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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 26-5-2012 03:21 PM | Show all posts
Reply 297# perembes

   Ee...mesti masa jaga dari tido tu rasa legaaa sangat sbb tu cuma mimpi kan...janganla jadi betul2 perang ni...takutnya walaupun dalam mimpi....

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Post time 27-5-2012 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply 300# andria

saya takde lah dapat mimpi2 macam tuh... tapi entah kenapa i could feel the clock is ticking... so fast... macam bomb masa....  sampaikan i think i could hear it..... right now rasa nak kawen cepat2... bukan sebab needs and all tapi more to nak jihad... tak tau apa kaitan between kawen and jihad... cuma teringat hadis nabi pasal kawen and hari kiamat.... i think many of us really have this feeling... i mean the feeling that time is running so fast.... tick tick tick tick....

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2012 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Reply  andria

saya takde lah dapat mimpi2 macam tuh... tapi entah kenapa i could feel the clock  ...
magpie5672 Post at 27-5-2012 01:04

    Sejak daripada tahun lepas lagi, ia menjadi semakin ketara (obvious). Setiap orang sepatutnya wajib merasakan perkara ini. Sekiranya anda tidak merasakannya, bererti ada sesuatu yg belum sampai kpd anda. Wallahua'lam...

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2012 05:34 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 27-5-2012 17:40

Saya memetik sedikit petikan dari buku Armageddon 2012, karya penulis Muhammad Alexander.

Meteoroid bergerak menuju ke bumi, memasuki bahagian timur atmosfera. Ledakan dahsyat (suara yg kuat) berlaku di langit, lalu terbentuknya lapisan berwarna merah (dukhan merah) di langit. Ia tersebar ke seluruh atmosfera dan membakar semua benda yg disentuhnya, menyebabkan lapisan itu menjadi hitam. Ia kemudian tersebar ke seluruh dunia. Asap hitam ini akan menyerang semua makhluk, termasuk manusia, tak kira beriman atau tidak.

Bunyi yg kuat itu akan kedengaran pada malam Jumaat, iaitu pada pertengahan bulan Ramadan. Masuklah kamu ke dalam rumah kamu, tutuplah pintu-pintunya, sumbatlah lubang-lubangnya (lubang udara) dan selimutilah diri kamu, sumbatlah lubang telinga kamu - (jika lubang udara tidak ditutup, maka asap global yang membawa debu panas akan dapat memasuki rumah).

Suatu tanda di langit bagaikan tang yang berapi dan bersinar (dipercayai meteor). Dapat dilihat warna merah, antara 5 dan 20 Ramadan...

Sebutir bintang yang jatuh dari langit ke bumi... naiklah asap dari lubang itu, bagaikan asap dari relau yang besar.

Kesimpulan kajian sebelum ini mendapati hentaman meteor akan terjadi pada bulan Ramadan (pertengahan bulan Ramadan). Lantaran peristiwa itu, muncul asap global (dukhan) yang menyelimuti bumi. Ia disusuli pula dengan pelbagai perubahan pada iklim global. Hentaman meteor itu menyebabkan seluruh bumi diselubungi oleh asap. Ledakan dahsyat meteor itu mampu mewujudkan tekanan yang hebat, yang menghasilkan debu yang tidak terkira banyaknya. Debu itu berasal dari tanah, rumput, hutan dan semua benda yang berada dekat dengan titik meteor impak. Asap tebal berupa cendawan raksasa itu kemudiannya tersebar ke seluruh dunia, sehingga seluruh manusia merasai kesannya, sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam Al-Quran, "Maka tunggulah hari ketika langit membawa asap yang nyata. Yang meliputi seluruh manusia. Inilah azab yang pedih." (Surah ad-Dukhan, ayat 10-11).

Dan atas sebab ini, Rasulullah menyuruh menyimpan bekalan makanan selama 1 tahun...

In  2010, a University of British Columbia Professor published an on-line article that projected an 800m asteroid would hit Antarctica in the fall of 2012.

