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Baru balik dari tgk The Hobbit..mula2 mmg agak bosan..tapi sebab me adalah peminat tegar LOTR layankan jelah..overall bagi 4 bintang.. |
dh tgk cite ni...best gak lh.. |
Arwen Evenstar
Elves are immortal. They can only die in battle. When they grow tired of Middle Earth, they go to the Grey Havens, which are near The Shire and sail to the Undying Lands. as the Third Age of Middle Earth comes to an end, the time of the Elves is waning. Only a few remain. Elves have a love of nature and they live in forests. They are skilled craftsmen. Major settlements remain in Lothlórien (home of Celeborn and Galadriel), Mirkwood (home of Legolas), and Rivendell (home to Elrond). They distrust Dwarves because of their greedy tendancies.
Even as their time is waning, Elves play an important role in Sauron's defeat. Arwen bears a wounded Frodo to safety. Elrond heals Frodo and later sends Haldir with a force of Elves to assist King Théoden in the defense of Helm's Deep. Elrond also brings the reforged Narsil to Aragorn. Celeborn gives the Fellowship sanctuary in his domain. Galadriel gives each member of the Fellowship gifts, many of which aid in the completion of their quest. Legolas was part of the Fellowship.
p/s saja tepek info pasal elf... 
| Last edited by MissNigga on 17-12-2012 11:40 PM
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Gimli is the son of Gloin, who was one of Bilbo's companions on Bilbo's first adventure (to steal treasure from a dragon). A sturdy Dwarf with a deadly axe, Gimli starts out not overly impressed with Legolas. It's when he meets the Elf Queen Galadriel that he seems to rethink his opinion of elves in general, and Legolas in particular. The friendship becomes so close that it is thought that Gimli accompanies Legolas when the elf finally takes ship to join his elven brethren in the Western lands over the Sea.
Very interesting fact that Gimli's father was one of the 13 dwarfes ... 
Middle Earth Map

Frodo (elijah wood) ada x dalam The Hobbit ni? ke dia akan muncul utk sequel the Hobbit? sbbi assume the hobbit ni dia flashback balik kan sebelum trilogy LOTR?am i rite? |
Baru tgk td, slow mula2 tp best gak.. Aku mmg suka cter2 advanture ni
Cuma 1 je la bg aku yg pelik, knapa gandalf x mntak tolong burung besar tu terbang terus ke bukit naga tuh dah alang2 burung tu tolong diorg.. |
aku dah belas2 kali tgok LOTR NI, dlms etahun mesti tgok 2-3 kali, siap dah hapal dialog lagi!
-LOTR keluar pawagam masa aku muda remaja, sekali dgn harry potter, jadinya dua2 trilogi filem ni bnyak nostalgia bg aku 
cmf_GAIA posted on 17-12-2012 01:35 PM 
kelasss kau siap simpan complete transcript
haha...tk simpan pun...google ajer diorang punya script kt IMSDb ; Internet Movie Script Database The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb)
dedaun30 posted on 17-12-2012 04:16 PM 
Mcmmana nak download? Link pls.....
torrent ler ...
kalau tau guna torrent ... nanti pm saya ...
September14 posted on 18-12-2012 02:13 AM 
Baru tgk td, slow mula2 tp best gak.. Aku mmg suka cter2 advanture ni
Cuma 1 je la bg aku yg pelik, ...
ai pun heran jugak masa tengok part nie...nape tak helang besar tu bawak terus diorg ke kaki gunung tempat yang diorg nak pergi tu..
langit_biru18 posted on 18-12-2012 11:42 AM 
ai pun heran jugak masa tengok part nie...nape tak helang besar tu bawak terus diorg ke kaki gunun ...
klu ai jd gandalf, dr awal journey tu ai dh seru helang tu terus bwak ke bukit naga tuh..
tp nanti x adventure lak kan
cicicumel posted on 17-12-2012 11:15 PM 
Frodo (elijah wood) ada x dalam The Hobbit ni? ke dia akan muncul utk sequel the Hobbit? sbbi assume ...
few minutes time memula the hobbit start... Frodo ade... scene sebenarnyer ksinambungan FOTR... time shire nak celebrate ari jadi Bilbo yg ke 111.... then Bilbo dok relaks depan umah dia sambil isap pipe... time tuh la beliyau teringat kenangan edventure ni... dan criter pengembaraan The bobbit pon start 
dedaun30 posted on 18-12-2012 12:01 PM 
Huhu tak tahu guna....
Btw, semalam setelah meredah kawasan demi kawasan, i sudah berjay ...
weee ... success juga yer
fly tak tengok lagi ...
same here fly download extended version
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