Originally posted by mesmerize at 19-4-2009 23:03 
eureka skydeck best.. bole tengok seluruh bandar Melbourne dari atas tu.. cantek..
pastu dekat je ngan yarra river.. walking distance.. bole naik yarra river cruise lepas tu
Ooo.. bole jln kaki ke yarra river..ok gak tu...tengok la kalo sempat nak gi gak..normally baper lama kena spend time kat sini agak2...
thx mes.. |
setengah hari pown dah cukup.. naik skydeck sejam, pehtu naik cruise yarra river 2-3 jam .. |
Originally posted by xy2 at 19-4-2009 11:44 PM 
nak gi 4 hari aje
sis, 4 hr tu maksudnya mcm mana ? 4 hr full kat melbourne ataupn potong 1 hr pegi, 1 hr balik da tinggal 2 hr je u kat melb tau... atau 6 days ? potong 1 hr pegi, 1 hr balik, 4 hr full kat melbourne (depending wat time ur flight is) ? kalo 4 hr full kat melbourne cukup utk u xpress hldylah... 1 hr gor, 1 hr phillip island, 2 free days... |
Originally posted by xy2 at 19-4-2009 01:15 AM 
nak tanya ckt..besh ke kat skydeck nii..bukan apa..takut masa tak cukup nanti..
kalo u see pic kat reply #283, itu yarra river, its between city & southbank... jln kaki pn bole, depending hw far ur hotel is lah kan... otherwise bole naik free city circle tram kaler green or maroon... d tram looks vy old... kalo u murah hati nk bayar pn bole, naik yarra tram kaler putih... turun kat tram stop infrnt of flinders station....
pic kat reply #285, itulah pemandangan (zoom to d max) dr eureka skydeck which is at 88th flr... u bayangknlah brape tinggi ek... mcm red ckp, u can choose to take d all-glassed observation deck called "the edge" (ni lain harga tau)... nk naik 88th flr diff admission fee (beli tiket kat 1st lvl entrance)... kalo nk masuk "the edge", tiket beli kat 88th flr... the edge ni tk brape besar sngt, bole sumbat brape org je, sbb floornya glass gak... takut yg debab2 naik terus bobos glass tu... so if u got fear of heights or pregnant, tak bole naik... mcm sy !! 
kalo nk spent time kat southbank ni, satu hari pn bole, depending on wat time u start ur journeylah... kalo u start ur day pagi (weather plays a part too), maka bole lah take a day to cover southbank, sempat pegi river cruise, eureka, melb aquarium pn u sempat masuk... mcm i, touch-down melb gedebak-gedebuk, by d time kita check-in hotel, went for lunch, dah half day gone... kita cuma sempat masuk aquarium & eureka.... dr hotel (kat lil bourke st), kita membetis sampai southbank... by d time kita kluar dr eureka, kaki da lengoh (maklum, mak buyong)... 
kalo rialto tower cuma 55 flr je... eureka is d newest attractionlah... ianya bertentangan (to d west, opp yarra) dgn eureka.... i ada amek gmbr, tp malas nk tepek kat sini... if u keen to knw more, bole lah google kat cini > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rialto_Towers... 
[ Last edited by ratu05 at 20-4-2009 02:29 ] |
sis xy, ni pic of Queen Victoria Mkt (vic mkt)... kalo kata tk shpg tu, bedeklah eh... tk bnyk, skit2 souvenir pn nk beli gak... kat sini u bole beli cheap stuffs, mcm t-shirt, fm, tea-towel, caps, lollipop, nougat, fruits, honey etc...
take note of d trading hours ok ?!
camni la d outlook of d mkt... ni kedai da bnyk tutup, sbb kita sampai lmbt gara2 ujan lebat... so tkleh nk kluar htl siang...
wet mkt... sbb kita sampai lmbt, stall da bnyk tutup...
antara seafoods yg di jual kat vic wet mkt... meat pn ada... tp nt sure ada stall halal tk sbb yg kita nmpk bnyk stall da closed...
ni bahagian organic stuffs... mcm honey, fruits, veges, eggs... d eggs are preety xpensive...
sayur2an ni smua di bahagian lain... not under organic roof...
kedai yg aircon... agak mahal skitlah brg2 yg di jual kat sini... its a whole stretch of shops...
like dis...
buskers pn ada... tp not for sale eh... 
fresh flowers shop... not far frm d buskers...
ni yg di katakn, shopping wisely...