His article was on the website for 2 days before it abruptly disappeared. The initial data was gathered by The Balloon-borne Large-Aperture Sub millimeter Telescope (BLAST) at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The theorized asteroid was then tracked by Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope on Mauna Kea, which (with the Adaptive Optics Bonnette) supplies probably the sharpest images currently obtainable from the ground.

Artikel tentang 800m asteroid di atas dikatakan hoax, namun ada beberapa orang yg mengakui PERNAH membaca artikel tersebut di laman web yg dinyatakan ( sebelum ia hilang. Wallahua'lam...

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Post time 27-5-2012 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Saya memetik sedikit petikan dari buku Armageddon 2012, karya penulis Muhammad Alexander.
andria Post at 27/5/2012 17:34

so andria sudah menyimpan stok2 makanan utk 1 tahun ke atas? bape tan megi2?

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2012 06:14 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 27-5-2012 18:19

Naked Man Allegedly Eating Victim's Face Shot And Killed By Miami Police
Posted: 05/26/2012 8:02 pm Updated: 05/27/2012 12:48 am

We have had about 4 or 5 flesh-eating bacterias cases.

Illuminati Card - Flesh-eating bacteria

Now we're movin onto the next card...

Illuminati Card - Zombie

The officer...approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man's head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him.

The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.

Zombie attack? Have no fear, the B.C. government is here
The Canadian Press  May 15, 2012 – 10:02 AM ET

Leo Ramirez/AFP/Getty Images
Zombie dressed people walk in a main street in Caracas on October 29, 2011. The B.C. government is using a blog describing a zombie attack to popularize their new emergency preparedness social media tools.

VICTORIA — If British Columbians are suddenly struck with an overwhelming need to eat brains, the province has cobbled together advice on how the living can fend off the zombies.

The B.C. government is hoping its fictional advice will generate interest in a set of social media tools that aim to help the public in real emergencies.

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Post time 27-5-2012 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Naked Man Allegedly Eating Victim's Face Shot And Killed By Miami Police
Posted: 05/26/2012 8:02 pm ...
andria Post at 27-5-2012 18:14

tak paham..yg jd zombi tu sbb bakteria ke..

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 Author| Post time 27-5-2012 07:07 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 27-5-2012 19:08

Profecia de Parravicini sobre los Juegos Olímpicos - London 2012 Prophecy
Prophecies of Benjamin Solari Parravicini


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Post time 28-5-2012 08:59 AM | Show all posts
Dalam masa terdekat ni ada event apa2 ke yg melibatkan TUDM? Pagi2 ada banyak heli n jet pejuang dok melintasi ruang udara kawasan rumah dina...

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:31 AM | Show all posts
tak paham..yg jd zombi tu sbb bakteria ke..
contactlens Post at 27-5-2012 18:46

    Cuma 1 tahap yg meningkat. Wallahua'lam...

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Post time 28-5-2012 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Dalam masa terdekat ni ada event apa2 ke yg melibatkan TUDM? Pagi2 ada banyak heli n jet pejuang dok ...
dina_alea Post at 28-5-2012 08:59

latihan hari merdeka kot..kat umah td pun bunyi heli kat bumbung je bunyi dia..tibe2 tingat post andria psal martial law..rase cam dorg tgh training je..

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Dalam masa terdekat ni ada event apa2 ke yg melibatkan TUDM? Pagi2 ada banyak heli n jet pejuang dok ...
dina_alea Post at 28-5-2012 08:59

    Bulan ini mungkin ada perkara 'menarik' akan berlaku. Malahan tahun ini ada beberapa perkara menarik akan berlaku. Ramai sebenarnya org2 yg alim dan 'tahu', sedang menahan nafas dan menunggu ia berlaku...  tinggal lagi, Allah izinkan atau tidak saja, ia berlaku... wallahua'lam...

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Post time 28-5-2012 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Bulan ini mungkin ada perkara 'menarik' akan berlaku. Malahan tahun ini ada beberapa perka ...
andria Post at 28-5-2012 10:35

turunnya imam mahdi bersama tentera panji panji hitam dan kebangkitan islam di nusantara...

