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hahahaa...kucen yg guna lipstik bugilsilapmata 
kucing tak comeyy @ litstik mungel bogel

Foto Dimanipulasi Dalam Video `ISIS`, Nora Danish Buat Laporan Polis
Sumber Berita Harian
KUALA LUMPUR, 16 FEB 2015: Hari ini, rakyat Malaysia digemparkan dengan penyebaran klip video berdurasi kira-kira 1.02 minit di mana ianya memaparkan sekumpulan empat lelaki bertopeng mengugut untuk mengadakan bantahan terhadap sistem keadilan negara di mahkamah pada 18 Februari ini.
Kumpulan tersebut menggunakan ID YouTube ‘Isis Malaysia 69′ dikhabarkan akan membuat ancaman terhadap sistem keadilan mahkamah dengan membakar mercun pada jam 11.30 malam.
Selain itu, kumpulan tersebut turut menghasut seluruh anak muda negara ini turut serta membantah dengan cara mereka di dalam keterangan video tersebut.
Apa yang menarik perhatian penonton video itu pada masa yang sama ialah cara kumpulan ini menggunakan gambar Nora Danish untuk membuktikan yang mereka adalah rakyat tempatan.
Sementara itu, aktres Nora Danish akan membuat laporan polis berhubung isu fotonya dimanipulasi pihak tersebut.
Menerusi laporan Berita Harian, Nora berkata yang dia mendapat tahu berita ini menerusi rakannya tengahari tadi dan dia sendiri sudah menonton video berkenaan.
Meskipun pihak tersebut tidak menyebut namanya serta tiada sebarang perkara yang dibualkan mereka menyebut namanya, Nora berkata dia tetap akan membuat laporan polis dan enggan memberi komen lanjut berhubung isu ini.
Meskipun video tersebut kelihatan parodi dan seakan main-main, tetapi tindakan berupa ancaman untuk meletupkan mahkamah itu bukanlah sesuatu yang boleh dipandang ringan oleh kesemua pihak. |
risaunyer ai kat nora n son !!!!! |
Published: Monday February 16, 2015 MYT 8:44:00 PM
Updated: Monday February 16, 2015 MYT 10:37:32 PM A starring role Nora Danish wants nothing of

PETALING JAYA: Being an actress, Nora Danish is used to seeing herself on YouTube. But "her latest starring role" in a minute-long video uploaded by one "Isis Malaysia 69" has forced her to lodge police reports.
“I am not sure what their intentions were as what was being said in the video had nothing to do with me, except that they were holding a picture of me.
“I have made two police reports. I do not want to comment any further,” she told mStar Online.

One of the men holding a photograph of Nora in the video
The video showed four masked men issuing a warning about "blowing up fireworks" at a courthouse on Wednesday to symbolise their mistrust in the judicial system.
The video, uploaded to an "Isis Malaysia 69" account by Anak Muda Malaysia (Malaysian Youngsters)on Sunday, showed one of four men with a photograph of Nora, and declaring that their actions "signalled the beginning of their protest on the breakdown of democracy."
Another person was seen brandishing a Molotov cocktail with petrol bombs placed on the table and a Malaysian flag hung in the background.
PUBLISHED: Feb 16, 2015 10:34pm UPDATED: Feb 16, 2015 10:34pm
Nora Danish to lodge police report over YouTube video
Read more: http://www.therakyatpost.com/news/2015/02/16/nora-danish-lodge-police-report-youtube-video/#ixzz3Rz6qADNX
Local actress Nora Danish told 'Harian Metro' that the video made no mention of her by name and the contents of the statement by the 'isis Malaysia 69' group had nothing to do with her even though her face was in it
[size=100%]KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16, 2015: Local actress Nora Danish will lodge a police report over the use of her picture in threatening video uploaded on YouTube yesterday. Speaking to Harian Metro, 33-year-old Nora said she was initially unaware that her photograph was depicted in the one-minute video which featured four masked men, presumably Malaysian, vowing to protest against the country’s judiciary by “blowing up” courts across Malaysia this Wednesday night. Nora who told the local daily that she received the information from a friend of hers, downplayed the situation by saying that the video did not implicate her in any way. “They didn’t mention my name and the contents of their statement do not have anything to do with me.
“I don’t want to comment further. What I can say is that I will be lodging a police report over it.”
Earlier today, police discovered a YouTube video under an account named “Isis Malaysia 69″ that depicted a group of four masked men reading out a statement from the back of a piece of paper with a picture of Nora Danish.
The video, which had a background of the Malaysian flag and scattered bottles in the foreground stuffed with white material to look like Molotov cocktails (an explosive), featured the men warning the authorities of their plan to launch fireworks at courts across Malaysia on Feb 18. Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar later issued a warning to those involved in the production of the video, saying that anyone who tried to disturb the country’s peace and harmony would face consequences.

cholaholla Sir Alriz & Sir Rayqal #knight #payong #gunong
TB lagi.... mohon jangan jemu..!!! Sebab diriku tak jemu memandang gambor Nora neh!!!

Memang pelik orang macam Nora ni boleh ada pembenci tegar... apa la yang diorang bencikan sangat??
adoiii in a way its quite funny as even the IS cawangan Malaysia is a NORAYQAL fan! tak menahan...ambik yg tengah hot mcm Nora je. sebab klu amik kucin pakai lipstik takda sapa nak sokong kot..haha
nama je IS tapi dlm hati ada taman
Trobel lagi:
Nora Danish denies $3m bungalow was gift for herThe Star/Asia News NetworkTuesday, Oct 08, 2013 - See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/malaysia/nora-danish-denies-3m-bungalow-was-gift-her#sthash.CIqDZ9wF.dpuf

Actress Nora Danish (pic) has refuted allegations that the RM7.2mil (S$3 million) luxury bungalow bought by Nedim Nazri Aziz was a present for her, reported Sinar Harian. "As far as I know, he bought a bungalow house and a luxury car for his mother and he did not pay for it alone. "I pity him that everything that he does will be linked to me," said Nora, when asked about rumours that Nedim had bought a RM7.2mil house as a present for her. The actress hoped that her explanation would stop rumours that had linked her with the issue. Nora admitted she was close to Nedim, the son of Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz, but denied allegations that she had befriended him because of his wealth. "Many had accused me of being close to Nedim because of his status, wealth and because he is a minister's son. "But if they think carefully, why would I want to date someone who is rich, or a son of a minister, as past experience had thought me a lot." Asked why she had decided to be friends when negative reports seemed to swirl around Nedim, Nora replied: "I understand that he is known for his personal life, but I have known him for seven years, and Nedim is a good guy and charitable person." Although she is quite open about their relationship, Nora said that she could not reveal any more details about their status. - See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/mal ... thash.CIqDZ9wF.dpuf

dr ig rozy danish, derang tgh risau skrg
lambat check in...heheh....bizi sesangat...hollaaa uolssss mwahhsssd |
lambat check in...heheh....bizi sesangat...hollaaa uolssss mwahhsssd |
Ya Allah..kita pun risau jgk..
ND should tone down sikit skrg..jgn update sgt IG..biarla org nak kata sendu pun..
Mudah2an Allah melindungi mereka anak beranak sekeluarga..aaminn
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