Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}
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Ini pula KHAS untuk anda yg mempunyai akaun FACEBOOK.
Facebook Backers Cashing Out
Sila ke SINI utk menonton video Bloomberg tentang PENJUALAN SHARES oleh para pelabur FACEBOOK.
May 17 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Cristina Alesci reports on the Facebook insiders selling shares, how much they stand to gain and what it means for the company and investors. She speaks on Bloomberg Television's "In The Loop." (Source: Bloomberg)
www.bloomberg.com |
NASA estimates 4,700 'potentially hazardous' asteroids
By Matt Smith, CNN
May 17, 2012 -- Updated 0029 GMT (0829 HKT)
This image, taken by NASA's Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous mission in 2000, shows a close-up view of the asteroid Eros.
* "It's not something people should panic about," astronomer says
* The figure released Wednesday is lower than previously thought
* The estimate uses data from an orbiting infrared telescope
(CNN) -- About 4,700 asteroids are close enough and big enough to pose a risk to Earth, NASA estimated Wednesday after studying data beamed back from an orbiting telescope.
The figure -- give or take 1,500 -- is how many space rocks bigger than 100 meters (330 feet) across are believed to come within 5 million miles (8 million km) of Earth, or about 20 times farther away than the moon.
"It's not something that people should panic about," said Amy Mainzer, an astronomer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. "However, we are paying attention to the issue."
NASA defines a potentially hazardous asteroid as one large enough to survive the intense heat generated by entry into the atmosphere and cause damage on a regional scale or worse. The figure released Wednesday is lower than a previous rough estimate had projected, but more are now thought to be in orbits inclined like Earth's, making them more likely to cross its path.
edition.cnn.com |
REEK MINISTER: An Exit From The Eurozone Could Trigger Civil War
Matthew Boesler | May 14, 2012, 6:10 PM
Who can proffer the sunniest outlook on a Grexit today? Michalis Chrysohoidis probably wins.
In case you haven't heard his name in the headlines much lately, he's a member of the Hellenic Parliament finishing up his term as the Minister of Citizen Protection, and according to the Telegraph, he just told a Greek radio station in an interview that a Greek departure from the eurozone would most undoubtedly be bad news for more than just international creditors holding the bag on debt payments.
Here's how he sees it going down:
“What will prevail are armed gangs with Kalashnikovs and which one has the greatest number of Kalashnikovs will count … we will end up in civil war.”
Sounds worse than last summer.
(h/t @Alea_)
www.businessinsider.com |
Gerhana Matahari Separa 21 Mei 2012
Written by shahgazer Tag: gerhana matahari, blog shahgazer's
Pada awal pagi 21 Mei 2012 nanti, kita di Malaysia berpeluang menyaksikan Gerhana Matahari Separa yang dijadualkan akan berlaku ketika matahari sedang terbit.
Namun, bagi penduduk di negara China, Taiwan, Jepun dan juga Amerika Syarikat, mereka akan menyaksikan Gerhana Matahari Cincin!
Gerhana ini TIDAK KELIHATAN dari Semenanjung Malaysia. Ia hanya dapat dilihat dari Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei dan sebahagian Indonesia. Itupun kita tidak dapat melihat keseluruhan fasa gerhana separa ini.
Secara ringkasnya, jika anda berada di bandar-bandar di bawah, Gerhana Matahari Separa sedang berlaku KETIKA Matahari terbit di Timur. Namun, waktu tamatnya berbeza-beza sedikit berdasarkan lokasinya. Jadual dibawah merujuk kepada waktu TAMAT Gerhana selepas terbitnya matahari.
Kuching. Gerhana TAMAT lebih kurang 16 minit SELEPAS terbit matahari.
Bintulu: Gerhana TAMAT lebih kurang 30 minit SELEPAS terbit matahari
Miri: Gerhana TAMAT lebih kurang 37 minit SELEPAS terbit matahari
Kota Kinabalu : Gerhana TAMAT lebih kurang 50 minit SELEPAS terbit matahari
Sandakan: Gerhana TAMAT lebih kurang 1 jam SELEPAS terbit matahari
Waktu tamat di atas adalah 'lebih kurang' sahaja, dan mungkin ada ralat 1-2 minit. Namun, berdasarkan pengalaman saya, ia mencukupi bagi kebanyakan orang untuk menjadikan sebagai panduan asas ketika melakukan cerapan.
