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Author: ctfiza


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Post time 17-11-2008 01:38 AM | Show all posts
nak sharing gambr....gler lama xjoin cni daaa...


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Post time 18-11-2008 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by iamsairul at 17-11-2008 01:38

aku suka yang ni.........

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Post time 18-11-2008 01:32 AM | Show all posts
tiba2 akuh nk mencelah..
hehehe...akhirnya akuh dah berjaya jual kesemua mini hamster akuh kat
and skang nih tgal robos n syirian jek kat umah..
lagik aman bela dorg sbb x geget...hehehehe

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Post time 18-11-2008 05:41 PM | Show all posts
kooooooooraaaaaaannnnngg, camner nak handle hamster ganazzz??

si Naruto ni besar dan gemuk, pemalas kuat tidoq, pastu suka gigit tangan manusia yang nearest dengan beliau, help!! ASAP, SOS, tu lagu Jonet Brother..

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Post time 18-11-2008 07:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2454 iamsairul's post

ahhh?? cecco tak tau la cecco guna woodshaving @ cedar shavings?


cedar shavings

mcm takde beza je.. gamba cedar shavings tu dizoomkan. nampak sama halus macam woodshavings je??
tak sangka cecco masih mengong dlm bab beddings ni..

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Post time 18-11-2008 07:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2458 kroit92's post

naruto memang la ganas. yg ko bela dia watpe

ko memula letak tapak tangan ko perlahan2 kat lantai cage, bersebelahan dgn si naruto tu.
then biar la dia sniff2 bau ko dulu, supaya dia biasa ngan ko.
and supaya dia x terkejut ngan tangan ko yg tetiba nak grab dia..

What not to do :

    * Try to pick up a hamster that is asleep or has just wakened
    * Handle a hamster if your hands smell of food
    * Try to grab a hamster from above
    * Handle the hamster in area where there is a risk that it could fall and get injured

* kopi pes

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Post time 18-11-2008 09:32 PM | Show all posts

Balas #2460 a.ceCCo\ catat

itu masalahnya.. bila tangan kitorang(family) masuk cage je, tak kisah ar nak tukar air ke, reload makanan ke, dia akan bau pastu terus kejar.. dia gigit tak lepas.. letak tangan kat sangkar pun dia lompat terus gigit.. pernah sekali tangan berdarah kena gigit dia..

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2459 a.ceCCo's post

cecco...ade tulis kt plastik bedding tuh die pakai kayu jenis apa...klu  xde tulis...better jgn beli...dikuatiri jenis kayu die tuh jenis pine/cedar...kadang2 ade certain company nak kos murah,pakai kayu yg xelok,whereby diorg xtau bende alah tu harm pada hamster...even diorg tau pon,diorg anggap hamster tuh murah...mati bleh beli lain..tapi kesian la kan dkt hamster tuh..mati sbb kecuaian kite gak,xpilih accesories/keperluan yg sesuai utk diorg...

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by a.ceCCo at 18-11-2008 07:20 PM
ahhh?? cecco tak tau la cecco guna woodshaving @ cedar shavings?

tak bagus guna cedar shaving sebagai bedding... cuba baca dan pahamkan  article nih...

