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Author: tamanmahkota1


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Post time 1-7-2008 10:45 PM | Show all posts
Special Features.
The system comprises 4 High Density Cartridge Purifiers that perform 8 Purification Processes:  

1stCartridge Purifier
Highest quality Ceramics filter out contaminants, rust and other minute particles above the size of 0.9 micron as well as any bacteria protozoans.
2nd Cartridge Purifier
Top quality Activated Carbon Ceramic and Natural Mineral Stones effectively remove odor and unpleasant tastes. "SOFTEN" raw water, purify and release various minerals to give Rx-WaterTM a pleasant taste. Its High Density PPF Fiber effectively blocks over hundreds of bacteria and organic pollutants.  
3rd Cartridge Purifier
  Contains a Highly Activated Carbon Ceramic and KDF Process Media that conform to US EPA and FDA National Safety Standards to effectively eliminate "HARD" minerals and radioactive substances.
4th Cartridge Purifier
  Its Aura Converter activates its aura healing capabilities while the Vortexian Energizer breaks down water molecules into smaller clusters to improve absorption. Its calcium Ionized Clay helps release essential Calcium Ions to enhance the taste of the water. Clay is an important "SPIRITUAL" cleanser that helps to remove the dirty or smelly contaminants.

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Post time 1-7-2008 10:46 PM | Show all posts
Pengesahan dari Sirim untuk Rx Water

[ Last edited by  mentor77 at 1-7-2008 10:50 PM ]

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Post time 1-7-2008 11:46 PM | Show all posts
So it simply means that the filter is only 0.9 mikron??? Doesnt that mean that it could not get rid of the dangerous pollutants such as heavy metals, viruses etc. Virus is for example 0.02 mikron...Some heavy metals, drugs, are less than 0.01 mikron..
The second filter will remove odor and unpleasant tastes. (Agreed cos that's what activated carbons do)
Third filter ->Activated carbon & KDF ->mengurangkan klorin & menukar sebahagian logam berat kepada bhn yg tak aktif tetapi masih kekal dlm air
4th cartrdge ->is basically bio ceramic which breaks down water molecules into smaller clusters to improve absorption. (Kat bahagian ni, ramai pihak menggunakan bermacam-macam nama such as aura la, tenaga etc but basically it's the same thing).

Seems like it's just a water treatment system and not water purification system.

Yeah SIRIM is good enough but as for specially for water, it's best to get recognition from expert such as NSF which is the world leader in standards development, product certification, education, and risk-management for public health and safety. It's well known for it's highly stringent test.

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Post time 2-7-2008 12:00 AM | Show all posts
So basically the filter is just 0.9 mikron??? Doesnt this mean that it just could not get rid of the more dangerous pollutants such as heavy metals, viruses, pesticides, drugs, pharmaceuticals etc. Some viruses for example are at the size of 0.02 micron. Heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides can be less than 0.01 micron.

Penapis 1: Penapis seramik -> 0.9 mikron
Penapis 2: Karbon aktif batu mineral -> remove odor and unpleasant tastes (agreed cos that's what activated carbon does)
Penapis 3: Karbon aktif & KDF ->mengurangkan klorin & menukar sebahagian logam berat kepada bhn yg tak aktif tetapi masih kekal dlm air.
Penapis 4: breaks down water molecules into smaller clusters to improve absorption (basically it's bio ceramic. Sesetengah panggil aura, tenaga la etc but still the function is the same and that's why some people feels the difference after drinking)

Seems like this is only water treatment system and not water purification system as it does not purify the water.

Yeah SIRIM is a great body in Malaysia but in water specifically it's better to get endorsement from the higher experts such as NSF which is the world leader in standards development, product certification, education, and risk-management for public health and safety. It's well known for it's stringent tests on water quality.

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Post time 2-7-2008 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by neomorpheus at 1-7-2008 11:46 PM
So it simply means that the filter is only 0.9 mikron??? Doesnt that mean that it could not get rid of the dangerous pollutants such as heavy metals, viruses etc. Virus is for example 0.02 mikron ...

hebat gak ni...bab2 mikron ni saya tak berapa pakar..hanya copy and paste dari laman web saja. dan utk membandingkan dangerous pollutan dan virus 0.002 tu...saya kena tanya orang pakar, iaitu Dr Nordin Darus sendiri.

apa yang saya tahu, selepas saya minum rx water selepas hampir 18 bulan:
1. jarang ke klinik, especially, anak-anak kecil..tak selesema lagi
2. saya pun dah lama tak kena selesema
3. penyakit yang telah saya hadapi selama 17 thn telah sembuh

kalau nak seneraikan testimoni orang lain...memang banyak..

saya percayakan air ini boleh jadi penawar, sebab ia dicipta oleh Dr Nordin Darus, (Made in Malaysia by a MUSLIM), untuk mengubati lymphoma, atau kanser darah, berbeza dengan produk lain, dicipta untuk diniagakan dan bukan utk menyembuhkan penyakit sesiapa.

