Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}
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Iran attack decision nears, Israeli elite locks down
In in-depth overview Reuters tries to explain Israeli officials' silence on possible Iran strike. 'They've gone into lockdown mode now,' senior Western diplomat says. 'Whatever happens next, we won't find out until it happens'
Reuters Published: 05.18.12, 08:23 / Israel News
Netanyahu and Mofaz (Photo: AP)
A private door opens from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office in central Jerusalem directly into a long, modestly furnished, half-paneled room decorated with modern paintings by Israeli artists and a copy of Israel's 1948 declaration of independence. It contains little more than a long wooden table, brown leather chairs and a single old-fashioned white projector screen.
Mungkin juga Iran akan diserang selepas berlakunya glocal economy collapse. Dan Iran mungkin akan dituduh sebagai kambing hitam. Dan mungkin juga Iran adalah sebahagian dari 'drama' ini. Wallahua'lam... |
INTERESTING.thanks Andria |
Andria..berdebar sangat baca posting andria pasal prediction ww3 tu....
dalam minggu lepas dina mimpi apartment dina tu kena tawan tentera US...perasaan waktu tu sangat takut n sangat real..dalam hati sangat bimbang kalau terpisah dgn suami n anak2...cara tentera US datang sgt takut..
kononnya waktu tu dina n family tgh tgk tv..tetiba dgr bunyi heli, banyak n bunyi sgt kuat...kitorang jenguk kat tingkap n nampak banyak heli yg besar2 warna hijau tu (tgk dalam movie, macam army US punya)..heli tu turunkan tentera2 US kat apt blok sebelah apt dina...kitorang satu family cepat capat selimut jer, pikir takut anak2 tido sejuk malam nanti n terus lari sembunyi...at the end tentera tu jumpa kitorang n perasaan waktu tu Ya Allah....sangat takut...takut terpisah dgn anak2...lepas tu dina terjaga..lega sangat sebab tu cuma mimpi...siap cakap kat husband, kalau perang, kita lari masuk sembunyi dalam hutan yer....
lately selalu rasa macam esok tak sempat dtg.... |
Kita sudah pun memasuki Rajab, pada tahun saratan di sasanakala. |
napalah kaki temberang banyak sangat yeee!!!!
cuba perhatikan ilmuan dan yg arif dlm islam
tak de pun depa dok pulun predict pasal bencana/malapetaka/kiamat
sebab tu semua pasti terjadi
yang pentingnya
adakah percaya kat TUHAN
atau lebih percaya pada ciptaanya ??? |
Post Last Edit by andria at 25-5-2012 23:52
Simone Foxman | May 25, 2012, 10:43 AM
The euro broke an important benchmark today, falling below $1.25 against the dollar.
That's its lowest value since July 2010.
This continues a trend we've been seeing over the last few months, as the euro has toppled from consistently trading around $1.30 to hitting the $1.25 handle as capital flows out of Europe and investor angst about a eurozone break-up builds.
www.businessinsider.com |
North Korea ready to carry out nuclear test at any moment, Seoul says
From K.J. Kwon, CNN
May 24, 2012 -- Updated 1555 GMT (2355 HKT)
* An analysis of satellite images shows increased activity at North Korea's nuclear site
* South Korea says the images suggest the North is ready to conduct the test at any time
* North Korea is "awaiting a political decision" on the test, Seoul says
* The U.S. has warned Pyongyang that such a test would be "a serious miscalculation"
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea appears to be ready to carry out a nuclear test whenever leaders of the reclusive state give the green light, a spokesman for the South Korean Defense Ministry said Thursday.
The comment follows an analysis of recent commercial satellite images by the defense publication IHS Janes, which suggested activity was being ramped up at North Korea's nuclear test site.
edition.cnn.com |
Pa. worker may have flesh-eating bacteria
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Associated Press
PITTSBURGH - May 24, 2012 (WPVI) -- A cafeteria worker at Pittsburgh's federal office building is being treated for possible flesh-eating bacteria, but health officials say those who also work or eat at the facility face no threat.
Officials with the Allegheny County Health Department and the General Services Administration, which runs the Moorhead Federal Building downtown, say the worker was apparently infected from suffering a cut during outdoor activity.