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 09:41 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 28-5-2012 21:43

BREAKING NEWS - Flesh-eating disease outbreak; Researcher MURDERED!
# NewsCore
# May 27, 2012 6:21AM

A DOMESTIC domestic dispute led to the broad daylight shooting death of a woman outside a US primary school.

The suspect, identified as Ali Cherfaoui, was in police custody after Friday's shooting in the carpool lane at Mary Scroggs Elementary School, in Chapel Hill , North Carolina WRAL-TV reported.

No children or staff members were hurt in the incident, which happened around 2pm local time.

Cherfaoui and his victim, Chahnaz Kebaier, had "an ongoing domestic dispute," officials told the station.

Chapel Hill Police Chief Chris Blue said Cherfaoui drove up to the school and shot Kebaier multiple times in the head and body before fleeing, WNCN-TV reported.

According to the station, Kebaier worked as a post doctorate research associate at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill's Pharmacology Department.

Domestic dispute prompts shooting outside elementary school
By: NBC17 Staff | MyNC
Published: May 25, 2012
Updated: May 25, 2012 - 11:46 PM


A woman was killed after being shot outside of Mary Scruggs Elementary School in Chapel Hill on Friday.

Chahnaz Kebaier died after she was rushed to UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill. Police say she was shot multiple times just after 2 p.m. by Ali Cherfaoui outside the elementary school her child attends.

Police say Kebaier and Cherfaoui were involved in a domestic dispute prior to the shooting.

Chapel Hill Police Chief Chris Blue says Cherfaoui drove up to the school and shot Kebaier multiple times in the head and body before driving away.

Chahnaz Kebaier

Ali Cherfaoui

Chahnaz Kebaier's research:

Results: 11

Staphylococcus aureus α-hemolysin mediates virulence in a murine model of severe pneumonia through activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.

Kebaier C, Chamberland RR, Allen IC, Gao X, Broglie PM, Hall JD, Jania C, Doerschuk CM, Tilley SL, Duncan JA.

J Infect Dis. 2012 Mar;205(5):807-17. Epub 2012 Jan 25.
PMID: 22279123 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Related citations

Intradermal immunization of mice with radiation-attenuated sporozoites of Plasmodium yoelii induces effective protective immunity.

Voza T, Kebaier C, Vanderberg JP.

Malar J. 2010 Dec 15;9:362.
PMID: 21159170 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Neither mosquito saliva nor immunity to saliva has a detectable effect on the infectivity of Plasmodium sporozoites injected into mice.

Kebaier C, Voza T, Vanderberg J.

Infect Immun. 2010 Jan;78(1):545-51. Epub 2009 Nov 2.
PMID: 19884338 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Initiation of Plasmodium sporozoite motility by albumin is associated with induction of intracellular signalling.

Kebaier C, Vanderberg JP.

Int J Parasitol. 2010 Jan;40(1):25-33. Epub 2009 Aug 3.
PMID: 19654011 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Leishmania major phosphoglycans influence the host early immune response by modulating dendritic cell functions.

Liu D, Kebaier C, Pakpour N, Capul AA, Beverley SM, Scott P, Uzonna JE.

Infect Immun. 2009 Aug;77(8):3272-83. Epub 2009 Jun 1.
PMID: 19487470 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Kinetics of mosquito-injected Plasmodium sporozoites in mice: fewer sporozoites are injected into sporozoite-immunized mice.

Kebaier C, Voza T, Vanderberg J.

PLoS Pathog. 2009 Apr;5(4):e1000399. Epub 2009 Apr 24.
PMID: 19390607 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Direct microscopic quantification of dynamics of Plasmodium berghei sporozoite transmission from mosquitoes to mice.

Jin Y, Kebaier C, Vanderberg J.

Infect Immun. 2007 Nov;75(11):5532-9. Epub 2007 Sep 4.
PMID: 17785479 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Re-ingestion of Plasmodium berghei sporozoites after delivery into the host by mosquitoes.

Kebaier C, Vanderberg JP.

Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006 Dec;75(6):1200-4.
PMID: 17172393 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free Article

Related citations

Immunization with persistent attenuated Delta lpg2 Leishmania major parasites requires adjuvant to provide protective immunity in C57BL/6 mice.

Kébaïer C, Uzonna JE, Beverley SM, Scott P.

Infect Immun. 2006 Jan;74(1):777-80.
PMID: 16369039 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Inbred strains derived from feral mice reveal new pathogenic mechanisms of experimental leishmaniasis due to Leishmania major.

Babay BE, Louzir H, Kebaïer C, Boubaker S, Dellagi K, Cazenave PA.

Infect Immun. 2004 Aug;72(8):4603-11.
PMID: 15271920 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

Related citations

Heterogeneity of wild Leishmania major isolates in experimental murine pathogenicity and specific immune response.

Kébaïer C, Louzir H, Chenik M, Ben Salah A, Dellagi K.

Infect Immun. 2001 Aug;69(8):4906-15.
PMID: 11447167 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free PMC Article

J Infect Dis. 2012 Mar;205(5):807-17. Epub 2012 Jan 25.
Staphylococcus aureus α-hemolysin mediates virulence in a murine model of severe pneumonia through activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.
Kebaier C, Chamberland RR, Allen IC, Gao X, Broglie PM, Hall JD, Jania C, Doerschuk CM, Tilley SL, Duncan JA.

Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA.

Staphylococcus aureus is a dangerous pathogen that can cause necrotizing infections characterized by massive inflammatory responses and tissue destruction. Staphylococcal α-hemolysin is an essential virulence factor in severe S. aureus pneumonia. It activates the nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat containing gene family, pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome to induce production of interleukin-1β and programmed necrotic cell death. We sought to determine the role of α-hemolysin-mediated activation of NLRP3 in the pathogenesis of S. aureus pneumonia. We show that α-hemolysin activates the NLRP3 inflammasome during S. aureus pneumonia, inducing necrotic pulmonary injury. Moreover, Nlrp3(-/-) mice have less-severe pneumonia. Pulmonary injury induced by isolated α-hemolysin or live S. aureus is independent of interleukin-1β signaling, implicating NLRP3-induced necrosis in the pathogenesis of severe infection. This work demonstrates the exploitation of host inflammatory signaling by S. aureus and suggests the NLRP3 inflammasome as a potential target for pharmacologic interventions in severe S. aureus infections.
PMID: 22279123 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC3274379 [Available on 2013/3/1]

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 28-5-2012 22:18

Strength tropical storm
Wind 40 mph
Direction West at 8 mph
Location 30.4 N 82.5 W
Pressure 1000 mb
As of 8:00am EDT - Next update at 11:00am

      Quick Facts
    * Formed:  May 25
    * Landfall: May 28 (12:10 am EDT) near Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
    * Peak Intensity: 70 mph (tropical storm); 992 mb

Tropical Storm Beryl made landfall near Jacksonville Beach, Fla. at 12:10 am EDT on Monday morning.  Wind gusts in excess of 60 mph were reported along the northeast coast of Florida as Beryl roared ashore, causing some tree damage and triggering power outages.  Below is an outline of what we expect from Beryl as the storm continues to move inland.

Since 1887, this is the first time 2 storms have formed, before the start of a hurricane season...

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:24 PM | Show all posts
Panetta Says U.S. Now Ready to Attack Iran
May 27th, 2012

Kurt Nimmo
May 27, 2012

On Sunday U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said the United States is “ready from a military perspective’’ to attack Iran under the guise of preventing it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Panetta’s comments arrive after the U.S. and members of the United Nations Security Council held talks in Baghdad on Iran’s supposed nuclear threat.

“I think it was a complete failure, in terms of content,” an Iranian diplomat told McClatchy on Friday. “The more they talk, the worse it gets.”

Despite Iran’s willingness to negotiate, a senior U.S. official has stated that harsher sanctions will be imposed on the Islamic Republic. The U.S. and Israel believe Iran is engaging in the talks – a third one will be held in Moscow next month – in order to buy time for its nuclear program.


