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Author: Ustaz_SUFI


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Post time 26-3-2009 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by forum_aje at 26-3-2009 23:36
soooooooooooo sweeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttttttt....................

kaaannnnnnnn................:bg: :bg:


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Post time 27-3-2009 01:24 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 27-3-2009 01:31 AM | Show all posts

Reply #197 ladydolph's post

selama ni dok perati Rob-Kristen je...tu yg perasan sangat pasal depa ni..
tapi bila tgk VC2 nih...baru perasan body language depa yg sesuatu tuh...

renungan penuh makna kannnn...


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Post time 27-3-2009 02:43 AM | Show all posts

Balas #203 forum_aje\ catat

kalau diorang betul kapel pun alangkah sweet nye

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Post time 27-3-2009 07:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #203 forum_aje's post

tu la kaannn...

kalau dah suka tu, selalu2 la jengok kat site ni :


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Post time 27-3-2009 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Attacks on Robert Pattinson's hygiene are completely ridiculous

Recent reports by MTV, the Sun Times and others are attacking Twilight, New Moon, and Little Ashes star Robert Pattinson for his personal hygiene -- as if things couldn't get more ridiculous for the handsome thrust-into-the-spotlight beau.

Bill Zwecker from the Chicago Sun Times writes "On the one hand, there's buzz from some staffers that the British actor's 'typical European aversion of daily showers' has people sticking up their noses in disgust every time they get close enough to get a whiff of him." Despite official denials such as those from co-star Kristen Stewart's people saying (with latent pun) "Hogwash" and "Where do these stories come from?" Zwecker still maintains 'Having listened to all this, I must report several colleagues who did Twilight interviews last fall did claim Pattinson threw off a bit of a stench.' This, Zwecker states beyond the assertion by a "New Moon rep" that "It must really be a slow news day."

The Chicago Sun Times isn't the only "reliable" source of news projecting these foul (pun quite intended) stories upon us.

MTV put out an article today as well. Jocelyn Vena with MTV wrote a story called "Robert Admits to Lazy Hygiene Habits," which, though basically recanting up rogue lines from past interviews of Rob, asserts the same idea. Says Vena, "Robert Pattinson may be too busy working on New Moon to do anything about his reported body odor. But the real story is that Pattinson doesn't seem to care about the whole thing. You see, in an interview recently posted online, Pattinson admitted to regularly letting his hair go unwashed."  Citing unidentified crew members, Vena writes:

"Earlier this week, a source 'who works very closely' with Pattinson on the Vancouver set of New Moon revealed the actor's dirty little secret to the world. 'He stinks. I mean, it's awful. He never showers, and it drives people on the set crazy,' the source said of Pattinson's personal hygiene. 'He completely reeks,' a second unidentified crew member added."

I personally think that it is Rob's unbelievably honest candor that has gotten him into trouble, here. Despite what may be the truth behind these allegations, sensationalism and the media go hand in hand. While it is very endearing, in my book, to see Rob tell truths instead of giving reporters feathery side-steps when asked simple questions, it is obviously doing more harm than good with his media attention of late. In an interview on Leno, Robert Pattinson sat next to the lovely Heidi Klum, who told him that he might regret his charming sense of honesty in the long run.

Poor Rob. With the constant media frenzy surrounding him, the grace and dignity with which he addresses both the media (paparazzi aside) and his fans, the constant and ground-breaking success of his current works, and the beautiful photographs that continue to make headway across the globe of his clearly washed hair, that there would be more positive news surfacing from such sources. But alas, this is America, and we do love a scandal (for instance, see my response to attacks on Kristen Stewart). Too bad.


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Post time 28-3-2009 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Rob clears up rumours.....

These days, you can't look at a gossip rag or website without finding some new -- often outrageous -- story about Robert Pattinson, the red-hot star of 'Twilight.'

When we talked to Pattinson in anticipation of his upcoming film 'Little Ashes' (in theaters May 8, 2009), we decided to get the sexy 22-year-old's take on a few recent headlines.

Find out if he really took a fan to dinner, his response to Ryan Reynolds' admiration ... and if the guy showers. -- By Angie Argabrite

1. I heard that you follow all the online gossip about yourself?

I read that and thought it was such bullshit. I was like, "God, I sound like such a loser!"

2. So it's not true?

Well, I do sometimes. I used to a lot more before and then ... I only look at the negative stuff. I just want to know whoever's saying negative stuff, and I just want to remember their names. I write it all down in my black book. [Laughs]

3. Is it true that you took a fan out for dinner?

That is true, yeah.

4. Is it true that, I don't know if you saw this, but a source on the set of 'New Moon' said that you don't smell good, that you don't shower?

I haven't even been on the set yet!

5. You know the same thing went around about Zac Efron a while ago; that he doesn't shower.

Really? He looks like he smells really good [laughs]. I also do shower.

6. I also read that you got hit on the head with a sign while you were filming?

You know, that is the most ... I actually got told about that this morning. It's like, "What?" It's the most boring story.