The man is not being identified due to patient confidentiality rules, but is being tested for the bacteria at Jefferson Regional Medical Center south of the city. The man is about 30 and is being treated with intensive antibiotics.
abclocal.go.com |
Post Last Edit by andria at 26-5-2012 00:39
Recent & Upcoming Earth-asteroid encounters:
May 28th, 2012... asteroid sebesar 26 meter dengan Condition 8... |
Utility Says It Underestimated Radiation Released in Japan
Published: May 24, 2012
TOKYO (Reuters) — The amount of radioactive materials released in the first days of the Fukushima nuclear disaster was almost two and a half times the initial estimate by Japanese safety regulators, the operator of the crippled plant said in a report released on Thursday.
The operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, said the meltdowns it believes took place at three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant released about 900,000 terabecquerels of radioactive substances into the air during March 2011. The accident, which followed an earthquake and a tsunami, occurred on March 11.
www.nytimes.com |
Pentagon Source Alludes to MARTIAL LAW Around July 1st 2012
Posted by truther on May 24, 2012
The following URGENT EMAIL comes from a friend of mine, a devout Christian in New England. It is short but to the point. When I begged him to get more details from his contact, he indicated he was too afraid of repercussions if he pressured for more info. But he did encourage me to get this info out ASAP.
Pamela Rae Schuffert
Hello all.
An associate came by today. His brother-in-law works in Belgium for the Pentagon in a high ranking position. He told my associate that “….If you do not get out of America by July 1st, YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT!”
www.pakalertpress.com |
Thousands shrimp die in Pucusana
Thursday May 24, 2012
Stranded crustaceans occupy 80 meters of beach. IMARPE took samples to check the reasons.
(Marina de Guerra)
Miles de langostinos mueren en Pucusana
Jueves 24 de mayo del 2012
Miles de langostinos aparecieron varados en la playa de Pucusana, al sur de Lima, lo que ha causado sorpresa y temor entre los pescadores de la zona que advirtieron del hecho esta mañana a la Dirección General de Capitanías y Guardacostas.
El Instituto del Mar del Perú (Imarpe) también está al tanto de la aparición de estos crustáceos que ocupan 80 metros de playa. Esta mañana su personal tomó muestras para averiguar los motivos.
Thousands of shrimp appeared stranded on the beach Pucusana, south of Lima, which has caused surprise and fear among local fishermen who warned this morning of the Directorate General of Captaincy and Coastguards.
The Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) is also aware of the occurrence of these crustaceans that occupy 80 meters of beach. This morning his staff took samples to check the reasons. |
60,000 to 100,000 dead fish wash up eastern shores of U.S. near Chesapeake Bay
Fish kills grow in algae-tainted waters
Death toll on Arundel creeks raised tenfold; more seen in Dundalk waters
The state Department of Environment investigated a fish kill by the boat ramp in Merritt Point Park. (Gene Sweeney Jr., Baltimore Sun / May 23, 2012)
By Timothy B. Wheeler, The Baltimore Sun
8:59 p.m. EDT, May 23, 2012
Something's rotten on the Baltimore area waterfront. Fish are washing ashore by the thousands in a mass die-off that officials say appears to be caused by a weather-driven worsening of the pollution that chronically plagues the Chesapeake Bay.
State investigators expanded their probe Wednesday into what they believe are algae-related fish kills in Marley, Furnace and Curtis creeks in Glen Burnie, raising the estimated death toll there tenfold, while finding a new batch of finny carcasses in a Dundalk creek.
www.baltimoresun.com |
agaknya kat bawah laut sana tgh bergolak n air panas dah keluar.... |
Andria..berdebar sangat baca posting andria pasal prediction ww3 tu....
dalam minggu lepas dina m ...
dina_alea Post at 24-5-2012 17:50
aku juga mimpi mcm yang ko mimpi.. puluhan helli hijau memenuhi kampung....kitaorang sembunyi kat bilik... sebab tentera2 tu dah masuk rumah tapi stil di tingkat bwah..
kami kat atas terketar2... tapi ntah camana kami sempat lolos dan masuk dalam keta dan somi drive ..
