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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 12-5-2012 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Spanish Astronomers Claim Dwarf Sun Beyond Pluto
By Gary Vey for viewzone
andria Post at 12-5-2012 00:00

    Mereka sudah debunked yang itu bukan brown star. Saya dah pernah paste artikel itu sebelum ni. when i think about it, i think semua ni hanya teori konspirasi saja.

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2012 10:57 PM | Show all posts
2,300 birds found dead along Chilean beaches
From Marilia Brocchetto, CNN
May 12, 2012 -- Updated 0713 GMT (1513 HKT)


    * Warm waters off Peru have chased away fish, a national center studying El Nino says
    * Fish flee south to deeper, cooler waters, leaving 5,000 Peruvian surface-feeding birds dead
    * Chilean birds have apparently feasted on such fleeing fish, an environment professor says
    * Many of the dead Chilean birds have injuries consistent with getting trapped in fishing nets

Dying pelicans in Peru have been blamed on warm waters.

Wildlife engineer Guillermo Boigorria, left, and regional prosecutor Lev Castro inspect sea bird in Peru, which along with Chile has seen a rash of water bird deaths.

(CNN) -- Chilean officials are asking fishermen to help save birds caught in nets after thousands of dead fowl appeared along coastal Chile this week.

At least 2,300 dead birds were found along beaches between Cartagena and Playa de Santo Domingo, Chile, said Jose Luis Britos, and environment professor and director of the Museum of Natural History of San Antonio, Chile.

Many of the birds, which come from several species, had broken wings and bruising on the outside of their bodies -- injuries consistent with getting trapped in fishing nets, Britos said.

He said bird deaths from fishing nets occur every year, but never at this level. In a typical year, about 15 to 20 dead birds are found, Britos said.

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2012 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Mothers forced to sell their children: Mail reveals the distressing human toll of Greece's Euro meltdown
PUBLISHED: 22:32 GMT, 11 May 2012 | UPDATED: 12:55 GMT, 12 May 2012

Sad: Sophia, a child who is now being looked after at the SOS children's refugee in Athens after being abandoned

Tough times: Maria Tsvira, pictured with her daughter Juliana, is now forced to use the charity medical centre set up in Athens

Effects of austerity: Juliana Tsivra with her mother Maria. Maria used to work in a bakery but lost her job more than a year ago

The economic crisis across Europe has perhaps been most keenly felt in Greece, where people have taken to the streets in violent and emotional protests against the austeriy measures imposed on the nation.

In this heartbreaking dispatch from the streets of Athens, SUE REID finds mothers who have been forced to sell their own children in the battle for survival.

Once a month, usually on a Saturday, Kasiani Papadopoulou packs a bag with children’s presents and takes the bus from her one-bedroom flat in a dusty suburb of Athens up into the cool hills outside the Greek capital that overlook the sea.

The 20-mile journey is an emotional one for her, but she would not stop making it for anything in the world.

A young widow of 30, she travels to see her two daughters and son — aged 14, 13 and 12. Kasiani was forced to give them away a year ago when her money ran out and she was unable to pay for their food, her rent or send them to school with shoes or books.

This is how bad the economy crisis is in Greece, which you won't find in most mainstream media. This is not including pensioners who committed suicide by shooting themselves in front of the parliament, as a protest...

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2012 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Parts of Japan's Mount Fuji in danger of collapse after new fault line discovered
Posted: May 11, 2012 4:06 PM Updated: May 11, 2012 4:06 PM

Source: AFP

GOTENBA, Japan -- Parts of Japan's Mount Fuji could collapse if a newly-discovered fault line under the mountain shifts, a government report warned Friday.

A three-year study by seismologists discovered a previously-unknown active fault under the mountain, a Japanese national symbol and key tourist attraction located 60 miles (100km) west of Tokyo.

Yashuhiro Yoshida, director for earthquake investigation at the science ministry, said, "It's possible that [parts of] the mountain could collapse with mudslides flowing to Gotenba."

A team of researchers, led by academics from the University of Tokyo, fired simulated seismic waves at the mountain, which revealed a fault that was theoretically capable of generating an earthquake of up to magnitude seven.

The researchers said they believed the fault moved some time in the last million years, although it was not clear when.