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Post time 2-7-2008 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by neomorpheus at 2-7-2008 12:00 AM
So basically the filter is just 0.9 mikron??? Doesnt this mean that it just could not get rid of the more dangerous pollutants such as heavy metals, viruses, pesticides, drugs, pharmaceuticals et ...

Dr Nordin Menulis...seperti dalam laman web juga terdapat dalam buku Air or Air serta Water for Life

"Up to the third Cartridge purifier I could have produced clean drinking water free from chlorine, bacteria etc, but I wanted more for obvious reasons. I wanted the aura to be produced and multiplied by the same ingreditent when the water passes through it. I knew that I could induce the aura by using AURA HT High Energy Ceramic. There is a certain amount of mineral ions used. Such ions are of a high energy level"

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Post time 2-7-2008 11:41 AM | Show all posts
bulat still confuse la...
nape dok kate air dr water filter x leh masak?
habih tu kalau nak minum air panas camane?

ish.. ish.. ish..

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Post time 2-7-2008 12:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #267 si bulat's post

bukan x leh masak..x perlu dimasak kot.....kalau nk air kosong ble tadah terus minum je..
kalau nk air panas..mmg kena masak gak la....

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Post time 2-7-2008 12:49 PM | Show all posts
dah kat atas tu diorg kate kalau masak air dr filter, air mati.. camane tu?

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Post time 2-7-2008 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by si bulat at 2-7-2008 12:49 PM
dah kat atas tu diorg kate kalau masak air dr filter, air mati.. camane tu?

boleh dimasak. cuma bila air dimasak, hilang zat-zat dia sahaja. sebab tu dipanggil air mati.
kalau saya nak minum milo, saya still masak air tu. cuma saya tetap pastikan utk minum at least 2.5 -3 liter air rx water yang tidak dimasak setiap hari.

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Post time 2-7-2008 01:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #265 mentor77's post

Ooo ok..That's why i asked cos what i've learned is something else. We need pure water becos there is no water filter in this world that can think to choose whether it's good minerals or bad minerals or heavy metals. Plumbums, nitrates, arsenics are also minerals but bad minerals. So if you want to keep this so called minerals in the water which mostly inorganic, you'll have to keep the dangerous pollutants as well.

Testimonials tu semua water filter pun banyak testimonials. If you're saying that other water filters just for the sake of business than mcm tak ada org yg sembuh apa2 bila minum air lain..

Also if you're saying that RO Water is not good, then why hemodialysis is using RO water instead of other waters?

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Post time 3-7-2008 08:00 AM | Show all posts

ketahui kisah rx water...berbeza dengan air-air yang lain

dipetik dari buku Dr Nordin Darus, Air oh Air atau dalam bahasa inggeris Water for Life


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Post time 3-7-2008 10:03 AM | Show all posts

petikan dari buku Air oh Air oleh Dr Nordin Darus


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Post time 3-7-2008 10:05 AM | Show all posts

petikan dari buku Air oh Air oleh Dr Nordin Darus


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Post time 3-7-2008 10:06 AM | Show all posts

Rx Water dicipta berdasarkan pengalaman dr Nordin

Alhamdulillah..ramai yang memberi respond dan berminat utk mendapatkan rx water.
Sememangnya tidak dapat dinafikan kelebihan rx water berbanding dengan penapis air yang lain, kerana keupayaannya untuk menyamak air  yang telah tercemar dengan najis mughallazah.

[ Last edited by  mentor77 at 8-7-2008 06:37 AM ]

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Post time 3-7-2008 10:37 PM | Show all posts
I dont see any strong points from the above excerpts by Dr Nordin except common knowledge & perception about water...Minerals are good but there are difference between organic and inorganic minerals. Mostly minerals in the normal water is inorganic minerals which are usable to plants but not to human body. The organic minerals from plants and fruits are useful to human body.

[size=-1]The human body can tell us which minerals, liquids, foods or other materials it will accept, and those which it recognizes as alien or foreign matter--and thus proceeds to reject.

[size=-1]The pathological character of inorganic minerals such as those found in highly mineralized water is easily demonstrable. Take your white corpuscle(blood cell) count about six hours after you've last had any food or water. It should be about 6,000 per milliliter.[size=-1]Then, drink a normal glass of hard, mineral water. The white blood cell count will shoot up until it often more than doubles!

[size=-1]Inorganic chemistry doesn't lie.

[size=-1]This phenomena is called Leucocytosis and is our body's defense mechanism responding(via an increased white cell count) to an invading organism, germ, infection or foreign material. When pure water, fruits, vegetables and other naturally-grown materials are eaten, the white blood cell count stays level.
[size=-1]However, when materials such as processed or junk foods, and heavily mineralized drinking water are consumed, the body's defense mechanism springs into action, increasing the white blood cell count which prepares the body to do battle with and subsequently dispose of or dispense with the unwanted "invader"---in the present case, heavy doses of inorganic salts and minerals from drinking water.