Sumber kiraan yang saya buat adalah menerusi laman web berikut:
Kiraan Waktu Gerhana: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEg ... 12May20Agoogle.html
Kiraan Waktu Terbit Matahari: http://suncalc.net
Foto di atas, merupakan keadaan yang seakan-akan serupa dengan apa yang bakal dapat dilihat dari kawasan Malaysia timur. Saya berpendapat ini merupakan satu senario atau pose yang cukup indah untuk dirakam menerusi kamera.
Namun begitu, JANGAN SEKALI-KALI pandang ke arah MATAHARI TANPA PENAPIS YANG SESUAI. Cahaya matahari berbahaya dan boleh membutakan mata anda! AWAS!
Jom Gerhana!
kredit : http://www.falak-online.net/port ... -separa-21-mei-2012
semakin banyak gerhana...
bukan ke mase tu baru lepas? |
Ada Hadis
Mafhum Hadith: "Telah hampir kamu akan membuat perjanjian damai dengan Byzantium (Rom – Kristian) dan kamu bersama mereka akan berperang melawan satu musuh di belakang kamu. Kamu kemudiannya akan mendapat kemenangan, harta rampasan dan selamat. Selepas itu kamu akan kembali dan sampai di kawasan tanah tinggi dan berumput. Selepas itu seorang orang Kristian akan mengangkat salib dan berkata salib telah menang dan menyebabkan seorang Islam telah marah dan memusnahkannya (salib tersebut). Pada waktu itu pihak Kristian akan membuat penipuan dan mengumpulkan tenteranya untuk melakukan peperangan". – Hadith Abu Dawud
Syeikh Imran kata
Rom = Byzantine (kristian Ortodoks timur) = skrg di Moscow
Iran bersekutu dengan Moscow.
atau mungkin juga
Rom = Amerika (Barat) pewaris sosio budaya ekonomi Rom Agung dari Rome
dan siapa sekutu2 Amerika skrg?
xkisahla siapa pun yg pasti its an UNHOLY ALLIANCE |
Post Last Edit by scorpionkiki at 18-5-2012 10:50
Indonesia and Philipines termasuk dalam negara most likely kena.... Malaysia ada in between kedua dua negara tersebut. Moga Allah jauhkan sebarang malapetaka sebelum kita semua kembali ke jalan yang diredhaiNYA.
Revealed: The top 10 countries likely to be worst hit by an asteroid impact - and the 47,000 space rocks that could do it
10 countries likely to be worst affected identified
Data from Nasa WISE sky-scan
47,000 potentially hazardous asteroids
Would cause catastrophic damage on a city-sized scale or larger
By Rob Waugh
PUBLISHED: 12:34 GMT, 17 May 2012 | UPDATED: 18:41 GMT, 17 May 2012
Comments (65)
The asteroids would cause catastrophic damage, on a city-sized scale or larger. Research from the University of Southhampton has identified the countries most likely to be worst hit.
They have identified for the first time those which will suffer catastrophic loss of life or be so crippled it will be almost impossible for them to recover.
Nasa's Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer has sampled 107 'potentially hazardous' asteroids near Earth - 330ft wide or larger - to make estimates about how many are out there - and the figure is a terrifying 47,000.
Nasa's Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer has sampled 107 'potentially hazardous' (PHA) asteroids - 330ft wide or larger - to make estimates about how many are out there
Nasa's Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer has sampled 107 'potentially hazardous asteroids' - PHAs - as shown in this diagram illustrating their orbits crossing Earth
Nasa's NEOWISE project has identified 47,000 potentially hazardous asteroids
Nasa's NEOWISE project has identified 47,000 potentially hazardous asteroids
The WISE survey now estimates there are 47,000 'potentially hazardous' asteroids.