Yoshida said local geography showed that Mount Fuji experienced major mudslides nearly 3,000 years ago but that more studies were required to determine how the fault could affect potential volcanic activity.

The area around the mountain, an almost-perfect volcanic cone that is much admired for its beauty, is known for having frequent earthquakes and numerous fault lines, even for quake-prone Japan.

Japan has been on heightened alert for possible quakes and other natural hazards since the 9.0 magnitude quake and the tsunami of March 2011 killed 19,000 people and sparked a nuclear emergency at a Fukushima nuclear complex.

Copyright 2012 AFP. All rights reserved.

That is small, compared to what's gonna happen to Japan, overall...  wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2012 11:54 PM | Show all posts
Northern region of Pella declared ‘locust-plagued’
Saturday May 12, 2012

Authorities in Pella, northern Greece, on Thursday declared the region officially “locust-plagued” following reports from across the area that swarms of the insects have descended on farmland, devouring large tracts of crops on which local residents depend for their livelihoods.

The authorities sounded the alert following an emergency meeting with representatives of health services regarding the best methods for effectively exterminating the pests without provoking any undesirable side effects.

The worst affected areas are reportedly near several villages around Giannitsa, including Aravissos, Mandalo, Kali and Plagiari as well as the western section of the prefecture, in the areas of Rizo, Loutrohori and Sevastiana.

The regional official responsible for quality checks on crops, Giorgos Gaitanis, indicated in an interview with Kathimerini that the situation was still manageable. “It is not yet a huge problem and we are trying to ensure that we keep it under control,” Gaitanis said, noting that the concentration of locusts was denser at the foot of hills than in local orchards.

The official called on locals to report instances of large concentrations of locusts to the relevant department of their municipality so that immediate action can be taken to exterminate the insects and stop them from spreading over ever-larger tracts of land.

Gaitanis said pesticide spraying should be carried out in the morning, when locusts are generally not so active and when bees are usually not in flight and so would not be subjected to the chemicals too.

The unseasonably dry weather in recent weeks is believed to have contributed to the spread of the insects.

Locusts have also descended in large numbers on the northern Aegean island of Aghios Efstratios. Experts recommend that environmentally friendly products be used on the island, which is a protected area in the European Union’s Natura program.       

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 Author| Post time 12-5-2012 11:58 PM | Show all posts
Worst flooding in regions of Peru seen in 20 years causes outbreak of Leptospirosis
Posted on May 11, 2012 by The Extinction Protocol

May 11, 2012 – PERU - Flooding has caused an outbreak of leptospirosis in Peru, especially in the Loreto region. This is the worst flooding seen in this area for over 20 years. Peru has reported more than 300 cases and 3 deaths associated with leptospirosis thus far in 2012. Health authorities have alerted people to take precautions against the infection. Though recognised among the world’s most common diseases transmitted to people from animals, leptospirosis is nonetheless a relatively rare bacterial infection in humans. The infection is commonly transmitted to humans by allowing water that has been contaminated by animal urine to come in contact with unhealed breaks in the skin, the eyes, or with the mucous membranes. Outside of tropical areas, leptospirosis cases have a relatively distinct seasonality with most of them occurring in spring and autumn.

Leptospiral infection in humans causes a range of symptoms, and some infected persons may have no symptoms at all. Leptospirosis is a biphasic disease that begins with flu-like symptoms (fever, chills, myalgias, intense headache). The first phase resolves, and the patient is briefly asymptomatic until the second phase begins. This is characterized by meningitis, liver damage (causing jaundice), and renal failure. The infection is often wrongly diagnosed due to the wide range of symptoms. This leads to a lower registered number of cases than exists. Symptoms of leptospirosis include high fever, severe headache, chills, muscle aches, and vomiting, and may include jaundice, red eyes, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rash. Initial presentation may resemble pneumonia. The symptoms in humans appear after a 4–14 day incubation period.

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2012 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 13-5-2012 00:04

Annular Solar Eclipse May 20th, 2012

There would be a Solar Eclipse on May 20th, 2012...

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2012 12:23 AM | Show all posts
New Planet Found in Our Solar System?
Odd orbits of remote objects hint at unseen world, new calculations suggest.
Richard A. Lovett in Timberline Lodge, Oregon
for National Geographic News
Published May 11, 2012

Artist's conception of a small icy object beyond Pluto (file picture).
Illustration courtesy G. Bacon, STScI/NASA

An as yet undiscovered planet might be orbiting at the dark fringes of the solar system, according to new research.

