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Author: cmf_Juju

Bedak TATE by D.E.A (Danish Empire Association )

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 Author| Post time 18-6-2013 04:49 PM | Show all posts
oleh kerana ada yg PM tanya tentang bedak tate - so juju tulis kan sini ye based on my experience & research
  1. Bedak tate nie dipopularkan oleh keluarga Nora Danish. Bedak nie asalnya dari Mynmar & merupakan bedak sejuk.

  2. ND ambil yg bekas hijau ie bau lemon & tukar sticker & letak nama bedak tate. Harga yg dijual untuk 40gram ialah RM10. Harga tu tak masuk kos penghantaran.

  3. Kira sesiapa yg nak beli direct dgn ND - itulah harga yg perlu dibayar.

  4. Bedak nie dikeluarkan oleh satu syarikat di Mynmar & telah mendapat banyak award - People Choice & etc. Ada 5 bau yg dikeluarkan oleh syarikat tersebut ie lemon, original - kayu tanaka, rose merah, bunga melur & jasmine/bunga tanjung

  5. Kebaikan bedak sejuk - seperti yang telah diwar2kan. So terpulang kat pengguna nak guna yg mana satu :)
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Post time 18-6-2013 06:30 PM | Show all posts
adeh ler aku ingat dah malas nak cari suplier tuk bedak sejuk nie..ari tu aku ada gak ler tanye sape2 nak join spree...tak de org aku ingt nak cancelkan jer...alih2 adeh ler pulak nak join spree...sape2 tau mana nak dapatkan dengan segera bedak nie...kalo boleh beli mcm yg nd jual pon dah ok beli 6 botl pon dah ok..bukan per aku dah mls tp kawan2 lak dok2 suruh carikkan kot2 dpt arga murah...coz pening gak arga kat pasaran mcm2...sape2 tau bg tau la kat aku...aku dah pening pala nie pasal bedak nie...dia ada dua jenis kan 40g gan 110g kan...kalo boleh nak yg 110 g..sape2 ada supplier yg boleh bg arga murah2 pm aku yer...

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Post time 18-6-2013 09:35 PM | Show all posts
cmf_Juju posted on 18-6-2013 03:56 PM
ada gak cerita lawak - nak gak beli yg bekas hijau semata2 nak sama cam nora danish - padahal yg lai ...

Ehh, ye ke sbb beza bau dia je? Tea ingatkan sbb yang lemon tu lg elok sbb dia campur esen lemon... Lemon kan famous dgn kandungan AHA... So, lebih efek mencerah dan exfoliation camtu...

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 Author| Post time 18-6-2013 11:19 PM | Show all posts


1. ) Kenapa harga kami murah ? orikah ?

ni original direct dr company yg sama Nora Danish beli
kalu beli dari NORA DANISH tak dapat harga semurah ni sebab dia kan rebrand dan letak sticker company dia.

ini adalah TANAKA original dari MYANMAR tu..dan ini juga adalah TATE by DEA tu dan ini adalah sama..x payh uols nak kata TANAKA tu x betul...TATE betull padahal benda sama...uols nak cantik ker uols nak label nora danish punya???klo nak cop nora danish korg tunggulah yer... ND buat labeling atas nama dia..



Salam untuk semua.. Now nak perkenalkan produk terbaru BEDAK SEJUK TATE DEA ( DANISH EMPIRE ASSOCIATION).. Rahsia kulit cantik & gebu Nora Danish & Family..Nora Danish satu family dah guna bedak ni dan jadikan amalan..seperti yangg semua maklum mak nora danish ni kan orang Myanmar so Originated from Myanmar. Fungsi Tate ni mcm bedak sejuk.. Kalau nak pakai mcm bedak sejuk, paste tu sikit letak dlm piring campur dgn air, sapu kat muka..bila dah kering, gosok2 pastu lps 10minit baru bilas dgn air..kalau nak pakai mcm foundation, sapu jek kat muka, pastu bole pakai make up..nak buat scrub pun bole..gosok2 kat badan, bole jugak ilangkan gatal2.. Tanaka Powder adalah berasal dari pokok tanaka yg digunakan oleh org2 Myanmar sebagai penjagaan wajah dan badan mereka dari jerawat, jeragat dan sinaran matahari. Di Malaysia, TANAKA tidak begitu meluas penggunaan nya namun antara produk yang berasaskan tanaka adalah Bio Essence. D.E.A (Danish Empire Associates) iaitu syarikat milik keluarga pelakon terkenal, Nora Danish telah memasarkan produk bedak tanaka ini. Malah,Nora sendiri menggunakannya..

2.) Berat BEDAK TANAKA ada berapa grm?

JAWAPAN : Kami order kat Myanmar dari kilang asal 40grm dan 110grm ni yg original packing dr sana.Lain2 grm kami tak sure maybe ada penjual yang membuat repacking semula seperti NORA DANISH.

3.) Apa perbezaan bau dan jenis BEDAK TANAKA?

