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Author: eltoro

INDONESIA - defence and military issues (PART IV-R.P.9]

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Post time 15-2-2012 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Kita merasa hebat dari tetangga .. tapi reality-nya ...
wartakita Post at 15-2-2012 10:19

    baru tau ke wak????

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Post time 15-2-2012 05:04 PM | Show all posts
Kita merasa hebat dari tetangga .. tapi reality-nya ...
wartakita Post at 15-2-2012 10:19


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Post time 15-2-2012 05:06 PM | Show all posts

Indonesia Sign Contract For 9 unit C-295

Reply 2181# lkick2113

Indonesia on Wednesday signed a $325.0 million contract with AirbusMilitary for nine C-295 transport planes to be used for defence,logistical and humanitarian purposes.

The first plane will be sent to the Southeast Asian nation this year, with the remainder scheduled for delivery by 2014.

"This is a proud moment for our country as well as for the Indonesianaerospace industry," said Indonesian Defence Minister PurnomoYusgiantoro, at the signing of the deal at the Singapore Airshow.

"The C-295 provides the ideal capacity to respond to Indonesia'scurrent and future military and humanitarian transport needs," he added.

The model is a medium-sized transport plane which can be configured fordifferent operational purposes such as ground surveillance,anti-submarine warfare and search and rescue operations.

The planes will be used for "a variety of roles including military,logistical, humanitarian and medical evacuation missions," according toa statement.

Yusgiantoro did not rule out future purchases of the C-295, sayingother branches of the armed forces were interested in the plane.

"The police for instance... are also interested in this. And you knowthat (the) 295 version that we ordered now is for the Air Force, andprobably the army is also interested," he said.

The deal includes a collaboration betweenstate-owned aviation firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) and AirbusMilitary, with Indonesia manufacturing parts for the C-295.

The partnership will allow the Indonesian firm to "grow its aerospacebusiness as a tier-one supplier," said PTDI Chief Executive BudiSantoso.

"This will position PTDI on the global aerospace scene and allow us to enhance our skills and workforce," he added.

Indonesia's defence budget totalled $6.39 billion in 2011, ranking second in Southeast Asia behind Singapore.



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Post time 15-2-2012 05:08 PM | Show all posts

Russia repeats offer to Indonesia to become a ‘space nation’

Russia has again urged the Indonesian government to conclude amuch-delayed agreement on a milestone satellite station project,offering the idea of Indonesia becoming a “prestigious space nation”.

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia Alexander A. Ivanov reiterated on Tuesday his country’s keen interest in the project to develop a satellite launch station on the Indonesian island of Biak, which is situated off the northern coast of Papua and 3,200 kilometers northeast of Jakarta.

The plan was first made public in 2006, but no agreement has so far been concluded to pave the way for its implementation.

“To tell you frankly, the draft agreement is almost ready with theexception of one article. It is on missile technology immunity,” Ivanovtold a media briefing in Jakarta, adding that the Biak project wouldutilize technology possessed only by Russia that had not been usedanywhere else in the world.

He said Indonesia was still troubled by the article, but Russia keptpushing for it given that Indonesia was not a member of the MissileTechnology Control Regime; an informal and voluntary partnershipbetween 34 countries to prevent the proliferation of missile andunmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying a 500-kg payloadat least 300 km.

Ivanov said Russia, as a member of the regime, had “international obligations” on the safeguards.

Contacted separately, Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesman MichaelTene refused to discuss why the Indonesian government still objected tothe contentious clause, citing only “technical issues” behind theprolonged negotiations over the Biak project.

“As the negotiations are still ongoing, I cannot add anything more,” Michael told The Jakarta Post.

Ivanov explained that the Biak station would be an air-launch station,meaning satellites would be launched from a “mothership” aircraftinstead of from the ground.

He said this was more “ecologically friendly”, adding that ground-basedlaunches usually caused pollution on the ground and in the air.

“If this project is implemented, Indonesia will become a space nation.Indonesia will have the opportunity to launch commercial satellitesfrom all over the world, especially countries situated in theAsia-Pacific region.”

Ivanov refused to share what was in the project for Russia, but addedthat it would be very “beneficial” and “prestigious” to Indonesia.

He added Biak was chosen due to its proximity to the equator, reducing the cost of satellite launches.