Too far out to be easily spotted by telescopes, the potential unseen planet appears to be making its presence felt by disturbing the orbits of so-called Kuiper belt objects, said Rodney Gomes, an astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro.

Kuiper belt objects are small icy bodies—including some dwarf planets—that lie beyond the orbit of Neptune.

Once considered the ninth planet in our system, the dwarf planet Pluto, for example, is one of the largest Kuiper belt objects, at about 1,400 miles (2,300 kilometers) wide. Dozens of the other objects are hundreds of miles across, and more are being discovered every year.

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Post time 14-5-2012 11:19 AM | Show all posts
Reply 227# andria

    betul ke???
penipu jeee semua tuuuuu
dalam agama, kita pun tak tahu apa2

kalau berlagak tauuu tuuu
perasan je laaaaaa

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Post time 14-5-2012 12:30 PM | Show all posts
salam.. hari ni saya bermimpi.. tsunami melanda.. dengan ketinggian lebih kurang KLCC..aduiii.. seramnya.. semua pengangkutan lumpuh.. berlari dan belari untuk menyelamatkan diri.. mungkin kesan menonton program Dr Oz yang mengajar tentang 'survival kit' lewat malam tadi. persediaan menghadapi perang bio di US...

mungkin perkara ini boleh dikongsi:
1. makanan dalam tin
2. air mineral
3. lampu picit + bateri lithium
4. radio- utk mendapatkan sebarang info dr pihak berwajib tentang status terkini kawasan terlibat..

semoga kita semua dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga... spt mana yang andria post, byk sgt perkara pelek+ aneh berlaku kebelakangan ini.. asia.. eropah ... amerika.. suhu dan cuaca yang tak menentu...

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2012 10:38 PM | Show all posts
Mysterious light after sunset in Malaysia

Minggu lepas, seorang pelajar Turki mengambil gambar2 ini SELEPAS matahari terbenam, di lokasi Sri Petaling. Kata beliau, cahaya yg keluar dari langit seakan-akan cahaya matahari yg akan bersinar semula, SELEPAS ia baru saja terbenam beberapa saat yg lalu. Kata beliau lagi, cahaya itu sangat terang, lebih terang daripada apa yg kelihatan di dalam gambar. Peristiwa ini tidak mendapat tempat di dlm mana-mana media massa di Malaysia. Persoalannya, apakah ini sekadar Plasma Bubble, atau lebih dari itu?

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2012 10:53 PM | Show all posts
New study: Rogue planet may be lurking beyond Neptune — Nibiru?
By JohnThomas Didymus
May 15, 2012 - 20 hours ago in Science

Rio De Janeiro - A Brazilian astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, Rodney Gomes, has announced that there may be an undiscovered rogue planet lurking in the shadow of Neptune. Planet Nibiru watchers say the planet is Nibiru.
According to Gomes, presenting his findings Tuesday at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Timberline Lodge, Oregon, calculations show that about half a dozen Kuiper Belt objects are in strange orbits, that is, they are orbiting not where they are supposed to be, according to existing models of our solar system.

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Post time 17-5-2012 06:29 AM | Show all posts
Mysterious light after sunset in Malaysia

Minggu lepas, seorang pelajar Turki mengam ...
andria Post at 16-5-2012 22:38

saya selalu berjumpa situasi seperti ni..tak pernah terfikir utk ambil gambar..igtkan fenomena biasa..paling terbaru semalam waktu balik dr kerje..jam waktu tu dlm 7.40 rasanye(mmg jd habit sblm turun keta tgok jam dulu)..biasanye dlm jam tu keadaan agak gelap lagi2 tmpt sy parking x de lampu jalan, tp semalam rase agak terang igtkan ade bulan..bila saya dongak mmg x de bulan pun..dia punya cahaya waktu tu mcm sblm matahari ternbenam..mmg agak terang la tmpat sy parking tu..

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Post time 17-5-2012 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by pumpkin_penyek at 17-5-2012 16:56


This is my first post here. Sebelum ni ku seorang SR yang tegar.

Just nak share, cerita dari Greece.

