faraway1 posted on 25-12-2014 12:42 AM 
visa tourist ke US tu dah oklah sebab u belajar di canada.
montreal u boleh hidup tanpa french, ...
bonjour j'ai un tres beau studio tout équipé et meublé a neuf, balcon, beau cartier huppé, pres de toute commodité, a coté du métro snodown et université de mtl pas bus 51 a la porte. je suis absente du lundi am au vendredi soir alor je cherche une personne honnête qui a besoin d'un pied à terre en semaine. 350$ tout inclus.
contacter annik 450 821 8661 |
faraway1 posted on 25-12-2014 12:55 AM 
sebulan aje..
emm kalau u dekat quebec, boleh kasi one of my apartment sewa
ni jauh...
owh.i thought quebec is nearby to montreal..i will be located in macdonalds campus, which is nearby rue etc...i am not sure if there is direct flight to canada but only to vancouver..
i guess i need to learn french here again from the students. just in case to befriend with the locals.
unless if I will get three months attachment only then i may consider for short term rentals for one month, i might consider sharing with someone as I may not need more space for my own self.
.send my regards to remi
AppropriateNick posted on 25-12-2014 01:19 AM 
u lelaki ke pompuan..
apartment tu cam kongsi di hujung minggu,
owner dia hanya balik studio tu sabtu dan ahad.
studio, so satu bilik aje..
AppropriateNick posted on 25-12-2014 01:25 AM 
owh.i thought quebec is nearby to montreal..i will be located in macdonalds campus, which is nearb ...
kalau kat campus , bagus tu..
sure ramai malaysian u boleh jumpa..
direct flight tak da ke montreal,
flight kl ke vancouver ke montreal
flight kl ke tokyo ke montreal
itu antara flight me pernah ambil berulang alik ke malaysia - cnaada
sharing apartment tu cam ok.
tapi for 3 months cam masalah jugak..
sebab tak lamakan..
dekat quebec ni, awal bulan 7 kira
bulan orang berpindah, so dalam bulan 5 u patut
start tenguk dalam kajiji pasal orang nak cari roomate ke apa.
even for short term lease.
quebec and montreal jauh jugak..
need to merajuk hentak kaki kalau nak ke montreal tu
sebab my dreba merangkap husband tak suka sangat ke sana..
its big city, cam KL jugak, dengan traffic bagai.. but best kat sana,
the resto halal u boleh makan, dan senang nak dapat bahan asian foods.
faraway1 posted on 25-12-2014 09:01 PM
kalau kat campus , bagus tu..
sure ramai malaysian u boleh jumpa..
Ntah la..sebab i x pasti lagi pasal accommodation since i ada tnya dorg ada kasik links utk rental yg org nak balik kg la mcm tu..tp kena check dua bulan sebelum tu..kira sambung rental dorg mcm tu..tgh survey2 lagi ni..by the way..i am a male, farah. |
faraway1 posted on 25-12-2014 08:54 PM
u lelaki ke pompuan..
apartment tu cam kongsi di hujung minggu,
owner dia hanya balik studio tu ...
Awesome gak rental mcm tu.dlm 300 ++ dollar jek. Shud be okla kan..dorg kesah ke laki ke perempuan.. |
Plan for US vacay next year, tp tak tahu nak mula mcmana and dr mana. blur lgsg psl us ni  |
errr lebih pada u, kalau u tak kisah,
then no hal, its normal rasanya housemate berlainan jantina di sini...
so dorang offer u sous louer apartment yang orang dah nak balik.
sound good jugak, tapi kalau dua ke 3 bulan,
tak perlu memilih sangat kot penting u ada tempat tidur selesa..
rerajinlah check link me kasi tu.. hantar email tanya
pasal kekosongan tu semua.
tq so much..i do appreciate it...iakan check around march r may...
of course i x kisah..mcm la i nak rogol dorg kan...lol
me melayu ok, oh coz me tanya soalan camni..
lupa bagitau, u boleh jugak, kalau memang u kena cari tempat tinggal sendiri,
bukak your own iklan kat kajiji tu.. sebagai contoh camni
I'm looking for a fully furnished room to rent close to downtown/McGill starting In January till May 1st. Im a 4th year student and Moving to Montreal for work!
My budget is $550-600 and ideally looking to room with other students who are clean, with a work hard play hard mentality.
Let me know what you have available! Feel free to email me for any further questions.''
atas ni me ambil dari kajiji jugak,..
kajjiji ni mcm nama jepun jek kan..ok cool..maybe terlalu awal kot i iklan skang
u amik flight mas ke g montreal ni
hai semua,
saya nak tanya jika tiket kita beli MAS connecting flight American Airlines... route dia KUL-LHR-IAD.
brapa check in luggage yang boleh kita bawak utk tiket class economy? ade yang cakap 30 kg, tapi saya dpt info kalau ke US kita boleh bwk 2pcs luggage, 23 kg per pcs? betul ker?
New York jer la kot. Tapi kalau dapat WDC, ok juga. |
last may saya ambil route ni lah...KUL-LHR-IAD, beli tiket American Airlines. Tapi codeshare KUL-LHR naik MAS, LHR-IAD naik BA.
dari KUL dah 30kg, so all the way 30kg lah...tak tahu pulak pasal 2 piece luggage policy AA. Saya balik naik AA, I think sama je policy.
ada plan nak transit di LHR dan tambah luggage ke??
i mostly travel dari north america ke asia..
yepp, tiap kali travel boleh bawak dua bag..
Plan nak ke Irving next month.. ticket tak beli lagi.....btw ok ke nak drive kat Irving ke San Marcos? |
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