“The cost of launching is eight times cheaper in comparison tolaunching satellites, for example, from territories in Kazakhstan orRussia.”

Ivanov also reiterated on Tuesday Russia’s interest in boosting its trade and investment partnerships with Indonesia.

He said a delegation of about 40 representatives from major Russianprivate companies would visit Indonesia at the end of the month to seekbusiness opportunities in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

They include representatives from the space technology, oil and gas, railway and agriculture sectors, Ivanov said.

sahabat paling baik..

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Post time 15-2-2012 05:09 PM | Show all posts
Kita merasa hebat dari tetangga .. tapi reality-nya ...
wartakita Post at 15-2-2012 10:19

wartakita mari kita debat akan tulisan yang dipost oleh anda
saya mau tahu sejauh mana pengatuan politik dan militer anda,
dan sejauh mana pertanggungjawaban anda akan post anda ini, jangan lari ya n jangan ngeles
silakan anda mulai

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Post time 15-2-2012 05:33 PM | Show all posts

Menhan Indonesia Menjajal Kokpit AH-64 Longbow RSAF

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Pameran dirgantara Singapore Airshow 2012 resmi dibuka, Selasa(14/2/2012) di Changi Exhibiton Centre (CEC), Singapura. Beragampesawat komersial, jet tempur hingga peralatan pertahanan militerdigelar dan siap dieksplorasi. Berikut laporan wartawan SOLOPOS, AlvariKunto Prabowo dari Singapura.

Begitu menginjakkan kaki di area pamer CEC, langsungtertuju pada sosok Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Pesawat produksi perusahaankompetitor Airbus ini memang sudah diprediksi bakal menyedot perhatian.Pesawat berkapasitas 200-350 penumpang ini memang tampak mencolok daripesawat-pesawat lain yang dipamerkan. Pabrikan Boeing mengklaim pesawatini menganut paham green plane alias pesawat minim emisi. Bobot pesawatyang lebih ringan membuat pesawat ini menenggak bahan bakar 20 persenlebih sedikit dibandingkan pesawat jenis lain.

“Tim kami telah menerapkan sistem pemantauan kinerja pesawat otomatisyang memungkinkan pesawat ini memantau sendiri kondisinya danmelaporkan kebutu*an perawatan atau perbaikan ke komputer induk,” jelasBoeing Commercial Airplanes International Communications, Miles Kotay.

Setelah Boeing giliran pesawat produksi Embraer yang menjadi berikutnya. Di stan ini sebuah pesawat Legacy 650 terbaruterparkir rapi. Usut punya usut, pesawat tersebut adalah milik aktorlaga kondang Jackie Chan. Setelah serah terima pada awal Februari,pesawat itu langsung dipamerkan Singapore Airshow. Namanya juga pesawatpribadi maka jangan heran banyak ornamen khusus yang dipasang siempunya.

“Salah satu yang mencolok adalah penambahan ikon naga pada ekor pesawat,” kata President Embraer Executive Jets, Ernest Edwards.

Selain Embraer, helikopter S-92 Legacy of Heroes debutan Sikorsky jugatak boleh dipandang sebelah mata. Helikopter multi peran ini terusdiperkenalkan Sikorsky sejak setahun belakangan. Bahkan untukmembuktikan bahwa mereka telah berkelana, awak S-92 untuk urun tanda tangan di tubuh pesawat. “Ini adalah upayakami untuk memperkenalkan pesawat ini pada khalayak,” ujar salahseorang pekerja Sikorsky, Jane.

Selesai mengunjungi Sikorsky, memilih untuk istirahatsejenak. Memang tak mudah mengitari areal seluas 100.000 meter persegidi CEC ini. Saat sedang istirahat di stan Angkatan udara Singapura atauRoyal Singapore Air Force (RSAF) tiba-tiba muncul rombongan MenteriPertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro, Wakil KSAD Letjen TNI Budiman danSekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan Indonesia Marsekal MadyaErris Herryanto.