JAWAPAN : Perisa dan bau saja yang membezakan tetapi fungsi sama .Bedak Tanaka mempunyai 6 jenis perasa iatu :-
- rose(warna pink)
- cream bunga tanjung
- cream - bunga cam bunga matahari

4.) Bedak ni sesuai dengan semua jenis kulit dan semua peringkat umur ?

JAWAPAN : YES ia sangat sesuai untuk semua lelaki dan wanita.Kanak-kanak dan bayi berusia 1tahn keatas.

5.) Fungsi & Kebaikan Bedak TANAKA ni ?

JAWAPAN : 101fungsi dan kebaikan antaranya ialah
✔melicinkan kulit muka
✔memberi kesegaran pada kulit
✔mengurangkan kadar pengeluaran minyak/sebum pada kulit
✔menanggalkan sel kulit mati
✔ia membantu sejukkan kulit
✔membersih & menengang wajah
✔ Sesuai untuk kanak-kanak dan bayi 1thn lebih
✔ Sesuai untuk semua lapisan umur
✔ Menghilangkan ruam-ruam badan
✔ Boleh digunakan dimuka dan badan
✔ Menghilangkan gatal-gatal badan
✔ Mengecutkan jerawat
✔ Lembutkan kulit dan menghaluskan.
✔ Hilangkan jeragat
✔ Menyejukkan & mengurangkan minyak di kulit muka
✔ Pelindung cahaya matahari
✔ Boleh dijadikan sebagai bedak sejuk dan foundation


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 Author| Post time 18-6-2013 11:36 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 18-6-2013 11:38 PM | Show all posts
nie bunga tanjung

nie lak jasmine


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Post time 19-6-2013 12:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blythes posted on 17-6-2013 06:31 PM
benda ni kira pakai macam bedak sejuk la eh?

anyway, ada blogger famous wrote on this product --- ...

Lawak tul.. tp mmg ada point yg betul gak apa yg blogger ni tulis. Semuanya bermusim. Hehe. Ingat nk try gak ni. X tau nk guna cara apa dh nak kecutkn jerawat degil ni. Bedak sejuk x best sbb masuk mata bila kering n habis sarung bantal keputihan.

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Post time 19-6-2013 08:01 AM | Show all posts
cmf_Juju posted on 18-6-2013 04:49 PM
oleh kerana ada yg PM tanya tentang bedak tate - so juju tulis kan sini ye based on my experience &  ...

wahhh...complete tentang bedak tate ni...mcmc2 sekarang ye..hehehe

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Post time 19-6-2013 08:53 AM | Show all posts
Shwe Pyi Nann 4 in 1 Thanakha Make-up is made by specialty mixed with Myanmar Thanakha which is efficacious against acne, pimple, freckle and can effect the smooth, fresh and beautiful complexion, the bark of the wood apple, alum and international standard premium make-up materials.

    Outstanding Features: Shwe Pyi Nann 4 in 1 Thanakha make-up is not like the oil based make-up and it is produced adding with purified water which does not cause to black the sweat pore and protects against pimple, acne and freckle as a result of blocking the sweat pore. It also makes the smooth, youthful and beautiful completion.

Cautions: Due to outstanding feature of 4 in 1 Thanakha Make-up, unescorted waste matters on the face will be removed. However, some people can be affected in coming out the rash and pimple and their face due to outbreak of excessive unescorted waste matters. If it is so, don't worry about it and by applying the Thanakha make-up continuously, pimple, acne and freckle on the face will be entirely removed and it makes youthful and beautiful complexion. (Received the certificate of MSTRD and URC for harmless facial and skin)

Method of use: Apply the Thanakha make-up dissolving in water on the face but consider the viscosity level of fluid whatever you like. Due to perspiring (especially in summer time) apply Thanakha make-up evenly on your face as foundation after that apply creampuff (or) powder whatever you like.

(1) 4 in 1 small size one can be used for 3 month if a person use once in daily.
(2) 4 in 1 big size one ( family size ) can be used for 10 months if a person use once in daily.

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Post time 19-6-2013 08:54 AM | Show all posts
Info :- Shwe Pyi Nann Rose Thanakha is therefore produced to be international standard and special quality by mixing the rose petals and Myanmar natural Shinmataung Thanakha proportionately.

   By using the Shwe Pyi Nann Rose Thanakha permanently pleasing scent of rose will make to be fresh in mind and effect of rose petals will result the having healthy bloom, youthful and beautiful complexion.

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Post time 19-6-2013 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Applying Shwe Pyi Nann Jasmine Thanakha regularly, it will enjoy the benefits such as pleasing scent and atmosphere of serenity, beautiful complexion and youthfulness. Moreover, it will result the fresh looking, pretty and healthy complexion forever.

Usage: Shwe Pyi Nann Thanakha can be used after applying day cream in day time and night cream in the night time as a foundation cream.

            Mix Shwe Pyi Nann Thanakha with water in right proportion to become creamy and apply it on the skin to be even. Your skin will be resulted unbelievably in to beautiful complexion.

