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Author: dexa

Malaysia's Most Wanted -- (missing kids)

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Post time 19-9-2007 07:39 AM | Show all posts
Baju kurung penawar rindu
Oleh Hussain Said

SEREMBAN: 揂llah saja yang tahu sama ada Sharifah Nurul Iman, 10, masih hidup atau tidak. Kami sekeluarga hanya mampu berdoa dan terus berdoa supaya dia masih hidup serta kembali ke pangkuan kami,

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Post time 19-9-2007 04:51 PM | Show all posts
woooooo  ramai gak yang missing ni  sian wa tengok    wa harap depa sumer selamat  tapi mmg susah nak predict apa jadi kat meka sumer nih   

Nurin Jazlin among 17 children still on police list of missing persons

PETALING JAYA: As the anguish continues for Nurin Jazlin抯 parents Jazimin Abdul Jalil and Norazian Bistaman, there are at least 16 other parents out there anxiously awaiting news of their missing children.

Nurin is among the 17 children under the age of nine

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Post time 19-9-2007 06:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #202 car閒actor_z閞o's post

wa ada baca juga  setiap hari ada kes budak missing ni   banyak yang tak direportkan  

pada theory wa;  budak yang dibunuh tu mungkin anak warganegara asing;  parents dah takut nak pergi jumpa polis  mungkin dtg m'sia dgn tongkang     dan mungkin dah tak boleh buat apa2 lagi    sedey pun mmg sedey anak kena bunuh cam tu   tapi  tak berani  pergi ke polis takut  kena tangkap pulok  mungkin sbb tak ada document sah       theory aje tu    huhu



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Post time 20-9-2007 12:10 PM | Show all posts
grim reminder of past crimes against children

from the left)Ang May Hong, Nushuhada Burak, Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani

KUALA LUMPUR: The grim details of this murder are horrifyingly reminiscent of three cases stretching back 20 years.

The case that frequently comes to mind each time a child is the victim is that of little Ang May Hong, who suffered an almost same fate two decades ago.

Ang was found dead with a metre-long piece of wood with three nails at the end forced into her vagina, puncturing her intestines, stomach and heart, and a piece of wire around her neck on April 12, 1987.

Her body was discovered by her father in a deserted house used as a drug haunt in Jalan Tun Razak, about 70 metres from her home, three hours after she went missing while buying breakfast with her 11-year-old brother.

Several men were arrested but were freed due to a lack of evidence. The culprit was never caught.

More than 13 years ago in October 2000, six-year-old Nushuhada Burak, was raped, strangled and murdered and her body was found in a rooftop water tank at a three-storey house in Selayang Baru.

She was last seen on the way to a shop near her house. A foreigner and a 13-year-old boy were detained in connection with the case.

In January 2004, the murder of Nurul Huda Abdul Ghani, 10, sent shockwaves throughout the country when it was revealed that she was gang-raped, sodomised, battered and strangled to death.

Her naked body was found in the toilet of the guardhouse of a TNB substation when she failed to come home after going to the shop.

A security guard who was on duty at the substation was subsequently sentenced to death for her murder.

wa pun hampir lupa cerita grim camni  wa yang tak sensitip sangat ni pun jadi sensitip baca cerita budak2 ni diseksa    mmg wa kena pikir 2 kali la  nak dapat anak   bini wa nak anak tapi wa dah seram rasanya

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Post time 20-9-2007 12:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #203 devil_advocate's post

aku pun pk cam tu gak.

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Post time 20-9-2007 02:37 PM | Show all posts
ya Allah yg maha mengetahui segalanya....berilah balasan yg maha azab dunia dan akhirat..kepada org2 yg menculik n membunuh insan2 kerdil yg tdk berdosa ini......

moga2 anak2 yg hilang ini akan kembali kpeada keluarga mereka......

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Post time 20-9-2007 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Missing kids: People do their part

PENANG: Taxi drivers, newspaper vendors and market stallholders here are doing their part to help find seven children reported missing in the country over the past eight months.

The Star's circulation representative Tan Guan Seng handed out more than 50 posters of the missing children to these people at the Pulau Tikus market and Gurney Plaza taxi stand Thursday. Gurney Plaza taxi stand chairman Kim Eng Huat, 48, said posters had been put up at the stand with the hope that someone would have seen these children.

"This is a good place to put up the posters as thousands of tourists and shoppers from all over the country walk by the stand daily.