Greeks Rush the Banks; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week

Mac Slavo
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Without a government for the last eleven days, and amid mainstream discussion of a Euro Zone exit, the Greek people are realizing that the economic and political system as they know it is rapidly descending into chaos.

With massive jobless rates that have forced many into bartering to survive, and facing credit destruction across the entirety of the country that has led to shortages of critical supplies like life saving medicines, those with any money left at national banks are taking the desperate step of withdrawing as much of their savings as they can from a banking system on its last leg.

This is what it looks like when a populace plagued with uncertainty finally loses trust in the credibility of their country’s leadership and financial system.

    Anxious Greeks have withdrawn as much as 700 million euros ($893 million) from the nation’s banks since the inconclusive May 6 election, President Karolos Papoulias told party leaders yesterday, according to a transcript of the meeting posted on the presidency’s website today. Papoulias said he got the information from the head of the Bank of Greece, the central bank, George Provopoulos, according to the transcript.

    Via Zero Hedge

Greeks line up at ATM’s across the country to withdraw cash:

As has been said before, Greece is the canary in the coal mine.

The debt has piled up across Europe and the United States. Like the Greeks, Americans will soon hit a breaking point from which there will be no return. When it does finally happen you can be assured that your local ATM’s and banks will be inundated with panicked depositors attempting to take possession of as much of their money as possible.

But once the lines start forming it will be too late. Banks will have no choice but to limit withdrawals and close their doors (even to safe deposit box owners), because they will not have enough cash on hand to meet demand.

The choice is simple: Either prepare now and have physical assets in your possession, or join the crowds and hope the government will come up with a solution to the massive outflows that will ensue when the bank run begins.

Considering the madness we’ve seen when people can’t get their hands on a Black Friday discounted Xbox or flat screen TV, our guess is that any solution the government puts forth to deal with the anger and frustration of people who can’t access their money will involve something like this:

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Post time 17-5-2012 05:02 PM | Show all posts
salam.. hari ni saya bermimpi.. tsunami melanda.. dengan ketinggian lebih kurang KLCC..aduiii.. sera ...
masrini Post at 14-5-2012 12:30

    mimpi ngeri ni saya alami dua kali..first dream about fire..2nd dream pulak air tsunami jugak..aduh, mmg seram giler..beristighfar panjang bila bangun pagi tu..kami suami isteri pun ada buat survival kit...manual flashlight, alum thermal blanket,air mineral berbotol tersedia dlm garage, makanan dlm tin, medical kit,radio, water purifier tablet, lighter...nak list lagi panjang..tapi dlm bersedia benda mcm ni, persediaan ke arah alam lagi satu pun kena buat jugak lah..kena seimbang...

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2012 10:01 PM | Show all posts

This is my first post here. Sebelum ni ku seorang SR yang tegar.

Just nak shar ...
pumpkin_penyek Post at 17-5-2012 16:55

Thanks for the post. Yes, actually the stock market for major countries have been going down these past weeks. China & Australia, just to name 2 of them (no need to mention Europe). Below is another hint from JP Morgan.

JPMorgan’s Trading Loss Is Said to Rise at Least 50%

JPMorgan Chase, center, in London, where the losing trades were initiated. The Federal Reserve is examining the scope of the accelerating losses.

The trading losses suffered by JPMorgan Chase have surged in recent days, surpassing the bank’s initial $2 billion estimate by at least $1 billion, according to people with knowledge of the losses.

When Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan’s chief executive, announced the losses last Thursday, he indicated they could double within the next few quarters. But that process has been compressed into four trading days as hedge funds and other investors take advantage of JPMorgan’s distress, fueling faster deterioration in the underlying credit market positions held by the bank.

A spokeswoman for the bank declined to comment, although Mr. Dimon has said the total paper trading losses will be volatile depending on day-to-day market fluctuations.

Remember the Lehman's bankruptcy and the hidden $138 billion bailout of JP Morgan few years back? I doubt the USA government will be able to bail-out JP Morgan for the 2nd time. Last time it was about 87 billion, repaid by the Fed. This time, with Euro going down, USA is getting a hit. A BIG HIT. And when USA get hits, it ripples all over the world. Those who have enough money now to be prepared, I am advising you, BE PREPARED.  Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2012 10:14 PM | Show all posts
Bankia customers pull out over 1-billion euros

Customers of troubled Spanish bank Bankia, nationalized last week, have taken out over 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) from their accounts over the past week, El Mundo newspaper reported on Thursday.

