Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}
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Tak juga. Dia ada lunar eclipse. It accompanies the sun. Masalahnya, kita sukar nak tahu d ...
andria Post at 10-5-2012 00:08 
bulan hologram tu ape? |
Ya. Ramai yg dah perasan tentang benda itu. Mereka kata Venus. But kata yg lain, ia terlal ...
andria Post at 10-5-2012 00:14 
memang makin lama makin terang cahayanya dari sebelum ni..
bila difikirkan balik kita xboleh buat apa2..Allah ada perancangannya sendiri untuk hamba-hambanya.. |
camane nak tau bulan tu hologram??bulan hologram ni ade cahaya gak ke..biasenye kalo ade bulan suasan cam ade lampu kan..x de la malam tu gelap..kalo bulan hologram macam tu jugak ke..atau dia dia cume terang kat langit je..tapi x de cahaya..maksudnye bumi gelap jugak walaupun ade bulan.. |
bulan hologram tu ape?
jjx597 Post at 10-5-2012 00:23 
Try Google tentang Projek BlueBeam... |
Post Last Edit by menshOrihon at 10-5-2012 11:52
Aku rasa board Ekonomi & Bursa Saham yang bertajuk "US debt is trillions.. Obama melutut nak naikkan lagi US Debt Ceiling" ni pun menarik untuk di rujuk. Macam ada kaitan dengan thread ni.
http://mforum2.cari.com.my/viewt ... 8422&extra=page%3D1
Posting dari forumer pengecatbintang ni menarik utk diperhatikan
filem 2012...
kalo x silap minit 6.49...
masa persidangan G8, tunjuk perasaan dgn sepanduk... drop the debt... erase the debt...
film tu ttg bencana alam yg akan berlaku Disember 2012, naper plak pada Mei 2012 tunjuk ttg tunjuk perasaan pasal masalah ekonomi?
pengecatbintang Post at 23-11-2011 16:37 
Protesters urged to occupy Chicago during G8 and Nato summits
Karen McVeigh guardian.co.uk, Thu 26 Jan 2012
Adbusters, the group which helped spark the Occupy movement, has put out a call for tens of thousands of protesters to occupy Chicago during the G8 and Nato summits in May.
George Soros salah seorang penyumbang kpd Adbusters.
adakah filem 2012 sekadar Teori Konspirasi? Kebanyakan Production House kat Hollywood dimiliki kroni2 Illuminati..
fikir.. fikirkan... |
Aku rasa board Ekonomi & Bursa Saham yang bertajuk "US debt is trillions.. Obama melutut nak naikka ...
menshOrihon Post at 10-5-2012 11:47 
Bulan Mei akan memasuki fasa Bulan Rajab................Allahualambissawab. |
George Soros salah seorang penyumbang kpd Adbusters.
adakah filem 2012 sekadar Teori Konspirasi? Kebanyakan Production House kat Hollywood dimiliki kroni2 Illuminati..
fikir.. fikirkan...menshOrihon Post at 10-5-2012 11:47 
Kalau kita perhatikan cara kerja geng Illuminati, mereka gemar pada angka.. seperti angka 3, The 33 Degree Mason, etc.. dan mereka juga sebenarnya bersifat sarkastik/ironic. Mereka tahu apa yg akan berlaku, dan cara mereka nak permainkan orang awam, ialah dengan menyelitkan 'clues' dan 'hints' dlm movies, music, symbols, logos, maskot, events, etc... perhatikan tema movies sejak 2-4 tahun kebelakangan ini, banyak tema 'disasters'... banyak hints dlm clues dlm movies.. even dlm movie 2012 tu, banyak clues sebenarnya.. dan dlm movie Knowing, pun ada clue.. wallahua'lam... |
Bulan Mei akan memasuki fasa Bulan Rajab................Allahualambissawab.
tarabas1976 Post at 10-5-2012 12:29 
Adakah apa-apa spekulasi pada bulan Rajab ini? Maaf jika ia ada dijelaskan dlm posting terdahulu |
Reply 218# jjx597
Kenapa tak perasan ya? Pagi tadi tengok bulan separa. Cantik. |
Reply 230# tarabas1976
Tak perlu la nak sarkastik sangat. Aku seligi ko kang. wey, cakaplah butul-butul |
Reply jjx597
Kenapa tak perasan ya? Pagi tadi tengok bulan separa. Cantik.
