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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini?

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Post time 22-4-2012 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Sebarang pengunaan senjata nuklear di rantau negara2 arab sama sekali akan membahayakan israel dan negara2 arab yg berada disekeliling iran....even penggunaan low-yield nuclear kalo lah WWW3 berlaku di area tu...penggunaan senjata konvensional dilibatkan...

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Post time 22-4-2012 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Sekadar nak berkongsi mimpi saya semalam. Semalam saya mengalami sort of 'lucid dream', di mana saya ...
andria Post at 21-4-2012 15:00

Adekah mimpi ni same/ saling berkaitan dgn mimpi2 andria sblm ni?

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 08:41 PM | Show all posts
Reply  andria

    kat FB dia info tu?
razhar Post at 22-4-2012 14:47

    It's there, under the year 2012. Subscribers 11K ++. Maybe it's a mistake, I'm not sure. I was informed he changed his Japan EQ/Tsunami pic to US pic that has S. Carolina in it. I think that was the last update he made before suddenly disappeared.

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Adekah mimpi ni same/ saling berkaitan dgn mimpi2 andria sblm ni?
mulberi Post at 22-4-2012 20:08

    I'm not sure, this one seems different. This one lebih cenderung kpd 'trying to tell me what's gonna happen, and that something will happen at a certain time, in a certain place'. Itu feeling yg saya dapat dari mimpi tu. Saya diberikan certain clues and hints, but when I woke up, I could remember nothing. Except that I had a feeling, I was in a valley. Dan ada papan tanda yg mempunyai 2 patah perkataan, tercatat pada papan tanda tu. I don't know why, but I keep being reminded of the valleys in South California. I hope my dream is just that - a dream. It just felt so real. I still remember waking up feeling the dread...

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Post time 22-4-2012 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Allah knows better than anyone. Let's pray for His blessings. by hook or by crook, life goes on.

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Post time 22-4-2012 09:51 PM | Show all posts
i did asked some people around me regarding great flood and disaster, it seems actually many of us indeed had similar kind of dream like flood, earth quake, great cities destroyed. is it mere coincidence? Wallahua'alam.

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 10:15 PM | Show all posts
Breaking News - Oxygen levels DROPPING in the ATMOSPHERE!

Atmospheric Oxygen Levels Fall As Carbon Dioxide Rises

According to a study conducted by scientists from the Scripps Institute there is less oxygen in the atmosphere today than there used to be. The ongoing study, which accumulated and interpreted data from NOAA monitoring stations all over the world, has been running from 1989 to the present. It monitored both the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the decline in oxygen. The conclusion of that 20 year study is that, as carbon dioxide (produced primarily by burning fossil fuels) accumulates in the atmosphere, available oxygen is decreasing.

Carbon dioxide seems to be almost the total focus of attention in the climate change model as it exists today. After reviewing the results of this study and talking with Dr. Ralph Keeling (one of the lead scientists on the study), it seemed to me that the consequences of atmospheric oxygen depletion should be included in any discussion of atmospheric change.


A Startling Revelation:

Recently, when scientists analyzed air bubbles trapped in fossilized amber, they were stunned. The trapped air had an oxygen content of 38%. By comparison, the air we breathe today has an average oxygen content of from 19 to 21%... 50% less oxygen than the ancient bubble of air found in the amber.

This discovery is startling to researchers, because it suggests the human body was designed to function at a 50% stronger concentration of oxygen than what we have now. These figures become even more alarming when we realize the oxygen levels in the air over many cities is even lower... measured at from 12% to 15%. It is generally accepted that human life cannot be supported with air containing less than 7% oxygen.


Patutlah the elite beria-ia membina bunker di bawah tanah. They of course knew much more than us...

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 22-4-2012 22:41

Dark Twin Rising - NIBIRU?

The Dark Twin can be seen rising in the western sky from a webcam at the Neumayer Station on Antarctica. This station is at Latitude 60 so is two-thirds the way down from the Equator, not directly at the  S Pole. The cam is pointed south, so one can only see the Sun rise as it shines on the North facing side of the station and cast shadows in front of the cam. The object captured is neither the Sun (which is behind the cam) nor the Moon (which is on the Ecliptic, and a nearly full Moon at the time). Thanks to Gordon Gianninoto for bringing this to my attention. Note that the object rises as the cam records 5:00 pm. At this point the rotation of the Earth has pointed the cam increasingly toward the West. The object then appears directly above the station 10:00 pm and is visible until 1:00 am. This places the Dark Twin more behind the Earth, and below the Earth having dropped below the Ecliptic, out in space rather than far to the West in their shared orbit. Per the Zetas, this Neumayer capture is indeed the Dark Twin.


Something is coming...

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Post time 22-4-2012 10:42 PM | Show all posts

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini?

imam mahdi is coming...

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 22-4-2012 10:48 PM | Show all posts
he is coming after dajjal. the question now is, is dajjal here already or he is about to appear.
Allah knows best.

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Post time 22-4-2012 10:58 PM | Show all posts
i did asked some people around me regarding great flood and disaster, it seems actually many of us indeed had similar kind of dream like flood, earth quake, great cities destroyed. is it mere coincidence? Wallahua'alam.
magpie5672 Post at 22-4-2012 21:51

not only that pattern bro.. all of us once in a while will have a dream about ghost chasing us, how we have the ability to fly, going to a beautiful place, finding gold, have a lot of money,  dream abotu death, about animal, snake and many more pattern...actually people will dream the same pattern..and they dream more what what they concern in real life..yang membezakan ni manusia...bila tanya kepada orang lain tentulah mereka mengiyakan sahaja..perlu ada control yang sesuai..