The top 10 countries most likely to be affected are, in in no particular order:
The U.S
The Philippines
The PHAs - potentially hazardous asteroids - have the closest orbits to Earth's, coming within five million miles and they are big enough to survive passing through Earth's atmosphere and cause damage on a regional, or greater, scale.
The new results come from the asteroid-hunting portion of the WISE mission, called NEOWISE.
The project sampled 107 PHAs to make predictions about the entire population as a whole.
Findings indicate there are roughly 4,700 PHAs, plus or minus 1,500, with diameters larger than 330 feet . So far, an estimated 20 to 30 percent of these objects have been found.
Scientists have also drawn up a league table of the countries which will be worst affected in the event of an asteroid strike.
They have identified for the first time those which will suffer catastrophic loss of life or be so crippled it will be almost impossible for them to recover.
The list has been compiled by researchers from the University of Southampton using software called called NEOimpactor, short for NASA's ‘NEO’ or Near Earth Object programme.
Overall the top ten countries most at risk are: China, Indonesia, India, Japan, the U.S, the Philippines, Italy, the U.K, Brazil and Nigeria.
'The NEOWISE analysis shows us we've made a good start at finding those objects that truly represent an impact hazard to Earth,' said Lindley Johnson, program executive for the Near-Earth Object Observation Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington. 'But we've many more to find, and it will take a concerted effort during the next couple of decades to find all of them that could do serious damage or be a mission destination in the future.'
'The NEOWISE analysis shows us we've made a good start at finding those objects that truly represent an impact hazard to Earth,' said Lindley Johnson, program executive for the Near-Earth Object Observation Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington
The PHAs - potentially hazardous asteroids - have the closest orbits to Earth's, coming within five million miles and they are big enough to survive passing through Earth's atmosphere and cause damage on a regional, or greater, scale
The new analysis also suggests that about twice as many PHAs as previously thought are likely to reside in 'lower incination' orbits, which are more aligned with the plane of Earth's orbit.
Asteroids with lower-inclination orbits would be more likely to encounter Earth. They would also be easier to reach. The results therefore suggest more near-Earth objects might be available for future robotic or human missions.
Amy Mainzer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
'Everything we can learn about these objects helps us understand their origins and fate. Our team was surprised to find the overabundance of low-inclination PHAs. Because they will tend to make more close approaches to Earth, these targets can provide the best opportunities for the next generation of human and robotic exploration.'
The discovery that many PHAs tend to be bright says something about their composition; they are more likely to be either stony, like granite, or metallic. This type of information is important in assessing the space rocks' potential hazards to Earth.
The composition of the bodies would affect how quickly they might burn up in our atmosphere if an encounter were to take place.
The NEOWISE results have been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal.
The WISE spacecraft scanned the sky twice in infrared light before entering hibernation mode in early 2011.
It catalogued hundreds of millions of objects, including super-luminous galaxies, stellar nurseries and closer-to-home asteroids.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/scien ... .html#ixzz1vBZQlOx0 |
Cartersville landscaper fighting flesh-eating bacteria
Posted: May 18, 2012 2:17 AM UTC Updated: May 18, 2012 2:17 AM UTC
By Deidra Dukes, FOX 5 reporter
FOX 5 has learned of a third case of flesh-eating bacteria with ties to Georgia.
A landscaper from Cartersville is in critical condition at Doctors Hospital in Augusta battling the potentially deadly disease. That's the same place University of West Georgia graduate student Aimee Copeland is being treated.
A Piedmont, S.C. mom is also fighting the infection days after giving birth here in Atlanta at Emory University Hospital Midtown.
The new flesh-eating bacteria case involves Bobby Vaughn. The Cartersville landscaper was injured at work when he fell from a tree two weeks ago and suffered a cut to his side.
"He got a cut on his side and took him to the hospital. My son said he was throwing up…They treated him he chose to leave. He got up the next morning it had spread," said Amanda Nicholson, Vaughn's ex-wife.
I truly hope this is not the latest experiment by TPTB... |
Star Clusters & Dark Galaxies Orbiting the Milky Way
May 15, 2012
The brilliant star cluster NGC 2100 lies in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. This image was taken with the EMMI instrument on the ESO New Technology Telescope (NTT) at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. This star cluster lies close to the Tarantula Nebula and some of the colourful outer parts of the nebula appear in this image. The smaller cluster, close to the right-hand edge of the picture and just below centre, is NGC 2092.