Cedar and pine shavings are commonly available pet bedding products. However, there has been much discussion ovger the safety of these beddings among exotic pet owners and advocate. Are these beddings really dangerous for the animals for which they are intended?
Cedar and pine became popular for pet bedding material because they are good at controlling odor and have some natural insecticidal properties (they kill or repel bugs, especially cedar). These softwood shavings smell nice due to the volatile compounds (e.g. aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols) that are given off. Unfortunately these compounds have been implicated as a potential health risk, especially with regards to respiratory problems (asthma, inflammation, allergic responses) and changes in the liver. Many of the studies on wood toxicity have actually been conducted on humans, who are exposed to these woods and their by products in the wood product industry (such as those who work in lumber mills who are exposed to lots of wood dust), and these studies often compare the incidence of disease in workers in the wood product industry compared to other workers or the average population. Obviously, this is a much different type of exposure compared to our pets. Studies of laboratory animals have shown fairly dramatic changes in liver enzymes on animals housed on cedar bedding. This in turn can effect the metabolism of drugs including anesthetics, but there is not much information on a direct link between these changes and disease or clinical symptoms. The changes in liver enzymes can be problematic for research animals, but the impact on pets hasn't really be studied, as far as I can tell. Bottom Line
Based on the studies that implicate the compounds from cedar in allergic and respiratory diseases as well as the impact on liver enzymes, it seems it may well be prudent to avoid cedar shavings as bedding or litter, especially since alternatives are available.
With pine shavings, the problem isn't as clear cut. Pine shavings emit similar volatile compounds as cedar, but the risks aren't clear. It is thought that heat treating pine shavings may reduce the levels of aromatic hydrocarbons that have been implicated as a potential concern, so that products such as kiln dried pine are safe (many pet products are heat treated). Since the information about the problems is circumstantial and hasn't been evaluated in the context of health problems in exotic pets, I'm hesitant to make firm recommendations. That said, it has been my personal choice to avoid cedar; I have used pine in the past, though recently I have been trying out many of the alternatives available on the market instead. Many Other Options Available
The concerns over pet bedding safety seem to have led to a bit of an explosion of alternative bedding products on the market. In terms of wood shavings, aspen is a good option that is widely available. There is an increasing number of other litter or pellet type products on the market now, which are appropriate for use as bedding or in litter boxes. The best option depends on the type of animal and what the litter is used for. Some of the harder pellet products might be better used in the litter box of a ferret or rabbit, while the softer types of bedding/litter are good for the smaller pets that need their cage lined. However, even some of the pelleted products can be used as a substrate/bedding for rodents, especially as cage liner with some softer bedding provided as a top layer.

*********kopi pess jugakkkkkkkkkk......

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Post time 20-11-2008 11:06 PM | Show all posts
thanks guysss! so maknanya woodshavings la paling ok?
sairul.. kat plastik bedding tu tulisan sume dalam bahasa french.
aaaahh mana cecco paham.. hope nak blaja bhsa french la nanti.

but now si natsu tu macam dah ok. nafas dah tak berat/ berbunyik2.
means beddings yg cecco guna tu elok la kut

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Post time 24-11-2008 01:06 AM | Show all posts

Balas #2466 a.ceCCo\ catat

watpe tu? nak bunuh dirik ker..???huhuuhuhu

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Post time 24-11-2008 09:30 AM | Show all posts

Balas #2467 puff_kitty\ catat

anak ko tu dah 2 kali beranak
yg mula2 2 ekoq yg hidup
yg baru ni 3 ekoq...dah 1 mggu lbh

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Post time 24-11-2008 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MeeSai at 24-11-2008 09:30 AM
anak ko tu dah 2 kali beranak
yg mula2 2 ekoq yg hidup
yg baru ni 3 ekoq...dah 1 mggu lbh

dah..dah laa.tuu jgnlah asik kasi dia beranak jer.... cian kat dia.... nanti asingkan yer.. bglaa rehat [email=3@4bulan]3@4bulan[/email] ...

tepeklah gambo...nak tengok....huhuhuhu

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Post time 24-11-2008 10:14 AM | Show all posts

Balas #2469 puff_kitty\ catat

dah dia gatal nak kawin..

lenkali aku tepek

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Post time 24-11-2008 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MeeSai at 24-11-2008 10:14 AM
dah dia gatal nak kawin..

lenkali aku tepek

ala... kalo ko asingkann.. takde laa dia gatai nyer....

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Post time 24-11-2008 02:03 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2467 puff_kitty's post

hahahah. cecco saje let natsu play2 kat balcony umah.
cecco sentiasa watch lah.

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Post time 24-11-2008 05:56 PM | Show all posts
sy br beli hamster 2 ekor..huhu cuti 2 ni takde uat ape kan...ok gak ela hamster..tomey cam sy jugak.. sekor jantan dan sekor betina..DIDI & DADA

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Post time 26-11-2008 07:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2473 milea's post

jenis dwarf ke? or robo?

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Post time 1-12-2008 06:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2475 MeeSai's post

ko letak kat balang plastik ikan ker??

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Post time 10-12-2008 01:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2482 dakmama's post


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