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Post time 19-6-2013 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Using the Shwe Pyi Nann export Sandalwood Thanakha daily in regularly by both elder and youth, it can be freed from pimple, acne on the face and caused the smooth, fresh and beautiful complexion and also resulted the having peace of mind and healthy. (Already inspected and certified by MSTRD and URC for harmless of skin.

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Post time 19-6-2013 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Shwe Pyi Nann Whitening Thanakha is natural Thanakha which is produced to be international standard and whitening and beautiful skin is made by natural new materials, such as lime,
(Vitamin C). Myanmar Thanakha and Alpha Hydroxyl Acid (AHA) produced from natural fruits that makes white and smooth skin.

      Apply Shwe Pyi Nann natural whitening Thanakha evenly in night time before to bed after cleaned the face, neck, hand etc. During 45 days your skin will be whitening as natural beauty and
harmless the skin.

By using it regularly it can entirely protects the skin not to be brown color and whiten your skin forever.

Cautions: Due to outstanding feature of Shwe Pyi Nann natural Whitening Thanakha, unescorted waste matters on the face will be removed. However, some people can be affected in coming out the rash and acne on their face due to outbreak of excessive unescorted waste matters. If it is so, don't worry about it. By applying the Whitening Thanakha continuously acne and freckle on the face will be entirely removed and it makes youthful and beautiful complexion.

(Avoid walking too much under heat of the sun without protection of umbrella, hat and long sleeve Jacket etc.)

Remarks: Harmless of your skin due to producing with natural materials.
( Inspected and certified by U.C.R and M.S.T.R.D for harmless of skin).

Ni untuk bedak yang lime tue katanya

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Post time 19-6-2013 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Usage :  Thanakha can be used in two methods.

First: Thankha can be mixed with water to become creamy or paste and massage it to your whole body. Then, wrap your body with a plastic sheet and your thigh, leg and lower part of your body will be perspired so that you may remove the plastic sheet. Massage the creamy Thanakha to your body again and you can take a bath after fifteen minutes later. By applying  Thanakha once a week, your blood circulation will be in good order and your skin will be glamorous and you will look fresh and young.

Second:Thanakha can be spread after applying day cream in day time and night cream in night time as a foundation. Mix Thnakha with water in right proportion to become creamy and spread it on the skin to be even. Your skin will be resulted unbelievably into beautiful complexion. If Thnakha on the skin is faded due to perspiration, Thanakha powder (or) face powder whatever you like can be applied on it.

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Post time 19-6-2013 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Pagi-pagi boleh baca info pasal thanaka

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Post time 19-6-2013 09:25 AM | Show all posts
...orang myanmar  yang berada di tanah air kita  pun masih setia pada negara mereka dengan masih tidak segan-segan pakai bedak dari negara mereka  even jalan -jalan di tanah air kita ..sedangkan kita rakyat malaysia  yang masih berada di tanah air kita sendiri kenapa mahu mengamalkan menepek bedak myanmar ini di muka???kenapa kita tidak saja meneruskan usaha dan menjadi generasi pelapis  untuk menghidupkan tradisi nenek moyang kita yang mengamalkan bedak sejuk dari beras.....

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Post time 19-6-2013 09:41 AM | Show all posts
mat_jenin posted on 19-6-2013 09:25 AM
...orang myanmar  yang berada di tanah air kita  pun masih setia pada negara mereka dengan masih tid ...

benda nie bermusim la mat...tahun lepas musim seaweed tahun nie musim bedak tanaka nie...tahun depan musim benda lain perempuan kan memang suka ikut2 benda nie..nak cantik le katakan...padahal pakai atau idak pon sahih muka tak akan jadi kulit putih gebu nora nak gak cuba mcm aku gan adik aku ler...dua2 duk survey harga mana yg dapat lagi murah...nak yg murah jer kulit dah le dua2 nak buat mcm mn...dah keinginan mengatasi segalanye....


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 Author| Post time 19-6-2013 09:43 AM | Show all posts
mat_jenin posted on 19-6-2013 09:25 AM
...orang myanmar  yang berada di tanah air kita  pun masih setia pada negara mereka dengan masih tid ...

betul tapi sebab bedak nie dah dipopularkan oleh artis malaysia ie Nora Danish - maka berduyun2 le nak membelinya

cuba bedak sejuk kita dipopularkan oleh artis yg comel2 - mesti laku macam goreng pisang panas

Last edited by cmf_Juju on 19-6-2013 09:47 AM


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Post time 19-6-2013 10:42 AM | Show all posts
cmf_Juju posted on 19-6-2013 09:43 AM
betul tapi sebab bedak nie dah dipopularkan oleh artis malaysia ie Nora Danish - maka berduyun2 le ...

setuju ngan juju

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Post time 19-6-2013 12:27 PM | Show all posts
mata_bulat posted on 18-6-2013 09:47 AM
siapa nak harga RM15 pm saya.......110g ND...

ada ke ? nak la

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