The outer edges of the Milky Way also appear to be orbited by innumerable invisible galaxies, one of which appears to be crashing into our own. In 2005 astronomers discovered the first evidence of mysterious dark galaxies with no starlight - VirgoHI 21 - a mysterious cloud of hydrogen in the Virgo Cluster 50 million light-years from the Earth found to be colliding with our galaxy. Virgohi 21 revealed its existence from radio waves from neutral hydrogen coming from a rotating cloud containing enough hydrogen gas to spawn 100 million stars like the sun and fill a small galaxy.
Invisible galaxy crashing into our own??? |
Exactly 60 days after the Spring Equinox, on May 20, 2012 there will be a rare Annular Solar Eclipse. As the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, the Sun will look like a Ring of Fire. This will be seen from Asia to the western parts of the USA. At the same time this is happening, the Pleiades constellation (7-stars, 7 doves, 7 sisters) in Taurus will come into alignment with the Sun from behind. (That's 7 Suns (stars) aligning with our Sun, Moon and Earth) What's more is, the central Sun (star) of the Pleiades, name Alcyone will perfectly align with our Sun. Alcyone is at least 6 times the mass of our Sun.
I've posted it before, but it's worth posting again... hopefully, nothing happens come May 20th... |
Post Last Edit by andria at 18-5-2012 15:32
Scientists turn to Alaska over fears active fault-line could cause Japan-style tsunami that could devastate California and Hawaii
Fault-line last ruptured in 1788 and measurements show pressure is increasing on weak points
Area is geographically-similar to the fault-line which led to Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami of 2011
A tsunami could race down West coast of the U.S. and hit the Hawaiian Islands
By Eddie Wrenn
PUBLISHED: 09:44 EST, 16 May 2012 | UPDATED: 10:43 EST, 16 May 2012
Fault line: The Alaskan rim, where two of Earth's tectonic plates scrape against each other, could cause devastating tsunamis across the globe
The Semidi Islands lie close to the faultline, and an earthquake could send a tsunami towards Hawaii and California
Scientists say a fault-line running across Alaska could cause tsunamis of the same magnitude as the Japanese disaster of March last year.
Attention has turned to the Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone, a region where one of the earth's tectonic plate, carrying the Pacific Ocean, drops beneath the North American plate.
A particular section of the fault near the Semidi Islands has not ruptured since at least 1788, and measurements on this area - which lies four to five kilometres under water - reveal the pressure is accumulating rapidly.
If the Pacific Ocean plate slips, as happened in the geographically-similar Tohoku subduction zone off the coast of Japan, a tsunami could occur - and the deaths could happen as far away as Hawaii and California.
The time will come... wallahua'lam... |
terlalu banyak perkara berlaku dalam tahun ini.. semoga kita sentiasa beringat. terima kasih andria atas semua POST yg sgt berguna |
Post Last Edit by andria at 21-5-2012 17:08
BREAKING NEWS - TEPCO data reveals: Nuclear Meltdown in Reactor 4 spent fuel pool
Iodine 131 was measured from SFP4
The latest TEPCO handout reveals the release of radioactive iodine 131, and hence a nuclear meltdown, at the Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 spent fuel pool.
TEPCO just slipped this little tidbit of data into their latest handout.
That chart shows a highly level of radioactive iodine 131 was released from the reactor 4 spent fuel pool, which means there was a nuclear meltdown in the pool.
Last year TEPCO downplayed the detection of cesium in the fuel pool by claiming the cesium detected in reactor 4 was only 1/100th of the mount detected in reactor 1, 2 and 3 hence concluding the detected cesium was likely ‘blown’ into reactor 4 from the other reactors.
However, TEPCO hid the fact they detected a massive release of iodine radiation – which is a clear sign of a nuclear meltdown – in reactor 4 spent fuel pools.