[ Last edited by ratu05 at 20-4-2009 03:15 ] |
Reply #306 ratu05's post
tu diaaa....
borong souvenirs! hehehe
sakan shopping ye kak
tapi queen vic market ni mmg puas hati shopping souvenirs. murah gilos nyer! kalo nak authentic sket, beli jer kat kedai along swanston st. tapi authentic mcm mane pun masih made in china kan? kan?  |
Reply #307 redsinner's post
souvenir koala kecik dalam peket2 tu pun made in china..  |
Balas #302 mesmerize\ catat
thanks mes..maybe last day tu bole gi situ kot..harap2 weather ok.. |
Originally posted by ratu05 at 20-4-2009 01:33 
sis, 4 hr tu maksudnya mcm mana ?.
4 full days...my dear..
kitorang dijangka tiba tengah mlm.. disebabkan dah mlm sesangat..kitorang check-in at one of the hotels kat airport ...at least bole la have a good sleep sebab nak jln2 the next day..
draft itinerary
day 1- morning2 lepas breakfast, check-out hotel & gi ambik kete kat airport & terus start the journey laa...free & easy - Ptg baru check-in hotel kat little bourke st.
day 2- GOR- morning2 jugak!
day 3- Phillip island
day 4- free & easy sampai malam sebab flight balik after midnight...
Pssst...ekceli kan..kitorang plan 5 full days... tapi i dah tersalah choose date sebab confuse dgn time midnight tuu..dah rugi 1 hari leerr..huhuhu
[ Last edited by xy2 at 20-4-2009 23:09 ] |
Balas #306 ratu05\ catat
Tq..Tq..sis.. for sharing ur nice pictures again....caya la luu..
mesti besor fridge awak ya..byk betul borong fm... cantek2 pulak tu semuanya..pandai u choose
kedai yg aircond tu just outside QVM ke? nak gi cuci mata aje..kalo sempat laa.. |
Originally posted by xy2 at 20-4-2009 09:28 PM 
tapi larat lagi gi ukur jalan2 kat melbourne tu..kira ok arr..hehehe
eh.. eh...kite pun dok hotel kat little bourke st (day 1 until day 4@city limits hotel)...halal food byk ke kat situ..?..sori ler..apa2 puntanya pasal mkn dulu ..hehehe
hai kalo tk larat2kn, wat rugi duit je terbang jauh2... drpd dok kat bilik hotel, ukur tembok... 
halal rest mmg senang cariklah... kat Swanston St ada rest Nelayan & Esteler 77... lg satu rest yg kita slalu mkn nasi campur kat Bali Bagus @ Franklin St... kalo u nk mkn briyani, roti canai, toseh u bole gi Bismi @ Elizabeth St... thai cuisine kat Sawasdee Thai @ Little Bourke St... ni streets smua, pusing2, go head gostan, kat situ gak, senang carik, if by footlah... kalo kenderaan, pening2 lalat skit je... take note eh sis, dier business operating hrs start @ 11am only.... so bf u kene pandai2lah... kalo nk beli groceries skit2, u bole gi Aldi, IGA, 711, 24hr Convenience Store pn ada....
[ Last edited by ratu05 at 20-4-2009 23:33 ] |
Originally posted by redsinner at 20-4-2009 09:16 AM 
borong souvenirs! hehehe
sakan shopping ye kak
yg patut dan yg tk membebankn kocek je...  |
Originally posted by xy2 at 20-4-2009 09:12 PM 
4 full days...my dear..
kitorang dijangka tiba tengah mlm.. & will be staying at one of the hotels kat airport ...
draft itinerary
day 1- morning2 lepas breakfast, ambik kete kat airport & terus start the journey laa...free & easy
day 2- GOR- morning2 jugak!
day 3- Phillip island
day 4- free & easy sampai malam sebab flight balik after midnight...
Pssst...ekceli kan..kitorang plan 5 full days... tapi i dah tersalahchoose date sebab confuse dgn time midnight tuu..dah rugi 1 harileerr..huhuhu
meaning sat pagi u amek kreta kan ? den u bole jln2 kat city or southbank... kalo sempat u gi St Kilda beach lah... abt 6km frm city, approx 25mins journey by tram... kalo sunday kat beach ni ada art & crafts mkt, mcm flea mkt gitulah... den ada theme park, u bole skip theme parklah...
if u plan to go vic mkt day 4, tngk hari ape tau sis... dey closed on monday & wednesday... hari2 lain dey opened early @ 6am... closed early on certain days...
alah, ciannya... tkpe lenkali choose flight mlmlah... sampai pagi, tk lerr rugi sngt...
[ Last edited by ratu05 at 20-4-2009 23:07 ] |
Balas #316 ratu05\ catat
ya betuull..tak semestinya nak tepek kat fridge kan..? saje usik ratu aje..hehehe..nasib baik body kita x magnetic ekk..otherwise.. hehehe..
my frens kat ofis pun suke kalo bagi diorang souvenir fm compared to key chain..
murraah tuu kalo 6pcs for AU$10..bole la beli nanti..
[ Last edited by xy2 at 20-4-2009 23:35 ] |
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