The newly appointed chairman, Jose Ignacio Goirigolzarri, informed a board meeting that customers had pulled out funds since the bank was taken over by the government, El Mundo said, citing information from the board meeting it had seen.

This is what happens when the government took over the bank. Let's hope it doesn't happen here.

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2012 10:23 PM | Show all posts

Против толстых кошельков

Разработан закон об ограничении оборота наличных денег

Рабочая группа при Министерстве финансов разработала законопроект, запрещающий компаниям выплачивать зарплату наличными деньгами и заставляющий магазины принимать банковские карты. Ведомство намерено начать кампанию против наличных денег, доля которых в обороте в России намного больше, чем в развитых странах. За счет этого планируется снизить уровень преступности и увеличить собираемость налогов.

Начать борьбу с наличностью в России призвал глава Сбербанка Герман Греф еще в середине 2011 года. В письме тогда еще премьер-министру Владимиру Путину он заявил, что медленное развитие системы безналичных платежей тормозит экономический рост. По его словам, страна теряет из-за больших объемов наличности около одного процента ВВП в год.

English Translation

The Ministery of Finances are looking into transferring most of the cash money flow in Russia over to plastic cards and harshly regulating the amount of free currency in circulation. Each shop and money transfer point (Car Dealers, Markets, etc would need an ATM at least)

The article is in Russian, but I have not found any English source citing the same. I decided in our times of confusion and uncertainty that this is a troubling sign. I am not a big supporter of conspiracy theories, but my everyday life as a Russian Citizen would be greatly hindered by this proposal.

Not to mention the chaos in smaller enterprises and in an event of power failure. One would not be able to buy, or sell anything legally and easily without that card. You wouldn't even get your usual salary in cash with a side dish of the usual workplace kickback.

Penggunaan KAD secara meluas, sudah lama dijangkakan akan berlaku. Ini pernah disebutkan sebagai salah satu perancangan rapi yg ada dlm pemerintahan New World Order (NWO). Akan sampai suatu masa, mungkin semua orang akan WAJIB menggunakan kad, kerana wang kertas akan dimansuhkan. Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2012 10:28 PM | Show all posts
Debt crisis: Greek euro exit looms closer as banks crumble
A tsunami of capital flight from Greece threatens to overwhelm the authorities, forcing the country out of the euro before fresh elections in June.

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International business editor
7:50PM BST 16 May 2012

A pedestrian passes a kiosk selling newspapers. The growing alarm comes as judge Panagiotis Pikrammenos was picked as Greece’s caretaker leader until the next vote on June 17. Polls show the Left-wing Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras emerging as clear victor. Photo: Bloomberg

Economists warned that the Greek financial system could crumble within weeks or days unless the European Central Bank steps up support.

President Karolos Papoulias told party leaders that banks had lost €700m in withdrawals on Monday alone as citizens rush to pre-empt capital controls and a much-feared return to the Drachma.

He cited central bank warnings that "great fear" might soon escalate to panic. The leaked details lend credence to claims that capital flight by both savers and firms have reached €4bn a week since the triumph of anti-bailout parties on May 6.

Steen Jakobsen from Saxo Bank said outflows are becoming unstoppable, not helped by open talk in EU circles of `technical’ plans for Greek withdrawal.

"This has a self-fulfilling prophecy built into it and I don’t think we can get to June. The fuse is burning and the only two options now are a controlled explosion where Germany steps in to ensure an orderly exit, or an uncontrolled explosion," he said.

This has been going on for months - years, to be exact. It has just been stalled, but things are slowly crumbling down...

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 Author| Post time 17-5-2012 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Mari kita lihat dan dengar apa pula kata Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia (Zeti Akhtar Aziz) tentang hutang Greece. Sila ke SINI utk tonton video berkenaan.

Malaysia's Central Bank Governor on Europe Crisis

May 17 (Bloomberg) -- Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Malaysia’s central bank governor, talks about Europe's sovereign-debt crisis and Greece's potential exit from the euro area. She spoke yesterday in Istanbul with Bloomberg Television's Haslinda Amin. (Source: Bloomberg)

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