7. I just watched a Ryan Reynolds video interview and he called you "dreamy" and said he'd love to work with you.

[Embarrassed laugh] Really?

8. Is there anyone you'd love to work with?

Ryan Reynolds! [Laugh] ... I've always wanted to work with Benicio Del Toro, I think he's amazing. And there are tons and tons of people ...

(This is just a taste of our interview with the charmingly shy Pattinson. Come back closer to the release date of 'Little Ashes' for more surprises in our full interview, in which he reveals how he prepared for his nude scenes in the Salvador Dali biopic, where he sees himself in the future ... and how the energy is different on 'New Moon.')


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Post time 30-3-2009 12:16 AM | Show all posts

Balas #207 ladydolph\ catat

so conclusion dia yang dia smell bad tu just a rumor je la ye..

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Post time 30-3-2009 12:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #208 a.ceCCo's post

yup.. it looks that way......


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Post time 30-3-2009 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ladydolph at 28-3-2009 11:25
Rob clears up rumours.....
4. Is it true that, I don't know if you saw this, but a source on theset of 'New Moon' said that you don't smell good, that you don't shower?

I haven't even been on the set yet!

sib baik rumours je...

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Post time 30-3-2009 10:33 AM | Show all posts
some more fan-made New Moon posters......keeps getting better every day..


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Post time 30-3-2009 10:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #211 ladydolph's post

suke yg 1st & 2nd tu..

xleh tgk jacob la.. x suke die

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Post time 30-3-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts

Reply #212 pavlova's post

hahha... walaupun tak suka.... kena la suka gak....... mcm gak edward... walaupun mula2 tak suka jacob.... ahernya kena terima jd menantu! (spoiler to some!!! )


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Post time 30-3-2009 10:50 AM | Show all posts

Reply #213 ladydolph's post

hehehe.. mase nak abes breaking dawn tu die ade ckp kan..

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Post time 30-3-2009 11:00 AM | Show all posts

Reply #214 pavlova's post

yupp..... kita siap nangis lagi masa dorang nak berpisah tu..... my brother, my son...(spoiler lagi!)


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Post time 31-3-2009 11:58 PM | Show all posts
EXCLUSIVE: Ashley Greene Dishes On Twilight Sequel New Moon
As the actress prepares to reprise her role as Alice Cullen...

Ashley Greene recently took time out from her light-footed preparations for hotly-anticipated Twilight sequel New Moon, to talk spoilers, stunts and, of course, Robert Pattinson.   

In the second instalment of the Twilight franchise, we'll be seeing much more of Ashley's character Alice Cullen as she grows closer to her 'brother' Edward's (Robert Pattinson) girlfriend Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart)

She explains to Entertainmentwise, "You see the relationship between Bella and Alice and the relationship between Edward and Alice strengthen as well.

"Compared to the first film it's a much larger part for me, so yeah I'm excited."

Ashley also reveals that there is a strong bond between the actors off screen as well as on, with the cast regularly participating in group hang-outs to take the edge off work.

She adds, "We work long, long days and then get off and go out to eat, or go shopping together, or play music. We all kind of became this close knit family."

And as for other extracurricular activities, Ashley has plans to improve her strength and stamina in readiness for those action scenes.

She says, "They had us do this tap class before [Twilight] so that kind of jolted my memory.

"Before the second film I'm going to take some dance classes to get back into that. Alice is a thin girl so there was a lot of cardio."

We obviously couldn't pass up the opportunity to ask about man-of-the-moment Robert Pattinson, but Ashley was remaining tight lipped on this one!

But she did assure us, "Oh you guys will see his beautiful face! (laughs)"

Well duh?!...


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Post time 1-4-2009 03:15 PM | Show all posts

terkejut cecco baca ni!!!

It has been announced that Twilight's sequel, New Moon, has been completely canceled. Also, Eclipse will not be hitting theaters in June, 2010. In fact, it will never hit theaters.

Robert Pattinson has also stated today that " will never be in another movie. Sorry. I just wanted to say thank you to all of my loyal fans."

rupo2nyo semuo april fool belako.. hmpsss

[ Last edited by  a.ceCCo at 1-4-2009 15:21 ]

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Post time 1-4-2009 03:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ladydolph at 30-3-2009 10:49
hahha... walaupun tak suka.... kena la suka gak....... mcm gak edward... walaupun mula2 tak suka jacob.... ahernya kena terima jd ............. (spoiler to some!!! )

iyeeee... spoiler to ahkak ni haaaaa....

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Post time 1-4-2009 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by a.ceCCo at 1-4-2009 15:15

rupo2nyo semuo april fool belako.. hmpsss

cehhhh... mula2 tuh percaya la jugak ahkak....
bile baca yg bwh tuh... hampehhhhh........

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Post time 1-4-2009 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by a.ceCCo at 1-4-2009 15:15

It has been announced that Twilight's sequel, New Moon, has been completely canceled. Als ...

nasib baik april fool ajer....dah nak gugur dah jantung ni...udah ler ari ni duk layan facebook twilight....kalo betul2 cancel mau merana jiwa....


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