aku baru nak tanya sape Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia yang terkini, rupanya memang DS Hishamuddin Tapi nape dia guna title " Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan " ek? Tak boleh ke guna terus Menteri Pertahanan tu?
Post time 22-3-2014 07:03 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
China pun..kaki propa..saiz pun xbetul info..ckp malaysia berbelit ckp..dia lagi kaki wayang..
Editor's note: There are conflicting reports circulating about the size of the object in question found by Chinese officials via satellite image during the MH370 search. China is expected to hold a presser in a few hours on the discovery, and we'll update with more concrete detail then. - Aaron