Iodine 131 was measured from SFP4
Last year, 4/12/2011, 2.2E+8 Bq/m3 of Iodine 131 was measured from the water of SFP4 to suggest the spent fuel had recriticality after 311.
Cesium 134/137 were also measured, but Tepco states it’s about 1/100 of the amount in reactor1~3, they are likely to be blown from them.
However, Tepco did not show the comparison of the amount of Iodine 131 measured in SFP4 and reactor1~3.
For those who are not familiar with the significance of this or the dangers of Reactor 4, the following article is a must read.
UN Ambassador: “No Exaggeration – Fate Of The World Depends On Fukushima Reactor 4”
Ambassador Murata writes to UN Secretary General: ‘It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of Japan and the whole world depends on No. 4 reactor’
apanese Ambassador Murata is joining in the growing chorus which include US Senators who are warning the he problem at Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 is the single greatest short-term threat to humanity and has the potential to destroy our world and civilization as we know it.
The Ambassador puts it very bluntly saying the warnings about reactor 4′s threat to end human civilization are no exaggeration.
He is joining forces with human rights groups from around the globe in calling for the UN to step in and end the crisis in Fukushima that TEPCO is planning on taking decades to resolve after repeated warnings that even a minor earthquake could cause the spend fuel pool to collapse which would result in a radiation release so massive it could end life on earth.
Taken from blog.alexanderhiggins.com
Many people do not understand the significance of this event. We are talking about a nuclear meltdown which could affect the whole world. Even Japan, with all its technology, isn't able to deal with it. As of now, the only easiest way to deal with it, is to let Japan sink under the sea. Maybe that is why a lot of people saw visions of Japan going down into the sea. Either naturally, or man-made... |
NATO summit protest photos: Sunday, May 20
May 20, 2012
See more photos from our NATO protest coverage:
Saturday, May 19 | Friday, May 18 | Thursday, May 17 | Chicago Gets Ready
Photos from the NATO summit:
NATO meetings, dignitaries and events
Chicago police line up outside the Art Institute as protesters draw near. — William DeShazer, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
Harrison Schultz from Occupy Wall Street receives medical attention after getting hit in the head during a scuffle at VanBuren Street and Wabash Avenue. — William DeShazer, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
Protesters knock over a barrier at VanBuren Street and Wabash Avenue. — William DeShazer, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
Chicago police and protesters push back at Cermak Road and Michigan Avenue. — E. Jason Wambsgans, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
An anti-war protester is injured after a clash with Chicago police at Cermak Road and Michigan Avenue. — Chris Walker, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
Chicago police hold their ground against protesters at Michigan Avenue and Cermak Road. — Abel Uribe, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
Nan Whigmore of Portland, Ore., participates in the anti-war march. — Michael Tercha, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
Thousands of protestors participating in an anti-war march walk south on Michigan Avenue for a rally near McCormick Place. — Zbigniew Bzdak, Chicago Tribune, May 20, 2012
galleries.apps.chicagotribune.com |
Post Last Edit by andria at 21-5-2012 17:52
Earthquake strikes near Bologna in Italy
Updated May 21, 2012 04:55:12
Photo: A picture shows a wall which has collapsed in San Felice sul Panaro, near Modena. (Twitter: gluca)
Photo: A building wall is left with a gaping hole in Bologna, in the aftermath of the earthquake. (Twitter: tittigru)
Photo: A building lies in ruins in San Felice sul Panaro after the quake. (Twitter: gluca)
A strong earthquake has rocked large parts of northern Italy, causing at least four deaths and seriously damaging historic buildings such as churches, bell towers and a medieval castle.
The quake, which the US Geological Survey recorded at magnitude 6.0, struck at 4:04am, while most people were sleeping, and thousands ran into the streets in their night clothes in panic.
"I ran out in my underwear," one man told Italian television.
The epicentre of the quake, the strongest to hit Italy in three years, was in the plains near Modena in the Emilia-Romagna region of the Po river valley.
The tremor was felt as far west as Liguria, bordering France, and the Friuli region bordering Slovenia.
The roof of the cathedral in Mirandola collapsed. "Our school children were to receive their first communion here this morning. If it had happened then it would have been a disaster," the local priest said.