Purnomo pun langsung menjajal duduk di kokpithelikopter tempur AH-64 Apache Longbow milik RSAF. Menhan terlibatperbincangan serius dengan dua pilot RSAF. Menhan mengatakan Indonesiaberupaya menambah lagi helikopter serbu. Pilihannya adalah jatuh padadelapan unit Apache tersebut. “Mengejar 2015, Indonesia harus memilikipesawat-pesawat terbaru agar tidak ketinggalan dari negara ASEANlainnya,” ujar Purnomo.

Selain RSAF yang menampilkan hampir seluruh arsenal andalannya,Singapore Airshow kali ini juga diikuti Angkatan Udara Amerika Serikat(USAF) yang berpangkalan di Kadena Jepang. Mereka memajang di antaranyaF-15C/D Eagles, pesawat tanker KC-135R/T Stratotankers serta pesawatsystem peringatan dini E-3B/C Sentries (AWCS). Sedangkan Angkatan UdaraInggris (RAF) tampaknya malu-malu dalam ajang kali ini. RAF “hanya”memamerkan Airbus A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT).

Singapore Air Show yang dihelat hingga Sabtu (19/2/2012) itu diikutilebih dari 900 peserta dari 50 negara dan 266 delegasi dari 80 negara.Menurut Managing Director Experia Events, Jimmy Lau, respons untuktahun acara ini sangat positif dan pihaknya selaku penyelenggaraberupaya menjadikan Singapore Airshow sebagai acara pilihan untukkegiatan dirgantara kelas dunia. “Acara ini bisa dijadikan pemainbidang penerbangan untuk bertukar pikiran dan mencari peluang bisnis.Meskipun ketidakpastian ekonomi saat ini, kami yakin industri terutamawilayah Asia-Pasifik terus tumbuh,” paparnya.


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Post time 15-2-2012 07:05 PM | Show all posts
15 Kapal Perang Gelar Latihan Gladi Tugas Tempur di Natuna

14 Februari 2012, Jakarta: Delapan unsur Kapal Perang Republik Indonesia (KRI) diantaranya jenis Perusak Kawal tipe Parchim dan jenis Angkut Tank Frosch jajaran Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Koarmabar) diberangkatkan dalam rangka manuver lapangan pada Latihan Gladi Tugas Tempur (Glagaspur) Tingkat III Terpadu tahun 2012 menuju perairan Natuna dari dermaga Pondok Dayung Jakarta Utara, Selasa (14/2).

Usai kegiatan embarkasi personel, kendaraan tempur dan sejumlah pasukan Marinir yang terlibat dalam Latihan Gladi Tugas Tempur Tigkat III Terpadu Koarmabar tahun 2012 tersebut, unsur-unsur KRI akan melaksanakan beberapa manuver taktis mulai keluar alur pelabuhan dan bergerak menuju perairan Laut Jawa akan dilaksanakan pentahapan latihan secara berlanjut.

Latihan Glasgaspur Tingkat III Terpadu dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan sejumlah kapal perang dari jajaran Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat meliputi Satuan Kapal Eskorta, Satuan Kapal Cepat, Satuan Kapal Amfibi, Satuan Kapal Ranjau dan Satuan Kapal Patroli. Selain itu melibatkan satu KRI dari Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Kolinlamil) dan sejumlah kendaran tempur dari Korps Marinir.

Kegiatan manuver lapangan sejak mulai tolak dari pangkalan Jakarta, unsur-unsur yang terlibat dalam Latihan Glagaspur Tingkat III Terpadu akan mengikuti beberapa serial latihan dalam rangka kesiapan tempur, profesionalisme prajurit dan meningkatkan kemampuan Alat Utama Sistem Senjata (Alutsista) serta kerja sama taktis antar unsur KRI.

Unsur-unsur yang terlibat dalam latihan Glasgaspur diantaranya KRI Yos Soedarso-353, KRI Silas Papare–386, KRI Wiratno-379, KRI Sutedi Sena Putra-378 dan KRI Teuku Umar–385 dan KRI Pulau Rangsang-727

Sedangkan KRI yang direncanakan berangkat dari dermaga TNI Angkatan Laut di Mentigi Tanjung Uban sejumlah tujuh kapal perang antara lain KRI Barakuda-633, KRI Siliman- 848 dan KRI Sigurot-864 serta dua kapal baru produksi dalam negeri ikut pula dilibatkan dalam latihan ini diantaranya KRI Banda Aceh-593 dan KRI Clurit–641.