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Post time 22-4-2012 11:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2428# andria

    do refer to my previous photo....

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 11:06 PM | Show all posts
Breaking - The coldest May in Britain for a century!

The weatherman caught in a media storm

Rogue forecaster brands Met Office 'lying scum' after spat over his latest apocalyptic warning
Michael McCarthy

It's surely one of the more sensational weather forecasts of the last few years – the prediction that next month will be the coldest May in Britain for a century.

It was splashed all over the front page of the Daily Express on Thursday and doubtless sent a shiver down the spines of many people already fed up with the chilly spring.

But it didn't come from the Met Office. No, this prophecy of a truly out-of-season wintry month came from an independent weather forecaster, Piers Corbyn, using what he terms his "solar weather technique" which involves calculating how solar particles will interact with the Earth. However, Mr Corbyn, 65, who has a degree in physics and runs a company named WeatherAction from an office in south London, declines to disclose his methodology in detail.


Seiapa yg ada saudara-mara yg tinggal di Britain, mungkin patut memberitahu supaya bersedia dgn suhu paling sejuk yg bakal melanda Britain bulan depan...


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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 11:16 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 22-4-2012 23:23
not only that pattern bro.. all of us once in a while will have a dream about ghost chasing us,  ...
ninja9 Post at 22-4-2012 22:58

    The thing is, this pattern ONLY appeared starting 3-4 years back or so. Not before. Never before by a large scale of people. If you go around the English Forums in the west, more than 60% of forumers admitted to dreaming of the same-themes. This specific-theme has increased during the past few years and no one knows why. Themes including earthquakes, nuclear bombs, volcanoes, tsunamis, moons, planets, etc. Not the 'normal' kind of dreams that one usually has. Not the 'nonsense' kind of dreams, but more towards prophetic dreams or perhaps, premonitions, for some people. People who never dreamt in colors, suddenly are experiencing lucid dreams. So one obvious question would be - why do the disasters-theme dreams occur to so many people, at the same time? People who don't know you from Adam, never spoke to one another, lives in another Continent, and yet, dreams the same disasters-theme dreams?

I believe there are more than meets the eyes. Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 11:22 PM | Show all posts
he is coming after dajjal. the question now is, is dajjal here already or he is about to appear.
Al ...
magpie5672 Post at 22-4-2012 22:48

    AFAIK, the Anti-Christ will appear after full completion of the Digital system (and other requirements). Now in some parts of the world, we are still using Analog. Apakah kaitan antara Analog, Digital dan Dajjal? It is related. But many people won't be able to grasp reality, as it is. Or even the truth. Apart from that, ada hadis yg menyatakan, Dajjal akan keluar selepas bumi kemarau selama 3 tahun berturut-turut. Dajjal akan keluar pada tahun ketiga. Ada beberapa clues and hints lain, yg sebenarnya boleh dikompilasikan, until we can connect all the dots. But truth is stranger than fiction. You might find yourself going deeper and deeper, into the rabbit hole, and then find out, you can't get out. So think carefully before you decide to ever plunge in...

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 11:33 PM | Show all posts
Late News - World headed toward mini ice age?

February 23, 2012 in Washington Voices

A report released at the end of January by British climate scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit showed that the Earth’s average temperatures have dropped to the same levels seen back in 1997 before the so-called “big warmup.”

The average global temperature in 2011 was 0.68 degrees above normal. In the previous decade, the average temperature on this planet was 0.81 degrees above normal.

The British scientists agree with many Russian and Japanese climate scientists that the world could be headed toward a mini ice age sometime in the near future.


No wonder the cold weather has been acting strange as of late. And Britain is going to get the coldest weather in the century next month. No wonder Rasulullah s.a.w pernah bersabda:

Sabda Nabi SAW, “Jika kamu semua melihat Panji-panji Hitam datang dari arah Khurasan, maka sambutlah ia walaupun kamu terpaksa merangkak di atas salji. Sesungguhnya di tengah-tengah panji-panji itu ada Khalifah Allah yang mendapat petunjuk.” Maksudnya ialah al-Mahdi

(Ibnu Majah, Abu Nuaim & al-Hakim)



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 Author| Post time 22-4-2012 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Giant Sinkhole Opens Up In Oklahoma After EQ: Caused By Cern? Micro Black Hole?

Sunday, April 22, 2012 5:50

Published on Apr 20, 2012 by jazzi422

This Giant sink hole opened up in Delhi Oklahoma (Westrn Oklahoma). The hole opened up right after the state experienced a record breaking Earthquake 5.6m on the richter. The local geologist says its not related, could have been a mine. There is no mine under this field. The local geologist seems to be a questionable source.



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Post time 22-4-2012 11:51 PM | Show all posts
mini ice age? dah beli baju sejuk tebal2? harap2 OB dah beli baju sejuk dgn peralatan ski...

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Post time 23-4-2012 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2438# razhar

tq aku tak wat apa2 pun
cuma tunggu kat sini je
sebab soalan aku kat yg post2 tu
masih tak berjawab

kalau kita ikut hukum akal manusia
yg tak berjawab tu.........penakut kotttt
amacam, leh terima tak teori aku yg bodoh ni???????

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Post time 23-4-2012 10:02 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2349# mulberi

sorylupa kat post hang tu

pasal aku terasyik nak jadi DAJJAL leee
dajjal kat sini kottttt
cam depa dok tunggu tuuuu
tapi kannnn
aku ni dajal sepet mata kiri aku
sedangkan dajjal yg tu buta mata kanannya
beza jauh tuuuuuuuuu

jeng jeng jeng............leh faham tak?????????

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