks at Samuel, but Samuel stands by his belief of fairness and the two stand their ground. Samuel found the thank you card in the notes that Issac returned to him and realises that he has misunderstood Issac, who also realises his mistakes and the two brothers once again make peace.

Samuel returned to Hong Kong to continue his work and Cammy tells him that she has found a job at the airline. Vincent returns from his honeymoon and invites Samuel to dinner at his new home. Samuel refuses, but Vincent insists and as he enters Vincent and Isabelle's home, he feels very uncomfortable. Vincent meets Mimi who asks him to thank Samuel. Isabelle and Ruby have lunch together, but in fact she is avoiding Samuel. Zoe takes the opportunity and asks him to join them. When Samuel sees Isabelle, they both feel very awkward but Zoe is there to break the ice and Vincent suggests to Samuel that he should consider her, making Zoe very happy, but Samuel makes it clear that he only sees her as his little sister......



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Post time 13-4-2006 08:17 AM | Show all posts
smlm 10 minit pertama x sempat tgk...   aku baca kat sini je la...

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Post time 13-4-2006 08:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #215 limau's post

tapi mcm dah boleh terima je smlm si bell tu. ye lah.. vincent pun dah berubah.

agaknya jodoh si ruby mcm dlm horoscop yg ruby baca tu.. sepupu si zoe ke ek? :bgrin:

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Post time 13-4-2006 09:00 AM | Show all posts
ms isaac msk blik sam,nsb baik dia xtgk jwpn exam nnt mst sam tduh dia tgk..sbb ms blik,laptop dia tbuka.

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