smlm baru tgk shinjuku incident atau San suk si gin ..
gini citernye
In China, the poor worker Nick repairs tractors and misses his sweetheart Xiu Xiu, back in Japan, she having never sent any news to her family or him. While illegally emigrating to Japan, Nick loses his Chinese documents and so cannot return to his country. He is welcomed by his countrymen who lodge and work in Shinjuku where they also help him to find illegal work. While running from a police raid through the sewage system where Chinese are illegally working, Nick saves Inspector Kitano from drowning in the dirty water. Later, after an incident with his cousin, Joe, and a Taiwan gang, Nick saves the powerful Yakuza boss Toshinari Eguchi. He is the husband of Xiu Xiu, who is now called Yuko and are parents of a little daughter. The mobster offers a dirty job to Nick; in retribution, he promises to deliver the quarter dominated by the Taiwan gang to him. Nick becomes the boss of the Chinese illegal immigrants.
best jugak citer nih,rating imdb pon boleh tahan..
The Good The Bad & the Wierd (BGW) - Korean Movie
Aku baru layan cita ni semalam.. Superb, Brilliant! Memang salute kat pengarah dia Kim Ji Woon.
Maybe aku ni bias coz aku mmg Korean Movie Freak. Lagipun aku dh penah layan filem arahan dia juga iaitu A BitterSweet Life. Dalam cita A BitterSweet Life watak hero dia for sure la si Lee Byeong Heon. But dalam cita BGW Lee diberikan watak antagonis yg kewl. Bg aku lebih kewl drp dia jadi jahat dlm GIJoe.
Ramai orang cakap movie ni mcm ciplak salah satu cita cowboy yg mmg legend dlm industri hollywood iaitu The Good The Bad The Ugly. Selain itu, ada juga yg kata movie ni ciplak drp cita Italy.
Bg pandangan aku sebenarnya x pun. Nk wat camna.. dah cita cowboy kena la wat mcm cita cowboy. Sebenarnya penghormatan harus diberikan kepada pengarah, mahupun penerbit.. kerana genre cowboy amat janggal untuk dimenjadikan serta diketengahkan. Ia adalah satu usaha yg patut dihamburkan pujian dan positif.
Sebut cita cowboy, first aku penah tgk cowboy melayu.. cita P.Ramlee la hahaha Labu Labi.. masa aku kecik2 dulu.. dan masih terngiang2 dialog seniman P. Ramlee dlm cita tu dengan dialek ala2 Texan tp versi Melayu.. "Ala podaahh Jesse James hutang 30sen makan nasi lemak x bayar lagi ko tau x!".. dat means pada era tu, cita cowboy telah pun diselitkan dalam cita Melayu..
Hahaha kembali pada BGW.. nk set up cita cowboy ni bukan senang beb! Prop dia mmg susah.. Bab pakaian, senjata pun dah renyah.. apatah lagi setting dia. Teryata Kim Ji Woo mampu menterjemakannya dalam filem BGW.
Dari segi pelakon.. The Good - Jung Woo Sung manakala The Wierd dilakonkan oleh Song Ka ho.. Masing2 memainkan peranan dengan begitu baik. Action2 yg terdapat dlm filem ni pun mmg nice. Walaupun kadang2 tu nampak mcm x logik la.. Biasala.. Holly, Bolly lagi teruk hehehe
Soundtrack dia pun best n mmg matching dgn filem cowboy versi Asia ni yg lincah, pantas dan energetic. Cowboy2 mat salleh Texan control macho skit.
Apapun aku syorkan la penggemar filem Korea tonton aa cita ni. Kalau dah tgk bley sharing2.. Aku rate movie ni 8/10 dan ia menjadikan filem korea yg ke2 menghantui aku selepas cita Taegukgi lakonan Jang Dong Gun n Won Bin coz both of dis films are rare..
yg lain2 mcm Oldboy, Friend, My Bos My Hero, Volcano High School, Once Upon a Time in Highschool, Sex is Zero 1 & 2 pun masyuuukkk
Year One is a comedy movie which revolves around the charcters Zed and Oh (Jack Black and Michael Cera). After being banished from their homeland, Zed and Oh two neanderthals, embark on a journey through their ancient world. Along the way, they encounter Adam and Eve (Harold Ramis and Rhoda Griffis), Cain and Abel (David Cross and Paul Rudd), and Abraham (Hank Azaria).
aku baru pas dolod n layan movie² di bawah
- The Worst Guy Ever []
- Tracing Shadow []
- 20th Century Boys 2: The Last Hope []
dan sedang mendolod movie My Girlfriend is an Agent
aku baru pas dolod n layan movie² di bawah
- The Worst Guy Ever []
- Tracing Shadow []
- 20th Century Boys 2: The Last Hope []
dan sedang mendolod movie My Girlfriend is an Agent
Bruno. lebih kurang Borat saja cerita nie, macam haram siap tunjuk ****y, wat gaya blowjob takleh blah la hahaha..ada babak geng Mossad Israel dgn Hamas... pastu kena kejar dgn yahudi ortodoks., p tgk org tgh wat swinger sex, hahaha, personally aku lagi suka Borat...
smlm tgk the land of the lost yang ada will ferrel.rating imdb sket je rasanya 4 out of 10 bintang.
tp aku rasa tak ler seteruk mana.cuma yang annoying adalah lizardman. lain2 tuh aku rasa lawak je especially the relationship trex ngan will. hehehheheh