Also badly damaged was the 14th century Estense Castle in the town of San Felice Sul Panaro.
Magnitude 6.0 EQ - NORTHERN ITALY, followed by a magnitude 5.1 EQ an hour later
Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 02:03:53 UTC
Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 04:03:53 AM at epicenter
44.812°N, 11.208°E
10.1 km (6.3 miles) --- Updated to 5.1 km
36 km (22 miles) NNW (344°) from Bologna, Italy
70 km (44 miles) E (89°) from Parma, Italy
73 km (45 miles) SSE (167°) from Verona, Italy
141 km (88 miles) NW (315°) from SAN MARINO
Location Uncertainty
horizontal +/- 10.8 km (6.7 miles); depth +/- 2.8 km (1.7 miles)
NST=536, Nph=536, Dmin=98 km, Rmss=1.04 sec, Gp= 22°,
M-type=body wave magnitude (Mb), Version=A
Magnitude: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
Location: USGS NEIC (WDCS-D)
earthquake.usgs.gov |
Japan Earthquake Today 2012 Strikes Near Morioka, Honshu
Posted: May 20th, 2012 in Earthquake, Japan by LALATE
P 4.5 2012/05/21 01:11:55 39.451 143.759 28.1 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.5 2012/05/21 01:03:18 39.349 144.046 37.2 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.8 2012/05/21 00:46:15 39.502 143.449 33.4 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.2 2012/05/20 22:21:03 39.603 143.602 30.4 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.6 2012/05/20 22:14:44 39.471 143.464 25.1 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.6 2012/05/20 12:54:47 39.236 144.160 17.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2012/05/20 08:41:45 39.641 143.091 10.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.1 2012/05/20 08:40:40 39.554 143.208 10.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.3 2012/05/20 08:20:58 39.641 143.167 10.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 6.0 2012/05/20 07:19:55 39.597 143.242 10.0 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.5 2012/05/19 22:15:49 39.509 143.700 32.8 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.7 2012/05/19 19:13:45 39.647 143.447 10.6 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.9 2012/05/19 19:05:19 39.709 143.345 5.4 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.8 2012/05/19 00:08:44 39.578 143.367 22.1 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.7 2012/05/18 21:32:28 39.645 143.168 27.4 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 5.0 2012/05/18 21:23:25 39.677 143.172 16.5 OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.6 2012/05/18 11:21:34 35.803 140.660 47.1 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.4 2012/05/17 06:51:10 39.493 142.961 32.2 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.8 2012/05/15 16:00:46 38.272 141.808 73.8 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP 4.6 2012/05/15 00:09:06 39.726 142.018 42.6 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
LOS ANGELES (LALATE) – A strong Japan earthquake today 2012 struck near Honshu and the town of Morioka. A series of Japan earthquakes today 2012 erupted in the late evening, all centered off the east of coast of Honshu. No reports of injuries have yet to be detailed by local news.
Japan today Sunday, May 20, 2012 suffered four large earthquakes. The strongest erupted with a 6.0 magnitude shortly after 5 pm local time, USGS reports to news. The quake, while centered off the coast of Honshu, had virtually no depth. Today’s quakes were all located near the hotbed of recent Japan quake activity, USGS indicates to news.
The 6.0 magnitude quake struck one hundred eleven miles east of Morioka, Honshu. It was centered the same distance from the town of Hachinohe and roughly one hundred fifty miles east of Aomori, USGS reports ot news. The quake was also approximately three hundred miles northeast of Tokyo.
No reports of damage have yet to be detailed by local news.
On May 8, a similar such quake erupted near sea level. USGS indicated to news that the quake was approximately two hundred miles east of Sendai and three hundred miles northeast of Tokyo.
A comparable quake struck also on April 29. That quake was only fifty-four miles east of Morioka, Honshu. USGS indicated to news that the quake was sixty-two miles southeast of Honshu town Hachinohe and roughly one hundred miles southeast of the community of Aomori. The quake was also roughly three hundred miles from Tokyo.