1. Probably will wait until Syrian crisis is over.
2. Middle of June if Israel doesn't want to wait for talks in Moscow.
3. October


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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:32 PM | Show all posts
TUI rät Griechenland-Urlaubern zu Euro-Vorräten

Der Reiseveranstalter TUI reagiert auf Anfragen von Kunden: Die sollen mehr Bargeld mitnehmen, falls die Versorgung mit Drachmen bei einem Ausstieg des Landes aus dem Euro nicht überall gesichert ist.

Der Reiseveanstalter TUI hält es für "attraktiver denn je, Ferien in Griechenland zu verbringen"

Angesichts der Spekulationen über einen Austritt Griechenlands aus der Eurozone empfiehlt der Reiseveranstalter TUI besorgten Touristen, zusätzliche Euro-Reserven in das südeuropäische Krisenland mitzunehmen. "Urlauber, die sich selbst versorgen und etwas auf eigene Faust unternehmen, sollten etwas mehr Euro-Bargeld mitnehmen," rät TUI-Deutschland-Manager Markus Bruchmüller auf der Internetseite des Unternehmens. Damit könnten sie vorsorgen, falls die Versorgung mit Drachmen bei einem Ausstieg des Landes aus dem Euro nicht flächendeckend gesichert sei.


TUI advises travelers to Greece-Euro-stocks.

The tour operator TUI responds to requests from customers: They should take more cash if the supply is not a drachma exit the country from the euro is secured.

Given the speculation about a withdrawal of Greece from the euro zone should the tour operator TUI tourists anxious to take additional reserves in the southern Euro-crisis country. "Tourists who provide for themselves and do something on your own, should take some more euro cash," TUI Germany manager Mark Bruchmüller advises on the company's website. So that they could make provisions in case the supply is not a drachma withdrawal from the country € ensured everywhere.

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Transit of Venus June 5th & 6th, 2012.

The next transit of Venus occurs June 5 or 6, 2012, depending on your location.

Observers in North America see it the evening of June 5.

This will be the last transit of Venus to occur in your lifetime.

Venus Transit/Mayan Tour – June 2012

Serpent Vision Quest IV - The Return of K’uKuulKaan: a ten-day journey to connect with the spiritual energy of the planet Venus, who is K’uKuulKaan.  One of the most important Cosmic Events to occur in 2012 is the Venus Transit which is interpreted by the Maya as the return of K’uKuulKaan (Venus) our twin planet who is returning to support us (Earth) through to the end of the Mayan Calendar date of December 21, 2012.

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 Author| Post time 28-5-2012 10:57 PM | Show all posts
Lloyd's of London preparing for euro collapse

The chief executive of the multi-billion pound Lloyd's of London has publicly admitted that the world's leading insurance market is prepared for a collapse in the single currency and has reduced its exposure "as much as possible" to the crisis-ridden continent.

Richard Ward said Lloyd's of London could have to take writedowns on its £58.9bn investment portfolio if the eurozone collapses.

By Andrew Cave
2:50PM BST 27 May 2012

Richard Ward said the London market had put in place a contingency plan to switch euro underwriting to multi-currency settlement if Greece abandoned the euro.

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph he also revealed that Lloyd's could have to take writedowns on its £58.9bn investment portfolio if the eurozone collapses.

Europe accounts for 18pc of Lloyd's £23.5bn of gross written premiums, mostly in France, Germany, Spain and Italy. The market also has a fledgling operation in Poland.

Lloyd's move comes as a major Franco-German provider of credit insurance for eurozone trade, Euler Hermes, said it was considering reducing cover for trade with Greece because of the risk the country might leave the eurozone.

When a company goes bust, it is often sparked by withdrawal of credit insurance for suppliers wanting to trade with it.

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Post time 29-5-2012 08:16 AM | Show all posts
Dalam masa terdekat ni ada event apa2 ke yg melibatkan TUDM? Pagi2 ada banyak heli n jet pejuang dok ...
dina_alea Post at 28-5-2012 08:59

    sempena sambutan hari keputeraan agong 2june nnt dik.............
dont be too paranoid....

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