"Some of us will also put up the posters in our taxis as I feel that every little effort helps," he said, adding that 234 taxi drivers operated from the stand.

Businessman Faiz Ibrahim, 23, who was at a newspaper stall in Burma Road here when the posters were being distributed there, asked for a copy to put up at his clothes shop in Komtar.

"There will be more customers at my shop for the coming Hari Raya to purchase new clothes. I hope one of them could have spotted the missing children," Faiz said.

Star Publications (M) Bhd acting northern region circulation manager Oun Sui Leng said the vendors handed out more than 500 posters to newspaper outlets statewide.

"Anyone with information on the missing children should call the Bukit Aman Control Centre (03-20319999) or any police station," she said, adding a copy of the poster was printed in Star Metro North Thursday.

Ten other children were also reported missing in the country over the same period.

bagus thread ni juga wa rasa mmg ramai juga orang malaysia yang peka ttg missing kids ni;   wa rasa sedey pulak tadi baca yang mungkin budak pompuan yang dalam bag tu nurin   tapi  ayah dia nafikan     pada wa  sama ada nurin atau tidak  the crime yang budak tu rasa  wa rasa  hiba juga    bini wa nangis bila baca  wa bila tgk bini nangis  wa pun mcm  nak menangis la jugak     semuga tuhan cucuri rahmat ke atas budak  pompuan tu   tak kira siapa pun dia     amiiiinnn

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2007 06:54 PM | Show all posts

i wonder - how about using alert system for missing children --

with more reported cases of children going missing... being
sexually assaulted or brutally murdered, what needs studying
with an eye to eventual implementation is a critical missing
child response programme that utilizes the resources of the
law enforcement agencies and the media to notify the public
when such cases are reported ---

once an alert is activated, radio and television stations can
interrupt regularly scheduled programming to notify the public
that a child has gone missing -   as a number of people driving
in their cars listen to the radio, it is an extremely effective way
of providing descriptions of the child, the kidnapper, vehicles or
accomplices...  this is where the public can turn to become
instant investigators...

such alerts are an effective time critical response to predators
who can disappear with children very quickly; it also sends a
powerful message to wannabe kidnappers that this is a community
that cares about and protects children....

our nation's children, their safety and welfare are our priority....
they are our future and must be protected...

all of us must face this challenge together and work to create
the safest environment for our children... to provide them the
future they deserve.....

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Post time 24-10-2007 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tina_turner at 10-7-2007 10:54 AM
mcm mana depa jaga anak... kat luar hilang anak n yg tambah heran anak dlm rumah pun blh

kau heran aku pun heran juger....

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 Author| Post time 19-11-2007 06:44 PM | Show all posts
Monday November 19, 2007
Cops believe estranged wife behind abduction

ALOR GAJAH: Two young girls are believed to have been abducted while playing outside their home in Jalan Garing, Durian Tunggal, at 11.30am on Saturday.

OCPD Supt Umar Ali Shaifuddin Shaharuddin said the girl抯 father K. Kumarwell reported K. Rajalakhmi, eight, and Keriga, six, missing.  

揥e believe the girls' mother, R. Muttamah, who is estranged from her husband, may have abducted the girls,

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 Author| Post time 21-11-2007 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Tuesday November 20, 2007
Missing children safe with mum


MALACCA: The two girls reported missing are safe with their mother R. Muttamah, 27, who had taken them away without the knowledge of their guardian.

Muttamah, who is working in a coffee shop, said that she went to the house and called out for K. Rajalakhmi, eight, and Kertiga, seven.

揑 missed them and I want to raise them. They are safe with me in Malacca,

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 Author| Post time 12-12-2007 07:33 AM | Show all posts
Remaja hilang sejak 10 hari
Oleh Azahar Hashim

Mangsa dipercayai ikut pasangan tidak dikenali menaiki kereta

Nor Amira Fatihah

KULIM: Seorang remaja perempuan berusia 12 tahun yang hilang sejak 10 hari lalu, dipercayai mengikut satu pasangan tidak dikenali selepas mengaji al-Quran di sebuah rumah di Taman Kenari, di sini.

Nor Amira Fatihah Mohammad Rosdi, dikatakan menaiki sebuah kereta Proton Iswara Aeroback putih yang seakan-akan kenderaan milik bapanya kira-kira jam 9 malam pada 3 Disember lalu.

