...Quotes on Reading, Writing @ Literature...
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"The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation."
—Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
"While thought exists, words are alive and literature becomes an escape, not from, but into living."
—Cyril Connolly |
"Literature is a luxury; fiction is a necessity."
—G. K. Chesterton |
"It is in literature that the concrete outlook of humanity receives its expression."
—Alfred North Whitehead |
“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”
—Virginia Woolf |
“Write. Rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts.”
—Larry L. King, WD |
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“It's the writing that teaches you.”
― Isaac Asimov |
“That's typically what writers do; we just sit around complaining most of the time. And the better things are going, the more they complain.”
― Markus Zusak |
“To begin impatiently is the worst mistake a writer can make”
― Antony Beevor |
“Being able to write becomes a kind of shield, a way of hiding, a way of too instantly transforming pain into honey.”
― John Updike |
“Edit your manuscript until your fingers bleed and you have memorized every last word. Then, when you are certain you are on the verge of insanity...edit one more time!”
― C.K. Webb |
“If you’re going to be a writer, the first essential is just to write. Do not wait for an idea. Start writing something and the ideas will come. You have to turn the faucet on before the water starts to flow.”
― Louis L’Amour |
“Be passionate about what you write, believe in your ability to convey timeless ideas, and let no one tell you what what you're capable of.”
― Christina Westover |
“I always tell my writing students that every good piece of writing begins with both a mystery and a love story. And that every single sentence must be a poem. And that economy is the key to all good writing. And that every character has to have a secret.”
― Silas House |
“Organizations for writers palliate the writer's loneliness, but I doubt if they improve his writing.... For he does his work alone and if he is a good enough writer he must face eternity, or the lack of it, each day.”
― Ernest Hemingway |
“I don't write for a living. I live to write.”
― Marwa Ayad |
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