betol rasanya...masa tu amir sedor yg ...
ShaCroft Post at 13-4-2012 21:33
tp diksha..we have to remember.. ms upacara pecah tanah tu, after amir confessed his feelings for zara..he said "i tau u tak sayangkan i mcm mana i sayangkan u..but i do really love u"... this shows that amir was not very sure of the extent of love zara had for him... he knew zara cared but he was not 100% confident zara felt the same way towards him..that is why...when zara said "mcm mana awak tau sy tajk syg kat awak"? amir was kinda shocked n excited n asked for clarification..therefore he said "betul? u love me as much as i love u?"...
jadinya di sini kaka ingin mencadangkan bahawasanya... hanya setelah zara mencium tgn heols baru lah amir confident without any reasonable doubt that zara loved him as much as he did zara.... sekian terima kasih... (momod tolong la kasi kacang utk ulasan pjg lebar ni..wakakakkakaka)
ada la chan...tgh beklog ni...
iols mengkerang tengok wallie amka tu (sila abaikan tgn2 gatai yg meraba muntut dak eman tu kat wallie tu ya )
nmpk sepadan sgt couple zaraiman ni khennnnn
ismi_fieza Post at 13-4-2012 21:12
Iols nubie kat sini. Hikhikhik. Lama dah jadik SR. Baru harini nak menjuyah join uols.
Setelah membeklog umah 18 neh, iols selaku dekan (motippp nubie terus lantik diri sendiri?), merasakan jawapan kaka chan paling baguss sekali.
tp diksha..we have to remember.. ms upacara pecah tanah tu, after amir confessed his feelings for zara..he said "i tau u tak sayangkan i mcm mana i sayangkan u..but i do really love u"... this shows that amir was not very sure of the extent of love zara had for him... he knew zara cared but he was not 100% confident zara felt the same way towards him..that is why...when zara said "mcm mana awak tau sy tajk syg kat awak"? amir was kinda shocked n excited n asked for clarification..therefore he said "betul? u love me as much as i love u?"...
jadinya di sini kaka ingin mencadangkan bahawasanya... hanya setelah zara mencium tgn heols baru lah amir confident without any reasonable doubt that zara loved him as much as he did zara.... sekian terima kasih... (momod tolong la kasi kacang utk ulasan pjg lebar ni..wakakakkakaka)
chantry Post at 13-4-2012 21:44