[size=-1]Water is a cleansing agent, foods are nutrients. Dr. Moller-Racke's statement that "water is probably our most valuable nutrient" is therefore complete nonsense as any fourth grade life science textbook tells us. Water is our most valuable cleansing agent, flushing toxins and byproducts of metabolism from our body while furnishing pure hydrogen and oxygen to cells and tissue.

[size=-1]The cleansing attributes of pure water are impaired when it contains large doses of dissolved dirt and stone(mineral water)---and the body organs which must eliminate these unwanted materials are continually stressed and unnecessarily overworked.
[size=-1]Many individuals who experience a "rush" when they drink mineral water probably misinterpret this apparent therapeutic feeling as simply the body organs (skin, kidneys, lungs, intestines) working overtime to eliminate excess minerals which the body cannot use.

[size=-1]Health spas over the world rely on heavy use of mineral water(baths and drinks) to kick the patient's eliminative organs into high gear, thus providing the exhilarating feeling when the body organs and skin begin working hard at eliminating unwanted materials(excess minerals in this case).
[size=-1]If mineral water really had the nutrient value that mineral water advocates claim, they would have magically solved the world's massive hunger and nutrition problems. Let's just ship starving people mineral water or just cans and bags of dirt and ground up stone and rocks!

[size=-1]Even the American Medical Journal states that:
[size=-1]"The body's need for minerals is largely met through foods, not drinking water."

[size=-1]The California Department of Consumer Affairs, when carefully surveying the problems with the state's drinking water systems a few years ago, went on record stating that
[size=-1]"Highly mineralized water is associated with the formation of (kidney) stones in the urinary system".
[size=-1]The noted medical pioneer Dr. Charles Mayo(of Mayo Clinic fame), has stated that
[size=-1]"Water hardness(excessive minerals) is the underlying cause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons in the intestinal tract."
Certainly Dr. Mayo, who had no monetary interest in water products of any nature---but who had considerable experience with internal medicine--- would not point accusatory fingers at mineralized drinking water unless he had not personally seen the trauma, physiological disorders, suffering and illnesses which were caused by such materials.

[size=-1]On the other hand, scores of studies have underscored the importance of mineral-free drinking water which life-extension specialists have determined has been a major factor in longevity. The Hunza people in the remote Himalayas are a classic example of individuals living well beyond one hundred years of age using water so pure it resembles single-distilled water.

If you are saying that inorganic minerals are also useful, just ambil contoh zat besi. Kalau kekurangan darah, manusia memerlukan zat besi utk menghasilkan darah. Utk menyenangkan keadaan sekiranya inorganic minerals bagus utk badan kita, apa kata minum je air yg ade karat (besi) instead of makan bayam utk mendapatkan zat besi yg organik? The list goes on and on...


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Post time 3-7-2008 11:18 PM | Show all posts
mentor77.. bole tolong pm saya pasam RX water filter ni?
nak tahu harga, pastu bole hantar ke rumah di PJ tak..
pehtu cara pemasangan susah ke senang.. pastu info2 lain macam replace filter etc2.. time kaseh

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Post time 4-7-2008 03:37 PM | Show all posts
Air RO selamat diminum, tapi kurang mineral
21-11-2007 07:03:44 PM  

KUALA LUMPUR:  Air Osmosis Songsang (RO) yang dijual di pasaran sekarang adalah air bersih yang selamat diminum tetapi kurang kandungan mineral.

Timbalan Menteri Kesihatan Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad berkata ini kerana sebanyak 70 hingga 90 peratus mineral dan bahan larut dalam air telah dikeluarkan semasa melalui proses RO.

Walaupun kandungan mineral RO berkurangan tetapi air tersebut perlu memenuhi piawaian ditetapkan Kementerian Kesihatan, katanya menjawab soalan Teng Boon Soon (BN-Tebrau) pada persidangan Dewan Rakyat hari ini.

Menjawab soalan Teng yang mempertikaikan kehadiran air suling yang langsung tidak mempunyai kandungan mineral di pasaran, Abdul Latif berkata mereka yang secara berterusan minum air suling tanpa minum air lain akan mengalami kekurangan mineral dalam tubuh.

Katanya ini kerana semua bahan pepejal, bahan larut dan bahan mineral telah dikeluarkan semasa proses penghasilan air suling.

Kepada soalan Baharum Mohamad (BN-Sekijang), beliau berkata pengguna tidak perlu terpengaruh dengan gimik produk air yang mendakwa mengandungi lebih oksigen.

