218# pavlova
a'ah....tgh cuti la ni....cuti maternity....
kite tgh dlm pantang ni.... |
sapa lagi yg join pav gi tgk premier tu???
nak ikut laaaaaa......
cheese, hang tak join ke??  |
208# yatt_takez
cam tak puas jer la tgk trailer tu..i want more!!! |
morning... nk tanya la uolls nih....dvd new moon dh kuar ke kat msia? ari tuh mcm terbaca mac but date nye tk sure...
teh tgh cari dvd 2 disc special tuh... |
227# tehlaut
kt msia blom rasenye 20th March release kt US, kt UK 22nd March
Msia lambat lg la kot
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
228# pavlova
oooh... thanx pav... nyaris ku terbeli smlm....
saja nk share ngan korang... teh dapat beli twilight nya dvd two disc special tuh... bestnyaaaa.... dapat tgk deleted scene tuh... yg plg suka deleted scene tuh yg
"edward, she's not one of us"
: bella, ur number is up on the first day we met"... yg nih plg suka sbb bella korek gigi edward.....
adeh... bila la nk kebah nih...  |
pav...remember me yg haram dah leh donlod lom???
aku dah desperate ni psl aku dah tebaca byk spoiler

kalo ada pm aku pav |
231# cheesepastry
aku tgk remember me kat wayang.... cerita dia mmg korang tak sangka rupanya agak berat & cerita famili & menyentuh perasaan gak la.... terutama ending dia.... mmg sesuai la tajuk dia "Remember Me" sebab aku betul2 teringat2 cerita tu.... |
231# cheesepastry
aku tgk remember me kat wayang.... cerita dia mmg korang tak sangka rupanya agak berat & cerita famili & menyentuh perasaan gak la.... terutama ending dia.... mmg sesuai la taju ...
eyka Post at 15-3-2010 15:59 
eyka dah kuar ke kt wayang???
m'sia ke mana ko tgk ni?
aku pgi mlm ni jugak kalo kt kl ada |
231# cheesepastry
blom ade la cheese.. kang ade kite PM terus
eyka, pegi tgk 'Remember Me' ramai2 ek smlm?
kite de majlis kawen-xleh nak join
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
234# cheesepastry
kat malaysia ler..... hari jumaat lagi dah kuar... tapi kat TGV shj... |
235# pavlova
ha'ah gi tgk ramai2.... hari sabtu la.... bukan semalam... |
233# eyka
Thanks Eyka...budak baru heheheh
Tak sabarlah nak tengok Eclipse.....kena tunggu sampai 07-08 July  |
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