tapi masa nak lari tu kat blakang ada kreta kebal.. aku tgk ruamh2 jiran sume sunyi...
kitaorang bejaya lari.. sampai kat satu daerah yang menurut mimpi tu askaar2 tu blum sampai situ..
bila sampai situ.. rupanya dah ramai kat situ.. bila kuar keta..rupanya ttingal anak buah yang kecik kat ruamh ..
somi tetap nak amik tapi ada org yang tegah..... punyelah takut dan hati hancur ingat anak buat yg baru stahun lebih tu ttinggal
nangis2 dlam mimpi tu sampai tbngun..
aku anggap je mimpi tu mainan setan wpon kesannya pd perasaan aku ada hingga kini |
Reply 293# andria
ape maksud sume ni andria??saya copy sume article kat sini ye..
What does this all mean? What is this Pentagon source alluding to, that he dare not say openly?
Let me translate his hidden message for you.
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM is the home of NATO headquarters.
It is also the headquarters for the EU.
NATO TROOPS will be heavily involved in patrolling the streets of America when we finally come under MARTIAL LAW.
They have long been secretly preparingFOREIGN UN/NATO TROOPS for the hour ofmartial law NWO takeover in America.
I have reported on this extensivelythroughout the years, even interviewing German troops in America who admitted they too would be doing this also in America in my previous reports.
The UN/NATO FOREIGN TROOPS will be involved in GUN CONFISCATION and arresting and firing upon on uncooperative Americans, among other duties.
NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN US BORDERSWILL BE SEALED to keep panicking Americans from fleeing into either country under martial law.
I therefore urge my readers to take this warning seriously, and watch the time period around July 1st, 2012, and take precautions.
-Pamela Rae Schuffert
adakah seluruh dunia akn di kenakan undang2 tentera jugak.. |
aku juga mimpi mcm yang ko mimpi.. puluhan helli hijau memenuhi kampung....kitaorang sembun ...
perembes Post at 26-5-2012 12:26
kenapa sume org dpt mimpi yg same..nampak sangat aku masih sibuk dgn dunia.. |
Reply andria
ape maksud sume ni andria??saya copy sume article kat sini ye..
adakah ...
contactlens Post at 26-5-2012 12:38
Sebenarnya sudah lama ada ura-ura di mana kerajaan US hendak memulakan Martial Law di sana. Kalau rajin ikut perkembangan berita2 US, semua ini boleh dilihat dengan mudah. Dengan tertubuhnya akta2 seperti CISPA, wujudnya FEMA camp, serangan ke atas orang perseorangan atau kumpulan yg tinggal/mempunyai 'bunker', larangan memiliki makanan dlm kuantiti yg sangat banyak, dan undang-undang yg MEWAJIBKAN setiap rakyat USA memakai RFID CHIP di dlm tubuh mulai 2013 - SEMUA INI MEMBERIKAN PETANDA tentang akan wujudnya masa, di mana pihak US akan memulakan Martial Law. Martial Law bererti, sesebuah negara dikawal oleh militari. Hak anda sebagai seorang warganegara tergantung, kerana semuanya ditentukan oleh siapa yg mengawal pada ketika itu (sama ada kerajaan/civil authority atau militari). Nak pergi mana, buat apa, SEMUANYA DIKAWAL. Dan anda tidak boleh keluar dari negara itu. Anda boleh ditangkap dan dipenjarakan utk suatu jangka waktu yg lama, TANPA sebarang dakwaan. Martial Law boleh dilakukan atas alasan apa sekalipun - terrorism, ranapnya ekonomi, jatuhnya bursa saham yg teruk, protes /demo jalanan, etc... apa sahaja, yg boleh membuatkan law & order terganggu...
Consequences? Sekiranya US melaksanakan Martial Law, seluruh dunia akan kena impaknya secara tidak langsung, kerana US adalah pusat dunia (simply speaking). Di negara kita pun MUNGKIN akan ada serentetan 'kronologi menarik' yg bakal kita hadapi tak lama lagi. Sesiapa yg rasa nak berjihad, mungkin inilah masanya. Wallahua'lam... |
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