Selain itu melibatkan Tim Pasukan Katak dari Detasemen Pasukan Katak Satuan Komando Pasukan Katak Koarmabar dan sejumlah pasukan Marinir pengawak Tank PT-76 yang akan melaksanakan kegiatan latihan pendaratan dengan Docking dan Undocking di KRI jenis Landing Platform Dock (LPD) KRI Banda Aceh-593 pada posisi sekitar dua sampai dengan tiga mil dari daratan salah satu pulau di Kepulauan Natuna.

Sumber: Koarmabar

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Post time 15-2-2012 08:26 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rifa at 15-2-2012 20:30

PT.CMI Bandung - Lockheed Martin Kerjasama Buat 40 Radar Jarak jauh..

Lockheed Martin Teams with PT CMI Teknologi for Indonesia National Air Space Surveillance Program

SINGAPORE, Feb. 14, 2012 – Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] signed a teaming agreement with Indonesian technology firm PT CMI Teknologi to improve airspace surveillance, safety, and management over the Indonesian Archipelago in support of the government’s defense revitalization initiative.

During a signing ceremony at the Singapore Air Show, company representatives agreed to jointly pursue the National Airspace Surveillance – Republic of Indonesia (NASRI) program with the intent to produce more than 40 new TPS-77 and FPS-117 long-range surveillance radars in-country.

“CMI’s strong background in microwave electronics makes them an ideal partner for the manufacture and long-term support of these radar systems in Indonesia,” said James Gribbon, Asia Pacific regional president for Lockheed Martin. “By integrating new sensors with Indonesia’s command and control system, the NASRI network will greatly enhance air sovereignty and surveillance over the country’s more than 17,000 islands, spanning a distance wider than the United States.”

Data feeds from the network will also enhance civilian air traffic control, including commercial air traffic management, which is currently handled by radars in nearby Singapore.

“Lockheed Martin has delivered more than 170 long-range surveillance radars around the world, all of which are still in continuous operation today,” said Rahardjo Pratjihno, CMI president. “Our company and our country’s defense industry will both benefit from this trusting co-production relationship for the NASRI program.”

PT CMI Teknologi of Bandung, Indonesia, is a small, privately-owned technology company specializing in microwave design and manufacturing. The company currently holds contracts for the development and support of Indonesian military radar systems.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 123,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation's net sales for 2011 were $46.5 billion.
Rahardjo Pratjihno, CMI president, and Chuck Turbe, Lockheed Martin Director of Business Development, sign a teaming agreement during a signing ceremony at the Singapore Airshow.

Media Contact:
Chip Eschenfelder, 315-456-3328,
[email protected] ... donesia-nation.html

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Post time 15-2-2012 10:03 PM | Show all posts
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Pameran dirgantara Singapore Airshow 2012 resmi dibuka, Selasa(14/2/2012) di  ...
audreyhepburn Post at 15-2-2012 17:33

Deal buat beli UAV Israel bukannya disini juga?

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Post time 15-2-2012 10:54 PM | Show all posts
Deal buat beli UAV Israel bukannya disini juga?
reashot Post at 15-2-2012 22:03

Deal UAV udah lama gan. Lha tendernya aja tahun 2004. Tahun ini nunggu dateng doang.

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Post time 16-2-2012 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by viewx at 16-2-2012 12:05
Deal UAV udah lama gan. Lha tendernya aja tahun 2004. Tahun ini nunggu dateng doang.
scobydoo Post at 15-2-2012 22:54

Yoi bro, UAV tinggal dateng aja lagi
klo disingapore, ngarep apache, SAM and alutsista lainnyam
mudahan pak pur banyak bawa oleh2 dari singapore

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Post time 16-2-2012 05:12 PM | Show all posts

TNI AL Dapat Kapal Baru

BATAM, TNI AL Armada Barat mendapat tambahan kapal baru,KRI Kujang-642. Kapal itu diserahkan pada Kamis (16/2/2012) pagi ini,di Dermaga Selatan Pelabuhan Batu Ampar, Batam.

Komandan Satuan Kapal Patroli Armada Barat Kolonel Pelaut DenihHendrata mengatakan, KRI Kujang merupakan kapal kelima di satuannya.KRI Kujang termasuk jenis KRC- 40. "Sekarang kami punya dua KRC-40 dantiga FPB (Fast Patrol Boat)," ujarnya.