arrowtotheknee Post at 11-5-2012 17:29 
5hb Mei lepas jarak bulan paling dekat dengan bumi... sebab tu nampak cantik. Semalam pulak ada solar flares besar yang menyebabkan awan kurang di langit yang sebabkan langit cerah.... combination ini menambahkan keindahan bulan tu rasanya |
Reply 232# scorpionkiki
yeap dekatnya bulantadi kat akhbar KOSMO
bulan paling dekat dgn bumi pada tahun 795 (lebih kurang laaa)
dan akan kembali dekat pada 2257 nanti
jaraknya paling dekat dgn bumi iaitu 50,000 batu lagi dekat
berbanding 384,000 batu (lebih kurang kan)
iaitu 14% lebih dekat dan cahaya 30% lebih
takde kaintan supermoon dgn fenomena
terjadinya malapetaka/bencana/kiamat
hanya para saintis kebingungan
kenapa pada awal naikkan bulan di ufuk
bulan nampak lebih besar............
Reply 226# tarabas1976
dah lupa ke perjanjian......
atau buat2 lupa plakkkkkk
tunggu je 14 mei ni atau plus minus 2 minggu |
BREAKING NEWS - US army suspends class that suggests nuclear destruction of Islamic sites
WASHINGTON - The Associated Press

A course for U.S. military officers has been teaching that America's enemy is Islam in general, not just terrorists, and suggesting that the country might ultimately have to obliterate the Islamic holy cities of Mecca and Medina without regard for civilian deaths, following World War II precedents of the nuclear attack on Hiroshima or the allied firebombing of Dresden.
The Pentagon suspended the course in late April when a student objected to the material. The FBI also changed some agent training last year after discovering that it, too, was critical of Islam.
The teaching in the military course was counter to repeated assertions by U.S. officials over the past decade that the U.S. is at war against Islamic extremists, not the religion itself.
"They hate everything you stand for and will never coexist with you, unless you submit," the instructor, Army Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley, said in a presentation last July for the course at Joint Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia. The college, for professional military members, teaches midlevel officers and government civilians on subjects related to planning and executing war.
hurriyetdailynews.com |
BREAKING NEWS - Tornado hits high school, topples train in Weimar, Texas
By KPRC, KXAN and msnbc.com staff
WEIMAR, Texas -- Eight people were hospitalized after a Texas high school was hit by a tornado on Thursday, according to the National Weather Service.
The tornado briefly touched down at Weimar High School at about 5:25 p.m. local time, NBC station KPRC reported. Weimar is about 88 miles west of downtown Houston. School district officials said a fundraiser was going on at the school at the time of the storm. A Papa John's pizza truck that was in the parking lot as part of the event was turned over. Eight people who were inside the truck were taken to the hospital.
Superintendent Jon Wunderlich told NBC station KXAN that none of the injuries were life-threatening. No students were injured, KPRC reported.
A scoreboard at the high school was damaged, NWS officials told KPRC. School officials said part of the roof was ripped off and the football and softball fields sustained the most damage.
About two-thirds of the people in Weimar were without power Thursday night. NWS officials said a train was also knocked off its tracks in Weimar. According to the Fayette County Sheriff's Office, a tornado peeled back the roof of Colorado-Fayette Medical Center. No injuries were reported there.
NBC stations KPRC, KXAN and msnbc.com staff contributed to this report.
usnews.msnbc.msn.com |
BREAKING NEWS - Chinese media warns of war with Philippines
By Damien McElroy
Friday May 11 2012

Filipino fishermen sail off from the port of Masinloc town, Zambales province, north of Manila for a fishing expedition near Scarborough Shoal. Photo: Getty Images
CHINA warned its citizens in the Philippines to "stay indoors" on Thursday as its state media warned of war over a month-long dispute in the South China Sea.
Territorial rivalry has escalated throughout the seas around China as regional and international navies seek to establish rights of passage against an expanding Chinese presence.
Chinese and Philippine vessels have been locked in a high seas stand-off since the PLA Navy prevented a Philippine warship from arresting crews of Chinese fishing boats near the Scarborough Shoal on April 8.