Katanya ini kerana pengguna sudahpun mendapat bekalan oksigen mencukupi di dalam udara yang mengandungi 21 peratus bahan itu.

Mengenai masalah kekurangan doktor di negara ini, Abdul Latiff berkata kerajaan telah mengambil beberapa langkah seperti melantik semula doktor yang telah bersara yang mempunyai rekod khidmat cemerlang.

Langkah lain ialah menggunakan khidmat doktor swasta secara bermusim, menambah kuota mahasiswa perubatan, mengambil doktor bukan warganegara secara kontrak dan menambah insentif kerjaya pegawai perubatan, katanya menjawab soalan Datuk Richard Riot Jaem (BN-Serian). BERNAMA ... 2-187d6a70-e55b1b00

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Post time 4-7-2008 10:30 PM | Show all posts
What i can see in the excerpts by that Dr Nordin are just common knowledge and perceptions about water...

Minerals are good but there are differences between inorganic mineral and organic mineral. Minerals in water are mostly inorganic minerals which could not be used by human body. Organic minerals adalah minerals yg didapati drp tumbuhan dan buah buahan.

The California Department of Consumer Affairs, when carefully surveying the problems with the state's drinking water systems a few years ago, went on record stating that
"Highly mineralized water is associated with the formation of (kidney) stones in the urinary system".

The noted medical pioneer Dr. Charles Mayo(of Mayo Clinic fame), has stated that
"Water hardness(excessive minerals) is the underlying cause of many, if not all, of the diseases resulting from poisons in the intestinal tract."

Certainly Dr. Mayo, who had no monetary interest in water products of any nature---but who had considerable experience with internal medicine--- would not point accusatory fingers at mineralized drinking water unless he had not personally seen the trauma, physiological disorders, suffering and illnesses which were caused by such materials.

On the other hand, scores of studies have underscored the importance of mineral-free drinking water which life-extension specialists have determined has been a major factor in longevity. The Hunza people in the remote Himalayas are a classic example of individuals living well beyond one hundred years of age using water so pure it resembles single-distilled water.

We need minerals to maintain a proper balance of electrolytes in our body fluids---but we need minerals which our body can easily metabolize. Would you rather obtain calcium from natural sources such as milk, butter, cheese and other dairy products--or try to obtain it from sucking on a piece of lime(same as calcium bicarbonate in water)?

How about iron(rust in water versus natural iron in spinach)? And the list goes on and on.

The human body can tell us which minerals, liquids, foods or other materials it will accept, and those which it recognizes as alien or foreign matter--and thus proceeds to reject.

The pathological character of inorganic minerals such as those found in highly mineralized water is easily demonstrable. Take your white corpuscle(blood cell) count about six hours after you've last had any food or water. It should be about 6,000 per milliliter.

Then, drink a normal glass of hard, mineral water. The white blood cell count will shoot up until it often more than doubles!

Inorganic chemistry doesn't lie.

This phenomena is called Leucocytosis and is our body's defense mechanism responding(via an increased white cell count) to an invading organism, germ, infection or foreign material. When pure water, fruits, vegetables and other naturally-grown materials are eaten, the white blood cell count stays level.

However, when materials such as processed or junk foods, and heavily mineralized drinking water are consumed, the body's defense mechanism springs into action, increasing the white blood cell count which prepares the body to do battle with and subsequently dispose of or dispense with the unwanted "invader"---in the present case, heavy doses of inorganic salts and minerals from drinking water.

Water is a cleansing agent, foods are nutrients. Dr. Moller-Racke's statement that "water is probably our most valuable nutrient" is therefore complete nonsense as any fourth grade life science textbook tells us. Water is our most valuable cleansing agent, flushing toxins and byproducts of metabolism from our body while furnishing pure hydrogen and oxygen to cells and tissue.

The cleansing attributes of pure water are impaired when it contains large doses of dissolved dirt and stone(mineral water)---and the body organs which must eliminate these unwanted materials are continually stressed and unnecessarily overworked.

Many individuals who experience a "rush" when they drink mineral water probably misinterpret this apparent therapeutic feeling as simply the body organs (skin, kidneys, lungs, intestines) working overtime to eliminate excess minerals which the body cannot use.

Health spas over the world rely on heavy use of mineral water(baths and drinks) to kick the patient's eliminative organs into high gear, thus providing the exhilarating feeling when the body organs and skin begin working hard at eliminating unwanted materials(excess minerals in this case).

If mineral water really had the nutrient value that mineral water advocates claim, they would have magically solved the world's massive hunger and nutrition problems. Let's just ship starving people mineral water or just cans and bags of dirt and ground up stone and rocks!

Even the American Medical Journal states that:

"The body's need for minerals is largely met through foods, not drinking water".

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Post time 7-7-2008 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Rx water... Dapatkan skim bayaran mudah dengan Visa dan master Card sehingga 24 bulan 0%.

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