Selepas itu, murid Sekolah Kebangsaan Convent Kulim yang memperoleh 2A 2B dan 1C dalam Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) lalu, gagal dikesan dan keluarganya tidak menerima berita mengenainya.

Bapanya, Mohammad Rosdi Md Noh, 44, berkata guru mengaji Nor Amira Fatihah memberitahu isterinya, Asmah Ismail, 45, Nor Amira menaiki kereta bersama seorang lelaki dan seorang wanita selepas mengaji.

揝eorang ustazah menyangka Nor Amira pulang bersama kami kerana kereta dinaiki anak saya itu hampir sama dengan kereta saya.

揝aya menghubungi beberapa rakan dan saudara-mara bertanyakan sama ada anak saya menumpang kenderaan mereka, tetapi semuanya tidak tahu,

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Post time 12-12-2007 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Not too long ago, my daughter went missing from our own home. We alerted our relatives and neighbours.  First, cari within the vicinity of our neighbourhood. Since the maid was on foot with a 3 yrs old, we felt they wouldnt be far. I cant describe how i felt than within that 1 st hour, tambahan pulak masih dlm hari.  We were very fortunate to get hold of her before they reach the designated bas stop. Hingga ke hari ini, I dont actually know apa intention maid tu. Kalau dia nak bawak pun budak bersiar2, buat apa jauh jauh? dah lah jam 3.00 petang. Siap menghala kearah bas stop kat main road. I send the maid home without getting a replacement or a refund.  I nv hire a foreign maid after that.

[ Last edited by  indahkasturi at 12-12-2007 08:22 AM ]

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Post time 12-12-2007 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dexa at 12-12-2007 07:33 AM
Remaja hilang sejak 10 hari
Oleh Azahar Hashim

Mangsa dipercayai ikut pasangan tidak dikenali menaiki kereta
Nor  ...

mungkin budak ni lari dari rumah atau ikut kawan atau btl2 kena kidnap...

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2009 06:58 AM | Show all posts

hari ni  24 March 2009 -
tak boleh lupa tarikh ni 24 March 1991 -
dah 18 years --
anak jiran saya kena culik masa main kat playground
di victoria -  
masa tu mike was only 5 years old -

Gambar Micheal masa 4 years old -

tak jumpa michael sampai sekarang -

teringat pada sharlinie - sampai hari ni  tak jumpa2 lagi
tak tahu  hidup atau mati -

kadang2 tu.. kalau dapat jumpa..walaupun dah meninggal -
sekurang2nya ada proper burial.. boleh ziarah kubur...
tapi yang UNKNOWN ni.. yang rasa sedih tu.. terutama
parents -

pada parents - sekarang zaman orang culik anak -
sama ada kecil ke  remaja ke.. -  bukan ransom aje -
tapi yang lebih parah  bila anak2 dijual atau dilacurkan -

or - exploit - potong telinga, tangan.. butakan mata
pastu suruh jadi  pengemis...
(teringat pula cerita slumdog millionaire tu..  tu memang
berlaku di mana2 saja..) -


ni sedikit cerita tentang michael -
saya ada simpan few keratan akhbar mostly dari
times colonist --  .. baca untuk peringatan mostly -
saja nak share dengan forum members -

Michael Dunahee

Michael Wayne Dunahee (born May 12, 1986) is a missing child from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada,
who disappeared when he was five years old, presumed to be abducted, and has never been found.
He disappeared from the playground at Blanshard Park Elementary School, also known as the Blanshard
Street Playground, in Victoria, British Columbia on March 24, 1991. Michael was last seen around
12:30 p.m. playing at the school playground as his mother, Crystal Dunahee, was participating in a softball
tournament to which his father was a spectator. Michael was abducted meters from his parents, but no
witnesses to Michael's disappearance have ever been identified.

Michael's disappearance spawned one of the largest police investigations in Canadian history and to date,
over 11,000 tips have been received by police. The case was a major story for many years, being reported
across Canada and in the US. Despite the large number of tips, and a $100,000 reward, police do not have
any solid leads in the case.

In 2006, strong tips, and reports of a young man who would be Michael's age now, living in the interior of
BC who arrived there in 1991, who looked like Michael, breathed new life into the case. For several weeks,
news stations carried the story that the Michael Dunahee case had been re-opened after several strong
leads, perhaps bringing a conclusion to what happened to Michael. However, nothing came out of the leads,
and the report of the young man in the interior of BC was determined not to be Michael after DNA testing
was done.

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