KRI Kujang dibuat PT Palindo Marine Shipyard, Batam. Seluruh komponenkapal itu buatan Indonesia. KRC-40 merupakan kapal patroli kedua yangdiserahkan Palindo pada TNI AL. Tahun lalu, Palindo menyerahkan KRIClurit yang sejenis dengan KRI Kujang.

KRI Kujang 642 merupakan kapal pemukul reaksi cepat yang berfungsimenghancurkan target sekali pukul dan menghindar dari serangan lawandalam waktu cepat pula. Kapal ini berukuran panjang 44 meter, lebar 7,4meter, dengan kecepatan maksimal 30 knot. Kapal ini memiliki dayatembak dan daya hancur karena dilengkapi Rudal C-705.

Kapal KCR-40 ini mampu menampung bahan bakar 50 ton dan air tawar 15ton. Kapal cepat ini terbuat dari baja khusus High Tensile Steel padabagian hulu dan lambung kapal, yang merupakan produk PT Krakatau Steel,Cilegon. Sedangkan untuk bangunan atas menggunakan Aluminium MarineGrade, yang menggunakan tiga mesin penggerak.


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:17 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by audreyhepburn at 16-2-2012 17:23


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:26 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:32 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:38 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:42 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:47 PM | Show all posts


Post Last Edit by audreyhepburn at 16-2-2012 17:50


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Post time 16-2-2012 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by audreyhepburn at 16-2-2012 17:57


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Post time 16-2-2012 08:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply  lkick2113

Indonesia on Wednesday signed a $325.0 million contract with AirbusMilitary f ...
audreyhepburn Post at 15-2-2012 17:06

    15 Februari 2012

Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile - ESSM (photo : USNavy)

First Malaysian company joins global team of ESSM suppliers

SINGAPORE /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) awarded an initial contract to Malaysian-based Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn. Bhd. for the production and supply of components for the Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM). This is the first contract of its type awarded to a Malaysian company and is aligned with U.S. and Malaysian strategic initiatives as well as the Malaysian Economic Transformation Program.

"Raytheon is a global company with strategic partnerships worldwide," said Rick Nelson, vice president of Naval Weapon Systems for Raytheon Missile Systems. "We welcome Contraves to the ESSM global supply chain and look forward to expanding our relationship on ESSM and other programs."

Raytheon recently qualified Contraves Advanced Devices Sdn. Bhd. as a participant in the Strategic Enterprise Aligned Commodities provider program and as a Raytheon preferred supplier. The SEAC program is designed to focus Raytheon's global supply chain base on a more limited number of companies and qualifies Contraves as a provider for the majority of Raytheon production programs.

Raytheon has proposed ESSM to Malaysia for its upcoming Second Generation Patrol Vessel program for the Royal Malaysian Navy. Selection of ESSM for the SGPV program would significantly enhance the capabilities of the Royal Malaysian Navy and provide for interoperability with the U.S. Navy and with the Australian, Japanese and Canadian navies in the Pacific theatre.

"Through this partnership with Contraves, we are extending our global supply chain network and enhancing our presence and expertise in Malaysia," said Kevin Peppe, vice president of Seapower Capability Systems for Raytheon's Integrated Defense Systems business. "Our shared commitment to quality and performance will allow us to deliver exceptional capabilities to our customer and industry, now and into the future."

Raytheon has also issued requests for quotation to Malaysian industry for additional components for the ESSM, the MK56 ESSM vertical launching system, MK73 illuminator, and test equipment in support of the Malaysian SGPV program as well as other international production programs.

About ESSM

ESSM is the world's most advanced ship self-defense and local area defense surface-to-air missile system. The missile is employed by the U.S. Navy and 11 allied nations. More than 1,800 ESSMs have been delivered, and 400 more are under contract. The U.S. Navy employs ESSM as its primary surface-to-air missile system to defend its fleet of aircraft carriers and large deck amphibious ships, and as the secondary battery on its fleet of Aegis cruisers and destroyers. The U.S. Navy and the NATO SeaSparrow Consortium navies have conducted more than 250 live firings against real and surrogate targets that emulate the capabilities of the most demanding modern naval threats.


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