Both countries claim the fish rich shoal as their own and protests by Philippine fishermen over their loss of livelihood have drawn mass support in the south-east Asian country.
I don't think it's really about fish. |
WALL STREET INSIDER: Economic Doom To Follow Obama Re-Election…
by Ulsterman on May 10, 2012
A brief message from a longtime Wall Street Insider reveals that some of the most influential and intelligent economic minds in the world are now warning of the impending disaster that would be a Barack Obama second term.

My own prognosis, based upon that already told to me, and that which my own lifetime of experience would indicate, suggests if Barack Obama is to win re-election in 2012, certain economic doom for every man, woman, and child in America will soon follow. It may not prove as jarring in the short term as what took place in 2008, but a gradual and seemingly never-ending decline that will sink every one of us deeper and deeper and deeper into the abyss. I am convinced China has in place a plan for this event, and has taken measures to help ensure its reality. Their own economic slowdown, already underway, is not a natural thing but rather a strictly coordinated event from within its own central planning regime. They are more than willing to undertake their own short term pain and even widespread chaos if necessary, so long as they emerge the dominant economic power of the world in the aftermath. I have spoken of this to you in prior conversations and have since had those fears confirmed by others who most certainly have the access to verify them. The only question then remaining is if this is being done without President Obama’s knowledge and understanding, or if is he in fact a willing agent of this global economic transformation that will leave the United States subservient to other nations and or some form of global governance? My more recently formed understanding leads me to the inevitable fact of the latter, and I am not alone in coming to this conclusion. Whispers of it are being sent out by participants at SALT, particularly from the Hedge side of the proverbial fence.
theulstermanreport.com |
Piers Corbyn - "Coldest or near coldest for 100 years!” Warning for East Britain in May!
May 2012 Headline summary & essential weather type development.
The coldest or near coldest May for 100 years in Central and East parts with a record run of bitter Northerly winds. Snow at times especially on high ground in NE / East. Spring put in reverse.
*Confidence of E / SE England mean temps: Coldest in 100yrs 80%; In 5 coldest in 100yrs 90%
On Twitter Probably the best know Meteorologist in USA @BigJoecustardi said "Piers is like the great wrestler who does moves no one else can do! I am more basic - a straight ahead grinder"
The Report in the Express is excellent but The Daily Mail's report was unprofessional so I posted this comment. I don't know if it has (yet?) appeared:
So MAIL You headline part quote our WeatherAction long range forecast which was for "The coldest or near coldest May for 100 years in Central and east parts" WITHOUT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. Your main enemy paper gave an accurate report with acknowledgement.
People who want to know more please visit our WeatherAction (dotcom) site.
For information our forecasts are nothing to do with standard computer models which have no skill in long range forecasting.
Thank you ,
Piers Corbyn,
WeatherAction long range forecasters
"Piers Corbyn ,astrophysicist of Weatheraction.com says, "We are making this headline from our 45 day ahead Britain & Ireland forecast public because of its importance. It is an economically impactful forecast and more detail of the timing of cold and wintry blasts, East-West splits and drought or not implications are available to subscribers and will also be reviewed for the 30 day ahead forecast due at end of April.
"The very cold expectations apply to East parts and near – Europe rather than Ireland and West Britain”.
If you have any relatives or anyone you know who lives in the areas mentioned above, please let them know.... |
Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto
By Gary Vey for viewzone

The idea of a new planet being discovered in our Solar System is pretty exciting. Even more so because of the many theories about "planet-x" or "Nibiru" being associated with space aliens and the doomsday prophecies of 2012.
Scientists at places like NASA and famous observatories have deflected inquiries about the discovery for a few years now, mainly because they feared being associated with these "fringe" theories. But like it or not -- it has happened. Well... according to a team of Spanish artronomers who call themselves the StarViewer Team.
The group made the rounds of all the news web sites in the past two weeks, claiming they discovered something very significant. It's almost twice the size of Jupiter and just beyond our furthest planetoid, Pluto. Although it's not a planet, it appears to have planets or large satellites encircling it. It's what astronomers call a "brown dwarf star" and its official name is "G1.9".
www.viewzone.com |
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