Too many swarms at the same place... could be another EQ coming soon to Japan... wallahua'lam... |
Theory Conspiracy on - video promo for the Coca-Cola Space Science Center's upcoming Venus Transit webcast
Three Wavelengths…Three Continents…One Worldwide Webcast Event
2012 Transit of Venus… Chronicling History Together
On June 5, 2012, a unique celestial event will take place, never to be repeated in our lifetimes. The planet Venus will align itself perfectly between the Earth and the Sun. This rare alignment will allow Venus to be visible as it passes directly across the face of the Sun in an event that astronomers call a transit. The 2012 Transit of Venus will last nearly 7 hours, and it will provide an extraordinary viewing event for observers around the world. Unfortunately, this event is not well positioned for audiences in the continental United States and will only be visible to Georgia viewers for about 2 hours as the Sun sets in the west. An additional limitation in viewing the Sun is the danger posed to the naked eye, therefore special equipment and techniques are required to create a safe observing environment.
In an effort to make this event more accessible to the public, Columbus State University’s Coca-Cola Space Science Center (CCSSC) has partnered with NASA and the International Space School Education Trust (ISSET) to provide a multi-continent webcast of the 2012 Transit of Venus. Audiences throughout the world, including those in Georgia, will have an opportunity to experience this entire event safely via the internet and NASA TV. CCSSC teams will travel to both the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and the Australian outback near Alice Springs to be in optimal observing conditions to acquire images and video of the entire transit. Additionally, one CCSSC team will remain in Georgia to provide local images and video of the event and Columbus State University student, Katherine Lodder, will provide a second set of U.S. images from Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. The three continental teams will be equipped with hydrogen alpha, calcium K-line, and solar white light filters that will allow for spectacular imaging of this event. These filters are provided by the CCSSC’s Mead Observatory, where they are used regularly to obtain images and animations of solar phenomena such as sunspots, flares, plages, faculae, prominences, and filaments. Typically, students from Columbus State study these solar phenomena to better understand the Sun’s cycle of activity and its interaction with the Earth. However, during the Transit of Venus, these solar features will become, for one final period in our lives, the stunning backdrop against which Venus’s planetary disk will cross the Sun’s 865,000-mile wide face.
Coke logo along with Venus transit logo
Red V in Event
ELE in text highlighted - Notice how ELE is highlighted here? Extinction level event?
Blue Beam under word Live
Two planets (or is it twin suns? Binary?)
Time of 21:30 - (3:3 = 6)
Blue glow around the word June
Yellow/Gold glow around the number 5
Taken from getthetruthout.icyboards.net |
Large Crack on South Wall of Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Number Four? (Photo)
May 20, 2012
[Photo-Image: Large crack on the south side of damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor unit Number Four building? Photo source, PHNetwork.blogspot.com]
In comparison, a March 22, 2011, photo of the south side of Unit Number Four, Photo source, Kyodo News:
Photo, back in March 2011
“We could have a disaster much worse, many times worse than Chernobyl.”
Dr. Michio Kaku on the precarious state of the spent fuel rods in the severely damaged Fukushima nuclear reactor Unit Number Four building
Recently, TEPCO released a petulant press release they plan to inspect the heavily damaged reactor Unit Number Four for signs of tilting. The press release coincided with photos published on the web purportedly showing a large crack running from the foundation to just below the fifth floor of the south wall of the Unit Number Four building where all the spent fuel rods on the site are stored, “open to the elements because a hydrogen explosion blew off the roof during the early days of the accident and sent the building into a list”.
deathby1000papercuts.com |
I would like to grab everyone attention on PHA (potentially hazardous asteroids)
aku macam pernah terbaca ja Ali adams were speculating something about asteroids and etc etc from translation of surah Ar Rahman.
He also provides some coordinates of the place and country tat will be affected.
Andria ada pendapat tak dalam hubung kait ni? |
I would like to grab everyone attention on PHA (potentially hazardous asteroids)
aku macam pernah t ...
missayeen Post at 22-5-2012 10:06
Ada dibincangkan dalam Part 1. Tapi Ali Adams sudah pun membuat kenyataan bahawa calculations beliau berdasarkan Surah tersebut adalah tidak tepat. Wallahua'lam... |
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